23. Wedding Of The Century

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Finally, it was the day, February 16th, 2027. This day was born a Kim Soo Hyun, surely a magnificent day of the cosmos. The morning sun bathed the Sheraton Grand Walkerhill Hotel in a warm, golden light as the final preparations for the wedding began. The Aston House, perched on a hill overlooking the Han River, was transformed into a floral wonderland. Every corner was adorned with blossoms in shades of white, pink, and lavender, creating an ethereal, dreamlike atmosphere. The floral scent sneaked in every corner of the venue, sending a soothing wave of love. It was the culmination of a month's worth of meticulous planning, each detail reflecting Ji Won's vision and Soo Hyun's love.

The invitations had been sent out weeks ago, and now, their closest friends and family gathered to witness the union of two of Korea's most beloved stars. Among the guests were IU and Lee Jong Suk, along with Jung Hae In and Ji Soo, who had been an integral part of their journey. IU was to be Ji Won's maid of honor, while Jung Hae In stood proudly as Soo Hyun's best man.

Inside the bride's suite, Ji Won stood in front of a full-length mirror, her white chiffon wedding dress flowing around her like a cloud. The gown, with its delicate splits and 3D flower details, was a masterpiece of haute couture. Ji Won's mother and older sister helped her with the final touches, their eyes brimming with tears of joy.

"Omo, neomu yeppeuda, Ji Won," her mother whispered, her voice choking with emotion.

"Thank you, Mom," Ji Won replied, her own eyes misty. "I'm so happy you're here."

Her older sister, Ji Yeon, smiled and hugged her. "You're going to be the most beautiful bride. Soo Hyun is one lucky man."

Ji Won laughed softly, the sound a mix of nerves and excitement. "I feel so nervous, but also so ready."


Meanwhile, in the groom's suite, Soo Hyun was equally anxious. He stood in front of a mirror, adjusting his bow tie for what felt like the hundredth time. Jung Hae In clapped a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You look perfect, man," Hae In said with a grin. "Ji Won is going to be blown away."

Soo Hyun smiled, though his heart was racing. "I hope so. I just want everything to go smoothly."

"It will," Hae In assured him. "Just focus on Ji Won. When you see her walking down the aisle, everything else will fade away."

Soo Hyun nodded, taking a deep breath. "You're right. I just need to see her."


The guests began to arrive, filling the elegant outdoor space with laughter and excitement. Ji Won's parents and older sister had flown in from Chicago, joining Soo Hyun's mother to celebrate this special day. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as everyone took their seats, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

The soft strains of a string quartet filled the air as IU and Jung Hae In took their places at the altar. IU looked radiant in a pale lavender gown, while Hae In cut a striking figure in his tailored suit. They exchanged a glance, both feeling the weight of their roles in this momentous occasion.

Finally, it was time. The music shifted to the familiar strains of "Canon in D," signaling the start of the procession. The guests rose to their feet, turning their attention to the end of the aisle.

Soo Hyun stood at the altar, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt a wave of emotion wash over him as he saw Ji Won appear at the far end of the aisle, her arm linked with her father's. She looked like a vision in white, her gown flowing gracefully around her as she took her first step towards him.

For Ji Won, all the nerves and worries melted away the moment she saw Soo Hyun standing there, waiting for her. His eyes were locked on hers, and she felt a profound sense of calm wash over her. This was where she was meant to be.


As she walked down the aisle, memories of their first meeting on the set of "Queen of Tears" flashed through her mind. She remembered the way he had looked at her that day, with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. Who could have guessed that their on-screen romance would blossom into something so real and profound?

When Ji Won finally reached the altar, her father gently placed her hand in Soo Hyun's. The touch of his hand was reassuring, and she felt a surge of love and gratitude. They turned to face each other, their eyes locking in a moment that felt suspended in time. Now that she is walking with all her beloved one surrounded her, her father by the side, Soo Hyun in front of her, and their little pea celebrating inside her belly.

The officiant began the ceremony, but Ji Won and Soo Hyun were lost in each other's gaze. They barely heard the words, so focused were they on the love that radiated between them. Every bit of their memories in the past 3 years just flashed through their mind in this very moment. 




Those are the emotions that were welling up inside them, especially when Ji Won thought about their baby growing inside her belly. When it was time for the vows, they turned to the officiant, who nodded for them to begin.

Soo Hyun took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving Ji Won's. "Kim Ji Won, from the moment I first saw you on the set of 'Queen of Tears,' I knew there was something special about you. You captured my heart with your grace, your kindness, and your unwavering strength. Every smile of you reminds me of why I choose to do what I did, think to myself how could I possibly love someone this much? Today, I vow to be your partner in all things, to support you, to cherish you, and to love you unconditionally.  I promise to stand by your side through every joy and every challenge, and to always see the beauty in our journey together."

Ji Won's eyes filled with tears as she listened to Soo Hyun's heartfelt words. She took a moment to collect herself before speaking, her voice soft but steady. "Kim Soo Hyun, you have been my rock, my confidant, and my greatest love. From our first days together on set to this moment, you have shown me what true love means. Thank you for always being by my side, going places with me, coddling me, and overcoming obstacles together. With us standing here today, I would want to confirm how lucky I feel to be with you. I vow to be your partner, to support you in all your dreams, and to love you with all my heart. I promise to walk with you through life's highs and lows, and to always treasure the incredible bond we share."

