Chapter 13

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"So. You've done it. You've got me to tell you h-huh.." he stuttered. I studied the picture. It was labeled 'JACK THE GREAT'.
      The man in the picture was older, but not too old. This must be his coronation painting. They painted a beautiful picture very soon after a king's coronation.
   The king's coronation crown was tipped back slightly revealing only the slightest bit of....

                                                               Green hair.

My mother was right.
I once again looked at the slimy green eye in his hand. Sam... His purple cape swung around him in the picture. His skin was pale, the same tone as William. And a deviant smile upon his face. He looked mischievous.. Very mischievous.
      I looked at the picture and looked back at William. No... It can't be.... I thought.
  "So you've figured it out...?" He asked. I looked shocked.
          But I was even more shocked by what he did next. He stood next to the painting in the same pose. With the same deviant smile.

        I knew it. "You're Jack the Great!" I shouted, backing up. He looked at me kind of stunned.
"Well if you wanna call it that." He paused. "You're the same person!!" I shouted, looking for something to grab. He shushed me. "Woah woah woah.. Hey.. Just calm down and we can-"
     "No! No you've got some witchery! S-some voodoo magic!" I shouted. He looked mad. "One doesn't interrupt their king!" He yelled.

      I went dead silent. He calmed down.
"Now... Let me explain in a calm and orderly matter.", he paused. "Hundreds of years ago when Farclude was but new. The citizens elected a ruler. A king." He said, pacing.
      I was still sweating with fear, watching his every move.
"The people chose a man simply named Séan. He liked to be called Jack. It was the name his mother called him." He said, still pacing back and forth. "The people loved him, cherished him.." "That is.. Until he changed." He said, his tone jumping from low to lower.
      "Something in him changed.. He was no longer the kind and loving king they knew."

        "He was absolutely tyrannical!" He shouted.

"Obviously, nobody really liked that." William paused. "And when he went into the square. He met an old women.." He said. "She told him his fate. A terrible.. TERRIBLE fate!" He yelled. He must really be getting into this...
       "He didn't believe it, obviously. Thought it was preposterous and had her executed." William said. This sent a chill down my spine.
       "Later on, he met with yet another person. This person was cloaked and mysterious... but..." He paused. He looked like he was having difficulty speaking. I gave him a look that almost screamed "say it!" And he did.


I jumped when he screamed. He was in tears. Full out tears. He was sobbing, holding his head in his hands. His crown fell to the floor and he didn't even pick it up. I didn't dare say a word.
    "I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." I heard him mumble. But it was clear he wasn't talking to me...
"Are... Are you okay...?" I managed to say. He looked up at me, teary eyed. "You don't even understand.. It's not even the half of it.." he said. "I'm me! I'm Jack the Merciful.. Really I am..!"
     He pointed to his eye mark. "It's because of this! It's because of this for hundreds of years I've awoken from darkness into the light of a king's carriage!" He yelled. He looked at the floor. "Gloria. Gloria, I can die.. But not for long." He said.

     My heart was beating fast. T..This makes n-no sense...!!
"Ever since the cloaked man put this mark on me.. I keep coming back. I've died fourteen times, Gloria!" He shouted, but quieted himself because he didn't want anyone to hear.
      I sighed. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked. "They could've helped you." I said.
"Gloria you must understand! If I told anyone. They'd think I was the devil! They'd kill me over and over and over." He said breathing heavy. I nodded sadly. "So why did you tell me?" I asked.

      "Because.. You.. Remind me of myself. In a way..." He said.
I so wanted to tell him.. "You mean yourselves." But I didn't.

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