Chap 24

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Chapter 24

Tiffany looked at herself through the mirrors of her car, wrapping and unwrapping the scarf around her neck. She tried to adjust it so that people wouldn't recognize her true self when she roams the streets at night. She hesitated whether or not to put on the pair of sunglasses as she recalled Yuri calling her a 'weirdo' for doing so at night, but decided to do so anyway. She didn't want to imagine the horrors of her face if the mob of fans found out who she was and chased her around in the worst possible scenario she could think of.

She closed the door to her car and locked it with her remote keyless entry system. Her hands were tucked inside her peacoat jacket's pocket before she hastily walked away from the parking lot and crossed into the busy streets of Seoul; her head dipped down into her scarves and the only part that was exposed was her eyes―-which, in actuality was covered by her sunglasses. Basically, if you were to see her crossing the street, there would be no possibility in thinking that she was THE Tiffany Hwang--or any celebrities for that matter.

She had passed the street a few times with her car and noticed a pet store at the centre of the shopping plaza. It was a small store, and she wouldn't have to worry about a mob of fans coming at her since there wasn't much people around the area.

"Hello! Welcome to Hara Hara Goo Hara's pet store," the girl greeted Tiffany in a single breath as soon as she walked inside the store. The girl took a breather from the greeting and smiled, "My name is Citra, How may I―"

"HELP YOU?!" another girl yelled, running from the back of the store to greet Tiffany. "Don't you try to steal my customers again," she hoarsely whispered to Citra.

"Uhm, I'm planning to buy a kitty?" Tiffany muttered.

"Okay! Good choice, I'll help you!" the girl said quickly. She reached her pair of arms in and picked up an orange kitty with white stripes going through its fur. "How about this one?" she asked Tiffany, letting her hold the mewling feline.

"My name is Kristen!" the girl now revealed to be Kristen said as she had on a vacuous smile on her face.

"I'm...Ti--Stephanie?" Tiffany corrected herself and answered unsurely to the weird girl, who then just stupidly nodded while Citra rolled her eyes at her.

"Will Yuri like this?" Tiffany asked herself, cradling the kitten in her arms with one hand while the other hand stroked the kitty's soft fur back and forth. The cat was obedient and let out soft purrs when Tiffany gently stroke it. Its eyes lazily opening before it finally shut with sleepiness.

"Hey guys I'm back~" Hara said in a singsong manner carrying shopping bags with her, "Oh we have a customer?"

They both nodded.

"'Kay. Since I'm back, you guys can go make me some hot chocolate or something out in the back."

"Yes ma'am," they both obediently said in unison and walked back into the back room, nudging each other with their elbows to see who'd reach the room first.

Tiffany looked oddly at Hara. The girl was sporting hippy clothing with psychedelic colors of the 70s accessorized with a rainbow headband tied around her head, marked with a peace sign.

"What can I help you with?"

"Oh...I want to uhm, buy a kitty for a gift?" Tiffany said, slightly lifting up the feline held in her hands.

"For a special someone perhaps?"

"..Not exactly."

"You don't just buy pets as gifts for anyone you're not affectionate with, just spill the beans. We're strangers and you probably won't ever see me again." Hara winked, "My name is Hara by the way."

Tiffany let out a laugh, "That's exactly why I shouldn't 'spill the beans', we're strangers."

"Well, if you must insist but I do have a feeling that I know you from somewhere," Hara said, grazing her chin with her finger tips as she analyzed Tiffany, "You know it's hot inside the store right?"

Tiffany lightly loosened her scarf.

"―And you know it's uhm, late at night right?"

"I'm not taking my glasses off," Tiffany insisted.

"Ah, I see. Did someone give you a black eye?"

Tiffany was quick to deny, "What? No!"

"Well, there must be a reason for you to be wearing glasses indoor. Unless you're just weird like that―like me!" Hara laughed to herself and took hold of the kitten from Tiffany.

"I see you have chosen Furball?"

"Furball?" Tiffany looked oddly at her.

"It's the kitty's name. I name all my pets here. That iguana right there is SpitBall, that snake over there is Sparkles, that puppy over there is PeeWee... oh wait, I sold PeeWee already, that's SqueeGee"

"I'd love to stay and chat and all, but I really have to go. I'll take 'Furball', she seems like a good kitty. Wait, it's a 'she' right?"

"That is correct," Hara smiled, "Alrighty then, follow me and I'll ring this baby up."

Tiffany nodded and followed her to the counter, taking out her purse for cash when she realized she didn't bring any with her―-only her credit cards...which has her name on it. Bummer.

"Okaaay, cash or credit?" Hara asked.

"Credit.." Tiffany muttered, handing the girl her credit card.

Hara took a brief glance at the card and gasped.

"OH MY GOD, You're THE Tiffany Hwang?!" she asked with her mouth opened wide.

Tiffany let out a heavy sigh and took off her glasses.

