Four : Getting along.

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It was now 2 in the afternoon and Zain and I had done some clean up together especially in the living room because apparently when Zain slept, he kicked all of the cushions that was on the couch. And also, Zain's under table was filled with magazines and they were unorganized at all.

Afterwards, Zain went to shower while he requested for me to bake my famous blueberry muffins for his friends. If you didn't already know, blueberries were my favourite. Those times back then in Vienna, I would always send Zain pictures of the things that I baked and I'm glad he remembered my go to blueberry cupcakes.

I went to work on the batter and then put in loads of blueberries into it. I was just about to pour the batter into the cupcakes tin (which Zain had in handy) when he came out, already looking cleaner and fresher and of course handsomer. He was dressed in some shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt. I wondered why he was always in long-sleeved tee even when he was sleeping. It was May and the weather was starting to get pretty warm.

"You're done?" He asked, sounding surprise.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna pour this into the cupcakes liners and then pop it into the oven and bake. You wanna help me?"

Zain nodded enthusiastically and I taught him how many scoops of batter per cups and for first timers, Zain did a pretty good job except for the little mess that was around the tray.

"Are we just gonna serve your friends cupcakes?" I asked while we were sitting on the sofa, shoulder to shoulder.

"Sweetheart, they're my friends and they treat my house like their own so we don't really have to serve them like guests," Zain informed, smiling and touching my cheek which I didn't mind. I nodded a few times, telling Zain that I got what he meant.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"You already did," Zain smirked.

"Another one," I stated.

"Of course. You didn't even have to ask," Zain said and touched my cheek again.

"Why are you wearing long sleeved all the time? Isn't it like quite warm right now?" I knew it wasn't a very necessary question but I just wanted to know. I was getting curious.

"Well... it's comfortable," Zain answered and I could tell that he was hesitating with his answers.



"I may not have known you long," I started, "But I just got a feeling that you're kinda lying to me and... hiding something from me."

Zain didn't answer and I took that as a sign that he wasn't going to be telling me anything. I wouldn't push him though. I'd prefer for him to be comfortable with me and only tell me when he's ready to.

"It's okay," I said, "Forget about what I said."

I offered a smile before getting up and into the kitchen to check on the muffins. It wasn't really a big deal of Zain wearing short or long sleeved. I just wanted to ask. I didn't mean for us to be getting into a quite heated conversation.

"I have tattoos," I heard Zain suddenly said, startling me.

I turned around and there Zain was, looking at me with a sad eyes and guiltily. "Zain, you shocked me," I chided and clutched onto my heart. Zain was about to say something when the oven made a ding sound, signalling that the muffin was cooked.

Zain moved first to next to me and opened the oven door before asking me to get him the oven gloves. He brought the muffins out first before turning back to me.

"I'm wearing long sleeves because I have tattoos and I know you don't like tattoos because they are scaring you. I don't want you to be scared of me," Zain admitted.

What Zain said was true. I was scared of tattoos because my dad had them all over his body and the things my brother and mother had with him wasn't very nice. My dad was my dad until he met someone new. He started getting all angry and I remembered the first time he had beaten my mom and slapped my brother, right in front of me. From that day on, I was scared of him and everyone else that had tattoos. Thank God, my parents were divorced now.

I was still trying to get over my fear of tattoos especially now, my boyfriend had them. Back then when I first met Zain online, he didn't have any tattoos except the fact he was a really bad boy. But now that he had them, I wasn't going to ask him to remove them just because I was his girlfriend and I feared it. But I did appreciate him wearing long sleeved so that I wouldn't encounter the tattoos on his body.

"Zain, I'm not scared of you," I told him, "I'm still trying to get over my fear for tattoos and you actually don't have to cover yourself up all the time. I'm gonna meet your friends later and they have tattoos too. Are you gonna make them cover up as well? I appreciate what you're doing but I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"I'm not uncomfortable and my comfort is not important. I don't want you to feel weird around me," Zain said.

"Your comfort is mine too, Zain. It's a hot weather and you're all covered up. Just be yourself and I'll be mine," I comforted him. "Even if you're covering your tats up, I already know you have them. It's all good okay?"

At this point, I thought Long Distance relationship would be so different in real life now that we're living together and in person. I did love Zain as much as before we met and I really did want him to be comfortable around me.

Zain just looked at me and biting his lip and I must say that he was hot doing so. I rubbed his upper arm and moved forward to hug his waist, resting my head against his chest.

"I've only been here for two days now and I know our proper relationship could be regard as new. But I really want us to be like normal couples. I want us to be open and able to tell each other things like we did all these while. I don't want small little things lead us to have such a serious talk that looked like an argument," I voiced out, murmuring into Zain's chest. I felt his hand went up to my hair and stroked them.

"Of course baby," Zain said and kissed the top of my head, "I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I'm extremely happy that you are here and I'm trying so hard to make you comfortable. Especially after last night..."

