CH 16

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Surprise. LOL........😋
Next chap will take a lot of time.

My body jerked up with shock after seeing Prince Taehyung. Prince Taehyung moved his gaze from his friend to me. His face held concern and worry. He came by my side, gently took my hands in his, his eyes surfing my face and lips slowly parting. "Are you alright?" His concerned filled voice echoed in my ears as I stood there still frozen. My head answered him with a nod. Soon felt his palm's warmth on my right cheek as his lips continued to do their working. "I am sorry." He let out. "Say something?" He asked me. My eyes were googling his worrisome features. "I am alright." My vocals whispered.

Soon his face removed the worried expression as a realief escapes his thin lips. "Thank you Jihoon." He turned to master Jihoon. He simply smiled. "I cannot have my guests upset." He remarked.

"Did you have anything?" Prince Taehyung moved back to me. "No." My voice whispered again. He nodded. "You know," We heard master Jihoon's voice and turn at him. "I have actually prepared everything." He smiled at us. "Yes." Prince Taehyung replied.

"Let us go." He turned back with a smile and took my hand in his. My eyes dart to our hold. The next thing I knew was being pulled by him to the direction he was heading with master Jihoon.

We came to a room where diner was already served for three. We sat to have the dinner. The incident was long forgotten by me after master Jihoon supplied me with their childhood mischieves.

Later spending a bit more time in the party, we thought to retire. I climbed on the horse with the help Prince Taehyung and settled infront of him. "Thank you so much for today's appearance." Master Jihoon bowed to us. "I am your friend. I can never miss his birthday." Prince Taehyung smiled. "Thank you." I thanked him.

He smiled widely. "Do visit again." His smile then it clicked me that just a few moments before he confessed to me. My cheeks heated up quickly and I avoid his eyes contact. Prince Taehyung and master Jihoon exchanged their goodbyes and we rode off.

The path was clear. All the stalls were shut and only one or two people were seen on the street. My eyes tempted to look up from the light the moon showered. It was glowing brightly. While I was oogling the sky, a scene captured my attention. It was Prince Jimin. He had me pinned to the wall. His scary face. His lips moving in an aggressive manner. He cupped my jaw with one of his hand and held it tight.

I shook my head to clear everything. It was an unusual thing. Having such a view out of nowhere. "Are you alright?" I heard the deep yet gentle whisper. I nodded my voice not having the courage to speak after what I just saw. A fear came to me and it kept churning in my stomach, something bad was to happen.

We reach the place. The soldiers helped me get down the horse. The moment I touched the ground, my upper body instantly bowed to prince and my lower one hurried me into the palace not giving the prince a moment to speak.

I was in a hurry to rush into my chamber, not wanting to meet Prince Jimin. Till now the path was clear. All I had to do was pass by Prince Jimin's chamber and then into mine. I paused at the turn, staring the route to my chamber with the fuming freight.

With the courage that I made within my mind, my legs ran through the path. But it was all interrupted when I was yanked into a room and the door closing hard which took my attention. I stood in the lowly lit chamber of Prince Jimin.

Prince Jimin stood there close to the door. His back facing me.My heart. It was beating very fast. I felt my arms and legs going numb and shaking from the fear. The fear which kept haunting me from the moment I left master Jihoon's house.

My forehead and my palms were sweating. My stomach felt the most uneasy feeling it could have ever had.

Prince Jimin slowly turned to me. His face showing the anger filled face from the view. His eyebrows furrowed, eyes showing the fire to perish me, lips stuck firmly against eachother, his long hair flowing on the sides and his hands fisted. I gulped from seeing it. His slow, steady and dreadful steps headed towards me, my reflex being to move back from his. Scared for what he might do to me. Diziness was slowly taking me.

But then my steps halt after I was against the wooden wall. My sense wanted to scream for help but they would not budge from the fear that held me. He finally stood infront of me. Our faces inches away, his breath mixing with mine and his nose flaring the anger. My eyes were wide enough to jump out of their sockets. My lips trembled with it.

"How was the celebration, my lady?" His voice came out. Deep and low enough to send a shiver down my spine and shooting the fear up. "Prince." I painfully whispered. My eyes continued to stare into those seething eyes. "I have questioned you." His eyes moved from my eyes to my attire. I followed his gaze. "Answer me!" He shouted as he punched close to my right side of the hard wall. His anger flaring in the room.

"Y-Yes, Prince." My head bowed. "You must have enjoyed it?" He scoffed. I shook my head immediately as response. Instantly I felt pressure on my jaw. His fingers wrapped around my jaw forcing me maintain the eye contact. "Who asked you to leave this palace?!" He shouted. My eyes moved from his eyes to his mouth. His teeth gritting. "Pr-Prince Tae-hyung." I stuttered.

His grip tightened even more. I moaned from the tightness. "Do you not know your position?" He know looked like psycho. My head could barely move to even nod from the strength he was putting on my jaw. My jaw ached, I felt like to cry and call for help but then my eyes would not even to let tears out. Instead only fear and doubt of what he would do next.

Noticing my silence, he let goes the grip on my jaw. My hands immediately cupped my cheeks and rubbed them to terminate the pain. Prince Jimin made a space between us. I thought he would let go of me.

While I was occupied with massaging my jaw, a strong and hard slap hit my cheek. I gasped from the sudden and thunderous pain that shot. My eyes widened and a moan escaped my lips. My hands instantly cupped the hitted cheek and I horridly look at the Prince. He held the face of terror as though he wanted to rip me into pieces.

Not long enough for me to even process what actually happened another was felt on my other cheek. I held on to my cheek, my eyes finally beginning to form tears. My head hung low from the sting on both of my cheeks. Tears slowly and carefully flowing out of my eyes.

"Hands down!!" He shouted having me flinch from his loud and rough voice. I turn up to keep my hands still on the cheeks. "Hands down I said." He growled making me scared even more. My tears began to flow.

Why? Why are you doing this, highness?

He reached out to do something but I dodge him. His face became furious than before. He rushed to me and grabbed my hair, yanking. "Aaah, please do not hurt me your highness." I pleaded, as my tears continued to wet my face. But he tightened his grip adding the pain. "Why? Why should I not hurt you? You never played your role as a maid well. You neglected your duties. You served for someone else." His rough and raspy voice came.

I closed my eyes, enduring all the pain. "I must teach you how to fulfill the duties you are appointed to." I heard him and then a pain stung my cheek. He pushed me to the floor. I continued to sob with my eyes closed recollecting every memory where possibly had I gone wrong.

A shuffle of metals and something else was heard. I open my lids, though the vision was blurry I was able to make out the thing that he was having in his hands as he made his steps back to me. It was a whip.

I gasped and brought my hands shaking them infront of me. "Pl-please, your highness no. Please." Tears gathered in my eyes again immediately.

Devil glowed in him. It seemed he was taking out all his suppressed emotions on me. His steps halt when a knock interfered. Both our attention turn to the door.

"Open the door." A deep voice came.


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Hey guys,
How u all? I am doing just fine.  So here's another chap. I know it is small but I'm kinda busy. After all the long patience, this is what you get. I'm really upset for writing such a small chap.

I'm in the last year of my school, so i got to do great in my grades, so that I am able to get in good and great universities.

Hope you all have a great day ahead.

With Love,

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