10. Shadows of Envy

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The first thing Ji Won noticed was the cold. It seeped into her bones, making her shiver uncontrollably. She tried to move, but her body felt heavy and unresponsive. Slowly, she forced her eyes open, only to be met with darkness. Panic surged through her as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings, and realized that her wrist was cuffed to one of the bedposts. She could feel a severe stomachache that kept her low as they had starved her for days, and her lips are as dry as she could feel blood dripped out the cracks

A dull, throbbing pain pulsed at the back of her head, and she realized she was lying on a hard, damp floor. The air smelled musty, with a hint of mold, and she could hear the faint sound of dripping water. Ji Won's heart raced as she fought to remember what had happened. The last thing she recalled was waiting for Soo Hyun to pick her up after filming before everything went black.


Soo Hyun's nerves, meanwhile, were a raging storm as his car followed the police out of Seoul. Their destination: a desolate, windswept stretch of land by the river, cold and deserted. He was asked to stay back for his safety while the police scouted the area. Subconsciously, his hand found his phone, and with a single tap, a video began to play.


"Just like me, they long to be, close to you

Why do stars fall down from the sky

Every time you walk by?

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you"

That was Ji Won singing at her fan meeting months ago, which now ached his heart more than ever.


"Oppa, check the video I just sent", Ji Won's voice bubbled with excitement as she answered Soo Hyun's video call right after her first Seoul fan meeting

"Give me a sec! I am heading out to the car, but what is it?", Soo Hyun smiled as soon as he saw her on the screen, amidst his rush walking to leave the venue

"Nothing, I am just...missing you ^^ I played Ukulele today, and I picked a song that spoke my feeling today", Ji Won excited

"Jinja!? Wahh uri Ji Won is so talented, I'll check it once I get in the car. Wait for me!"

[End flashback]

"Ji Won ah...Mian...Mianhaeyo", Soo Hyun's tears instinctively fell down his cheeks as the video replayed on loop, "Nado...Nado long to be close to you"


"Finally awake, are we?" A man's voice broke the silence, dripping with disdain. The voice was strange, and Ji Won couldn't place it anywhere in her thoughts. She strained her ears, trying to locate the source of the sound in the darkness.

"Look at you," the voice continued, closer now. "The perfect Kim Ji Won. So beautiful, so successful, so loved. It's sickening."

Ji Won's heart pounded in her chest as she tried to move, but her limbs felt like lead. She blinked rapidly, trying to clear the fog from her mind. Gradually, her vision adjusted to the dim light, and she could make out a shadowy figure standing a few feet away.

"Who are you?" Ji Won's voice was hoarse, barely more than a whisper.

The figure stepped forward, and Ji Won's blood ran cold as she couldn't recognize her captor.

"Surprised?" he sneered. "You got everything, Ji Won-ssi. Career, reputation, even Kim Soo Hyun."

Who the hell is this troublemaker? Chaotic thoughts in Ji Won's mind tried to narrow down the possibilities. 

"My goddess, Kim Sae Ron, lost her everything to you", the stranger continued with his bitterness

Ji Won shook her head weakly, trying to sit up as she hazily apprehended this guy must have been Kim Sae Ron's sasaeng fan that aimed a revenge after her controversies. The troubled actress who had been at the center of so many controversies. It all clicked into place, the jealousy, the hatred. "I never took anything from her. Please, let's talk about this."

"Talk?" His laughter echoed harshly in the confined space. "There's nothing to talk about. You're going to pay for what you've done."

Ji Won's mind raced, searching for something, anything, that could help her diffuse the situation. "Please, I understand you're upset, but hurting me won't change anything. We can find a way to fix this."

His eyes glittered with malice as he took another step closer. "Fix this? There's no fixing what's already broken. You have no idea what it's like to lose everything. Sae Ron now loses herself in the club every night"

Desperation clawed at Ji Won as she tried to reason with him. "Please, Sae Ron can slip even further if you try to harm me. She can still rebuild her life, as long as you don't ruin her name"

Unfortunately, this psycho was beyond reason. His eyes burned with fury, his hands trembling as he held a knife close to her cheek. "No. You don't get to have everything while your Soo Hyun ruined her reputation. The flawless Ji Won is such a thorn in my eyes"

Just as Ji Won felt the last remnants of hope slipping away, there was a sudden commotion outside the door. She heard voices, the sound of footsteps rushing towards them.

In a flash, the door burst open, and the room was flooded with light. Ji Won blinked against the brightness, her eyes struggling to adjust. She saw police officers rushing in, their guns drawn, and her heart leapt with relief.

"This is police's command. Step away from her!" the officer's voice firm.

His face twisted with rage and desperation. He turned back to Ji Won, his eyes wild. "Too late! I'll send her career straight to the finish line"

Before anyone could react, he lunged at Ji Won, his hands reaching for her face. Ji Won cried out, trying to shield herself, but she was too weak.

