Chapter 4

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   I looked at Fischer. "So... how screwed are we?"

   Before she could answer, Ned grabbed our attention.

   "Uh, you guys might wanna see this."

   Fischer and I looked at the monitor over Ned's shoulder.

   A news article with our faces in wanted pictures was displayed on the screen.

   "Wanted for the murder of officer Foley." Fischer read aloud.

   "Bullshit! We didn't kill him." I said.

   Fischer sighed. "It's our word versus the captains, who do you think they're gonna believe?"

   "Who cares? We didn't do it." I replied.

   "It doesn't matter, every police officer in the U.S. is gonna be looking for us."

   I sat down next to Ned and put my head in my hands. "How screwed are we, Fischer?"

   She didn't answer, but gave me a knowing look.

   I rolled my eyes and stood up. "This is just great. Framed for two murders in less than a month. What the hell did I do to deserve this?"

   When nobody answered, I began pacing around the room. The whole situation started to sink in. We were alone and every officer in the country was looking for us.

   I sat down on the cot and rubbed my eyes, a few tears rolled out.

   'If only my brother were here, he'd know what to do.' I thought.

   I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. "Hey, don't quit on me yet. We'll figure this out." Fischer said.

   I met her gaze. "Who said I'm quitting? Now they pissed me off and they're going to regret that."

   She gave me a small smile and patted my back.

   "That's what I like to hear." She said before standing up and walking back over to Ned.

   I wiped my eyes one more time before standing up. "Ned, you have any real food around here?"

   He looked at me, then Fischer. She nodded.

   He stood up. "Gimme a few minutes."

Then, he walked off, leaving Fischer and I alone.

   She sat down at the desk and I slowly joined her. "How're you feeling?" I asked.

   "Honestly? I don't know."

   I looked down and sighed. "Sorry."

   She glanced at me. "For what?"

   "For getting you into this. You're a good cop, Fischer, you don't deserve this."

   "It's not your fault."

   We sat in silence after that, until I broke it. "So... can I call you 'Roxy' now or..?"

   She shook her head and stood up, but I could see the smile she was trying to hide.

   'Wow, that's one hell of a smile.' I thought.

   Eventually, Ned called us upstairs and we all sat down for dinner.

   Fischer smiled at her plate. "You remembered."

   Ned smiled slightly. "How could I forget, you talked about it for months after that night."

   They shared a small laugh.

   I glanced between the two of them. "Am I missing something here?"

   They looked at each other before meeting my gaze. "No." They said in unison before looking back at their plates.

   I laughed. "No way, you two?"

   "What now?" Fischer asked, clearly annoyed.

   "You two... you know?" I said, a small smile still on my lips.

   They took another quick glance at each other before looking back at me. "That's none of your business." Fischer said.

   "Yeah, it was along time ago." Ned added.

I let out another laugh. "So it did happen?"

They both glared at me and I threw my hands up. "Fine, I'm done."

They nodded and returned to their meal.

   After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up. "So... was she any good?"

Fischer dropped her hands on the table with an annoyed sigh while Ned glanced at us, not sure what to say.


"Cut the shit, Audrey." Fischer interrupted.

I pretended to zip my lips and threw the imaginary key.

We finished our meal in silence after that.

After dinner, we regrouped in the basement to devise a plan.

"I know a place where you guys can lay low for a while." Ned said.

Fischer nodded. "We're gonna need some supplies."

Ned thought for a second before nodding. "What's mine is yours."

Fischer thanked him before grabbing a duffel bag and started filling it with things we'd need.

I stood in front of the gun room and pointed at it. "So, about that key."

   Ned sighed before pulling a key from a drawer and tossing it to me.

   I caught it and unlocked the door with a smile. I looked around at all the guns, not sure which one to choose.

   Eventually, Fischer joined me. "You know how to use one of these?"

   "Of course I do, my dad was in the navy and my brother was a cop."

   She nodded before pulling a few guns off the wall.

   As we loaded them, she turned to me. "Hey, I'm sorry for what I said about your brother."

   I gave her a quick glance before looking back at my gun. "It's alright, you didn't know."

   Before she could answer, we heard a few loud knocks.

   We all went silent and looked around.

   Ned sat down at the desk and started typing, we joined him.

   He pulled up the security feed, two uniformed cops stood at the front door.

   "Shit, how'd they find us?" I asked.

   "I don't know." Fischer replied.

   A few more knocks rang out.

   "What do we do now?" I asked.

   "Grab your stuff." Ned said.

   Fischer and I quickly stuffed the guns in the bag and walked back over.

   "There's an escape tunnel through that door." Need said, pointing to a locked door on the wall. "There's a car at the end, take it and get outta town." He finished, tossing us a set of keys.

   I took the keys and the bag and started heading for the door, but quickly realized Fischer wasn't following me.

   "Thank you, Ned, how can I repay you?"

   He smiled. "Just bring those bastards down."

   "You got it." She said before pulling him into a quick hug.

   "You coming or what?" I asked as the knocking continued.

   She gave him one more hug before following me to the door.

   Ned ran up the steps as we pulled the door closed behind us.

   "It's dark in here." I said, my voice echoing slightly.

   Fischer flicked a switch, lighting up the long tunnel. "C'mon, we gotta move."

   We ran down the long corridor until we found the old, Mercury station wagon parked at the end.

   As we were loading the bags in the back, we heard a gunshot ring out.

   We both stopped and looked at each other.

   Then another shot.

   Fischer stared down the tunnel, a few tears forming in her eyes.

   I placed my hand on her shoulder. "We gotta go."

   Without a word, she grabbed the keys and walked to the drivers seat.

   I threw the bag in the back before joining her in the car.

   She started it and pulled out onto a long desert road.

   I glanced at the rear view mirror, seeing Ned's house slowly disappearing over the horizon....

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