19. Untouchable

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It had come to their 4th summer being together, included one in 2023 while filming Queen of Tears, just now the promotional tour for Ji Won's historical drama followed right after Soo Hyun's Knock Off schedule, she would be constantly away from home, taking on countless interviews, photoshoots, and fan meetings. Without her around, Soo Hyun's mom was back on her traveling plans. The drama took nearly a year for post-production editing had reached the great success, which earned Ji Won the immense recognition, and her presence was in high demand.

However, there was one aspect during the tour that was increasingly getting under her skin. As she played a charming concubine, her male co-star, Kang Min Jae, a rookie who played the king role, had taken advantage of their on-screen chemistry to flirt with her at every turn, disregarding her well-publicized relationship with Soo Hyun. His behavior was becoming intolerable, from words to gestures, and Ji Won found herself only growing more annoyed with each passing day.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day of promotions, Ji Won returned to her hotel room, exhausted and frustrated. She immediately called Soo Hyun, who was in the midst of a filming break.

"Hey, Ji Wonie," Soo Hyun's warm voice came through the phone, instantly soothing her frazzled nerves. "How's the tour going?"

"It's going okay," Ji Won sighed, her tone betraying her true feelings. "But Kang Min Jae is driving me crazy."

Soo Hyun's voice took on a concerned edge. "What's he doing?"

"It's only our second stop of the tour, yet he's already been flirting with me nonstop," Ji Won explained, irritation creeping into her voice. "He acts like our relationship isn't even a thing. It's so disrespectful, Soo Hyun. I've tried to be professional and ignore it, but it's getting harder."

Soo Hyun's initial concern shifted to anger. "How dare he? No one should ever disrespect my girl, or else I'll make sure they pay the price"

Ji Won felt a mix of relief and warmth at Soo Hyun's protective tone. "What can we do? I don't want to cause a scene during the tour since we still have 3 cities left in the tour. But at this rate, our names will soon be dragged on headlines again"

Soo Hyun was silent for a moment, contemplating. "I think I should have a word with him. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or disrespected."

"But how? We're on tour and you're still busy with 'Knock Off'," Ji Won pointed out.

"I'll figure something out," Soo Hyun promised. "In the meantime, just try to stay professional and avoid him as much as you can."

The next day, Soo Hyun made some calls and arranged to visit Ji Won during one of her promotional events. He'd rather ditch his plans than allow anyone to disrespect her. His presence was officially framed as a gesture of support, but his real intention was to confront Min Jae and put an end to his inappropriate behavior.

The moment he walked into the event venue, the room immediately buzzed with excitement. Fans and media were thrilled to see the famous couple together. Ji Won's face lit up when she saw him, and she rushed over to greet him with a warm hug right after the interview had concluded.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered in his embrace, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"I couldn't stay away," Soo Hyun said, his voice low and affectionate. "Besides, I have some business to take care of."

Ji Won knew exactly what he meant and nodded, feeling reassured by his presence. She had witnessed his temper a few times, his dad's incident for example, to know exactly how furious it would be, so she decided that first thing first would be an ice cream stop to cool him down.

During a break in the schedule, Soo Hyun found Min Jae lounging in a corner, chatting with some staff members. He approached with a calm but determined demeanor.

"Min Jae-ssi, can we talk?" Soo Hyun asked, his tone polite but firm.

Min Jae looked up, surprised to see Soo Hyun. "Sunbaenim, what's up?"

Soo Hyun led him to a quieter area. "I've heard that you've been acting immoderately with Ji Won."

Min Jae shrugged, an awkward smile playing on his lips, trying to act naïve. "It's all in good fun. The fans love it."

"It's not fun for her, especially for us" Soo Hyun said, his voice hardening. "You know...Our relationship is too obvious on the headlines now, and she's told you that she's uncomfortable with your behavior. Please know your limit"

Min Jae's smile faded slightly, but he still tried to play it off. "Come on, Soo Hyun, it's just a bit of harmless flirting. No need to get so serious."

"It is serious," Soo Hyun insisted, stepping closer. "You're disrespecting her and our relationship. I won't stand for it. If you don't stop, I'll make sure there are consequences."

Min Jae's expression turned more serious, recognizing the resolve in Soo Hyun's eyes. "Alright, alright. I didn't realize it was such a big deal. I'll back off."

"Good," Soo Hyun said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "I trust that you'll keep your word."

After the confrontation, Soo Hyun found Ji Won and pulled her aside. "It's done. I talked to him."

Ji Won looked at him with admiration and gratitude. "Thank you, Soo Hyun. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You don't have to worry about that," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "I'll always be here to protect you."

They shared a tender kiss, the world around them fading into the background. Ji Won felt a deep sense of relief and love for the man who was always there to stand by her side.

During a quiet moment in her hotel room, Ji Won turned to Soo Hyun with a smile. "You know, you didn't have to come all the way here to handle this. But I'm so glad you did."

