Chapter 9

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After pulling the last bag out, we heard a creak from the living room.

We quickly glanced at each other before sprinting for the living room. We got there just in time to see Summers running out the door.

I pulled my pistol and chased her out.

I stood on the porch and took aim, sending a few shots in her direction. I heard her grunt before disappearing into the trees.

Roxy came up behind me. "Did you get her?"

I lowered the gun and sighed. "Maybe, but she got away."

She put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, she won't get far. Not in that condition."

I nodded before turning and heading back inside.

We moved all the bags to the front porch. "Now what?" I asked.

"Stay here, I'll bring the car around."

I nodded and pulled the pistol back out, taking a seat on one of the lounge chairs on the porch.

After a few minutes, I watched Roxy back the station wagon right up to the porch. She hopped out and followed me in.

After loading all the bags up, some extra gear we found in the cabin and whatever we could find on the guards, we got in the front seats.

Roxy turned to me. "Now we have leverage."

I smiled. "Balls in their court now."

   "Exactly." She said with a nod before taking off down the driveway and back onto the road.

   The sun was high in the sky by the time we got back to the safe house. We quickly unloaded the bags and gear into the house.

   We sat at the table, one of the money bags in front of us. There was six in total, each seeming to hold a couple million at the very least.

   "So, who's counting it?" I asked.

   Roxy tore her gaze from the money. "Well, I figured we'd each take three bags."

   I sighed. "Well, I guess we'd better get started then..."

   It was around two in the morning when we finally finished counting the cash.

   I set the last stack down. "I've got ten and a half million."

   Roxy set her last stack down. "Eleven here."

   I stood up and looked over the table full of cash. "Twenty-one and a half million dollars."

   A grin spread across my lips.

   "Don't even think about it, Audrey." Roxy said as she stood up.

   "What? I'm sure they wouldn't miss a couple stacks."

   She crossed her arms and glared at me.

   I threw my arms up. "Hey, I was just kidding. I'm gonna step out for a smoke..."

   After packing the cash back up, we hid the bags in the house and decided to get some rest.

   I flicked the lights off before joining Roxy in the bed. After everything that happened, I was ready for sleep.

   Luckily, it took us quickly...

We might of had the money, but we still weren't sure how high up this whole thing went. I was a little worried that we were in way over our heads, but I wouldn't rest until I took down every last one of those corrupt assholes...


After laying low for a couple days, we moved ahead with the second part of our plan.

I sat down next to Roxy as she typed a number into a satellite phone and put in on speaker.

After a couple rings, a familiar voice answered. "New York city police department, captain Wells speaking."

"Hello, captain, how've you been?" Roxy greeted with a smirk.

It was silent on the other end for a second before Wells spoke up. "Where's my money, Fischer?"

"We'll get to that, but first I'd like to know why? Why did you set me up?"

He laughed a little. "The money. Don't take it personally, it's just business."

   She shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I take getting shot at pretty personally. Not to mention what you did to Ned."

   I glanced at her before Wells responded. "He was standing in my way, just like you and your criminal girlfriend. I will end you, just like I did to your friend... and Miss Taylor's brother."

   I felt the rage build up in my gut. "Fuck you, you're a deadman! You can count on that."

   He just laughed.

Roxy put her hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

I tried to calm down a little as Roxy continued.

"If you want your money then you're gonna have to do something for us first."

"And what's that?" He asked.

"Wipe the slate. Once we're in the clear, I'll call you back." She said before hanging up.

She leaned on the table with a sigh.

"You think he'll really do it?" I found myself asking.

"I'm not sure, but that's why I have this." She said, raising her hand.

"A tape recorder?"

She nodded with a slight smile. "I recorded the whole thing."

I smiled at her. "I could kiss you right now."

She smiled back. "What's stopping you?"

I bit my lip as I leaned forward, pressing my lips to hers.

She stood up, leading me with her. I backed us up against the counter and captured her lips with mine again.

   She pulled away, breathless. "Maybe we should take this upstairs."

   I smirked. "Lead the way..."

   The next morning, we sat at the table, Roxy typing away at her laptop.

   She leaned back, a slight smile on her face.

   "What's up?" I asked.

   She turned the laptop towards me.

   "Officer Roxane Fischer found innocent in the slaying of her partner." I read aloud from the news article on screen.

"I guess he came through."

   "What about me?" I asked as I glanced at her.

   She scrolled down a little and read the part of the article that mentioned me. "Audrey lynn Taylor also found innocent in the vicious killing of her brother, Officer Frank Taylor. The true suspects still at large."

I faced her again. "Let's call the captain."

She nodded and pulled out the satellite phone.

She put it on speaker and it rang a few times before he picked up.

"Captain Wells, New York City police department."

"Hello again." Roxy replied.

"Fischer, I assume you read the article."

"Yep, just finished it."

"Good, now I want my fucking money."

She smirked. "I'll call you in a couple hours with the meeting location. Come alone." Then, she hung up and turned to me.

"Let's get packed up." She said.

After getting the station wagon loaded up, we drove off towards the meeting location.

I had a million different thoughts and feelings racing around the whole time. On one hand, I was happy to finally take this asshole down. But, on the other, I was a little worried. I mean, he was the police captain for Christ's sake, who knew what he had up his sleeve.

I guess we would find that out soon enough...

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