One : First Time.

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Song : For The First Time (Corey Grey's Cover)

The two hours journey flight was finally over. I couldn't wait to get over with the passport and luggage issue before meeting Zain. He already informed me that there will be someone waiting, fetching me in this airport and this person will bring me straight to Zain's apartment.

After about half an hour, I was finally led out of the London's airport. I stood outside, awkward. How should I recognize this person who was supposed to fetch me? Was he tall? Was he short?

The thought of having a stranger fetching me, gave me goose bumps. What if someone else pretend to be the guy Zain sent to me and then kidnapped me? Oh my god. Please don't let anything happen to me.

Just right then, my phone vibrated and I looked down to read the message from Zain. He told me that the guy would come over to me in five seconds. Not replying his text, I mentally counted five seconds and a guy appeared.

"Hi, you must be Savannah."

I studied him from bottom to top. He was wearing all black except for his brown leather jacket. He was also wearing a beanie with words that stated 'I'm hotter than you'. He also had a black shade on. Was he really the guy? He looked so creepy.

"I believe, Zayn has already sent you a message before I approached you," the guy continued.

"Uhm, yes. I'm Savannah. And you're supposed to be fetching me to Zain?" I answered him, seeing he already knew that Zain had texted me before the guy approached.

"Yes, I am," he answered with a smile, "My car is this way."

I nodded and he automatically reached for my small-sized luggage. I had no idea for how long was I going to stay but Zain told me not to bring too much of clothes and if I happened to have not enough of them, I could always use his. It had always been my dream for the past four years to be wearing his outerwear or sweaters or even boxers. I mean, it’s something every girlfriend wants.

The guy led me to a Red Range Rover and loaded my luggage in the back seat before opening the door for me. "Thanks," I said quickly and blushed. No guys and I meant no guys had ever opened the door for me. Not even a room's door. This guy was so gentleman. Then it got me thinking, would Zain be as this gentleman?

Oh goodness. What was I thinking? Why was I comparing my boyfriend to his friend or driver or whatever?

The guy moved around the car and got into the driver's side and spoke, "Oh gosh! I've been waiting to do this."

And he kissed me.

I was stunned for a moment. I was totally shocked the moment his lips met mine. And I also totally felt like his lips were meant for mine. It was so soft even though I didn't kiss him back.

Oh wait! What was I doing? Pushing him backwards, I screamed at him, "What do you think you're doing?"

I had a boyfriend. Zain would be so disappointed to know if I had kissed someone else. Zain would feel betrayed and that would be the last thing I wanted to happen.

"Relax, baby. It's me," the guy said and then quickly removed his beanie and shades on. My hand instantly went to my opened mouth.


"Yeah, it's me," he said and presented me a very cheeky smile. I'd seen those smile a lot of time whenever we Skype but now seeing it for the first time, real life, I couldn't help but feel myself literally melting.

I blushed. I didn't know how I looked even though it was just a two hours flight. My hair could be in out of places. My clothes might be crumpled. And those weren't the first impression I'd like my long-distance boyfriend of 4 years to see.

"Erm hi," I said, awkwardly and tried to return his smile. I thought his beauty was distracting me to be normal. It was insane. He totally looked so much different from the time we webcam-ed or exchange pictures or even when I saw him in the magazines.

"You look so beautiful," he complimented and smiled again. He needed to stop that or I would be totally melted by the evening.

"Thanks," I said and placed a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Oh come on, stop blushing or I wouldn't stop myself from kissing you again," Zain said again and I felt my face getting hotter.

"Maybe if you'd stop smiling like that, I'd stop blushing a bit," I told him and he raised an eyebrow.

"Why? You like my smile, don't you? Oh wait, you love them," Zain said in his playful arrogant tone.

"What, no!"

"See there, you're flustering. Come on, just admit it." I shook my head and he continued, "Oh come on... I'm not embarrassed to say that I love your smile."

I felt myself blushed again and Zain, of course he'd smile cheekily. "Fine," I said, glaring playfully at him, "I love your smile."

"It wasn't so bad, was it? But you forgot to add something..." I raised my eyebrow, telling him to continue and he did, "You forgot to say that you love me too."

I blushed again. Oh goodness. If Zain decided to be all flirty with me all day, I was pretty sure that I'd remained in the tomato colour for the rest of the week.

* * *

"Your apartment's on which floor?" I asked.

"42," he answered simply and I punched the button before the lift's door closed and moved up. The car ride wasn't long or probably because Zain and I were talking non-stop. I guess I was actually getting a little more than excited.

It was my first time meeting him after being together for 4 years over the sea and I was so glad that it wasn't awkward for us or anything. I could totally see Zain trying to make me smile, laugh and talk so that we wouldn't feel uncomfortable. I appreciated them.

"Right this way," Zain informed and bow in the posh English way. I just laughed slightly and followed him to the left side of the 42 storey before Zain stopped at the most corner door. "I live here," he said again before opening the door.

It wasn't a surprise to see that Zain's house was nicely decorated. The floors were marbles and the walls, were painted in different bright colours. There were three couches -all in black- and a 42" plasma TV hanging on the wall. There were also a Mahogany set of dining table. I was about to enter his kitchen to take a look when I heard his voice, "Eh? Already hungry?"

