38. Light To My Darkness

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Soo Hyun stirred under their soft blanket amidst the bird chirping melody. The soft early rays gently snuck in their room, but without Ji Won around, "She must be in the nursery", reaching to his phone, it was a few minutes to 7AM.

The parenting routine was somewhat delightful, yet somewhat harsh. The first few days were a blur of sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and constant feedings. Soo Hyun and Ji Won tried to establish a routine, but the twins had their own schedules. They seemed to wake up and cry in tandem, leaving little room for rest. Soo Hyun prioritized his wife's sleep at night, and she would take care of their early morning.

"4 hours of sleeping, this is incredible", Soo Hyun thought to himself. Slowly stretched from a long night, he got his morning routine done quickly to join Ji Won in the tasks.

"Yeobo..." - Soo Hyun entered the quiet nursery - "Where is she?"

Ji Yong and Soo Bin were both sleeping soundly, their bottles with some milk left on the lower halves, Ji Won seemed to have fed them their morning meals. Soo Hyun beheld the scene in such peaceful silence before a whine sent to his eyes, swiftly pushing Soo Hyun out of the nursery to find out that it was from the balcony.

"Omo, Ji Wonie. What are you doing here?" - Seized by panic, Soo Hyun dashed to the balcony and embraced Ji Won.

Ji Won, with her sensitive body still slowly recovering from the C-section, struggled with the physical demands of motherhood. Every movement reminded her of the aching scar that ran across her lower abdomen—a constant reminder of the traumatic delivery. Every morning, she winced as she got up from the bed, her muscles protesting with each step, but knowing Soo Hyun was as struggling as her gave her motivation.

"The scar was just aching, and my back too" - Ji Won swiped the tears streaming - "the tears were just physical reaction, don't worry"

"Aigoo" - Soo Hyun didn't know what to say. Instead, he reached out and gently stroked her hair, offering silent support - "Let's have breakfast together"

With the gentle autumn breeze and morning sunlight, Soo Hyun found comfort in holding Ji Won. Once she had settled and stopped crying, he led her to the kitchen, where they would start their day with a simple breakfast of soft-boiled eggs and avocado toast.

"Shouldn't you sleep more? It's still early" - Ji Won asked while chewing on her food

"I slept enough, don't worry" - He cupped his hand to his beloved Ji Won's cheek

"What's on your list today?" - asked the puppyish Ji Won

"Nothing. I canceled all my schedules for this week to be with you and the kids" - Soo Hyun stood up and came to her side - "Don't worry, you'll always have me"

"Aww gomawo. Saranghae" - Ji Won's hand tightly fixed on his

"Should I hire some nannies to ease your routine?" - Soo Hyun brought up an idea

"Ani~", Ji Won immediately protested, "I have my perfectionist way to take care of them"

Chuckled at his stubborn wife, Soo Hyun gave in, "Then I'll find someone to take care of you and the house chores then. Just for you to immerse in your kids' activities"

What a move! Soo Hyun quickly brought his words into action, blessing Ji Won more time to enjoy the little happiness from postpartum therapy while leaving him some peace besides the babies' whines as well. When Ji Won had her massage, Soo Hyun would also spare some time with the treadmill for his sake.


Days turned into weeks, Chuseok was just around the corner. With Ji Yong's and Soo Bin's presence this year, the grandparents were splurging on the celebration. One delivery after another, there were even tiny hanboks for them kids to do their infant photoshoot, adorable overloaded.

Their place hosted them all. Ji Won's parents were already busy in the kitchen, preparing the traditional foods that would grace their Chuseok table. The house was filled with the rich aromas of simmering meats, freshly steamed rice cakes, and savory pancakes. Soo Hyun's mother had also come to help, her gentle presence a comfort to the couple. The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone worked together to prepare for the gathering.

"Aigoo, Ji Yongie, you're an oppa. You have to behave well to guide Soo Binie" - Soo Hyun lightly swing him in his arms to calm the crying

Soo Bin, in the meantime, giggled at her best. She so much enjoyed the new hanbok that Ji Won was trying to change her into, "Aww Soo Binie, eomma's little princess, you love pretty stuff too, don't you?", Ji Won was having a fun-filled time with her little daughter.

