Chapter 12

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-----Jack the merciful----------
"You have won!...", he spat out. He coughed in what sounded like excruciating pain. I looked down at him.. I could hardly see but I needed to do something. "Here..", I paused. "Let me help you." I said, holding a hand out.
"W..What...? This.. Isn't supposed to happen..", he said. "You're supposed to k-kill me!" He said with a cough. "No. I will not.", I said. "I am Jack the Merciful. This is not my way, you see." I said, hauling him on Tavian's back. I rode east and halted to a stop at a stone building. "My healers will do everything they can to save you." I said. Icarus just looked at me with clear shock. "I bid you good morrow." I said, riding off.
I rode further down the path. "Your majesty!" Someone screamed. It was Mark. "Sir Knight Mark! What is your need?" I asked. I covered my eye and tried to get a good look at him. "The invader number has been cut in half! We may still have some stragglers, though." He said trying to talk as polite as he could to me. I appreciated it. "You should return to the palace, your majesty. There are very few invaders left and there could be damage done there." He said.
        "Good idea.", I paused to look back at the palace... With it's waving green and blue flags. "You and the rest of the guard take of this. I'll check there." I said with a kick, sending Tavian to a canter.
"I..It's alright, see? I got it out." I said. Throwing the shard of glass away. Sam shook and shivered still. I cleaned his wound but he still shook. I held him in my hand cringing a little at the thought of what I was holding. I heard a noise and turned. It was him. King William! But something was very wrong. His eye had what looked to be blood gushing from it! He must be in pain..! "What in the name of Farclude are you DOING!?" He shouted. The very sound of his scream made me jump in fear. "I-I.. I was just.. Sam was in grave danger and I... I wanted to help.." I said, holding Sam up for him. "But.. That's not important right now! You're hurt, your majesty!" I said desperately pulling at his shoulders so I could help him. He fell down on his knees at my force. "Let me see....", I mumbled. "Your majesty.. In order for me to help, you have to open it! Please?" I asked. I'm sure he doesn't get many questions like this.
      He reluctantly opened his right eye. Ah.. This was the eye that wasn't his!... Oh.. Eww...
It had a big long cut down from the top left to the bottom right. "Your majesty.. How did this happen?" I asked, for this was indeed serious. "I d-don't-" he began to say, "Wait!" He added. "You said Sam was in danger, correct?" He asked. I nodded. "Did something happen to his... Eye? Did he get cut for instance?" He asked. "Yes..." I said, hoping that this wasn't going where I thought it was going.... But it was. "When he gets hurt. My eye gets hurt. It's as simple as that." He said, still staring at me on his knees. "Oh my.. O-okay.. L-let me try to fix this.." I managed. I hope I wasn't sounding.. Bad. It was rude to stutter to royalty.. But I guess that's the least of our issues.
I was somehow managing to clean it even though he kept screaming and slamming his fist on the ground. I don't blame him though.. It must really hurt. "There... It's all done." I said. Wrapping a cloth around his head so it covered his eye like an eye patch. I could've sworn the mark around his eye grew the slightest bit... ".... When am I supposed to take this off?" He asked, with the slightest bit of annoyance behind his voice. "In a couple of days, your majesty. It should be healed up by then." I said, standing. I'm no doctor but I'm fairly good at this kind of thing.
He slowly stood up, took Sam and placed him back in the vase. "I have to see if my citizens are okay..." He said. I needed answers first. "Your majesty.. There's just one thing I need answers to." I said. He looked at me with a fearful look. "You never answered my question from before.. You know... When you were speaking of the ritual." I said. His breathing became heavy... He was sweating, everywhere. I was so confused. "Your majesty.. Are you-" I was interrupted.
     "Gloria." He said. This sent shivers down my spine. "You want to know that badly..?" He asked between gasps. He stood up, facing away from me.. And before I could answer, he swiped a curtain down from the room. It was.. A painting? The painting was a picture of.. I believe it was the previous king. He held something small in his hand.. It was.. It was...


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