26. Step By Step

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In the quiet moments that followed the storm of their loss, Ji Won found solace in the steady presence of Soo Hyun by her side. Though the pain still lingered, his relentless support began to chip away at the walls of sorrow that had encased her heart.

One evening, as they sat together in the dimly lit living room, Soo Hyun broached the subject gently. "Ji Won, I've been thinking," he started, his voice soft but resolute. "I know it's been difficult, but I believe that we can find a way through this."

Ji Won glanced up at him, her eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight. "How?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of skepticism.

Soo Hyun reached out to take her hand, his touch warm and reassuring. "I think we need something to bring us back to ourselves," he explained. "Something that reminds us of the beauty and joy that still exists in the world."

Ji Won listened intently, her heart aching but open to his words. "What do you have in mind?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Soo Hyun's lips curved into a gentle smile. "I want to bring a piano home," he said simply. "I know how much music means to you, and I believe that it can help to soothe your soul."

Ji Won's eyes widened in surprise, touched by his thoughtfulness. "A piano?" she echoed, her voice filled with wonder.

Soo Hyun nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "Yes," he affirmed with an embrace. "I want you to have something that brings you comfort and joy, something that reminds you of the beauty of life."

Ji Won felt a lump form in her throat, numb and overwhelmed by his love and understanding. "Thank you, Soo Hyun," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Only you always know what I need"

In the days that followed, the piano became a focal point of their home, its rich melodies filling the air and lifting their spirits. Ji Won would often spend hours lost in the music, her fingers dancing across the keys with a grace and elegance that was uniquely hers. Soo Hyun once thought that their spring this year had long gone, but a last gleam of hope just sparked themselves through Ji Won's melody, better late than never.

Soo Hyun would sit nearby, watching her play with a sense of awe and admiration. "You're incredible," he would murmur, his voice filled with pride. "This brings me back to our time at the beach house with the pals"

Ji Won would smile at his words, her heart swelling with gratitude. "It's all thanks to you," she would reply softly. To be completely honest, I felt like living in the easier days of my 20s with this piano"

Soo Hyun would reach out to take her hand, his touch warm and comforting. "That's enough, Ji Won," he would say earnestly. "It's been a while. All I have longed for was just your smile"


As the weeks passed, Ji Won slowly began to emerge from her cocoon of grief. With the support of the piano, she started to eat more regularly, and the dark circles under her eyes began to fade as she managed to get more rest. The support of her friends and the unwavering love of Soo Hyun gradually started to penetrate the wall of sorrow that had surrounded her.

One morning, Ji Won woke up feeling a little more like herself. She took a deep breath, resolving to take another step forward. She knew it wouldn't be easy, and the pain would never fully go away, but she was determined to try.

Soo Hyun watched her with pride and relief as she began to re-engage with life. He knew they had a long road ahead, but he was ready to walk it with her, no matter how difficult it might be. Their love, tested by the harshest of trials, remained strong and unbreakable.

The invitation to Valentino's show in Seoul had been a turning point, a chance for Ji Won to reconnect with the world she loved. But the tragic outcome of that event had cast a shadow over their lives, one that would take time to lift.


In the days that followed, Soo Hyun's mother focused her efforts on caring for Ji Won, excusing that her travel mates are busy, so she took a pause on traveling, giving her more time to be around her kitchen. She sent over nutritious meals regularly, ensuring Ji Won was well-nourished as she recovered from the loss.

After nearly three months, with all the care contributed from her beloved ones, Ji Won's heart began to heal, the pain of their loss slowly giving way to a sense of peace and acceptance. She still carried the memory of their lost baby in her heart, but it no longer consumed her every waking moment.

One evening, as they sat together in the warm glow of the living room, Ji Won turned to Soo Hyun with a tentative smile. "Do you think we'll ever be okay again?" she asked softly, her eyes searching his.

Soo Hyun reached out to take her hand, his touch gentle but firm. "We already are, Ji Won," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. "We've faced the worst that life has to offer, not once, and we're still standing. That's something to be proud of."

Ji Won felt a sense of warmth spread through her chest, a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness. "Thank you, Soo Hyun," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "For everything."

Soo Hyun pulled her close, wrapping her in a comforting embrace. "Saranghae, Ji Won," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "More than words can say."

Ji Won and Soo Hyun gradually found solace in the simple moments they shared together again. They would often spend evenings cuddled up on the couch, watching movies or simply enjoying each other's company.

One evening, Soo Hyun decided to take them out on a walk, letting summer air to warm up their frozen hearts in the past few months. Choosing a bench between two rows of lush green trees, as they sat together in comfortable silence, Ji Won spoke softly. "I still think about our baby," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. "But I think our baby also hoped to see me happy again, so I'll try my best for him or her"

Soo Hyun reached out to take her hand, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Our baby will be the cutest angel that looks out for us. And he or she will be so proud of the brave you." he said

Out of the blue, Ji Won proposes to Soo Hyun that she's ready to come back to work, thinking it'll be a great way to help her overcome her overthinking. Soo Hyun listens intently, his eyes reflecting both pride and concern. "Are you sure?" he asks gently, his voice laced with worry. "I don't want you to push yourself too hard."

Ji Won nods, a determined glint in her eyes. "I think it'll be good for me," she replies, her tone resolute. "Being busy will keep my mind occupied and help me focus on something other than... well, you know."

