Three : Too soon?

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Dedicating to @HNlazy because she made the banner at the side and because she loves Zayn :)

It wasn't a forceful kind of kiss but it then turned out into a very needy one. Zain's tongue swept across my bottom lip and according to a book that I have read, it means he wanted to do a french kiss.

Slowly, I opened up my mouth and Zain plunged his tongue into my mouth. His tongue massaged mine and I muffled a moan.

In no time, Zain was right on top of me and... in between my legs. I really wondered if Zain actually wanted something else or just a kiss. A french kiss.

I didn't notice nor realize that my tank top was already hiked up to under my bust area and Zain's hand was on my exposed stomach. His mouth was still on mine and I was getting out of breath but Zain still didn't show any sign of stopping.

I was totally fine with a kiss. But right now he was in between my legs and his hand was on my chest... Err maybe those were a little too much. Yes, we have been together for four years but all these while we only ever talked. We had never talk dirty or sexting or anything like that. It was probably too soon for us to take our relationship to a whole lot of a higher level.

"Zain," I muffled into his mouth. "Zain," I tried again but he was still ignoring me and was too engrossed in attacking my mouth with his and kneading my breast.

"Zain!" I shouted and pushed him back. I pulled myself up and pulled down my tank top, crossing my hands across my chest. I was panting and so was Zain and he was on the edge of the bed, looking at me like he wanted to cry.

Before I knew it, Zain was off the bed and he banged his fist on the door before he went out of the room. Did Zain really want to do that to me? He said, he loved me a whole lot more than just some sex but what happened earlier didn't explain exactly what he said to me. Was he lying?

I found myself scared on the bed. Maybe Zain wasn't as kind as he was. Maybe Zain wasn't the Zayn Malik that everyone knew. Maybe Zain was a bad guy? Was he going to rape me or something earlier if I hadn't stop him?

Getting off the bed, I quickly changed into my sweater and remembering to put a bra on. I re-packed my luggage which wasn't very messy and I decided to leave. Maybe... maybe Zain wasn't the boyfriend I always dreamed of all these while of 4 years.

Peeking from the door, I saw Zain on the couch with his head in his hand. He was still in his joggers and sweater from when we went groceries shopping earlier. I was going to leave and I wouldn't mind doing it in front of Zain. I wanted him to know that I was disappointed with his actions. I really wasn't expecting him to be like that. And if he was someone bad, then it was my luck to be probably kidnapped by him here, far away from my family.

"Savannah?" Zain called the moment he saw me and my luggage. I quickened my speed to the door just in time for Zain's hand to reach for mine. I quickly pushed it away and looked at him but awkwardly. "Savannah, where are you going?"

I didn't say anything but tried to remove my hand from his and opened the door. "Savannah, I'm sorry," Zain said but I ignored him. But one thing I could conclude in his words was that he wasn't a kidnapper like I might have assumed because he wasn't being harsh or even dragged me into the room or abused me. He said he was sorry.

"Can we please talk first? I'm really sorry," Zain plead.

"Talk," I said and still tried to pull my hand away from his.

"Can we... sit down and talk?"

We all had our reasons to do something right? Be it we were bored or whatsoever. Zain deserved to be heard. I loved our relationship and I might be heartbroken if Zain was a bad guy or something. But one, I knew he wasn't a bad guy and I wanted to hear him out and see if our relationship could still work.

Using my free hand, I gestured and nodded to the couch, telling Zain to go have a seat and I would follow. Zain nodded and walked ahead of me and I followed but Zain kept glancing backwards to see if I was following him.

"I'm really sorry," Zain said immediately after I placed my butt down. "I don't know what came into me but I just didn't know why... why I touched you. I only wanted to give you a kiss good night but I... got carried away. I'm really sorry."

I remained quiet. Everyone has their own sexual tension right?

"And where did you want to go?" Zain questioned.

"I wanted to leave," I told Zain truthfully. I didn't see him like a form of harm anymore. He really was carried away and I could see if from his face that he regretted it. "I didn't expect you to be like that and I thought all these while we were together, you only wanted me for... sex."

And that was when I was wrong about him. If he really was asking just sex from me, from long time ago he would have asked for my nude picture or anything sexual, but he never. We talked like friends before we got together and decided on this long distance relationship.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I really got carried away. I understand if you'd like to," he paused and a pained look was on his face, "If you'd like to end us. But if you wanna leave, not tonight. It's dark and I don't want anything bad happen to you."

"Do you want me to leave?" I asked, hoping that he didn't want me to. When Zain shook his head, I wanted to jump. Of course he still cared. Of course he was still the charming Zayn Malik even though he was my Zain.

"Then I won't leave if you don't want me to," I said. I saw Zain's face lit up before he moved to sit next to me, look so enthusiastic.

"Thank you," he said and took my hands, kissing my knuckles.

I smiled at him and said, "I'm sorry if I was over-reacting. I've never done it before and even though we have been together for 4 years, I think we're still new to bring our relationship to a whole lot of a different stage."

"No no, it's okay. Don't be sorry. I was at fault and I'm sorry."

"I've forgiven you," I told him and leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek. "But tonight, I'd like to sleep on the couch since your guest room's bed is broken. I... hmm don't wanna share bed first at the moment."

"Oh, I understand. But, you can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch, no problem," Zain offered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am. I wouldn't let my girlfriend sleep on the couch, you know," Zain said and I could hear some sense of humour in it already, which made me smile.