After their ring exchanged, the officiant smiled warmly at the couple. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Soo Hyun leaned in, his lips meeting Ji Won's in a tender kiss that felt like a promise of forever. The guests erupted in applause, and the couple turned to face their friends and family, their faces glowing with happiness. The all lost in that moment, in happy tears, and emotions.


The reception was held in a beautifully decorated overlook at the bustling Seoul below, with tables adorned with elegant floral arrangements and twinkling fairy lights. As they entered the reception area, hand in hand, Ji Won and Soo Hyun were greeted with cheers and applause. They made their way to the head table, where their closest friends and family were already seated.

Ji Won was overly pleased with Soo Hyun's picked menu, everything was exactly her favorite. He paid attention to every small details, including a free flow of juice for all guests, just because his wife could not take any alcohol. The playlist were mixed of some classic love songs and those happy melodies in Queen of Tears. They could never skip where things began. 

In the next moments, IU and Jung Hae In, as the maid of honor and best man, took turns giving heartfelt toasts. IU first spoke of Ji Won's kindness and grace, "Annyeong, Kim Ji Won, the golf and go-karting prodigy. It is, indeed, the day, your day. As a co-worker, a maid of honor, and a close friend, my heart is so full looking at you being with the man you love. I remember our first meeting on a spring day, your energy has lightened the mood at every stage of our friendship, and now I am happy to see you bring it to Soo Hyun and add up to his life. I know that you both will make a great home, and don't forget to invite us over sometimes for the good food, I do know that Soo Hyun hired a top chef for you!"

Hae In later followed, by sharing stories of Soo Hyun's dedication and love. "Kim Soo Hyun-ssi, congratulations. What else can I say? That one day after a long while, you came back to me at the golf course, got a few swings. Before you even checked in on me, her name escaped your lips, and your delighted eyes. From that moment, I knew for sure that you had your one. I honestly have never seen such an eager Soo Hyun before Ji Won's presence. Thank you Ji Won for nourishing his heart with love and care, you guys belong to each other, and will definitely always be my best friends."

There was laughter and tears, and the atmosphere was filled with warmth and joy.

After the speeches, Soo Hyun and Ji Won took to the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple. The music played softly, and they moved together in perfect harmony, lost in each other's eyes. As the dance ended, Soo Hyun leaned in to whisper in Ji Won's ear.

"You were right," he said softly. "This is the most perfect day."

Ji Won smiled, her heart full. "Do you know that I can make it even better?"

"Moya!?", Soo Hyun chuckled amidst their romance

"Wait for it", a playful whisper of Ji Won

They were lost in the dance for long enough until Ji Won started to gasp that brought Soo Hyun back to the fact that their little pea needed some rest too. Gently escorted her to the main table, they then gathered with the Queen of Tears cast. 

Before Soo Hyun could make sense of his surrounding, Ji Won, always a thoughtful wife, had arranged a beautiful birthday cake to be brought out. Just now, everyone is getting cued to belt out Happy Birthday for Soo Hyun. Without a doubt, his eyes smiled directly from his cheeks, with Ji Won in his arms, this fulfilling moment is indeed once in a lifetime. He couldn't be thankful enough for things going on in that moment.  

"Here's to our best couple", Kwak Dong Yeon raised his toast

"Here's to our bithday guy", Hae In and Ji Soo jumped in

"Cheers", Joo Bin and Sung Hoon followed

As he blew out the candles, his only wish was to keep everything forever this good, of course with Ji Won by his side. Soon, the clinking sound of their glasses lifted the atmosphere to the higher delighting level. Amidst their laughter, Sung Hoon suddenly stood up, scanned through the table. "Eh hm, my dearest friends, as today is a happy occasion, and I also have a story to share with you all."

Everyone's eyes turned to him immediately, he had always been the one that brought jokes to them, and this time their eyes quickly moved from his face to his hands, which were holding tightly on Joo Bin's. Killing two birds with one stone, "We are dating, and looking forward to a happy ending just as yours", he officially announced

"Omo, congratulations to you two!", Ji Won was totally delighted and surprised, "You guys definitely make an amazing couple"

"Hahaha, I can already see how Joo Bin-ssi would set the pace while hyung laughing along the journey", Soo Hyun teased them hard

"Jakkhaman...Does that mean I am now the only one left single in the cast?", Kwak Dong Yeon couldn't help but roll his eyes


The rest of the evening was a blur of dancing, laughter, and celebration. Ji Won and Soo Hyun moved from table to table, greeting their guests and thanking them for being a part of their special day. Despite the challenges of the past month, everything had come together beautifully.

Later in the evening, as the festivities began to wind down, Ji Won and Soo Hyun stole a moment away from the crowd. They stood together under the stars, the cool night air wrapping around them like a gentle embrace.

"I can't believe we did it," Ji Won said, her voice filled with wonder. "We're married."

Soo Hyun smiled, pulling her close. "I've dreamed of this moment for so long, dreamed of you, also. It's everything I hoped it would be and more."

Ji Won leaned her head against his shoulder, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. "I'm so grateful for you, Soo Hyun. For everything."

"I'm grateful for you too, my best birthday ever" he replied, kissing her gently. "And I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives together."


The night ended with a final dance, surrounded by their closest friends and family. As they swayed to the music, Ji Won felt a sense of overwhelming joy. Despite the challenges, they had made it. They were married, and their future together was bright.

As the last notes of the music faded, Ji Won looked up at Soo Hyun, her eyes shining with love. "Here's to us, to our way home" she said softly.

Soo Hyun smiled, his heart full. "To our little family"

And with that, they stepped into their future together, ready to face whatever came their way, hand in hand.

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