Chapter 2

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   I put my hands over my mouth, attempting to muffle my cry's.

   One of the men kicked my brother in the back of the leg, sending him crashing to his knees.

   The man with the gun walked behind him and pressed it to my brothers head.

   "Please, sir, you don't have to do this." My brother pleaded.

   "It's too late for that."

   My brother locked eyes with me as the man pulled the trigger...


   I opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings. I was in a bed, but it wasn't my bed.

   I went to stand up, but realized I was handcuffed to the headboard.


   "Good morning, sunshine." Fischer said.

   I glanced over and saw her sitting at a small table, reading my file.

   I shook my cuffed hand. "Kinky, I like it."

   She rolled her eyes before looking back at my file.

   After a few minutes of silence, she glanced at me again, a small smile forming on her lips. "So, why'd you kill your brother?"

   I shot her a glare and clenched my fists, but refused to answer.

   "Was it because he was a dirty cop? Or maybe just an asshole."

   I took in a few deep breaths, attempting to calm myself.

   She stood up and walked over. "You know, I don't blame you. My brother used to drive me crazy."

   "Shut up."

   She leaned over my face. "I can see the appeal, but actually doing it is a whole different thi-"

   "I said shut up!"

   She locked eyes with me before turning on her heel and walking back to the table. "So, where's the money?"

   "What money?"

   She smiled. "The money you killed your brother for."

   I shook my head. "I don't know what you're talking about."

   She laughed a little. "Likely story. I can't wait to see how the boys in Arizona respond to it."

   As she continued to ramble on, my thoughts turned to something more important. Escaping and finding those bastards who killed my brother.

   A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.

   I glanced over as Fischer opened it. "Foley. Boy am I glad to see you."

Fischer pulled the man into a quick hug before letting him in.

He looked at me. "So this is her? She looks pretty harmless to me."

I glared at him. "Bite me."

He just laughed as he took a seat at the small table, Fischer sitting down in front of him.

He picked up my file, skimming it. "So, she killed her brother for a few thousand in drug money?"

Fischer nodded. "That seems to be the case."

I scoffed. "For cops, you two aren't that bright."

They turned to me. "Why don't you enlighten us then?" Fischer said.

"I didn't kill my brother, I was framed and-" I stopped talking when I noticed a small scorpion tattoo on Foley's hand.

A sudden flash of a memory from that night raced into my head...


As I locked eyes with my brother, I caught a glimpse of one of the men's hands. It rested on his shoulder, what looked like a scorpion tail peaking out from his glove.


My mouth hung open as I took in the tattoo. "Y-you... it was you."

Fischer and Foley exchanged confused glances.

"Who?" Foley asked.

"You bastard! You killed my brother!" I yelled as I tried to break free from my handcuffs.

They quickly jumped up and ran over, attempting to hold me down.

I spit in Foleys face. "I'm gonna kill you for what you did."

He smirked at me.

"She looks harmless, huh?" Fischer asked.

I stared Fischer in the eyes. "Fischer, you have to let me go."

"Yeah right."

I grabbed her shirt collar with my free hand and pulled her closer to me. "Listen to me, Fischer, it was him, you have to believe me."

She pushed me back down before standing up. "No, you listen to me, I've had enough of your bullshit-" A metallic click cut her off.

We both slowly looked to the door, where Foley stood, gun in hand.

"Foley? What the hell are you doing?"

"Sorry, Fischer, it wasn't supposed to go down like this. But, it appears your new friend here knows more than we thought."

"My friend? Foley, put the gun down."

"It's a real shame, you were one damn good cop."

"Foley, Just put the gun dow-"

"Not a chance, put your hands where I can see them, Fischer."

Fischer raised her hands over her head. "You'll never get away with this, Foley."

He laughed slightly. "What's there to get away with? Your prisoner got your gun and shot you, I was just lucky enough to put her down before she could shoot me."

I tried to look for a way out of this situation, but there was nothing I could do, we were as good as dead.

Then, I saw it, the handle of Fischer's gun stuck out from the back of her pants.

Fischer shook her head. "Don't do this, Foley-"

"It's too late for that. I'm sorry it had to come to this."

As Foley raised his gun to Fischer's head, I quickly grabbed her gun with my free hand and pointed it at Foley. "Freeze, dirtbag!"

He slowly raised his hands, but didn't drop his gun.

"Drop it!"

He glared at me before dropping the gun.

Fischer quickly picked it up. "Nice work."

I nodded. "I've always wanted to say that."

She shook her head as she walked behind Foley and started putting the cuffs on his wrists.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." She said as she sat him down.

   He looked at the floor and refused to answer.

   I shook my cuffed hand. "So, uh, can you take these off now?"


   "But, I'm innocent, he's the one who-"

   "I don't care." She said, cutting me off.

   I rolled my eyes and slumped back down on the bed.

   Fischer turned her attention back to Foley. "Talk. Now."

   He just kept staring at the floor.

   She pressed her gun to his head. "Talk, or I'm gonna-"

   Just then, a bullet whizzed through the window and right into the side of his head.

   With a puff of red mist, he slumped out of the chair and Fischer dove to the floor.

   The room went quiet as we stared in awe at his limp frame.

   "Now can you take these cuffs off?" I whispered.

  "How do I know you're not working with them?"

   I rolled my eyes. "Do you really wanna do this now?"

   She looked me in the eyes, but didn't budge.

   "Look, if I wanted to kill you, I would've done it already." I replied, waving her gun.

   She seemed to think it over for a second before crawling to me and undoing the cuffs.

   I got on the ground next to her. "Thanks."

   She looked at me. "I really hope I can trust you."

   "Same here."

   She sighed before looking around. "The bathroom window, stay low and follow me."

   We crawled over to the bathroom and closed the door when we got in.

   She climbed onto the toilet and began opening the window.

   After squeezing through it, we took a quick look around before sprinting to her car.

   She started it and took off down a back road.

   Once we were in the clear, she turned to me. "I need you to tell me everything you know..."

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