Chapter 12

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I finally came to, realizing that I was hanging upside down from the seatbelt.

Roxy started to stir as well.

I looked past her, seeing two sets of feet approach our car. Then, one knelt down.

Summers smiled at me. "You didn't think you'd really be able to leave without paying me back, did you?"

I glared at her as she stood up and ripped Roxy's door open. She unlocked her seatbelt and Roxy landed hard on the roof.

Wells knelt down and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her from the car.

"Let go of her you son of a bitch!" I yelled.

They just laughed as they dropped her a few feet from the car.

I groaned as I looked up, trying to find the seatbelt latch.

When I finally found it, I pushed the button, dropping me to the roof as well.

I grunted as I crawled out of the car.

When I stood up, Summers was pointing a gun at me. Wells had Roxy at gun point behind her.

"Leave her out of this!" Roxy yelled.

"No chance in hell." Summers said, slowly squeezing the trigger.

Roxy pulled from Wells' grip and tackled Summers just as the shot rang out, hitting me in the side.

I fell to the ground, clutching the wound.

A few tears rolled down my cheeks as I peered through the windows of our car. Summers hauled Roxy up and Wells pointed his gun at her.

Then, I noticed a pump shotgun laying on the back half of the roof.

I painfully crawled over to it and reached into the car.

I grabbed it and pumped it before pointing it at Summers through the drivers side window.

"Hey, bitch!" I yelled.

I pulled the trigger as Summers started to turn. It tore apart her leg, sending her crashing down to the sand.

She screamed out in pain as Wells dropped Roxy and dove behind his car.

Roxy quickly crawled over to me as Summers continued to scream.

"I guess we're even." Roxy said once she was next to me.

I nodded before pointing the shotgun at Wells' car.

   "Give it up, Wells!" Roxy yelled.

  He laughed before firing off a couple shots. We pulled back as they hit the side of our car.

   I angrily stuck the shotgun back through the window and fired, hitting the side of his car.

   "Give up now and we'll let you live!" I shouted.

   He just fired a few more shots.

   Roxy turned to me. "I have a plan."

   "What is it?" I asked as a couple more shots buried themselves in the side of our car.

   "I'll draw him out from behind the car and you shoot him."

   I shook my head. "That's a stupid plan."

   She shrugged. "Well, it's all we got."

   Before I could respond, she took off running deeper into the desert.

   "Dammit." I said as I looked back through the windows, waiting for Wells to make a move.

   Then, I saw it, he started crawling to a nearby rock.

   I crouched and slowly crept to the back of the car.

   I looked over and saw him standing up behind the rock.

   I pointed the shotgun at it and waited for him to move into view.

   "You're mine now!" I heard him yell as he moved out from behind the rock and pointed his gun in Roxy's direction.

   "Not today you son of a bitch." I said to myself as I squeezed the trigger.

   The shot hit him in the side, causing him to fly back into the sand.

   I threw my arms up and smiled. "I got him!"

   But, the pain from the bullet in my ribs stopped my celebration short. I leaned against the car for support, clutching my side. I was starting to feel light headed.

   Roxy jogged up with a smile that quickly faded when she saw me. "Shit, are you ok?"

   I moved my hand from the wound, it was soaked in blood. "I don't think so..." Was all I could could say before collapsing to the ground and blacking out...

   When I came to, I was in a hospital bed. I grunted as I attempted to sit up.

   "Roxy!?" I called out.

   The door opened quickly, Roxy and a nurse came rushing in.

   Roxy knelt down next to me. "Hey, I'm here."

   I gave her a quick kiss as the nurse inspected my heart monitor.

   "How is she?" Roxy asked the nurse.

   "She's Fine." The nurse said before walking out and closing the door.

   I laid back down. "I don't feel fine."

   Roxy chuckled. "You got shot twice and lost a lot of blood, you're lucky you're still alive."

   I smiled. "Well, when you put it that way."

   She smiled back and shook her head as she leaned in for another kiss...

   The next couple weeks were a blur. I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital, but that didn't stop the cops from dropping by with good news.

   Wells was dead, Summers and the rest of Wells' men would spend the rest of their lives in jail and best of all, we were in the clear.

   The one thing that didn't make sense though, was that they thanked us for the five bags of stolen cash we gave them.

   Then came the bad news was, there was a lot of permanent nerve damage in my leg and I would probably walk with a limp for the rest of my life. But, nevertheless, I was cleared to leave.

   Roxy met me in the waiting room with a smile and a kiss.

   "Ready to go?" She asked.

   "Hell yes."

   She laughed as she helped me outside into the parking lot.

   She held the car door open for me and helped me in before walking to the drivers side.

   She started the car after getting in and pulled out of the parking lot.

   "Hey, Roxy?"


   "The cops said they only got five bags... what happened to the other bag?"

   She turned to me with a small smile. "What 'other bag'?"

   I smiled back before looking out over the road. "So, where to next?"

   She took my hand in hers. "Wherever you wanna go."

   "Frank always used to talk about visiting Scotland one day."

   She squeezed my hand. "Then, Scotland it is..."

      The End

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