27. Second Thought

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Early morning, as Ji Won's plane touched down in Seoul, her heart fluttered with anticipation at the thought of being reunited with Soo Hyun. She couldn't wait to feel his arms around her, to hear his voice, and to share all the stories from her time abroad.

This time she decided to keep her return flight information confidential. As she emerged from the airport, her eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on Soo Hyun's familiar figure, though being covered in black outfit. With a radiant smile, she hurried towards him, feeling a rush of excitement as she finally reached his side.

"Soo Hyun!" she exclaimed, rushing towards to throw her arms around him in a tight embrace. "Neomu bogosipeoso. Happy almost 20th debut anniversary!"

"Nado neomu bogosipeoso, yeobo" Soo Hyun replied, his voice filled with warmth as he returned her embrace. "Welcome home."

As they made their way to the car, Ji Won couldn't stop chattering excitedly about her trip, recounting all the highlights and funny moments she had experienced. Soo Hyun listened attentively, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he watched her animated gestures and heard her infectious laughter.

"I bought you many good snack from Shanghai, there are also some xiao long bao and good tea", Ji Won delighted

"Oh jinja!?? Let's get home so I can try them all for lunch", Soo Hyun squeezed her hands in his

Once they were settled in the car, Ji Won leaned back against her seat with a contented sigh, feeling the familiar comfort of being by Soo Hyun's side. They chatted non-stop as they drove through the bustling streets of Seoul, their moods bright and delighted. Seeing Ji Won recovered from the incident was Soo Hyun's new source of energy.

When they finally arrived home, Soo Hyun enveloped Ji Won in a warm embrace, holding her close as if he never wanted to let her go. Ji Won melted into his arms, feeling a sense of peace and happiness wash over her, it had been days.

Together, they decided to make the most of their time together, planning a fun-filled day of activities. They started by planting a tomato tree in their garden, laughing and joking as they dug in the dirt and got their hands dirty.

Next, they spared some time to head out for a round of golf, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air as they played. Ji Won couldn't help but marvel at Soo Hyun's skill on the course, feeling grateful to have him by her side.

Tomorrow is Soo Hyun's important milestone, his 20th debut anniversary, for which Gold Medalist would host an interview and fansign for him, so tonight they decided to treat themselves to a romantic omakase dinner, savoring each bite of the exquisite food and reveling in each other's company. Afterwards, they returned home to their cozy place, feeling relaxed and content.

Back home, they were both excited to slip into the warm waters of the jacuzzi, the bubbling jets soothing their tired muscles, especially after Ji Won's flight this morning. She let out a contented sigh as she leaned back against Soo Hyun, feeling his arms wrap around her.

"Have you thought about what you want for this milestone?", Ji Won teasingly traced her finger on his jawline

As they relaxed in the water, Ji Won's eyes fell upon a beautifully wrapped gift box sitting on the edge of the tub. Curiosity piqued, she reached out and opened it, revealing a stunning selection of lingerie.

"Babyyy!!" she blushed so hard as soon as her eyes spotted a delicate lace bra, "What's this??"

"That gift box of the brand I mentioned" Soo Hyun replied, whispering to her ear, "Try it on for me"

"But I only represent their perfume", Ji Won argued with her red cheeks

"There is nothing wrong of a brand promoting their family lines", Soo Hyun's eyes darkened with desire, and he leaned closer, his fingers brushing against the fabric. "And this is also my expectation of your gift for my debut anniversary" he said, his voice husky.

Shaking her head in disbelief, yet she still indulged her hubby as usual, and in minutes, Ji Won, alluring as an angel, appeared in front of his eyes, taking their intimate evening to a passionate turn. Soo Hyun's eyes locked onto her figure, even in every second, since they had maintained a distance for months.

"Wow," he said, his voice a mix of surprise and admiration. "They really went all out."

Ji Won only went more beet red in a stunning piece of lingerie. "I guess they did."

His wet body was neglected in that moment, he skipped his cover just to pick her up to their bedroom as quickest as possible, the tried-on lingerie soon to be forgotten as they lost themselves in each other's arms. Ji Won felt a flush of heat at his words, her heart racing. It had been a while since they had been intimate, and she could feel the tension between them, the longing they both felt.