I pulled away from him immediately, "Last night was something that shouldn't happen and I totally understand that it was a mistake. Let's forget about that one. We are back to fine now, alright?"

Zain sighed. "Alright. We're such an emotional couple," he joked. I smiled and he placed a kiss on my cheek before we went back to our abandoned muffins.

I really didn't want us to be like this. We were like strangers who were trying too hard to get comfortable around each other. I just wanted us to be like... normal. But actually I didn't know the definition of normal because talking online and webcam are different then talking face to face.

"Hmmm this muffin tastes so good," I heard Zain moaned and I laughed at his dramatic face. He finished the muffin almost in just two bites and he was about to grab another one when I pulled the tray away.

"If I don't keep this away, you'd finish them all," I stated and placed the muffins as far away from his reach.

* * *

"I won again," I squealed loudly when I made it first again to the snake and ladder.

"That's because I'm a gentleman and I let you win again," Zain huffed, keeping the board game.

"Aww are you sulking?" I teased.

"No," he huffed again.

"Then why are you keeping the game?"

"Because the boys will be here soon," Zain informed and just right on time, there was a very loud knock on the door.

To kill some time, Zain and I decided to play some games. Zain suggested Fifa or I had no idea what game were those on his Xbox but I didn't want to and Zain gave in by taking out the only board game he had.

I quickly adjusted my clothes and hair while Zain went to open the door. He had changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a simple T-shirt.

"Zainie..." they all chorused when Zain opened the door. All four boys entered the house but they stopped just after a few steps when they saw me.

Honestly, I had never seen them in real life and now that I was seeing the whole of One Direction in person, I thought I was melting. They looked so much mature and of course every other girl would agree with me that they looked hot.

They were looking so real. I mean, Louis wasn't wearing a striped T-shirt; Niall wasn't wearing Polo-T; Liam wasn't wearing checkered shirt. They all were in simple 3 quarter pants and some loose T-shirt.

"Hi," I said sheepishly and smiled when all four boys just stood there and eyed me curiously.

"Hi," Harry was the first one to say back. He quickly stepped nearer to me and held a hand, "Harry."

"I know," I told him, "My name is Savannah."

"Nice name," Harry complimented and continued looking at me. I tried to free my hand from his but in vain. Another thing I found real was Harry was the cheeky one. I thought it was just something to talk about but Harry was indeed cheeky.

"Alright that's enough," Zain, who came out from nowhere, all of a sudden pulled my hand away from Harry's. I grinned slightly at him and he quickly stood by my side, his hand on my waist.

"Woah, you sound jealous," Niall commented before waving a hand at me. I responded with one of my own too. "Who are you, anyway?"

I didn't know what to answer, so instead of saying anything, I bit my bottom lip.

"She's my girlfriend," Zain answered, introducing me as well as his girlfriend. I smiled up at him.

"Wait, what?" That was Liam.

"You guys heard me," Zain replied and I realized all of the boys were looking at me and Zain with a frown. Did they not like me?

"Uhm... Savannah right?" Niall called me. I nodded. "Can you er..." Niall looked around for a moment before sitting on the couch and said, "Can you get me a drink? I'm kinda thirsty."

I looked at him and then at Zain who was looking at Louis. They were all talking with their eyes and I knew from there that my presence wasn't appreciated. So, nodding at Niall, I moved past Zain and all of the boys to get to the kitchen.

"My girlfriend is not your maid," I heard Zain muttered to whom I guessed, Niall.

"I'm actually helping her to move away without being awkward," Niall defended himself.

"Yes mate. What the heck is this? She's your girlfriend? Are you being fucking serious?" I heard Louis said.

I didn't want to hear anymore. So I moved into the bathroom that was within the kitchen. Firstly, from the look that they had on their faces, it was clear that they weren’t fond of me. Secondly, from Louis' choice of word, I knew he disliked me. But why?

The One Direction I was supposed to know shouldn't be this hateful. They didn't seem to like me at all. What did I do wrong?

"Savannah? Baby, are you inside?" I heard knocking on the bathroom door, followed by Zain's voice.

Flushing the toilet, as if I had just use them, I opened the door and offered, a frowning Zain who had changed his clothes, a smile.

"Baby, I'm gonna go out for a while. Are you fine being home alone?" He inquired. His hand went up to caress my cheek.

"Sure," I said, smiling again. From where I was standing, I saw Harry waving his hand at me before leaving the apartment. Niall did the same thing while Liam just ignored me. Louis was the only who was shooting daggers at me that I could feel myself close to tears.

"Bye baby," Zain said and kissed me on the cheek before he too followed the rest of the boys out.

I thought I was going to get along well with the boys. They seemed to be such a beautiful and friendly people from the posters and pictures I had. But they were different from what I had expected.

I guess, this were the real One Direction.


So who else hates tattoos like Savannah? I actually do :(

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