"Stop!" Soo Hyun's voice rang out, filled with fear and anger. He pushed past the officers, rushing to Ji Won's side to kick the knife out of the psycho's hand before he could react.

In a split second, the officers closed in, grabbing that psycho and pulling him away from Ji Won. He fought them, screaming and thrashing, but they subdued him quickly, handcuffing his hands behind his back.

Ji Won collapsed against the wall, her body trembling with shock and exhaustion. Soo Hyun was at her side in an instant, his arms wrapping around her protectively.

"Ji Won, goshh" he whispered, his voice choking with emotion. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

Tears streamed down Ji Won's face as she clung to Soo Hyun. "I'm not" she managed to say, her voice shaking before she passed out in his arms "I'm..."

Soo Hyun held her tightly, his own tears mingling with hers. "Ji Won, Ji Wonie...I'm so sorry, Ji Won. I should have been there. I should have protected you."

The police officers led a struggling psycho out of the room, his screams echoing down the hallway followed by the siren's sound of the ambulance.

Soo Hyun broke the cuff in seconds, gently picked her up rushing to the ambulance as his mind was filled with fear. The corridor outside was filled with more police officers and medical personnel. An ambulance was waiting, and they quickly escorted Ji Won inside, checking her for injuries.

While the paramedics tended to her, Soo Hyun stayed by her side, his hand never leaving hers. His face was etched with worry and guilt, but also a fierce determination to protect her from any further harm.

"You're safe now," he kept repeating, more to reassure himself than her. "You're safe."

No reply, Ji Won lied so still on the stretcher, her lips pale and browns frowned unconsciously. She was safe, thanks to Soo Hyun and the police, but the fear and trauma of the experience lingered, a dark shadow that would take time to fade.

The ambulance took them to the hospital for a thorough check-up. Ji Won was diagnosed with an unexpected gastritis which would keep torturing her for days as she ate nothing in the past few days, and the deep emotional scars. Thankfully, the doctors assured them she would recover with time and proper care. The only thing Soo Hyun could do for now was to secure her privacy to rest and arrange nutritious meals for her to quickly recover.

They spent a few days in the hospital to ensure Ji Won's best recovery, but much as Soo Hyun could control, it was hard to keep every single acquaintance silent. Just as soon as they thought the headlines would die down since the cops already confirmed their rescue and Ji Won's safety, they could vaguely sense that the hospital staff would discuss and spread the fact of them being together. One rumor led to another, not to mention Soo Hyun's sudden decision on cancelling his schedule coincidentally with Ji Won's missing, causing them to be targeted. 

Carefully leave the hospital from the back exit, little could they expect to be in the mob of Korean press, cameras flashing and reporters shouting questions. Without a second thought, Soo Hyun shielded Ji Won from the onslaught, guiding her through the crowd with a protective arm around her. Immediately when they got inside the car, Soo Hyun turned off both of their phones, ignoring the coming wave of news. Ji Won's peace was his top priority for now.

Back in the safety of their house, Ji Won collapsed onto the couch, exhausted. Soo Hyun sat beside her, his eyes filled with concern.

"Do you need anything? Water, food?" he asked gently.

Ji Won shook her head. "Just you. I need you."

Soo Hyun took her into his embrace, bringing her hands to his lips. "I'm here, Ji Won. Mianheyo, jeongmal...I won't ever leave your side."

"It's not your fault," Ji Won whispered, burying her face in his chest. "You found me. That's all that matters."

They sat in silence for a while, the events of the day slowly sinking in. Ji Won leaned against Soo Hyun, drawing comfort from his presence. She knew the road to recovery would be long, but with him by her side, she felt a glimmer of hope.

"Soo Hyun," she said softly, breaking the silence. "Thank you for saving me."

He looked at her, his eyes filled with love and regret. "I wish I could have done more, been there sooner."

"You did everything you could," Ji Won reassured him before her voice on tenterhooks, "But hey...I think the public got us...Our moments today may already dominate the headlines..."

Soo Hyun nodded, his grip on her hand tightening. "Either this incident is a blessing or a lesson, I think it's time, Ji Won. This moment makes me want to secure you more than ever, and I wouldn't mind confirming to the world that I am yours"

"Are you sure?", worry lingered in her voice

"More than ever, baby", Soo Hyun's gaze firm, "Just leave it to me, promise me that you'll eat well and rest properly"

Ji Won nodded in relief, her sight softened. Hours ago she totally freaked out in the middle of camera flashlight, questions, and the reporters waited in front of the hospital. 

As they sat together, the city lights twinkling outside the window, Ji Won felt much better. The fear and trauma surely would take time to heal, but with Soo Hyun by her side, she knew that they had survived the storm, and now she was happy to let Soo Hyun decide their next moves as she finally got to enjoy her simple peace at heart. 


- Finally, peace at heart guysss!! You may be able to tell that I am so excited for the hints dropped during their clash of fan meetings that I can wait no longer for them to officially announce their relationship

- Don't forget to vote for our KimKim on SDA!!!!

- I'll see y'all on Wednesday :)

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