Soo Hyun smiles, a hint of relief washing over him. "Alright," he says, his voice soft but supportive. "Just promise me you'll take it easy and not push yourself too hard, and I would like us to check up with the doctor beforehand, just to make sure your body is ready"

Ji Won reaches out to squeeze his hand, her touch warm and reassuring. "As you wish, mister" she says earnestly. "I'll take it one step at a time and make sure to prioritize my health and well-being."


The next day, Soo Hyun took Ji Won to their doctor, their trip was somewhat brightened by random stories about stuff along the road, but just as soon as the car parked, this place of desperation casted a shadow over her. Everything went as they were supposed to be, yet slowly.

The moment they prepared to leave the hospital and return home, Soo Hyun held Ji Won's hand, their fingers entwined. "I know how you're feeling...about this place" he said softly. "Mianhe..."

Ji Won nodded, her eyes reflecting the depth of her pain but also a glimmer of hope, leaning into his embrace. "Don't worry, Soo Hyun. Thank you for taking good care of me, I couldn't ask for more"

With a sense of pride swelling in his chest, he murmurs, his gaze filled with love and understanding. "You're stronger than you realize, Ji Won. And I'll be right here beside you every step of the way."


Fortunately, her check up results are all stable. As soon as Ji Won confirmed to come back to work, her agency was flooded with proposal in the following days, allowing her to throw herself into works again, with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. No one knew about her misfortune, but brands all welcome her back with great love and support, giving her tremendous solace to continue her path.

After the incident, Soo Hyun would often visit her on set to ensure she had no chance to be overthinking, his presence a source of comfort and encouragement. He would watch her work with a sense of pride, marveling at her talent and resilience. Ji Won would smile at his words, her heart swelling with gratitude. 

"Guess what?", Ji Won's voice seemed lighthearted on their call

"Don't keep me curious, Mrs. Kim", Soo Hyun joked along while reading some scripts

"Victoria's Secret wants to re-promote the term "angel", and they proposed to have me represent their perfume line in Asia", Ji Won chuckled, "I think it's quite a niche idea, but also sounds interesting"

"It is, but as long as you enjoy the products, I am sure you can represent the angel image very well", Soo Hyun's words were nothing, but encouragement

"But this agreement would send me to Shanghai for a week. How do you think?", Ji Won contemplated

"I'll miss you so much, of course.", Soo Hyun playfully complained

"Geurae, let me just...try something new this time", Ji Won's voice excited


A week after her eager acceptance, Ji Won found herself fully immersed in her busy schedule abroad again. She was sitting on a flight to Shanghai while Soo Hyun came back to their quiet home after a golf session with the guys. Work revived her significantly. In the next days, despite the whirlwind of activity, she made sure to keep Soo Hyun updated about her travels, sending him messages and photos whenever she could.

One evening, as Soo Hyun sat alone in their empty home, he received a message from Ji Won, accompanied by a photo of herself standing in front of a glittering skyline, her smile radiant.

"Just finished the event in Shanghai! It was amazing. Miss you, babe. How's everything at home?"

"You rock! Things are all good, don't worry", Soo Hyun quickly responded

Soo Hyun couldn't help but smile at the photo, his heart swelling with pride at seeing Ji Won shine on the international stage. He assured her that everything was fine and that he was eagerly awaiting her return.

As he set his phone aside, his gaze drifted back to the gift box from Victoria's Secret just arrived at the front door, immediately captured his attention. 

"Hey, the brand also sent you a big package. It's here", Soo Hyun shot a message

"Jinja?? Why do they need to send me while I am here with them?", Ji Won curious, "Did I forget something?" 

"If you do, this looks quite a lot", Soo Hyun sent her picture of the box

"Can you just unpack to see what's inside?", Ji Won just wanted to make sure

With a sense of prudence, he carefully examined its contents, shortly the sight of the sexy lingerie nestled among the perfume products sent a jolt of desire coursing through him, his mind buzzing with thoughts of Ji Won and their relationship. It had been weeks since they had been intimate, their passion dampened by the lingering effects of Ji Won's miscarriage. But now, as he stared at the delicate lace and satin, he found himself yearning for the closeness they once shared.

Suddenly, the sound of his phone ringing broke through his reverie. It was Ji Won, calling to check on the package content, update about her day, and share her excitement about the upcoming events on her schedule. 

"Did you see what they sent?" she asked eagerly.

Soo Hyun chuckled, feeling a flush of warmth spread through him. "Yes, I did," he replied, his tone playful. "Something that would look very good on you! I don't think you're supposed to bring any of these with you to Shanghai, so don't worry"

Ji Won laughed at his implication, the sound of music to his ears. "I can't wait to see what's inside" she said with a hint of mischief in her voice.

As the conversation drew to a close, Soo Hyun mentioned the gift box with his voice tinged with excitement. "It seems they're eager to have you back home, so am I"

"By the way, I'll come back right before your 20th debut anniversary! Think about something", Ji Won reminded his important date

Once they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone, Soo Hyun couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that lingered in the air. Lost in thought, Soo Hyun imagined the moment when Ji Won would return home, the two of them rediscovering the spark of their love and desire. He would always be willing to root for Ji Won while she discovered her sky as highest as she could, but until her coming back home, he would always long for her soft touch, hear her laughter filling their home once again.

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