Chapter 3

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   I awoke to the sound of voices coming from down stairs.

   I checked the time on my phone. "4:12 am."

   I groaned as I got out of bed and started heading down stairs.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't do this, I'm gonna have to turn you in."

   The man pointed a gun at my brothers head. "The hell you are."

   I quickly got into the closet next to me, peaking through the slits as the man walked behind him and kicked the back of his leg, sending him crashing to his knees.

   The other two rested their hands on his shoulders.

   I covered my mouth as tears started to spill down my cheeks.

The man pressed his gun to the back of my brothers head.

"Please, sir, you don't have to do this." My brother pleaded.

"It's too late for that."

   My brother caught my eye just as the man pulled the trigger.

   I let out a small whine as his body hit the floor.

   "Did you hear that?" One of the men asked.

   The man with the gun slowly walked to the closet. I crawled as far back as I could and covered my mouth with both hands.

   He threw the doors open and knelt down in front of me. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

   He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the closet.

   I let out a yell "Let go of me you son of a-" But, he hit me over the head with his gun.

   I blacked out before I hit the floor...

   When I opened my eyes, two cops stood over me. "Freeze!" One of them yelled.

   Just then I noticed the weight of the gun in my hand. I dropped it and raised my hands. "It wasn't me, I swear." I said, tears flowing.

   The cops hauled me up and slapped a set of cuffs on me. We passed my brother as they walked me outside and threw me in the back of their squad car...


   "... and that's all I know." I finished.

   Fischer glanced at me. "And you think Foley was one of them?"

   I returned her glance. "You don't?"

   She sighed. "I don't know what to think."

   "Look, whether you believe me or not, he was in on it and they must've taken him out so he wouldn't talk."

   She was quiet for a minute before speaking up. "So, that leaves at least two more."

   I just nodded and looked out the window.

"Do you have any idea who the others were?"

I shook my head. "All I heard was his voice."

"Would you be able to recognize it if you heard it again?"

"I'm not sure, I guess we'll have to wait and see."

We drove in silence after that, down a long empty road, desert on either side...

As the sun started to set, I glanced over at Fischer. "Where are we going anyway?"

"I know a guy."

After a little while longer, we pulled down a long, sandy driveway. A condemned old house sat at the end of it.

"Nice place." I said as we got out.

Fischer ignored me and walked right up to the front door, she knocked three times.

I looked around the property as we waited.

   Then, a voice rang out. "Names?"

Fischer rolled her eyes. "Open the door, Ned."

There was a silent pause before we heard a click and the door opened, revealing an older man.

He smiled when he saw Fischer. "Roxy, long time no see."

She gave him a quick smile before pulling him into a hug.

"Roxy?" I questioned.

She sighed. "Just shut up and get inside."

I rolled my eyes before following them through the door.

   I looked around the old house, It was pretty much empty except for some dusty furniture.

"This is, uh, a nice place you got here, Ned."

He glanced at me. "And who are you?"

"This is Audrey, the girl I told you about." Fischer answered for me.

He looked me over one last time before nodding and walking off.

Fischer grabbed my arm. "C'mon."

He led us to a bare wall in the kitchen.

   I looked at it, slightly confused. "Um, nice wall, Ned."

He ignored me and pressed one of the tiles. There was a loud click before the wall creaked open. Fischer pushed through it and led me inside.

Ned closed the wall behind us and flicked a switch. An overhead light flickered on, illuminating a staircase that ran down under the house.

We walked down the stairs into a dark room, before Ned flicked another switch. The room lit up, revealing a conspiracy nuts wet dream.

Shelves with food and supplies lined the walls. A few monitors sat on a desk, showing video footage of the property and the best part of all, a caged off room filled with every gun you could think of.

I looked around in awe. "Alright, now this is cool."

Ned walked over to the desk and took a seat, Fischer followed.

As they talked, I walked over to the gun room. I pulled on the big lock. "Hey, Ned, you happen to have the key for this thing?"

He glanced at me, but still ignored me.

"Just, take a seat and don't touch anything." Fischer said.

I nodded and took one last look at the gun room before walking over to a nearby cot. I sat on the edge and listened in on their conversation.

"How many others are in on this?" Ned asked.

"Two at the least, but there could be more." Fischer replied.

Ned started typing away on his keyboard. "What else do you know?"

"Only what she told me..." Fischer paused and lowered her head. "They took out Foley before I could ask him anything."

Ned placed a comforting hand on her shoulder before resuming his typing.

He finally leaned back, then a video started to play.

"On behalf of the city of New York, I'm honored to congratulate officers Foley and Summers on bringing down one of the biggest drug dealers this city has ever seen." There was a few claps before the mayor continued his speech.

"Now, a few words from their captain." There were a few more claps before another voice spoke up.

"Thank you, Mr. Mayor and thank you all for being here to honor these two brave officers on this day, and to honor their fallen brother, officer Frank Taylor."

My eyes widened, then I had another flashback.


"Well, well, we'll, what do we have here?"


I stood up. "That's him, that's the one who killed my brother."

They looked over at me.

"Are you sure?" Fischer asked.

I took a deep breath. "Positive."

They shared a quick glance before looking back at the monitor.

"If Captain Wells was in on it, then who knows how high up this goes." Fischer said.

Ned stood up and walked around the room, seemingly deep in thought.

I sat back down and locked eyes with Fischer. "What're we supposed to do now?"

She shook her head. "I don't know yet... But, what I do know is, we can't trust anybody..."

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