24. Breathless

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The morning light filtered through the curtains of Ji Won and Soo Hyun's apartment, casting a gentle glow on their intertwined figures. Ji Won slowly stirred, the lingering remnants of sleep fading away as she felt Soo Hyun's arms around her. She nestled closer, savoring the warmth and comfort of his embrace.

"Morning," Soo Hyun murmured, his voice still husky with sleep.

"Morning," Ji Won replied, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Did you sleep well?"

He nodded, tightening his hold on her for a brief moment before loosening it to look into her eyes. "Better with you here. How are you feeling?"

Ji Won took a moment to assess herself. The relentless nausea that had plagued her for the past month had started to subside recently, allowing her to feel more like herself. "I'm doing better. The sickness is easing up."

Soo Hyun's face lit up with relief. "That's good to hear. I was getting worried."

Ji Won reached up to stroke his cheek, her touch tender and reassuring. "You worry too much, but thank you. It means a lot to me."

"Baby, have you thought about our honeymoon?", Soo Hyun sent a kiss to her forehead

"Hmm, I have something lingered in the back of my mind, but because of these prenatal symptoms, we should consider it carefully", Ji Won nuzzled in his chest with a slight pout

"Of course we will", Soo Hyun caressed her hands gently, "Where are you thinking of?"

"Switzerland", Ji Won said without a doubt

"Sure thing!", Soo Hyun squeezed her in his arm, under the sunlight, "Mani meokgo, then I'll take you there once the symptoms alleviated"


It had already been a week since their wedding, which were a grand affair, dubbed "the wedding of the century" by the press. The headlines had been filled with images of their stunning ceremony, the ethereal floral decorations, and the presence of their celebrity friends. The media frenzy had propelled both of them into an even brighter spotlight, bringing with it a wave of new opportunities.

Contracts and endorsements poured in back to back, each more appealing than the last. Soo Hyun found himself in high demand, his schedule quickly filling up with meetings, shoots, and promotional events. Simultaneously, despite the whirlwind of activity, he made sure to carve out time for Ji Won, knowing how important it was to maintain their connection, especially during her sensitive time.

One evening, after an interviewing day, Soo Hyun returned home to find Ji Won in the kitchen, preparing a light dinner. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, and he felt his weariness begin to melt away.

"Something smells amazing," he said, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

Ji Won leaned back against him, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "Just a little tteokbokki to help us unwind. How was your day?"

"Busy," he admitted, resting his chin on her shoulder. "But it's always better when I come home to you."

They ate dinner together, their conversation flowing easily as they shared the highlights of their day. Soo Hyun told her about a particularly exciting project he was considering, and Ji Won listened with interest, offering her insights and encouragement.

"Hey, I am thinking to play a role of politician, a role with lots of mind playing scenes", Soo Hyun initiated the topic

"Jinja?", Ji Won's eyes blinked with excitement, "Sounds nice. You seem to have never played any similar one before"

"That's true," Soo Hyun went on, "How do you think I would perform?"

"Hmm, as a politician, your normal sense of humor wouldn't work heheng. Try to calm yourself down first", Ji Won genuinely advised

Soo Hyun's laugh, once again, echoed down the hallway, "Baby, honestly...I think my life with you have made me too much of a happy man, sometimes I even find it hard to act cold", he "complained"

After dinner, they settled on the couch, Ji Won resting her head on Soo Hyun's lap as they watched a movie. His fingers gently stroked her hair, and she felt a deep sense of peace and contentment. Despite the chaos of their schedules, these quiet moments together were what grounded them. Ji Won pulled out a random book, asked him to read it for their baby, and the scene couldn't be any more blissful.


Good news! As the weeks went by, Ji Won's health continued to improve, but to her overthinking husband, there was still a limit for her. On one clear day, with bird chirping out the windows, cherry blossom blooming, and all that, Ji Won had gathered all her efforts to convince him.