Soo Hyun took her hand in his, his eyes full of affection. "I'll always come for you, Ji Won. No matter where you are or what you're dealing with. You're mine, and I'll protect you."

Ji Won felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. "I'm so lucky to have you, Soo Hyun. I feel so blessed."

"Remember to tell me all your problems" he said, pulling her close. "We're a team, I'll always get your back"

A day was saved for this spontaneous plan anyway, Soo Hyun had no rush to leave. They spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other's arms, ate some good food, walked around to enjoy the summer breeze, just any form of happiness.

As Ji Won drifted off to sleep in a profound sense of peace. With Soo Hyun by her side, she knew she could handle anything. And as for Soo Hyun, he was determined to keep his promise to protect her, come what may.

The next few days of the promotional tour went much smoother. Min Jae kept his distance and behaved more professionally, much to Ji Won's relief. Soo Hyun's presence at the events was a comfort to her, and the media took notice of his unwavering support, further cementing their status as a power couple.


This issue, though being solved, still got on Soo Hyun's nerves somehow since they were one step slower than the press that questioned Min Jae's actions on their headlines. Mr. Possessive, Kim Soo Hyun, who got used to living with high ego, didn't always feel insecure of what he had done, but part of him still thought about more actions to affirm his love to Ji Won in public, even if she didn't ask for it, or at least to warn others to keep their distance. His affirmations seemed to never be enough.

Taking advantage of their second anniversary falling right in the middle of Ji Won's hectic promotional tour, Soo Hyun decided to take a big move.

That one day of her last destination in the tour, as she wrapped up the final interview, her manager received a message and shortly approached with a mysterious smile. "Ji Won, there's something you need to see outside."

Curious, Ji Won followed her manager out to the parking lot. There, parked elegantly, was a sleek gray Porsche Panamera, adorned with a large red bow. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Happy Second Anniversary, Ji Wonie!" Soo Hyun's voice came from behind her. She turned to see him leaning against the car, a wide grin on his face.

"Soo Hyun! You didn't have to..." she trailed off, her voice full of emotion.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to," he said, walking over to her. "I remember you mentioning how much you like racing. Consider it a token of my love and support."

She threw her arms around him, her heart swelling with joy. "Thank you, Soo Hyun. This is incredible."

They shared a tender kiss before Soo Hyun handed her the keys. "Here, take it for a spin. I'll ride shotgun."

As they left the venue, cruised through the streets of Seoul, Ji Won was in her highest spirit. The car was a dream, and having Soo Hyun by her side made it even better.

"How does it feel?" Soo Hyun asked, watching her expertly navigate the city's roads.

"Incredible," Ji Won replied, her smile broadening. "Kim Soo Hyun is the short form of saying "everything I dreamed of and more"."

"Only the best for you," he said, squeezing her hand, "By the way, I never knew your driving is this amazing"

"Ready for more?", Ji Won's mischief surged

Giving him no time to prepare, she pressed her foot against the accelerator, this girl seriously knew how to handle the turbo. For that one second, Soo Hyun thought his heart actually jumped out, and his expression couldn't be any more entertained to Ji Won. They both burst into laughing

Just as Soo Hyun expected, the next day, the press was in a frenzy over Ji Won's gift. News outlets and social media were abuzz with pictures of the gray Porsche Panamera and the story behind it. Fans and reporters speculated about the couple's relationship, marveling at the extravagant display of affection. Headlines ranged from "Kim Soo Hyun's Grand Gesture for Kim Ji Won" to "A Love Story on Wheels: The Porsche Panamera That Stole the Show."

Ji Won scrolled through the articles and comments, feeling a mix of amusement and gratitude. "You've really stirred things up, Soo Hyun. Look at all this buzz!"

Soo Hyun glanced at her phone and chuckled. "Well, I wanted to make sure everyone knows how much you mean to me."

"Dangg, Mr. & Mrs. Kim, you guys are wild" - their friends' group chat buzzed with Jong Suk's text

"I'm so jellyyyy I die" - IU followed

"She definitely can speed you guys to silence in her backseats, approved by Kim Soo Hyun!" - Soo Hyun dropped a message

Scrolling down the headlines with a satisfied smile curved on his face, this relationship was inevitable. What could be better than a good champagne bottle to enjoy this moment, and the new car?

"Here's to many more anniversaries together," Soo Hyun whispered, raising a glass of wine.

Ji Won clinked her glass against his, sealed the toast with a peck on his lips, her heart full. "And here's to our love, Mr. Kim."

Since the final scenes of "Knock Off" blue ray wrapped up, Kim Soo Hyun had felt a weight lift off his shoulders. The months of intense filming had taken their toll, and he was eager to relax and focus on the next chapter of his life with Kim Ji Won. He had plans, big plans, and he was excited to share them with her.

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