CH 15

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Prince Taehyung had an awe struck expression on his face. My gaze moved down to the wooden floor feeling a bit down. From all those efforts that these maids put on me made me feel like I would be very much presentable as a princess. Also he might have thought that I would look stunning. From his expression anyone could guess that I did not reach his expectations. Nowhere close to it.

"Leave." I heard his deep voice command to three maids. They walked by me. I peek to see them walking away, my eyes then glued back to the floor.

He is going to scold me. He spent a lot of money on me and all I can do was nothing.

I so wanted to burst in tears and beg to him for forgiveness but these necessary tears were not errupting.

Soon I saw a finger coming close to my chin, feeling its softness on my skin. My face heated up, my body tensed. It slowly raised my chin accessing me a direct eye contact with Prince Taehyung's eyes. His eyes did not seem the same, they were dark and possessive.

I plainly blinked at him. "You are so beautiful." His voice whispered
making our link intense. I gulped having a difficulty in breathing, my cheeks blushed and my body reached the highest temperature it could ever. In the pit of my stomach I could feel something tingling. "How can God carve such a gorgeous being?" He asked as I felt his thumb graze over my lips keep the contact still. He raised his hand slowly and patted my loose hair which was braided at the top of my head.

Unexpectedly he leaned in, my heart was beginning to panic. The beats were taking its pace. The closeness. It was never like this. Though I was panicking somewhere in my heart I was loving it. It seemed the complete opposite of me. Slightly I had this feeling to take control over him.

His breath hitting my ears, my legs were failing to stand properly; making me feel like falling anytime.

"Y-Your highness, w-we have t-to leave." I abruptly stuttered hoping to divert him. He moved his face away, staring at me as he removed his hand and chuckled, moving his gaze to the floor "I apologize for my rude behaviour." He realized what he was doing.

I gave the weirdest smile I could ever give. My breathing came back to normal but my legs were still like tofu; jiggling. It was not easy for me. This man was trying black magic on me. I mentally cried for making my heart beat frenzy. "Let us move then." He smiled and began walking.

I followed him. With time I was trying to forget it and thanks to the people in the palace. Everytime we pass a maid or soldier, all had awe-struck expression. I could not stop from mentally praising myself. They never gave me attention and now here I am being the centre of attraction.

We at last reached the entrance of the palace. It was already dark now. The moon in one corner of the sky showering its light over the place and stars scattered here and there. The palace fireholds were lit with blazing fire. I saw few guards on horses at the gate of the palace. Except for one dark horse.

Both of us stopped as we reached the horse. "Your highness." All bowed to Prince Taehyung. He gave a simple nod as respond and then turned to horse, he patted its stomach and then climbed on the horse. For a moment I glanced at the horse, it was the same as that night when Jin oppa came to pick me.

"Y/n?" I heard prince's voice, my head turned to him. "Come on." He lend his down with his regular smile. I smiled back, taking his hand and keeping my leg on the rider's leg holder, I climbed on sitting infront of him. His chest pressed on to mine as he took the strings. My cheeks began to heat up again.

God! You are torturing me. I cannot have him.

The palace gates opened and in an instant the horse took their speed. I held onto the seat holder. The horses ran through the market. The passer by there dropped on their knees as they come to know the person riding by them.

I smiled when few kids waved at me as we rode by them. It did not take so long for us to reach the destination. I did not know the place until the horses halted. "Woh." The word poured out if my lips as I saw the crowd of ladies and men outside the house.

"Help this lady to get down." I heard a command from Prince Taehyung to his soldiers. "Yes your highness." One said and came to my side. He took both of my hands helped me to hop down. I immediately dusted myself and tried to straighten the any folded place in my hanbok.

I heard the crash and saw Prince Taehyung hop down and chuckling at me. "You are really an elite." He said as he handed the string of his horse to his soldier.

It was until then that I came notice his dress. It was beautiful. Same colour as mine; royal blue. Wearing a gat, with those black shoes and marble neckless just like me.

