Two : Excited!

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That evening, Zain and I both decided to go to the groceries shop. At the same time, Zain said he wanted to show me around the neighbourhood and shops just in case I needed something and he wasn't around.

I was excited to be going out with my boyfriend for the first time even though Zain had to disguise himself with some concealers and beanie and shades that made him not look like him. I still felt happy, knowing it was really him.

We went to Wal-Mart, in his car and shopped for as many things as Zain wanted. "Why are you shopping for so many things?" I asked.

"Well, it's now food for two. I usually don't take this much," he informed and I instantly felt bad. Zain was good enough to let me stay in his place and now, I was making him pay for the food that I was gonna eat.

"We don't need that much, Zain," I told him, "I don't eat much."

He grinned at me and flicked my nose, "I know. But I eat like a cow, so that's why."

And here I thought to myself that only Niall Horan would say such things; eat like a cow.

Ever since Zain was in with One Direction, I pretend to be a big fan of them. I had posters of them in my room, my frame, my closet, my purse, my phone - everywhere in general. But most of them were pictures of Zayn Malik, of course. I did that so that my brother wouldn't question me why I was having a guy's picture all around me. I just told him I was a big fan of One Direction; that I was a directioner.

"What are you thinking about?" Zain spoke again when I didn't reply him.

"Oh no," I said, "I thought only Niall Horan is a glutton."

I laughed and then Zain frowned, making me stop. He then leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "I learned it from him."

We both burst out laughing but then lowered our laughter down to avoid people's attractions. We carried on shopping but more like Zain throwing into the cart anything and everything that he wanted. He asked me once in a while if I wanted anything but I just replied with 'I'm good' because I didn't want him to be spending them so much on me.

Most of the things Zain took were frozen and instant food. He said it was easier to cook them. I just agreed on anything that he took. The next thing he did was pushed the card into one of make-up aisle, and it got me confused for a while until I remembered that he probably need some to disguise himself.

Zain took a box palette that contained some eye-shadow, cheek colour, mascara and pencil. This time, I really got confuse. Why would he need those?

"Why are we here?" I asked, finally.

"I'm just looking at some make-up," he said like it was a normal thing to do.

"For whom?" I asked again.

"For you," he answered casually.

"For what?" I asked, shrieking. I wasn't a make-up girl. All I need to go out was just some pressed powder, eyeliner, mascara and put on Vaseline on my lips. That was it.

"Well, for you to put them on."

"I don't need them, Zain."

"I insist on getting something for you," he said in a tone that I actually didn't dare to argue, but I did.

"Zain, remember you got me a make-up palette a few years back for my birthday? I still have them," I reminded him. Zain sent me a make-up palette all the way to Vienna during my 18 birthday. I still had them because I rarely put them on. It was due to expired in 2015, which was why I didn't need any more make-up and especially not from Zain.

"I said, I'm insisting on getting this for you," Zain said, waving the box of make-up that he was holding on. I just nodded and we continued our groceries shopping journey in silence. I was starting to feel that Zain wasn't expecting me to look like this. That was why he wanted some touch of make-up on me so that I would probably look prettier. Maybe I wasn't good enough...

I wasn't going to ask Zain that. Sure we always had nothing to hide all these while when we were messaging and talking to each other. I ever sulked at him for about a week because he didn't reply to my three days of messages because he was busy but eventually told him the reason why. But I was just here with him and I didn't want some sulking or arguing, so I just remained quiet.

* * *

When we reached home, I was still silencing myself. I did nod once in a while when Zain showed me the bakery and convenience store nearby his apartment but that was it. Zain also didn't pester me into a conversation or anything.

We dumped our shopping bags on the counter before I heard Zain muttered, “I'm just gonna pick a movie for us to watch in a while, okay?”

I nodded. I was actually glad when Zain didn't let it go this time because he grabbed my hands gently and asked, “What's wrong?”

I put on a smile for him. “Nothing's wrong.”

“You're lying,” he said again.

“What makes you think so?” I retorted.

Zain sighed and then cupped my cheeks. He was standing so close to me that we were sharing breaths.

“Is it about the make-up box earlier? Do you really not want it?” Zain questioned me.

“It's not that I do not want it,” I told him truthfully, “I don't need it at all.”

“Alright,” Zain said after sighing again, “I already bought them for you, so it's yours anyway since I wouldn't need them. You don't have to use them – you can do anything with it. But please, the next time I get you something, don't reject them. It hurts.”

Zain's words instantly made me feel so bad. I didn't mean to reject the things that he got me. I guess I was too sensitive that I didn't think of what Zain might feel if I were to refuse the things he gave me.