"That sounds heavy on my wallet" - Soo Hyun suddenly turned to the girls with his puzzlement

"Aren't you the highest paid actor for a reason" - Ji Won teased - "And you also claimed her as daddy's little princess. You have no choice"

"I...I did say so" - A bitter smile twisted Soo Hyun's lips as he realized he had been duped

It was a cozy dinner they shared, the table filled with delicious food. The grandparents were used to the view of their children holding their grand ones, Soo Bin was with Ji Won while Ji Yong was with Soo Hyun.

"Happy our first Chuseok together" - Ji Won's appa raised a toast

Everyone joined him in the lighthearted laughter.

"So what is your plan for the Baek-il?" - Mrs. Lee raised a topic (Baek-il is a traditional Korean celebration the their newborn's 100th day)

"We're still thinking. We definitely want a photoshoot for them, maybe an intimate celebration also, and we'll distribute some Baekseolgi" - Ji Won explained (Baekseolgi is a kind of rice cake)

"Hey, I just think about this" - Soo Hyun spoke up - "Should we make a baekseolgi giveaway event to our fans too? I want to mark this milestone of them"

"Didn't I just say "intimate"?" - Ji Won shook her head in disbelief - "Baekseolgi is not like mochi"

"I know, anyway, it doesn't have to be for our fans only" - Soo Hyun had his reasons ready - "Let's host a charity event and donation to share our bliss with the public. I want to thank life for them kids' miracle presence"

"Now this sounds much better" - Ji Won's brows eased themselves at a meaningful idea

Their dinner soon got exciting as their parents also supported his idea. They then spent hours enjoying the good food and started to plan for the mentioned event as it would only be a month and a half away. Mrs. Lee, who was an experienced philanthropist, volunteered to kick off the preparation of the gifts, and Ji Won's parents also decided to prolong their stay to share the joy.


With that being said, the next few weeks were a whirlwind of preparations for Ji Yong and Soo Bin's heartwarming Baek-il charity event. As soon as Soo Hyun's agency announced the event, the headlines praised the couple for their kindness and consideration, making the event even more anticipated. Nearly 5,000 gift packages would be distributed to the less fortunate, meaning Soo Hyun's mother alone could not handle all the preparations. Since this was a celebration for her children, Ji Won decided to lend a hand. While she was happy, she also had the important responsibility of being a mother to fulfill. Over the past few weeks, Ji Won had been busy taking care of her child and constantly answering phone calls from various people. Although Soo Hyun suggested hiring someone to help, Ji Won, being a perfectionist, was worried that things would not be done to her satisfaction.

Frankly, the stress began to affect her milk supply, a fact that only deepened her sense of inadequacy. She would sit with the twins, trying to nurse them, but the milk wouldn't come. The frustration and guilt gnawed at her, and she often found herself crying silently in the nursery, the sounds of her babies' cries echoing in her mind.

Soo Hyun, too, was a good hand when his wife was busy with the kids. They were all really meticulous on the content, a portion of baekseolgi, a box of assorted fresh fruits, some instant ramen and other essentials. Ji Won wanted to make sure everyone could enjoy the present as much as they enjoy preparing them.

Fast forward to the Baek-il date, everything, as expected, went smoothly. Family and friends joined the couple in an intimate celebration where Ji Yong and Soo Bin dominated the attention. Soon after the family portrait was taken, wishes and gifts took over the whole living room, one cheer followed another, IU and Ji Soo blessed the kids with their sweet melody, a sense of contentment blanketed the room. After an thrilling while, Ji Won excused herself to the balcony for some fresh air.

"You look like you are at the lower energy level, don't you?" - Dr. Lee suddenly popped up next to her

"Oh hey, you should join them inside" - Ji Won forced a weak smile - "But yea, speaking the truth, I am pretty drained recently"

"I get it, I have seen many patients being the same in their early days being parents" - Dr. Lee patted her back for some encouragement

"You know what...Can we just talk for a bit?" - Ji Won turned a desperate look to her

"For sure, please do. I am your doctor, anything" - Dr. Lee closed the balcony door for some privacy

"I love the kids, so so much, of course I do. But honestly, I realize my insecurity level has risen uncontrollably. The crying sounds recently haunt my sleep, the C-section scar looks terrible, lack of sleep only causes more hair loss, and I am not supplying enough milk for the twins. Though I have maintained yoga, I am not even sure if I can still be an actress after years"

"Ji Won-ssi, thank you for sharing and please listen to me. I get it all, as an experienced mom and doctor, you're not the only one going through these" - Dr. Lee looked understanding - "things only get easier once you release those on your shoulders"

