Chapter 7

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I laid in bed, Audrey curled up in my arms. We slept together last night and if I'm being honest, it was pretty great.

She started to stir and when her eyes finally met mine, she smirked.

"You're good, Fischer."

I blushed as she sat up and got out of bed, still naked.

She turned to me as she finished putting her clothes back on. "Want some breakfast?"

I nodded and she smiled before walking out, leaving me alone in the bed.

I sat up and sighed.

   'Out of all the girls you could be attracted to, why her?' I thought as I stood up out of bed and got dressed.

The smell of bacon and eggs filled my nose as I walked down the stairs. Audrey was in the kitchen, setting the plates, when I walked in.

I sat down and she joined me.

It was quiet at first as we ate, then, she spoke. "So... last night..."

I looked at my plate, but couldn't seem to wipe the smile from my face. "... Was good?"

She smiled before looking at her own plate. "My thoughts exactly."

We ate the rest of our meal in silence before heading outside for target practice.

I stood behind Audrey as she pointed a handgun at the three empty cans downrange.

"I thought I only needed the rifle?" She asked.

"Well, I hope that's all you'll need, but we could never be to sure." I replied.

She got quiet as she focused on the targets. Then, she let off three quick shots, sending all the cans flying.

I gave her a small clap. "Not bad, but you're not gonna have time to aim in a life or death situation."

After resetting the cans, I retook my place behind Audrey. She holstered the gun and took a few deep breaths before quickly pulling it and sending three more shots downrange.

To my surprise, she hit all the cans once again.

"Damn, you're good." I said, still slightly shocked.

She turned to me with a smirk. "I'm a lover and a fighter."

I shook my head and smiled, patting her shoulder...

Halfway through lunch, she turned to me. "Fischer?"

I looked up from my plate. "Yeah?"

"I know you said I don't need it, but could you teach me some hand to hand stuff? You know, just in case."

I smiled. "Sure, why not."

After lunch, we went back outside.

She stood in front of me.

"Ok, I want you to come at me with everything you've got."

She raised her eyebrow. "You sure?"

I just nodded before getting into my stance.

She sighed as she pulled her hands up, protecting her face. She slowly crept towards me and without warning, threw a quick jab for my face.

I blocked it easily, but she threw another one. It almost connected but, I was able to block it as well.

I took a step back to regain my composure.

I could tell she was getting frustrated as she came in a little faster this time. She threw a hard punch for my face, but I quickly grabbed her arm and twisted my body before throwing her over my shoulder.

She landed hard on the ground, but jumped up quickly.

I smirked. "C'mon, Audrey, you can do better than that."

She clenched her jaw as she bounced around on her feet. This time she came in fast, letting out a small scream in the process.

I blocked the first few punches, but one connected. I staggered back as she threw another one. I caught her arm again, but she wrapped her leg around mine and tripped me.

I fell to the ground, pulling her with me.

She landed on top of me with a groan.

I looked up into her eyes. "Maybe leave the fighting to me."

She smirked before planting a quick pec on my lips.

It might've been quick, but it was enough to warm my whole body.

"Fair enough." She replied.

I laughed as she stood up and offered me a hand.

   I took her hand in mine and she hauled me up. As she went to walk away, I pulled her back into me and planted a passionate kiss on her lips.

  When we pulled apart, she had her eyes closed and a smile on her face.

   "What was that for?" She asked, opening her eyes and looking deep into mine.

   I smiled. "Extra credit."

   She smiled back before leaning in for another kiss.

   I laughed a little into our kiss, causing her to pull away.

   "What's so funny?" She questioned.

   "Nothing... I just can't believe I'm kissing you."

   "What's that supposed to mean?"

   "It means, usually I don't do this sort of thing. You know, making out with criminals."

   She laughed a little as she turned and walked for the door.

"Well, you did a lot more than just 'make out' with me." She said before walking inside.

   She was right and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But, I knew I liked her and that was enough for now.

   I followed her in and we sat next to each other on the couch.

   She leaned her head on my shoulder before asking, "Fischer?"

   "Yeah?" I replied, running my hand through her hair.

   "Does this mean I can call you Roxy now?"

   I chuckled lightly. "Sure."

   She laughed a little in return before growing quiet.

   Eventually, we drifted off to sleep on the couch, her head still on my shoulder...

   Early the next morning, I woke up before her and started packing up our supplies. I felt she was ready and to be honest, I was done waiting around. I was ready to take the fight to Wells.

   She walked into the kitchen, rubbing her neck as I put the last of the supplies into a duffel bag.

   "You trying to run out on me, Roxy?" She asked with a humorous smile.

   I shook my head. "Nope, we're headed for the cabin. If we leave now, we can be there by nightfall."

   She nodded and grabbed one of the duffel bags before following me out the door.

   Once we loaded up the station wagon, we got in the front seats.

   I let out a deep sigh. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

   She gave me a quick glance before looking down. "I owe it to my brother and myself, Roxy. I'm not backing out now."

   I gave her a stern nod before starting the car and backing out of the long driveway.

   The ride was long and quiet for the most part. We exchanged some small talk here and there, but I think we were both nervous. We could possibly wind up dead and buried somewhere in the woods tonight. But, I was trying to stay positive. As far as we knew, it was only Wells and one other guy, the odds were even. So why was I so worried..?

   I was right, the sun had just set when we pulled down the familiar road, leading deep into the woods.

   We came to a stop a few hundred yards from the cabin, just as planned.

   After hiding the car the best we could, we walked over to a fallen tree on the edge of a hillside, overlooking the cabin.

   A few cars sat in the driveway. There were two people on the front porch, a few more patrolling the cabins perimeter and who knows how many more inside.

   I stared in slight shock. "Damn, where'd they come from?"

"Who cares? Now we know something's definitely in there and we're not leaving without it."

I turned to Audrey. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

   She nodded. "Let's take these bastards down..."

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