"What are you staring at?" He asked. My eyes moved to meet his that is when I realise that he was way close to me. "Your attire." I blurted. He shook head and took my hand, "Let us move in." He gestured.

We passed by people who were invited by my guess. Few bowed while few chose to give glares at me. My grip in Prince Taehyung's tightened and moved my gaze to his arm not wanting to watch these ladies mentally despising me.

"Are you not fine here?" I heard prince's soothing voice. I looked up and found him looking with concern at me. "No, it is just that these ladies are eyeing me." I replied lokking around though not  wanting to show him. He looked around.

His right palm then came in contact with the grip we had and patted it, "No one is going to hurt you." He assured me with a smile. I nodded but was still reluctant to leave the hold.

Prince Taehyung aparted his lips to something when someone called his name. "Prince Taehyung." We looked at the person who was approaching us. He was wearing dark green hanbok and hair let loose. His features seemed like a female; pointed nose, thin lips, rose like eyes and pinkish cheeks. Even in the dark his features were so clear than any other woman around.

He opened his arms as he came close to us, before I could process their intention my hand leave prince's hand and they crash into each other hugging the life off each other. "You finally came." The person let out as they parted with their hands on each others shoulders. Prince Taehyung let out a hearty laugh, "Jihoon, we just met one month ago."

"Still brother, I missed hanging out with you." He said. I stood their watching their conversation. Later this person called Jihoon moved his gaze to me. "Who is this lady?" He asked to Prince Taehyung with a smile.

"Oh this is my lady, Chaeyoung." Prince Taehyung introduced me with a fake name. I bowed to him.  "Hello, it is nice to meet you, Chaeyoung. My name is Kim Jihoon."

I smiled. He stared at me and suddenly he realised his surrounding, "Come in. Do not just stand here in this cold night." He gestured us to follow him. Prince Taehyung took my hand and we walked in.

It was alright inside. The most melodious instrumental songs were played and few dancers. People were chatting around.

Jihoon gave us sweet drinks, we wished him birthday. It was then when Prince Taehyung enquired something to Jihoon. "Jihoon, where is Jungmyeon? I did not see him."

Jihoon looked around, "Well he was here few moments ago. Let me ask one of my servants." He said as one of them passed by. "Go search for young master Jungmyeon." The man bowed.

Every time prince Taehyung took chances to talk with people I would just stand beside him not wanting to interact with other ladies and fall in trouble.

We moved back to square one; Jihoon. "Taehyung, my servant said that he got hooked up with some girl." He laughed. Prince Tarhyung just smiled. "He has girls wrapped around his finger." He complimented with Jihoon agreeing it.

"Unlike me who is single my entire life." Jihoon remarked. I smiled and spoke, "You shall have someone too." I poured out of imtention. Jihoon had a stunned expression; his eyebrows raised.

"First time she spoke after coming in." He blurted with a surprised smile. Prince Taehyung simply chuckled. I blushed.

"Her voice is so sweet." He squeaked. "Jihoon!" Suddenly his name was called out. He excused himself and walked away.

Prince Taehyung then immediately turned to me, "Y/n, stay here. I have something to do. I will come back quickly." He said in a hurry and rushed to somewhere even before I could answer.

I was left alone and scared. Anything could happen to me. With fear errupting in me I tried to be on guard but it was merely weak. Slowly I strode to a corner.

It was not so long that I got surrounded with few girls. I stood there looking at my feet when one hand pushed having me to stumble back. "Who are you?" One of them spoke. I did not reply and stood there with my body frozen. I knew something like this would come up.

"You should have seen this wretch holding on to Prince Taehyung trying to get his sympathy. As if her life was on him." Another voice said. "Yes, yes." The rest agreed. "Who do you think you are? Huh? Trying to have Prince Taehyung and acting all sweet with him to make us jealous. We have never seen you before." A new voice said.