A mixture of desire and vulnerability invaded her as he started to move his lips down to her collarbone, and even lower down. This feeling had been missing for months, and she knew that it'd been harsh on him, but she didn't regret taking that long to heal. Now that every touch of him felt much more provocative and the pain from each thrust would remind her of how long they had been distant, of their love, which had been suppressed in months. They made love, Soo Hyun had gone completely wild to ensure his wife's heart to overflow with his love and longing.

Amidst their burning desire, Soo Hyun, whose desperate confession hit her hard,  couldn't hold his thoughts, "I miss you. I miss us so so much, I miss your smile, your joke, your dishes, and your orgasm. I don't wanna give a damn anymore, just gift them all to me, baby", and Ji Won could clearly feel his tears dripping down as well.

Her heart ached a bit, for their ups and downs, for the mixed feeling stirring within her in several stages of emotions. "I'm all yours, baby. Mianhe...for making you wait for that long, for making you suffer alone while I am too focused on my grief. Now and forever, I am all yours. Please do come to me, talk to me whenever you need to", her respond touched

Sensing her unease, Soo Hyun in a moment had calmed himself down, gently brushed a stray lock of hair from her face and gazed into her eyes with concern. "Are you okay, Ji Won?" he asked softly, his voice filled with tenderness.

Ji Won forced a smile, trying to push aside her feelings of sorrow. "I'm fine, Soo Hyun," she replied, though her voice wavered slightly. "Just... feeling a little emotional, that's all."

Soo Hyun's expression softened, and he pulled her closer, wrapping her in a comforting embrace. "I understand, Ji Won," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "It's okay to feel uneasy sometimes, but just finger crossed for our future. We have a lifetime together".

Soon enough, he unleashed all his pent-up longing, using all his strength to remind Ji Won that he loved her, letting loose all the emotions that had been pent up for so long. The heavier the memory of their loss weighed on her heart, the harder he pushed himself to love her. There, in the soft light of the evening, they rediscovered each other, their connection deepening with every touch, every kiss. It was a night of passion and tenderness, a reaffirmation of their love and commitment to each other.

Ji Won nodded, grateful for his understanding. As they lay together in the quiet of their bedroom, Ji Won closed her eyes, feeling Soo Hyun's steady heartbeat against her cheek, and allowed herself to drift into a peaceful slumber.

"Yeobo, how have you been?", Ji Won suddenly let out a whisper.

"Me? What do you mean?", Soo Hyun's tone puzzled.

"Do you...ever...resent me for losing our baby? Mianhaeyo...I know that I have taken my own self too seriously, that...we haven't talked enough", Soo Hyun could feel a warm flow of tears suddenly running on his chest.

"Resent? No, never. You asking about it now is more than enough for me", Soo Hyun leaned down for a soft peck on her lips, "I was devastated, indeed, but please, never forget that our family only matters when both of us are fine. I was worried about your physical injury too".

"I know, and jeongmal gomawo, for being the one that I can come home to, someone for me to lean on", Ji Won hands find his face, "Please do remember that you're forever my top priority, the most important person to me, even if we later have children".

As Ji Won lay in Soo Hyun's arms, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness lingering in the back of her mind. But from that moment on, Soo Hyun no longer needed to hold back his feelings.


Five months had passed since Ji Won's miscarriage, and life had returned to a semblance of normalcy. Yet, the shadow of their lost child lingered in the corners of their minds, Soo Hyun's is no better than Ji Won's. He often thought about the doctor's words, of how challenging it may get for their future conception, but this couldn't be disclosed to Ji Won, or else it would tear her all apart as if it was their first day facing the loss. With all his attentive care and expectation for her full recovery, he aimed to keep her from chance to find out the truth.

Ji Won, meanwhile, had thrown herself into her work, becoming the face of Post energy bars, Frenz eye-drops, and The Whoo cosmetics. Her schedule was relentless, with photoshoots, interviews, and promotional events filling her days and nights.

It was late one evening when Ji Won finally returned home, looking exhausted but glowing with the satisfaction of another successful day. She found Soo Hyun in the living room, sitting on the couch with a book in his hands, but his eyes were distant, lost in thought. To be completely honest, he thought about their family often, often enough that he wasn't willing to waste much time since Ji Won still hadn't known about the challenge left on her fertility.

"You're home late," he said, looking up as she entered. His voice was gentle, but there was a hint of something else—worry, perhaps, or frustration.

Ji Won smiled wearily. "I know, I'm sorry. The shoot ran over, and then there was the meeting with the Bvlgari team. Should I get you some snack?"