"Hubby, pleasee", Ji Won whimpered with her puppy eyes, "Just one job...or maybe two. I need to do something to feel alive"

"But last week you still reacted on a smell of bell pepper. Two days ago, the smell of pickled radish also sent you to the bathroom", Soo Hyun made a clear statement

"It's not like I am going to a tasting menu event", Ji Won pouted, "Wouldn't you be happy too if my symptoms get better?"

Finally, God heard her out, with Soo Hyun's approval, she began to be able to slowly pick up her activities. She started attending meetings, working on scripts, and even took on a few light promotional engagements. It felt good to be active again, to immerse herself in the world she loved.

One of the highlights of her re-emerging career was an invitation to attend Valentino's Fall/Winter 2027 show in Seoul. The fashion house had always held a special place in her heart, and the prospect of sitting front row at their show in her home city was exhilarating.

Soo Hyun was thrilled at the news. "Daebak, Ji Wonie. Valentino in Seoul! You're going to look stunning."

Ji Won smiled, her excitement bubbling over. "I can't wait. I have been friend with the house since Queen of Tears. It's such an honor to be invited. They don't normally do a cruise in Seoul"

"You are special to everyone", Soo Hyun gently kiss her forehead, "Enjoy the show!"


Shortly a week after, the day of the show arrived. Looking herself in the mirror for the final touch up, Ji Won was somewhat happy with her outlook, especially that her belly was still perfectly flat to fit in the gown. After weeks of morning sickness, she finally found herself in the bustling streets of Seoul, the air buzzing with anticipation. She was dressed in a breathtaking Valentino gown, its intricate design and delicate fabric making her feel like she was floating. Her hair was styled elegantly accompanied by the flawless makeup, Ji Won confidently let the Feb breeze caress her skin, inhale some fresh air, listen to the cheer of the crowd, all these feeling had been missing for quite a while.

"Be careful with the heels, and stay hydrated" - a short message from Soo Hyun drew a smile on her face immediately. What a thoughtful hubby!

As she took her seat in the front row, she couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and accomplishment. The cameras flashed around her, capturing her every move, which was nothing odd, especially when their wedding still remained in hot search for weeks. The queen, Kim Ji Won, was back, and she was ready to conquer the world.

Ji Won was there in the warmest welcome of the house. Soon enough, the show started, which was a spectacular display of fashion and artistry, each piece more stunning than the last. Ji Won was captivated, her eyes following the models as they glided down the runway. She was lost in the beauty of it all, the music, the lights, the clothes.

As the show ended, Ji Won rose to her feet, joining the applause. The designers took their bow, and the audience began to file out of the venue. Ji Won lingered for a moment, soaking in the atmosphere, before making her way to the exit. To be completely honest, the venue was packed, and she wanted to make sure she had enough safe space to move around, avoid any physical contact on her belly. 

Meanwhile, a crowd had gathered outside, fans and paparazzi eager to catch a glimpse of the celebrities in attendance. As Ji Won stepped out, with her current reputation, the crowd surged forward in no time, their excitement palpable. She smiled and waved, her heart pounding with the thrill of it all.

But as she moved through the throng of people, the crowd's energy shifted from excitement to chaos. As much as she was scared of, fans jostled each other, their eagerness to get closer creating a dangerous crush. Ji Won tried to maintain her composure, but the pressure started to pile up and became overwhelming.

In a blink of an eye, so quick that she barely had time to register what was happening, Ji Won felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. Vaguely, she recalled seconds ago, now that her vision blurred, and she stumbled, her high heels making it difficult to keep her balance. She tried to steady herself, but the crowd was relentless, pushing and shoving in their frenzy. 

Ji Won's heart raced, fear gripping her as she felt another wave of pain. She tried to call out for help, but her voice was drowned out by the noise. Her legs gave way, and she felt herself falling, the world around her spinning, and the next second, she nearly blacked out.


In a meantime, something had sent an uneasy feeling to Soo Hyun's gut. For a few solid minutes, he was anxiously checking his phone, suddenly surged from within of waiting for updates from Ji Won about how the show went. He knew it was a significant event for her, and he was excited to hear all about it. When his phone buzzed, he expected a message or a call, but instead, it was a news alert that caused his mind numbed.

