Chapter 11

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   I stared down the barrel of Wells' pistol. 'Well, Audrey, I guess this is it...'

   I closed my eyes as Wells pulled the hammer back, awaiting the shot.

   Then, I hear a loud bang, causing me to flinch.

   I opened my eyes just as Wells crashed to the floor, Roxy standing tall behind him, a metal pipe in hand.

   "Took you long enough." I said.

   "A thanks would be nice." She replied.

   I smiled at her. "Thanks, baby."

   She smiled back. "Anytime, honey."

   She gave me a quick kiss before untying me and helping me up.

"Let's get the fuck outta here." She said as she led me to the exit.

   We pushed through the door, the bright sun temporarily blinding us. Desert surrounded us and a few cars sat in front of the old building we emerged from.

   She held me close as I limped towards the nearest car.

   She pulled on the handle, luckily it was unlocked. She helped me in first before heading over to the drivers side.

   I watched as she attempted to hot wire the car.

   "You sure you know how to do that?" I asked.

   "No." She replied, still fiddling with the wires.

   I pulled the sun visor down, the car keys sliding into my palm.

   "Haven't you ever watched, like, any movie ever?" I asked, dangling the keys in front of her.

   She chuckled a little as she took the keys and started the car.

"How cliche." She said as she put it in gear and floored it into the surrounding desert.

I turned to Roxy. "Thanks again, I owe you my life."

"I'm holding you to that."

I laughed. "How'd you escape anyway?"

She took a quick glance at me. "Well..."

Twenty Minutes Earlier...

I opened my eyes and looked around, quickly realizing my arms were chained above my head, my toes barley touching the floor.

Summers and the guys from the van walked into view.

"I'll handle this one." Summers said, pulling a long, Bowie knife from her boot.

The head guy nodded before following the other men out of the room.

Summers closed the door and turned to me. "Remember this?" She asked, pointing to a long cut, running from her forehead to her cheek.

I smirked at her. "Well, I put it there, so."

She chuckled. "Smirk now, while you still can."

The smirk quickly faded as she approached me, running the tip of her knife slowly across my cheek.

I let out a pained groan as a line of blood trickled down my neck.

"Awe, did that hurt?" She asked with a smile.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that, bitch."

Her smile faded. "Oh, we're just getting started."

"Bring it on." I replied with a glare.

She started approaching me again.

I waited until she was close enough and grabbed the chains, pulling myself up quickly and kicking her hard in the face.

She fell back into the wall, hitting the back of her head on it. Knocking her out.

I looked up, seeing I was chained to an old, water pipe.

I pulled down as hard as I could a few times until the pipe came loose, sending me crashing to the ground, water dripping onto my head.

I walked over to Summers and pulled the padlock keys from her pocket.

After unchaining my hands, I picked up the water pipe and walked over to the door.

I peaked out, seeing two guards at the end of the hallway, facing away from me.

I snuck up behind the first one and hit him over the head with the pipe, he fell to the ground, unconscious.

The second one turned to me quickly. I swung at him, but he was able to get his arms up to block it.

He kicked me hard in the gut, sending me back into the wall.

He started walking towards me.

I picked my spot and kicked him in the knee, sending him to the ground.

I stood quickly and hit him in the face with the pipe, knocking him out as well.

Then, I heard a loud gunshot ring out from down the hall.

'Audrey.' I thought as I sprinted down the hallway.

I stopped at a door, hearing Wells' voice from the other side.

Just as I was about to open it, I felt a strong pair of hands grab my shoulders and throw me back into the wall.

I grunted as I looked up to see a huge, muscular man with a few scars on his face.

"Wanna dance, pretty lady?" He asked.

I smiled at him before kicking him in the groin.

He stumbled back a little, but locked eyes with me. A look of anger flashed through his.

"Shit." I said as he grabbed the collar of my shirt.

He hauled me up and slammed me back into the other wall, holding me up by my collar.

I swung the pipe at him, but he caught it and ripped it from my hands before throwing it to the ground.

He punched me hard in the gut before releasing me.

I slid to the ground, clutching my stomach.

He pulled a knife from his belt and started stalking towards me.

I struggled to stand up, using the wall for support.

As soon as I was up, I kicked him in the groin again. This time, he bent over. I took the opportunity and sent my knee up into his face.

There was a loud crunch before he fell back onto the ground, blood leaking from his nose.

I quickly grabbed the knife and got on top of him, holding it to his throat.

But, he didn't move, his lifeless eyes just stared up at me.

I stood slowly, never pealing my eyes from his limp frame.

I dropped the knife when I realized he was definitely dead.

Then, I heard Wells' muffled voice again.

I ran to the door, grabbing my pipe on the way and threw the door open, seeing him standing in the middle of the room. His gun pointed at Audrey...


"You killed the guy with one hit?" I asked.

She nodded. "It was enough to break his nose and send it up into his brain."

I flinched at the thought.

Then, out of nowhere, another car came crashing into our rear fender, causing our car to flip and roll over a few times before landing on its roof.

I blacked out...

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