Soo Hyun nodded, setting his book aside. "Ah gwenchana, but I think...we need to talk, Ji Won."

The seriousness in his tone caught her attention. She walked over and sat beside him, concern etched on her face. "What's wrong, Soo Hyun?"

He took a deep breath, switching his position to in front of her, searching for the right words. "I'm worried about you. About us. You've been so busy, and I understand your career is important to you, but..."

Ji Won frowned slightly. "But what?"

"But we haven't talked about trying again," he said softly, his eyes filled with concern.

"Trying what?", Ji Won still couldn't make sense of his sudden tension.

Letting out a sigh, Soo Hyun's voice deepened, "For...a baby."

Ji Won's expression froze in seconds, shortly followed by a sigh, feeling a mix of emotions surge through her. "Soo Hyun... after what happened, I've been afraid. And work has been a good distraction."

He reached for her hand, holding it gently. "I understand that. But we can't let fear control our lives. I want us to have a family, Ji Won. I really want us... to try again."

Ji Won looked down at their intertwined hands, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. "I'm scared, Soo Hyun. What if it happens again?"

"We can't think like that," he said, his voice firm yet kind. "We have to hope for the best. And we have to be there for each other, no matter what happens."

There was a long silence as Ji Won absorbed his words. Finally, she nodded. "I...need to think about this. It's not just something that...I can decide overnight."

"I know," he said softly. "But please, don't shut me out. Let me be with you at every step of the way"


The next day, Ji Won decided she needed advice. She called IU and Jisoo, arranging to meet them for lunch. As she sat in a cozy café, waiting for her friends to arrive, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. She needed their perspective, their support.

When IU and Jisoo arrived, they greeted her with warm smiles and hugs. "It's been too long!" Jisoo exclaimed, sitting down across from Ji Won.

"I know," Ji Won agreed, smiling. "Thanks for meeting me. I really need to talk to you both."

IU's expression turned serious. "Of course, Ji Won. What's going on?"

Ji Won took a deep breath, then began to explain everything—her work, Soo Hyun's concerns, her fears about trying for another baby. As she spoke, she could see the understanding and empathy in her friends' eyes.

"I get it," Jisoo said when Ji Won finished. "You're under a lot of pressure. But you also need to take care of yourself and your relationship with Soo Hyun."

IU nodded. "Your career is important, but so is your happiness and well-being. You need to find a balance."

"But how?" Ji Won asked, feeling overwhelmed. "I don't know how to juggle it all."

"Maybe you don't have to," Jisoo suggested. "Maybe you can take a step back, just a little. Give yourself some space to breathe and to think about what you really want."

IU added, "And remember, whatever decision you make, it's okay. There's no right or wrong here, Ji Won. It's about what's best for you and Soo Hyun."

Their words resonated with Ji Won, giving her a sense of clarity she hadn't felt in months. She realized that she had been so focused on her work that she had neglected her own needs and the needs of her relationship.


That evening, she returned home with a new sense of purpose. Soo Hyun was not home yet, so she decided to make his favorite spicy topokki, just as how she usually did before their wedding. An hour later, Soo Hyun was finally back from the golf course, to the aroma of home-cooked food.

"Hey," he said, approaching her. "How was your lunch?"

"It was good," she said, sending him a pleasant smile. "We talked a lot, and I did some thinking."

He turned to face her fully, his eyes searching hers. "And?"

"And I think you're right," she said softly. "I've been so caught up in everything that I haven't been taking care of myself, or you, or us. I am so so sorry baby"

He cupped her face in his hands, his expression tender. "I just want us to be happy, Ji Won. Whatever that means."

"I want that too, and much for your pleasure" she whispered. "Maybe we can try again...for a baby. But can we take it slowly and easy? Cuz I also need to find a way to balance my feeling sometimes."

"That's my girl! We'll figure it out," he promised, kissing her gently. "You always have my support"

"Saranghanda, Soo Hyun ah" she whispered, her head resting on his chest.

"Nado, neomu" he replied, kissing the top of her head. "Always."

In the quiet of their bedroom, they held each other close, their hearts beating in unison, ready for new possibilities.

Over the next few weeks, Ji Won made a conscious effort to scale back her workload. She spoke to her managers and agreed to limit her commitments, focusing on the most important projects while leaving room for her personal life. She and Soo Hyun began to reconnect, spending more time together, enjoying each other's company without the constant pressure of their busy schedules.

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