"Chaos at Valentino's F/W 2025 Show in Seoul: Actress Kim Ji Won Collapses Amid Fan Frenzy."

His heart stopped. He immediately called her phone, but there was no answer. Panic set in, and the next second, he found himself in his car rushing to the cruise venue. One call after another was dialed through Ji Won's manager, but voicemail as well.


With her last remaining bits of consciousness, Ji Won felt herself being lifted off the ground, strong arms wrapping around her. She blinked, trying to clear her vision, and realized it was one of the security guards. He carried her through the crowd, pushing through the throng of people who were still trying to get closer, just before all thoughts faded from her mind.

"Please, make way!" the guard shouted, his voice commanding. "She needs medical attention!"

Ji Won's head lolled against his shoulder, her mind spinning with only fear and confusion. She clutched at her abdomen, the pain radiating through her body. She felt tears streaming down her face, the reality of the situation crashing down on her.

Soo Hyun arrived at the venue just as the ambulance was pulling up. He saw Ji Won being carried on a stretcher, her face pale and her eyes closed. His heart lurched, and he sprinted towards her, his mind racing with worry.

"Ji Won! Ji Wonie" he called out, his voice desperate. "I'm here!"

The paramedics were loading her into the ambulance, and one of them stopped him from getting too close. "Sir, you can't come with us. You'll need to follow in another vehicle."

Soo Hyun's eyes were wild with fear and frustration. "That's my wife! I need to be with her!"

The paramedic's face softened with understanding. "We'll take good care of her, sir. Please, follow us to the hospital."

Inside the ambulance, Ji Won's mind was a blur of pain and fear. She heard the paramedics talking, their voices calm and reassuring, but it was hard to focus on their words. All she could think about was the sharp pain in her abdomen and the overwhelming fear that something was terribly wrong.

Cold - It was still February

Hurt - She could feel it clearly

Fear - Without Soo Hyun by her side

Those were her feelings, in a nutshell. 

She tried to speak, to ask about her baby, but her voice wouldn't cooperate. Instead, she squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to hold on until she could see Soo Hyun again.

Through the heavy traffic, Soo Hyun followed the ambulance in his car, his mind racing with thoughts of Ji Won. He couldn't lose her, not now, not ever. The fear of losing their unborn child also weighed heavily on him, but he pushed it aside, focusing on getting to the hospital as quickly as possible. Up to this point, Ji Won was his top priority that he could never let anything happen to her. This terrible feeling reminded him of his fear in the kidnapping incident that year, which he thought would never come back. 

As soon as they arrived, he rushed inside, his eyes scanning the surrounding for any sign of her. A nurse directed him straight to the emergency room for which he vanished down the hallway in a flash, his heart pounding heavily inside. As much as he tried to cross the door, Soo Hyun was eventually ushered out of the room.

From a short distance, through the glass wall of emergency room, he could feel her pain, clearly. Even in her coma, her brow was furrowed and her lips were tightly pursed, all expressions of the most extreme pain. "Ji Won, please, please be strong. We're going to get through this together". He found himself standing in the hallway, the sterile lights casting a harsh glow on his anxious face.

Ji Won was surrounded by doctors and nurses, their faces a blur of concern and urgency. She wished she could feel his hand on her shoulder right now.

"Ji Wonie," he said, his whisper trembling. "I'm here. You're going to be okay."

She laid so still on the bed with her fist tight. "Soo Hyun, I'm scared.", that was all left in her mind in that moment

The doctors worked quickly, assessing her condition and stabilizing her as best they could. Soo Hyun stayed by her side, his presence a constant source of comfort and strength. He whispered reassurances, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him. That was exactly a moment where he prayed more than all he had done in his entire life.


- Hi friends, my sincere apology for this part falling into your Monday TT~TT

- Also, as I am scheduling next chapters, just quick FYI: this story is HE (ofc), and the story length is finalized to conclude in August :) 

- I'll see y'all on Wed!

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