Chapter 10

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   We pulled into the meeting location a little after nightfall.

   I stepped out of the car and lit a cigarette, scanning our surroundings.

   We were in the middle of an open field, miles away from anything or anyone.

I leaned against the hood of the station wagon, taking another hit from my cigarette as Roxy walked up next to me.

"You ready for this?" She asked.

I just nodded.

Honestly, I wasn't really sure how I felt. Anything could happen, we could both wind up dead or we could make it out of this thing alive. Obviously, I was hoping for the latter.

I flicked my cigarette away as we saw a pair of headlights approaching from the distance.

Roxy turned to me. "Let's get this over with."

I leaned in to give her a quick kiss before facing the approaching car again.

Finally, it came to a stop a few feet in front of us, captain Wells stepped out, followed by officer Summers.

"I thought I told you to come alone." Roxy stated.

He smiled. "Just a little insurance policy, now where's my money?"

Roxy walked to the back of the car, leaving me alone with Wells and Summers.

Summers faced me. "I still owe you one for the bullet in my hip."

I smiled at her. "Anytime you wanna come collect, I'll be waiting, bitch."

She took a menacing step towards me, but I wasn't backing down.

She got right up in my face. "Maybe I wanna collect now."

"I'm standing right here." I replied, throwing my arms back.

I felt a hand on my arm then, pulling me back.

"Nows not the time." Roxy whispered in my ear.

I glared at Summers as Roxy walked out in front of us, setting two bags down.

"Where's the rest of it?" Wells asked.

Roxy smirked. "Hidden away and only I know where."

Wells took a step forward. "Don't play games with me. I want my money, all of it. Now!"

"You'll get it, when we're sure you'll leave us alone." I said.

He let out a small laugh. "I guess this is gonna be harder then I thought." Then, he motioned to Summers, who drew her gun and pointed it at us.

Roxy and I raised our hands.

"Fuck." I said.

"If you kill us, you'll never get the rest of your money." Roxy added.

He smiled. "Who said anything about killing?"

We just glared at him as he pulled a phone out and held it to his ear. "You're up." He said before ending the call.

We glanced at each other before spotting another set of headlights in the distance.

Roxy laughed bitterly. "We were never making it out of here were we?"

Wells shook his head. "Sorry, Fischer, you were one hell of an officer. You shouldn't have stuck your nose where it didn't belong."

She nodded. "Good thing I always come prepared."

Wells looked on as she pulled the tape recorder from her pocket and pressed play, Wells' voice rang out through the speaker.

He snatched it quickly and threw it on the ground before stomping on it.

Roxy laughed. "You're wasting your time, I already sent a copy to every police station and news outlet in America."

He glared at her. "You bitch."

She just smiled at him as a van came to a stop next to us. The door slid open and a few guys in masks ran out, shoving us to the ground and locking us into handcuffs.

They put black bags over our heads before throwing us into the van.

I heard the doors close, then the van start to move.

A few tears welled up as we drove.

"Well, Roxy, we had a good run."

"It's not over yet." She replied.

I smiled a little, then I felt something hard hit me in the back of the head, causing me to black out...


I was startled awake by a splash of cold water.

"Time to wake up." Wells said.

I blinked a few times, trying to focus my eyes on him. "Fuck you."

He laughed as he knelt down in front of me. "Thats no way to greet your host."

I spit in his face.

He recoiled and wiped his cheek before smacking me hard across the face.

I closed my eyes as the pain sunk in. "You're a real tough guy, hitting a defenseless woman."

He smacked me again.

I shook my head. "You know, if I wasn't tied to this chair, I'd knock your teeth through the back of your fucking head."

He chuckled. "I'd love to see you try."

"Untie me then, unless you're to much of a pussy to face me one on one." I said, glaring at him.

He took a step back and pulled his gun, pointing it directly between my eyes.

Then, he leaned in close to my ear. "I prefer to handle things quick and easy. Just like your brother."

I clenched my jaw as he stood up and pulled the hammer back on his pistol.

"Do it you piece of shit." I challenged through clenched teeth.

He let out a long laugh. "Now where's the fun in that?"

Before I could respond, he lowered the gun to my leg and pulled the trigger, sending a shot straight through my thigh.

I threw my head back and yelled out in pain while he just continued to laugh.

I lowered my head and let out a few shaky breaths, determined to hold back the tears. No way in hell was I gonna give this asshole the satisfaction.

He knelt down in front of me again. "You know, all of this could've been avoided, if only your brother wasn't a such a whiny bitch."

I picked my head up quickly and glared at him. "Fuck you! He was a way better man than you'll ever be."

He stood up and walked around the chair. "It takes a good man to do what he did. But, it takes a better one to protect his family."

He stood in front of me again and leaned in close. "So, I guess you could say this was all his fault."

I clenched my jaw before ramming my forehead into his face.

He staggered back, clutching his nose.

Blood leaked through his fingers as he raised his gun and pointed it at my head.

"Funs over, bitch."

I just stared at him, refusing to cry a single tear, making peace with what was about to happen...

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