"Alright then, goodnight," I said.


Getting up, I walked back to Zain's room but not before placing a small kiss on his cheek. I blushed when I turned back to look at Zain and he was grinning at me and winked at me just before I closed the door.

Dropping my bag, I changed my clothes into something comfortable (with bra on, this time) and let sleep consumed me even though I wanted so bad to be in the arm of a boyfriend.

* * *

I didn't know what time it was when I suddenly felt like waking up. My surrounding was quite bright which indicated that it was either morning or afternoon already. Gosh! It wasn't in my list to do to impress my boyfriend by waking up in the afternoon. He mustn't know that I was quite a heavy sleeper.

Stretching as I made my way to Zain's dressing table, I took my phone to check the time because Zain didn't have a clock in his room.

What?! It was only 9:45am? Applause for me please because I would never be awake this early if there wasn't any meeting or appointment or date or whatever. *throws confetti*

 I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and changed before opening the door and walking out. I saw Zain was still sprawled on the couch, asleep. I felt bad for letting him sleep on the couch even though he offered to - but the least I could do was offer him a pillow or something. Gosh! What a dumb girlfriend was I?

Tip-toeing to him, I decided to wake him up to either make breakfast with me or for him to move into his room to continue his sleep.

"Zain," I called and slapped his back softly. He was lying on his stomach and face facing sideways. He didn't wake up, but groaned.

"Baby," I whispered into his hear and my hands were on his sides. This time Zain didn't react and I made my last attempt by tickling his sides and chanting his names.

I carried on until Zain stirred and yelled. Yes, Zain yelled. "What are you doing? I wanna sleep!"

I just stared at him and then he dropped his head back onto the couch and continued sleeping. Woah harsh, I thought. Letting Zain resumed his sleep, I walked into the kitchen and went to prepare breakfast for us.

Our first breakfast.

I took out four eggs for scrambled eggs, the pancake mix and some fresh blueberries for blueberry pancakes, butter and bread for toasts and mango syrup for the drinks. I started off with the pancakes. I loved blueberries and most of the time, instead of throwing in blueberries into the batter; I threw it into my mouth.

I made 10 pancakes in total; hopefully seven was enough for Zain because I'd need 3. Then I proceeded on putting the bread into the toaster and started on the scrambled eggs.

I was stirring the eggs on the non-stick pan when I felt an arm suddenly wrapped around me. I turned my head about 30 degrees to see a sleepy Zain. He rested his head on my shoulder and tightened his arms around me.

"Good morning," I said and continued to scramble the eggs. Zain wasn't watching me even though he was there with me because he still had his eyes close.

He only opened his eyes when the toaster made a sound, signalling that the toasts were done. "Help me with that?" I asked him and pointed to the toaster. He nodded and took a plate with him before getting the toasts and placing it on the table where the pancakes already were.

I was done with the eggs when Zain had taken out some butter, honey, maple syrup and whipped cream for the pancakes and they were all already on the table.

"Go and brush your teeth and we can dig in," I instructed Zain like I was a mom. He did as told while I went to prepare the drinks.

Everything was all prepared when Zain came back, looking a little fresher with some water droplets still on his face.

"7 pancakes, just for me? Woah," Zain commented.

"Why? Is it too much or too little?"

"Well, it's just nice but I don't usually eat 7 pancakes in a row though. Usually like 4 or 5, was good," Zain told me.

"Oh," I said, "You told me that you eat a lot, last night. So I assumed you would need a lot."

"Well, I don't need 7 pancakes but it will also depend on how delicious the food is. But with the aroma of this pancakes like this, I think 7 might not be enough though," Zain joked. I laughed and we proceeded on our breakfast.

Zain praised my blueberry pancakes and I told him that I used the pancake mix, so thanks to it.

"Well even though it was from the pancake mix, the idea of having blueberry with it just made this my favourite. I was either always eating the plain ones or banana or chocolate chips," Zain told me.

Hearing Zain said those, I suddenly thought of googling all the different pancakes recipes that they have and give it a try. Maybe Zain would love them too.

"Oh by the way, sorry," Zain suddenly apologized.


"Yelling at you earlier," he said quietly.

"No worries," I told him, "I understand. I would have gone mad if people were to disturb my sleep. So it's all good."

"And how did I get so lucky to have such an understanding girlfriend like you?" Zain asked, smiling and shoved a spoon of a pancake with a mountain whipped cream into my mouth, feeding me. I didn't say anything to that but just smiled. It made my heart flattered to know that Zain felt lucky to have me because I was feeling lucky to have him too.

"Anyway," Zain continued, "You'll be meeting Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall later in the evening."

"What?" I almost screamed.

"Why? Aren't you happy to see them?"

"Yeah yeah, of course I'm happy but isn't it too soon to meet them?" I questioned, frowning.

"Nope," Zain answered, popping the 'p'.

I was definitely excited to meet the rest of the boys. I mean, they were One Direction! But I was also nervous of their reaction. I probably need their approvals since they meant so much to Zain, like he had told me. Zain also mentioned that he hadn't told the boys about our LDR. But nonetheless, I hope the boys would accept me.

Just like they accepted Zain, faking his relationship with Perrie Edwards.

Hello everyone who is reading this,

I’m so sorry that this story is on slow updates. I’m really trying hard to squeeze twice a week update. So I hope you would bear with me and enjoy reading.

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