"Oh my God, I know you!" Hara blurted, pointing her index finger at Tiffany.

"You know me?"

"Okay, I don't know you like that like that, but my friend knows you, or actually my friend's ex-girlfriend knows you."

"What?" Tiffany asked, she was confused over the girl's hyperactive explanation.

"YURI! Don't you know YURI?" Hara exclaimed.

Tiffany nodded slowly, "Yes, I do?"

"Wow man, this is like sooo cool. I've finally met a celebrity. Sh*t I hope the gals didn't hear me spazzing out here, that'll be embarrassing," Hara muttered, looking towards the direction of the back room.

"Uhm 'Hara' I really have somewhere important to go. I can just pay for the kitty and go?"

Hara nudged Tiffany with her elbow, "Just 'cause you're THE Tiffany Hwang, I'm gonna give you a discount!" She winked.

"Oh wait-a-minute. You're THE Tiffany Hwang, why should I give you a discount when you're rich?"

"It doesn't matter, just ring me up the bill," Tiffany said, a tad annoyed.

"If you say so, five hundred dollars it is then. You know, Yuri was the one I sold PeeWee to and Jessica told me that Yuri gave PeeWee to you..hmmm..are you buying this kitty to repay her?"

"None of your business," Tiffany quickly diverted her glance.

"Alright alright, you're a stubborn little one I see. The card's charged, hope everything goes well for you. Here's the receipt and your card," Hara said, handing the items to her with a smile.

"Thanks," Tiffany said, almost half-heartedly. She put on her glasses and picked up the kitty, making her way out the store.

"Bye~" Hara sang, but was surprised when Tiffany suddenly turned around.

"Do you have any birthday cards or something like that?"

"Yes I do, that'll be 20 dollars each."

"20 dollars!? That's a ripoff!"

"But you're rich and I could tell that you really need it. Plus, I don't think you would want to be roaming any where else just in case people find out who you are," Hara said innocently.

Tiffany groaned and hesitantly took out her credit card.


"Can I take the blindfold off?" Yuri asked as she tipped up her ears to observe the sounds around her surroundings. Her quirky dongsaengs and Jessica blindfolded her and took her inside this place she doesn't even know of—-although it was most likely a restaurant due to the sounds she's been observing. But yes, after taking her inside this restaurant, they apparently took off to somewhere and here Yuri was, sitting awkwardly inside a private room Jessica had booked.

"Helloooo?" Yuri called out.

Yoona and Seohyun mischievously smiled as they ran back into the room in a flash.

"Okay, Unnie.." Seohyun said, a bit breathless from running. "When I count up to 3 you can take off the blind fold," she told Yuri and quickly glimpsed outside of the room, where Jessica stealthily made her way inside while holding a birthday cake.

"Alright, hurry!" Yuri said in anticipation.

"1.." Seohyun started the countdown.


Yuri moved her hands to the back of her head, getting ready to untie the blindfold.


She quickly removed her blindfold and opened her eyes, greeting her to the sight of Jessica holding up a small chocolate cake in front of her with a smile.

"Make a wish and blow the candles, birthday girl."

They exchanged eye contact with each other and Yuri closed her eyes, clasping her hands together before she reopened them and blew off the candles with one breath.

"Thanks Jessica, for this." Yuri could only say. If only Seohyun and Yoona was not present, she would show her appreciation with much more than just plain words.

Jessica smiled, "What did you wish for?"

"If I tell you it wouldn't come true," Yuri answered, pressing her index finger against her lips. "So, my lips are sealed."

"Let's cut the cake!" Yoona abruptly shouted, taking away the cake from Jessica's hand before she placed it on the table and Seohyun tagged along to help.

"Thanks again," Yuri whispered to Jessica. While Yoona and Seohyun was occupied with cutting the cake, she moved her hands down and intertwined her fingers with Jessica's, giving the hand a squeeze before she quickly release it when Seohyun called her out.

"Unnie, do you want a big slice or a small slice?"

"Uhm, small is good for me. Thank," Yuri replied, "Do you want some?" she asked Jessica.

"I'll have some a bit later."

"Okay, never mind Seohyun, I'll have some a bit later as well. I want to go out for a..walk." Yuri turned around to face Jessica, "Do you wanna come with?"

"Sure," Jessica nodded.

"We'll be back, don't eat all the cake. Especially you Yoona!" Yuri gave her a glare before she laughed.

"I won't!" Yoona smiled, indulging herself with the piece of cake.


"Soo...what's with the sudden need to go out for a walk?" Jessica asked, fiddling with her fingers.

"To do something like..this," Yuri told her with a mischievous smile, turning the girl around to face her before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on the girl's lips.

"Thanks for everything and thanks for understanding," Yuri said, pulling Jessica in for a hug.

"What do you mean?"

"About me and..Tiffany." Yuri muttered.

Jessica faintly smiled.