"I did not do any thing." I murmured loud enough for them to hear. My voice held fear which gave them more confident to say bad about me. "I am sure she is a golddigger and power eater. See how she is trying to be the victim when we did not even touch her." The first one scoffed. "We are the victims here and not you. You are trying to steal our chances to become his lady." Another said.

Then the next thing I know is that one of them grabbing my hanbok collar and shaking me while shouting at me, "Why are you trying to steal my man? He is mine. I am supposed to be his lady and not you. I have known him for years."

"You are just a feeble girl trying to be the centre of attraction with this nasty behaviour of yours. You are not even beautiful like me just a rag doll presented with new decors." Her shouting forced my eyes to tear up and crying. My body was trembling. My heart was paining very badly and I could feel that something was trying to come out of my body, it took control of my body and I felt myself smirking. Just then.

"Stop it Hayun!" Someone shouted. She stopped and all of us turned to see the person. I could not see who the person was because my vision was blurry.

I was pulled from her grip and taken to that person's side. I held on to that person's back. "What are you doing to this poor girl?" The voice spoke with annoyance evident in his tone. It was Jihoon.

"Jihoon, this has nothing to do with you. It is between me and that witch." Hayun bursted. "Just get out." Jihoon tired to calm his anger, his jaw clenching.

Then he shouted, "Get Out!" I flinched hearing it. He turned to me, "Chaeyoung are you alright?" His voice held concern. I wiped my tears but they just would not stop. My heart was trembling from all this that I ran from the place to somewhere. Where ever my legs carried me.

I stood in an empty garden by my hope. I sat down on the bench and cried my eyes out. I knew such a thing would happen. It is always like this. Walking around with the prince means that you are a golddigger and power eater. Aunt Minseo was right. All are filthy. Prince Jimin was right, I was never said to live at a place like this.

Then why did I still agree to do this? I am such an idiot.

While I was crying, a pat was felt on my shoulders. I wiped off my tears and looked up. It was Jihoon. He took a place next to me. "I am sorry." He gently began.

"Why?" I tried to smile from my teary eyes. "Because they harassed you." He calmly said. "No, I am alright. It is just that when she shook me I hit my head on the wood." I said as I wiped my tears. "See, I am fine." He held my wrists. "Stop lying. I saw you there." His grip tightened a bit.

"I am sorry. I-I ruined your birthday." I broke down again. "I hate myself f-for breaking down so quickly. I shou-ld have protested but I cou-ld not. I want to stand for my-self but I could not. I knew - such a thing wu-would happen. So I tried to stick myself with Prince but on his absence this happened." I sniffled and stuttered.

Instantly he hugged me and patted my back. "It is alright. I am here for you. You can tell me anything that happens to you." He soothed me and pulled away. "Now don't cry. Put on your sweet smile." He cupped my cheeks and wiped the tears off my eyes with his thumb and patted my cheeks.

I tried to smile. "Let me tell you a joke." He said and paused a moment to think. "Yes, I lost some weight last month. But now it found me again." He said. I tried to hold my laugh. It was alright not so funny but still.

"Come on, laugh now. I know you are holding it." I shook my head. He sighed. "Let me think of another."

"How do you feel?" His out of blue question made me weird. "Fine." He smiled with a smirk,"Wrong. You feel with your skin." I blinked my eyes and laughed. "Oh, oh, oh there I hear you sweet laugh."

"So Chaeyoung, I wanted to tell you one thing from the moment I saw you." He took a deep breath. "I love you. From the moment we met each other, my heart just would not stop beating crazily everytime when I am close to you." he said and held my hands in his again.

I was shocked. This was something new. I could not believe my eyes.

I came back to my sense after few moments. It was then I noticed that Prince Taehyung was standing next to Jihoon.


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Hey guys,
sorry for the late update. I was busy with my work at school. So....
Also don't expect Jimin and you to fall in love quickly. There are things that Jimin has to do. So please patiently wait and support my book.

Also I won't be updating this month after this I am having exams. So......

With Love,

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