Chapter 8

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I screwed a silencer onto the end of my rifle, watching Roxy do the same to hers.

She stood up and handed me the earpiece. "Just do what I say and we'll make it out alive, ok?"

I nodded and took the earpiece before putting it in my ear.

We snuck over and knelt in front of the fallen tree.

   Roxy turned to me. "Keep your head low and only shoot if you have to."

I nodded as I set my rifle up on the log.

She pulled me up and planted a deep kiss on my lips.

When she pulled away, she stared into my eyes. "Don't miss, ok?"

I smiled and nodded. "I've got your back. Now, let's teach these candy asses a lesson."

She shook her head and laughed a little before turning and sneaking off into the woods.

I laid down behind the rifle and looked through the scope, taking count of how many people I could see.

"Audrey, can you hear me?" Roxy asked through the earpiece.

"Loud and clear, beautiful."

"How many you count?"

"Five outside, no snipers."

"Good, can you see me?"

I moved the rifle around until I spotted her behind a tree next to the driveway. I looked her up and down through the scope, she wore tight black pants and a black shirt with her police vest over top.

I smiled a little. "Damn, Fischer, you're rocking those pants."

I could see her shake her head. "Stay focused, Audrey."

I moved my sights back to the guards surrounding the cabin. "Yes, ma'am."

I watched as one of the patrolling guards started walking towards Roxy's position.

"One coming your way." I said.

She waited until he passed the tree before sneaking up behind him, knife in hand. He struggled at first, then went limp. She dumped his body behind the tree before moving up to one of the cars.

I moved my sight back to the cabin, only to see a very familiar blonde walk out the front door.

"Shit." I said as I watched officer Summers check in with one of the guards.

"What is it?"

"Officer Summers is here."

"The blonde from the station?"

"The very same. I'm gonna guess it wasn't a coincidence she was assigned to me."

"She might know something. We'll have to take her alive."

"Roger that." I said as I moved my scope from Summers to another guard heading down the driveway.

"Roxy, get down, another ones coming your way."

Roxy laid down and rolled under the car as the guard walked past, to the end of the driveway.

"You got him?" Roxy asked.

I took aim and sucked in a deep breath before squeezing the trigger. The shot hit him in the back of the head, sending him crashing to the ground.

"He's down."

Roxy rolled out from under the car and looked around before moving to the next car.

I looked back at the cabin, seeing Summers head back inside, leaving one more patrolling guard and the two at the door.

The remaining patrol guard walked behind the cabin as Roxy moved up a little further.

I took aim but, before I could get a shot off, I heard a click behind me.

I slowly took my hands off the rifle and rolled over. A guard stood over me, pistol in hand.

"Now, whats a pretty lady like you doing all the way out here?" He asked with a smile.

I returned his smile before kicking him hard in the groin. He fell to his knees, dropping his gun. I spun quickly and grabbed my rifle before turning back and pulling the trigger, sending a shot right through his chest.

He grunted before falling face first on the ground.

I quickly retook my position and found the last patrol guard. He was now moving in on Roxy's position.

I quickly took aim and pulled the trigger, dropping him as well.

"You ok up there?" Roxy asked.

I breathed a sigh of relief before responding. "Yeah, nothing I can't handle."

"Alright. Two more, we'll take them at the same time."

I watched Roxy point her rifle over the hood of the car before I picked my target.

"I got the one on the right." I said.

"Roger, on my count. Three... two... now."

I squeezed the trigger and both guards fell dead.

"Nice work. Now, cover my ass, I'm heading in."

I scoped the area as Roxy made her way to the front door. When I moved my scope back, she was up against the wall next to the door.

"You're all clear."

"Here goes nothing." She said before pushing off the wall and kicking the door in.

I heard a few shots ring out before it got quiet.

I looked at the open door through my scope. "Roxy? You still with me?"

It was quiet for a minute before she responded. "Yeah, get your cute ass down here."

I smiled as I stood up and grabbed the guards pistol before making my way down to the cabin.

When I walked in, I saw two guards dead on the floor and officer Summers handcuffed to a chair. She was unconscious, a big red mark on her forehead.

I sat on one of the chairs at the kitchen table, lighting a cigarette as Roxy started waking Summers up.

When Summers finally came to, she glared at us. "Taylor, nice to see you again."

I exhaled smoke as I stood up and got in her face. "Where's the money?"

She laughed. "What money?"

Roxy beat my response by punching Summers hard in the face. "Answer the damn question!"

Summers smiled and looked at Roxy. "Fuck off."

I punched her this time. "I'm not gonna ask again."

She spit blood before glaring at me, but refused to answer. I pulled my arm back to punch her again but, Roxy stopped me.

"You'll break your hand before she answers."

"Well, what should we do?"

Roxy pulled her knife out. "Why don't you finish that outside? I'll handle this."

I nodded and gave her a quick kiss before walking outside to finish my cigarette.

My hand started to shake as I leaned against the railing, trying to ignore the dead guards in my peripheral vision.

   I flicked it over the railing as the shaking got worse, taking a quick look down at my hand, seeing a little blood smeared on my knuckles.

   I closed my eyes and took a few deep breathes as I wiped my knuckles on my pants.

Then, I heard Summers pained screams. I turned towards the door.

The screams continued for a few minutes before all I could hear was her muffled whimpers.

   Then, the door opened and Roxy poked her head out. "Come on." She said before heading back inside.

I followed her in, passing a cut up and bloody Summers.

Roxy led me into a back room before stomping her foot on the floor.

"What're you doing?"

She stomped on a different stop this time. "Looking for a loose board."

I nodded before stomping my foot as well.

Then, I heard it, a hollow creak.

   Roxy walked over and knelt down next to me. She used her knife to pry the board loose.

   She tossed it to the side as I removed a few more.

We looked down into the hole, seeing a huge, black duffel bag on the ground beneath. She helped me pull it out and we moved over to set it in front of us.

She looked at me. "You ready?"

I nodded as she slowly unzipped the zipper. We both stared in awe at the bag. It was filled to the brim with cash.

"Holy shit." I said.


I looked back at the hole and to my surprise, there were more bags in there. "Uh, Roxy?"


"There's more where that came from."

Roxy scooted next to me and looked down into the hole. At least five more bags sat in it, each presumably filled with cash.

"There's no way this was all from the drug bust." I said.

"Agreed. This must've been going on for a while now."

I nodded, still unable to take my eyes away from the hole. "How much do you think's here?"

"A couple million at least."

"Fuck me, what'd we stumble into, Roxy?"

She slowly shook her head. "Something much bigger than me, you, or your brother..."

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