"What do you mean? I don't think I am working half as much as before I am pregnant" - Ji Won perplexed

"I am not talking about jobs. Days ago Soo Hyun came to me to ask about a reliable therapist for you, he told me that you're too much of a perfectionist leaving your mind little time to rest, and he wished you could have accepted a nanny to help with your babies"

"Omo, I didn't know he noticed, but to the truest level, I get anxious every time the kids cry, and I was scared that someone else cannot give them enough" - Ji Won confessed

"Trust me, you're one of the most beautiful moms on earth, every mom is wonderful. You can mix formula with breastfeeding, which is totally fine. For other physical concerns, I can connect you with a close friend of mine, an aesthetic surgeon. With today's advanced medical technology, surgical scars can be completely removed." - Dr. Lee assured her

A sigh of relief left Ji Won after their conversation. From the kitchen, Soo Hyun's gaze met Dr. Lee's, accompanied by a nod as a gesture of thanks. Knowing that a problem had been resolved offered him much comfort to enjoy the rest of the night. Thankfully she had the courage to speak it out, and with proper advice, the next few days became easier.

Despite her struggles, Ji Won began to have small victories after the expert's support. She started to focus on the bright side of the twins, finding moments of joy in their innocent laughter and the way they reached out for her with tiny, trusting hands. These moments were fleeting, but they were enough to give her hope that she could one day feel whole again.


The twins were growing quickly, their once-tiny bodies filling out as they became more alert and aware of their surroundings. Watching them smile and coo gradually brought a small measure of comfort to Ji Won.

One common evening, as Ji Won was making their dinner, she suddenly felt a familiar arms wrapped around her and a soft kiss on her neck.

"Annyeong, I am home" - Soo Hyun whispered to her ears

"How was today? You want to shower before dinner?" - Ji Won suggested with a contented smile

"I do. Before that, I am telling you something weird" - Soo Hyun went on - "I came to a meeting to read some proposals today, surprisingly everyone only asked about Soo Bin and Ji Yong"

"And what is weird about that?" - Ji Won chuckled

"Ani~ Can't you tell? Shouldn't I be the main focus of an event, but I wasn't, not even a bit. They all came to me to check on the kids" - Soo Hyun lowkey showed his envy

"The cutesy deserve it. Luckily, we've never exposed Soo Bin and Ji Yong to the media. Otherwise, both of us would probably lose our jobs to our two adorable kids. Heheng" - Ji Won teased

Their shared life had changed significantly after the kids' presence, yet only for the better. Every conversation would involve Soo Bin and Ji Yong, and it simply just excited the parents even more. At their fifth month, the couple decided to train them for a straight night sleep, and Ji Won had carefully installed a white-noise device to facilitate the process. Once the kids were in bed, they picked up an old habit of cuddling on the master sofa again, taking the stunning city look into their sight, letting the peace of mind dominate their thoughts.

"Guess what? Starting next month, we're in for a whole new battle," Ji Won said with a grin.

"What do you mean? What battle?" Soo Hyun asked, looking puzzled.

"Solid food! Ji Yong and Soo Bin will be starting on solids in the 6th month. We haven't even had a chance to crack open those parenting books," Ji Won's voice was a mix of amusement and a hint of anxiety as she played with her husband's fingers.

"Oh, yea, wow, it's coming up already?" Soo Hyun replied, sounding surprised. "I thought we'd have a bit more of a break before things got crazy."

It had been a year since their favorite novels turned into parenting guidebooks. Surprisingly, they both enjoyed and dedicated much time to this new topic thanks to the unwavering love for the best miracle in their life, the twins.

Soo Hyun kissed her temple, holding her close. "We'll take it one day at a time, just like we've been doing. And I'll be here for you, every step of the way."

Before bed, they had to fulfill the recently adopted routine of spending an hour in the nursery to take care of the kids. The older the twins got, the more well-behaved they become. Sometimes the couple entered the room just to find out their Soo Bin and Ji Yong were turning to each other and exchanging looks through their cribs.

As in this moment, when the twins already slept peacefully in their cribs, Ji Won and Soo Hyun sat together in the quiet of the nursery, their hearts filled with a renewed sense of hope and love. Ji Won leaned into him, closing her eyes as she savored the warmth of his embrace.

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