9. Shattered Promise

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This coming weekend would be Soo Hyun's last fan meeting in Seoul to conclude his tour. Meanwhile, Ji Won already resumed her schedule on shootings and new projects. Quick breakfasts, short catch-up video calls, cozy home after hard works became their new normal.

At the concluding show, Soo Hyun excitedly dropped more undeniable hints along the way to cheer up their fans, including the frame of his hidden birthdate at his fan meeting that set the crowd on peak hype recently. Ji Won could never imagine his highest level of being obvious to the public, yet the more her heart jumped over his moves, the happier she was to be with such a man. 

*cre: on pic. FYI: This frame is actually of the Eyes On You in Japan =)))))

With her newfound energy, Ji Won dove back into her work with vigor. Filming for her new project was in full swing, and she reveled in the challenge and excitement of each day on set.  Soo Hyun, too, was busy, since his new series "Knock Off" will start filming right after his tour to ensure their airing plan in 2025. Their schedules were hectic, leaving little time for anything else, but they made a promise to stay connected despite the chaos. Yet our thoughtful queen Ji Won never forgot to order a beautiful flower bouquet secretly sent to her dearest's set just to wish him a smooth kick-off on the new project.

"I'll pick you up after filming today," Soo Hyun assured Ji Won one morning as he dropped her off at the filming location, "Let me know if you finish early and wanna head home first."

Ji Won smiled, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Ani, I'll wait for you, Soo Hyun."

As the day progressed, both were engrossed in their respective work. Thanks to Ji Won's encouragement, Soo Hyun was completely absorbed in his role, the intensity of the scenes demanding his full attention. The hours slipped by faster than he had anticipated, and before he knew it, the sun had set.

Ji Won wrapped up her scenes for the day a bit earlier than Soo Hyun, her body tired but her spirit high. She glanced at the time, expecting Soo Hyun to arrive soon. She sat down in her dressing room, playing on her phone while waiting for his call or text, but her phone remained silent. Minutes turned into hours, and concern began to creep into her mind. She decided to step out of the studio for some fresh air to ease her mind. The dressing room was connected to the parking lot and the back driveway, where they put some benches. Sitting outside, drinking on a juice box, enjoying fall breezes caressing her face, Ji Won happily waved good bye to staffs driving out that way.


Just as she took a few steps towards the trash bin, a strong arm encircled her. Before she could react, a car door slammed shut, plunging her into darkness.


A shiver suddenly snaked down Soo Hyun's spine, an unwelcome prickle of unease. Meanwhile, he was stuck in a particularly demanding shoot that ran late. By the time he realized how much time had passed, he was already running behind schedule. He grabbed his phone and saw the missed messages and calls from Ji Won, also some from her manager.

"Dammit," he muttered, quickly dialing her number. It went straight to voicemail before the line reported to be unreachable.

Panic surged through him as he rushed to his car, dialing again and again, each attempt met with the same frustrating silence. He sped toward Ji Won's set, his mind racing with extreme worry and guilt.

When he finally arrived, the scene was chaotic. The crew was frantically searching for Ji Won, checking the surveillance camera, their voices filled with anxiety and confusion as they shouted her name as loud as they could. Soo Hyun's heart pounded as he pushed through the crowd, desperate to spot her somewhere.

"Ji Won!" he called out, his voice cracking with fear. "Ji Won, where are you?"

Her manager approached him, her face pale and eyes wide with worry. "Goshh Soo Hyun, you're here...She disappeared on the CCTV...and the hidden corner..."

"Sh!t, you must be kidding me", Soo Hyun lost his temper

A wave of dizziness washed over him. This couldn't be happening. He had promised her he would be there, and now she was missing. He pulled out his phone to call the police, but before he could dial, a message notification appeared.

It was an anonymous text, and as he read the words, his blood ran cold.

"Her success is a double-edged sword. Don't contact the police if you want to see her safe and sound"

Soo Hyun's hands shook as he read the message over and over, disbelief mingling with terror. His mind filled with guilt and self-recrimination. If only he had been there on time, this wouldn't have happened.

The police were already involved, despite the warning in the message. The studio had called them as soon as they realized Ji Won was missing. Soo Hyun relayed the message to the detectives, his heart heavy with dread.

Within hours, the Korean press went wild with the news of Ji Won being kidnapped, followed by some headlines all over Asia. Headlines blared her name, speculating wildly about her fate. Fans and colleagues expressed their concern and support, but Soo Hyun couldn't focus on anything except finding her.

He couldn't sit still, couldn't rest. Every waking moment was consumed by the search for Ji Won. He joined the police in their efforts, tirelessly working with them to piece together any clues. The anonymous threat weighed heavily on him, the fear for Ji Won's safety gnawing at his soul.

"There, that car...Right at the last moment she could be seen on the CCTV", Soo Hyun desperately dove for clues with 200% of his attention

"Alright Soo Hyun-ssi, we could consider this hypothesis. First, let the team trace its route on the street CCTVs", the police officer meticulously observed the footage

Two days dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity. Soo Hyun's thoughts were a constant whirlwind of guilt and fear. He replayed the events of that night over and over in his mind, torturing himself with what-ifs and missed opportunities.

"I'll find you, Ji Won," he whispered to the empty space beside him as he lay awake at night, unable to sleep. "I promise I won't stop until you're safe."

Despite the overwhelming sense of helplessness, Soo Hyun refused to give up hope. He threw himself into the search with relentless determination, coordinating with the police and following every lead, no matter how small or tenuous.

The investigation revealed little at first. The police scoured CCTV footage from the studio and surrounding areas, looking for any sign of Ji Won or her captors. That was a black car that sped up abnormally to blend in a highway traffic leading to a suburban area next to Seoul. They identified the license plate, yet that was a fake one that magnetized on top of a real one.

As the pressure mounted, Soo Hyun's resolve only strengthened. He knew that finding Ji Won was his only priority, and he would do whatever it took to bring her back safely. The memory of her smile, her laughter, and the love they shared fueled his determination.

Three days. No Ji Won. The public's roar was a rising tide, the media a feeding frenzy. Soo Hyun, a gnawing anxiety twisting his gut, cleared his schedule. Every waking moment was spent at the police station, hunched over maps and reports with a haunted intensity.

"This is unlike any kidnapping I've seen," the officer mused, stroking his chin. "No ransom demand, no motive..."

That dreary evening, as Soo Hyun traced potential routes with a trembling finger, his thought was drowned in terrible scenarios, thinking what they could do to Ji Won. If money was not their target, the real price must be disgusting. Suddenly his phone buzzed. A text, sharp and cruel, sliced through the air: "Time is running out. She'll pay the price."

The cryptic message was a physical blow. Dread coiled in Soo Hyun's stomach. He rushed the phone to the lead detective, a man whose face mirrored his own growing desperation. The detective scanned the message, a grim nod his only response.

"Mr. Kim," he said, his voice low but steady, "We are on it. My team is scouring a suspect area right now. We've circled an abandoned warehouse two hours out. We'll head out at dusk".

Immediately joined the cops on their late night mission, but Soo Hyun couldn't shake the feeling that time was slipping away, that every moment without Ji Won was a moment closer to losing her forever. He clung to the hope that they would find her, that she would be safe, but the uncertainty was a constant, gnawing presence.


- What a day with both of their fan meetings! Enjoy the story and the real time updates!


- I'll see you guys on Monday 

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