“I'm sorry,” I said quickly and placed my hands on top of his, “I didn't meant to hurt your feelings. I really didn't want you to waste your money on the things that I don't need. I appreciate what you're doing but...”

“No buts. I just thought I wanted to make up for the the times when I have forgotten to send birthday, valentines, anniversary and Christmas gifts to you because of the times that I was busy. I already planned on buying and keep buying you gifts to show that I really love you.”

I was touched. I wasn't expecting Zain to be like this. This wasn't romantic. Romantic is when couple really tried so hard to let other people see them as the sweetest couple. But Zain, he was sincere. I could see it in his eyes and I could hear them in his words. I was so grateful.

“Zain,” I called softly and moved my hands to his jaw, rubbing them slightly, “You don't have to buy me things to show me that you love me. I'm here with you, and with you allowing me to stay at your place and you buying the house essentials for us, are enough to show me that you're responsible not just of yourself but me as well.”

“Hah, that's another thing,” Zain pointed out, “I should be with you, instead of you be with me. You had to fly here to be with me and you paid for your own flight. It makes me feel such a bad boyfriend.”

“Zain, why does it matter?” I asked. “I paid for my own flight because it will make me feel like I am a bad girlfriend to be using your money to fly over here. And it really doesn't matter if I'm with you or you're with me. I'm happy and I hope you are too.”

“I am happy,” Zain confessed, “Especially now that you're here. It makes everything become so much real. I've been waiting for times like this since the first time I asked you to be my girlfriend.”

“Great,” I said, “So now, we're good alright? I'm only here for a few hours and we're already having this emotional talk. Let's do something else; uhm, you're picking out a movie right?”

“Oh yeah,” he said and removed his hands from my cheeks.

“I'll prepare some drinks”

“Sounds good. I'll come back to help you after picking the movie,” Zain informed and was out of the kitchen while I proceed on picking the cheese lover pizza and placed it in the oven.

I felt totally upset of myself for Zain and I had to have the emotional conversation because I was practically ignoring him for buying me the make-up box. I should be grateful instead that he bought me something even though he shouldn't. The least I could so was thank him instead of ignoring him.

I was stirring a jug of Milo when Zain came back, telling me that he picked The Amazing Spider-Man for us to watch. I didn't mind whatever movie that we were gonna watch unless I was watching it with Zain. I was excited for our first movie night together.

We moved on to keeping the groceries item into the respective cabinet and freezer before getting on the couch with our simple dinner.

Halfway through the movie, our food and drinks were finished and I could feel my eyelids getting heavier. I tried to let them stay opened but they kept dropping. I didn't realize that my head were hanging heavily until Zain pulled me so that I could rest on his chest.

Oh his chest... It was another thing that I was always waiting for; to be in his arms.

Zain had his arm around me and his head was resting just above mine. It was a wish came true that I could cry. I never thought it was possible but now I really was feeling this. It was magical, if I was exaggerating but I really loved this feeling that I found myself not sleepy anymore.

We managed to watch through the whole movie, with no position changed. It was still the same as my head on Zain's chest and his head on top of mine.

When the movie was done, Zain whispered in my ear, “Baby, are you sleeping already?”

I looked at the clock which stated 9:45pm. I usually don't go to sleep this early but I guess I still hadn't recovered from jet-lag. I nodded, answering Zain's question.

“Let's get ready to bed. I'm quite sleepy too,” Zain informed and gently pulled me away from him. Walking in hand in hand to his room, Zain collapsed on the bed dramatically. I laughed at him but didn't join in immediately.

Ransacking my bag for a tank top and a suitable pant, I disappeared into the bathroom that was within Zain's room. I usually would sleep in tank top and some shorts but I was a little uncomfortable, sleeping with guys for the first time therefore I settled for only tank top and long pants.

I peeked from the bathroom door to find Zain already hidden under the covers with eyes close. I could see his breathing was heavy, telling me that he was fast asleep. Slowly, I sneaked out of the bathroom and to the bed.

I crept in under the covers quietly and slowly so that I wouldn't wake Zain up. I stayed at the edge of the bed, not daring to move nearer to Zain. Being in the same bed as my boyfriend was good enough for me even though I've always wanted to sleep in my boyfriend's arms. But Zain was asleep and I didn't want to disturb him.

I was about to departure into Lala Land when I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulling me backwards, causing my back to flushed against a very hard chest.

“Why are you so far away from me, bay,” I heard Zain mumbled and I laughed.

Pushing my head up, I wanted to present a good night kiss on Zain's cheek when he opened his eyes and immediately captured my mouth with his.

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