I knew he was just teasing me from the look on his face. "I just wanted to look at your kitchen. This place is so beautiful," I complimented, sincerely. It was indeed so beautiful.

"Thank you. I got my friend to design them for me," he informed and came pulling my hand to the couch. He dropped my luggage on the floor and flopped down on the couch, pulling me so close to him. "Are you hungry?" He asked, murmuring in my dark brown hair that I left untied.

"Yes," I answered, "I haven't had breakfast and now, it's just nice for lunch."

"Okay, so why not you go rest in the room while I prepare something?" Zain offered.

"You sure?" I asked because I totally could lend him a hand.

Zain nodded and pulled me up. He loved pulling, not that I minded, because it wasn't a very hard or harsh pulls. We got to another door within the house and he said, "This is my room. You can go in and rest. Make it like your own."

I was hesitating for a moment. I never and I really meant, never shared rooms with guys before. My first boyfriend was when I was 12 and we never shared anything. Not even a first kiss and we lasted for 3 days only. I was wondering if Zayn wanted sex. It wasn't something I wanted to rush into.

"Uhm, don't you have a guest room?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes, I do. It's this way." He guided me to another door and opened it, "But there's no bed in here. The last one...broke. Yeah broke, because my friends were jumping on them. So in the meantime, we'll just share my room okay?"

I was still hesitating but I nodded, nonetheless. My salary of working in the cafe back then in Vienna, was saved just enough for the flight tickets. I didn't bring enough for some hotel or room renting because Zain already offered that I could stay in his.

"What's wrong?" Zain asked, the moment I stepped into his room.

"Nothing," I answered and forced a reassuring smile.

But I guess, Zain could know what was wrong as he said, "Baby, we're not gonna do the things that you don't want to, if that's what you're thinking about. I love you a whole lot more compare to... sex."

I looked down, feeling my face went red when he said he loved me. Lifting my chin up, Zain continued, "So now, just get some rest and I'll call you when the food's ready okay?"

I nodded and Zain quickly stole a kiss on my cheek before running out of the room while I just went to lie down on his bed and inhaled the pillow. Hmm... that was his smell. So minty...

Rolling over, I took out my phone and quickly send a message to my brother in Vienna, telling him that I've reached my destination. I told him that I was going to London to meet my pen pal. My brother didn't allow at first but after so many persuasions from me, he allowed.

I felt bad for lying to him as I told him that my pen pal was a girl. But now that I'm here, lying on Zain's pillow, all thoughts of feeling bad just went away.

* * *

"Savannah? Baby, wake up," I heard someone calling for me. Groaning, I rolled over and only woke up when I felt like I was falling off the bed. "You fell asleep, baby," Zain said as he pulled my upper body from meeting the ground.

"Oh, I did?"

"Yes. It's been two hours and I actually would like to let you sleep some more but I've gotten hungry and I wanna eat with you," Zain explained in a very polite way as he dug into his drawer for a... toothbrush. He passed it to me and said, "I'll wait for you at the table."

I nodded and Zain left. I quickly went to brush my teeth and splashed some cold water onto my face. How could I even fell asleep? Well, jet lag maybe. But, probably because Zain's pillow smelt so strong and I loved it.

Not wasting any more time, I also changed my long sleeve sweater into one of I assumed Zain's t-shirt that was on the bedhead but left my jeans on. I made my way out and to the dining table. I found Zain, fiddling with the food on the table and his glass of orange or mango was half finished.

"Hey," I said and took a seat next to him.

"Hey," he said back and smiled, "Shall we?"

I nodded. "What did you cook?" I asked. I couldn't really interpret from the food that was served on the plate in front of me except for the meatballs.

"Well I actually wanted to make some meatballs pasta but then realize that I don't have any pasta so I substitute the pasta to instant noodles. So its instant noodles with pasta sauce and meatballs. Is it alright?" Zain explained and asked, worriedly.

I gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand. At least he tried. "Let me try," I said and took a mouthful.

I instantly made the weird face the moment I had the food in my mouth. "It didn't taste good?" Zain asked, panic. I shook my head. "Oh gosh, I should have just make pancakes or something."

I swallowed the food. "No Zain. It’s nice," I told him, honestly. It wasn't that delicious but it was the effort that I counted in as well. It tasted good. I guess Zain also added some spice and herbs into the sauce and it really did turn out good.

"You sure, you're not lying?"

"Nope. It's not every day you're eating instant noodles with pasta sauce. It's creative of you," I compliment and leaned forward, to give him the first kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you," Zain said, grinning, "But maybe if you'd give me one more kiss, then I'd believe you fully."

I gave him the 'are you being' serious look and Zain just still remain his cheeky smile on. We eventually ate properly and then I helped him cleaned up his kitchen.

Words couldn't describe how happy I was to be here with Zain. At the start of the relationship, I didn't think long distance relationship could work but Zain now proved me wrong. Even after he became a celebrity, he didn't forget about me. And being here with him for the first time, just made me love him more.

Yes, irony how I could fall in love with him just through pictures and messages at first. It was like reading a book where readers actually fell in love with characters through what they said. And that's exactly how I found love developed in me for Zain.

I had no idea for how long I was going to stay but there was so much things to do together to make up for the past four years of our relationship.

First chapter and what you guys think about it? x

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