Chapter 6

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   It's been a week since we decided our plan. Since then, we spent most days training, preparing me for whatever might happen.

   We stood in the back yard of the safe house. A few old cans were placed about fifty yards out.

   I looked at them through the scope of my rifle.

   Fischer walked up behind me. "Ok Audrey, you've got this. A baby could make this shot."

   I chuckled. "Watch and learn."

   She folded her arms and watched.

   I took in a deep breath and closed one eye, picking my first target, which was an old beer can. I gently squeezed the trigger until the shot rang out, nailing the can.

I stood up and glanced back at her, a cocky grin on my face. "Beat that."

She nodded and grabbed two more cans before walking down range.

My eyes ran down her back, they landed on her hips, which swayed lightly as she walked.

   I swallowed hard, my gaze lingering on her.

'C'mon, Audrey, focus.' I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

I sat down and put my head in my hands as I awaited Fischer's return...

"You alright?"

I looked up and saw Fischer standing in front of me, a concerned look on her face.

"It's just..." I sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

I nodded as I stood up. "Yeah... let's go, before you get distracted."

She shook her head and smiled before walking over to the rifle. I rubbed the back of my neck as I followed her.

I lit a cigarette as she lined up her shot.

"Ready to eat your words?" She asked.

I exhaled with a small laugh. "In your dreams."

I heard her laugh a little as well before taking in a deep breath and staring down the scope. Then, the shot rang out and hit one of the two cans down range.

I gave her a small clap. "Not too bad, Fischer."

She did a little bow. "Now, let's see you do it."

I flicked my cigarette away as I retook my spot behind the rifle. I took in another long breath and closed one eye before looking for the can through the scope.

It looked like a speck, even through the high powered scope. "Jesus, did you have to put it that far away?"

"If you can't hit a beer can from eight-hundred yards, then how are you supposed to protect me from moving targets?" She asked.

"Fine." I said with a role of my eyes before looking back through the scope.

As I zeroed in on the can, my dads words flashed through my memory.

'Just breathe, Audrey. When you think you're ready, squeeze the trigger nice and slow, don't yank it.'

I let out a breath before slowly squeezing the trigger. The shot surprised me as usual, but what surprised me more was that fact that I actually hit the can.

I jumped up and yelled out in excitement. "Woo!"

Fischer laughed. "Nice shot."

I stopped before pulling her into a tight hug. "You're damn right that was."

She giggled as I hauled her up and paraded her around.

"Alright, alright. You can put me down now." She said.

"Sorry." I said as I set her down.

She squeezed my shoulder. "Don't be, you did good... and I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but... I trust you."

I gave her a confused look. "Now you trust me?"

"I've always trusted you... but, now I trust you with my life." She replied, a serious look crossing over her features.

I nodded. "Oh... well thanks... I trust you too."

She looked down, but didn't reply.

"Fischer?" I asked, breaking the silence.

She met my eyes. "Yeah?"

I sighed. "Promise me those bastards wont get away with what they did."

She looked down. "Audrey, I-"

I put my hand up. "Just, say it."

She nodded. "I promise."

I gave her a small smile.

"That's all I needed to hear." I said before walking back into the house.

Later that night, we sat at the kitchen table, eating dinner and putting the finishing touches on our plan.

We looked over a printout of the satellite view of Wells' cabin. Fischer circled a spot a little ways off from the cabin. "You'll be here."

I rolled my eyes. "I still can't believe you stuck me with overwatch."

She gave me a serious look. "I'm experienced in close-quarters combat."


"You're not. We only have enough time to teach you one skill and shooting's easier."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you." She said before bending over and searching her bag.

When she sat back up, she had two earpieces in her hand. "Now, we'll use these to communicate." She said, handing one to me.

I reached out to grab it, my fingers grazing hers. We both froze and locked eyes.

I felt a heat run from my fingertips all the way down to my toes. "Uh, Fischer..?"

"Yeah?" She asked, her eyes still firmly locked on mine.

My eyes darted from her eyes to her lips.

   I shook my head and moved my hand from hers. "Nothing... Sorry."

She nodded and averted my gaze. "Right, sorry. As I was saying..."

I knew what she was saying was important, but my mind couldn't help it. All I could think about in this moment was her. 'Dammit, Audrey, you don't have time for this...'

I closed my eyes as memories of that night came flooding back.

'You have to take those assholes down.' I thought, a single tear rolling down my cheek.

Then, her voice tore through my thoughts. "Audrey? Are you ok?"

I opened my eyes and met hers. "Um... no." Was all I said before standing up and heading to the bathroom.

   I turned the sink on and splashed my face with water before looking in the mirror.

   "Pull it together, Audrey, you're so close... don't fuck it up now." I whispered to myself.

   Then, I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I turned the water off, but didn't move.

   "Audrey?" Came Fischer's muffled voice.

   I let out a long breath. "Yeah?"

   She was silent for a second before answering. "You can have the bed tonight."

   I stepped out of the bathroom and came face to face with Fischer.

   I smiled a little. "Why don't we share it?"

   She avoided eye contact. "Audrey-"

   "Kidding." I replied with a small laugh. 'If only.'

   She laughed slightly too.

   Then, it got quiet.

   "Well, I'll see you in the morning." I said before turning on my heel and heading for the stairs.

   "Goodnight, Audrey." Fischer said from behind me.

   I stopped and glanced at her from over my shoulder. "Goodnight."

   She gave me a small smile before heading for the couch.

   I laid in the bed with a long sigh. "'We could share it'... Stupid." I mocked myself.

   Then, my mind traveled to Fischer. Her dark brown hair, those big hazel eyes and those luscious lips...

   I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed my forehead.

   'Don't you dare go down there.' I thought as I stood up out of bed.

   'I mean it, Audrey.' I argued with myself.

   I made it all the way to the door before I stopped.

   'Fine, do what you want.' I thought as I opened the door, only to see Fischer standing on the other side.

   We both froze, neither one knowing what to say.

   "O-oh... you're up." She said.

   "Uh... yeah." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

   We refused to look into each others eyes as silence fell between us.

   "... Maybe I should just..." She said before turning and starting to walk away.

   I shook my head. "Fischer, wait."

   She stopped and turned back to me. "Yeah?"

   I let out a long breath before walking up to her.

   "Aud-" My lips locking with hers cut her sentence short.

   At first she seemed hesitant, but then she deepened the kiss.

   She grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to her.

   I could feel myself losing control of the kiss as I ran my hands up her neck and into her hair.

   My legs started to grow week as she pushed me against the wall. I let out a small moan as she traveled from my lips to my neck.

   "Fischer." I said between breaths.

   "What?" She asked between kisses.


   She pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

   "If you want that is." I said, catching my breath.

   She smiled before taking my hand and leading us into the bedroom.

   She lightly pushed me onto the bed before pulling her shirt off.

   I looked her up and down as I slowly took mine off.

   She smirked before crawling on top of me, capturing my lips in a deep, passionate kiss...

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