"I understand, you're just friends with her."

"That's why I thank you for understanding," Yuri said, intertwining her fingers with Jessica's and brought the hands up up to their head level, "Your hands are the only hand I'll be intertwining my fingers with...Seohyun doesn't count because she's my dongsaeng." She let out a chuckle.

"Hm, I don't know. That's kind of strict don't you think? What happens if a kid wants to hold your hands and intertwine their fingers with yours?"

Yuri sighed, "Fine, forget that I said that. I meant, your hands are the only hands I'll be intertwining my fingers with AND the only hands I have feelings for."

"Oh, so you have a hand fetish now?" Jessica rose an eyebrow.

"Aish! I didn't mean it like that, you know what I meant! but yes, sure why not. Your hands are the only hands I have a fetish for, how does that sound?"



Tiffany waited in her car. An hour had already passed, and she was on a verge of falling asleep like how 'Furball' was at the moment. It was around 11PM and Yuri still haven't came back yet, she didn't know when the girl will. She didn't want to miss out a chance to greet the girl on her birthday...but there was only an hour left before the birthday is officially over. Tiffany's phone was low on batteries. Just as she was about to unlock her phone to call Yuri, the phone shut down by itself much to her dismay.

Tiffany mentally smacked herself.

"Who the hell is she to me? Why would I wait for her? People wait FOR ME, I don't wait for them."

She hoarsely whispered to herself.

"Kwon Yuri, who are you? Who are you really to me? Why am I actually silly enough to buy this kitty and wait for you here?"

She asked herself repeatedly, wanting to know the right answers to all of them.

She shook her head and let out a small laughter. "I'm not waiting anymore," she told herself, getting ready to change the gear shift but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Taking out the expensive birthday Hara had ripped her off, she took a pen out and began doodling on it before placing it inside an envelope. She got out of her car and tuck the card halfway underneath the 'Welcome' carpet in front of the door.

"Happy birthday Jerk," she muttered quietly.


"Seohyun! Wake up! We're home now, let's go inside!" Yoona whispered to her ears but no response was given.

"Let's bring her inside, she's always like that when she's drunk." Yuri said, helping Yoona pull the drunk girl out from her car before wrapping one of the girl's arm on her shoulders and another on Yoona's.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Yuri asked Jessica who was following them to the doorsteps.

"I drove here, but I think I want to stay here for the night, if that's possible?"

"Oh, of course that's possible." Yuri smirked, taking out the keys from her pocket before she opened the door to her house, noticing an envelope tucked in underneath the carpet.

"Here, take her inside," Yuri said, holding the door open for Yoona before she reached down to pick up the envelope.

Flamed with curiosity, she ripped the envelope open and a colorful Mickey Mouse birthday card greeted her. Opening the card, small, neatly printed words filled the inside.

"Happy birthday Jerk! How come you didn't tell me it was your birthday? -__- well, I hope you had a fun day, didn't see you when I arrived so I left this card here. Remember that 'gift' you said you wanted under your Christmas tree after you got me Hwang Yul? I got it for you for your birthday, aren't you happy? har har har. Maybe I shouldn't give it to you since by the time you'll be reading this, it's past midnight. Whatever."

Yuri flipped to the back of the card to reveal a doodle of Mickey Mouse being beaten by Hello Kitty. Unconsciously, Yuri smiled to herself at the girl's childishness.

"Who's that from?" Jessica asked, snapping Yuri out of her thoughts.

"Jessica, it's getting late. You should go home, I have to go claim my present before that certain someone goes all bipolar and decides not to give it to me," Yuri said, closing the card.

"What? Who sent the card?" Jessica asked again, confused.


"Tiffany? You tell me that you two are just friends and now it's 1AM and you want to go to her house?"

"You know it's not like that, I'm just coming to get my gift," Yuri assured.

"Can't you wait until tomorrow or something?"

"She has a lot of schedules these days, I won't see her a lot. It's just for a while, I'll come back...just go home okay?" Yuri said, clutching Jessica's shoulders.

Jessica scoffed and shook her shoulders out of Yuri's grasp, "Fine, do what you want. I'm going home, to Jay." She gave Yuri a wry smile before she stormed off to her car.

"Jessica—" Yuri called out.

"Just go to Tiffany," Jessica snapped back.

Yuri sighed, just earlier the girl agreed to be understanding and now look what happened.


"You remember me right? I'm Tiffany's friend, Kwon Yuri?" Yuri negotiated with the gate guard.

"Yeah. Why do you want to see her late at night?"

"I have something to tell her, it's not like I'm some stranger and you can't trust me. Right?"

"Well, Ms. Kwon, you'll never know. There's a lot of sick people out there."

Yuri sighed and took out the birthday card, giving it to the guard to take a look.

"See? I came because I wasn't home when she came to find me."

The guard studied her face for a few moments before he gave a slight nod and handed her the card back.

"You can go."

"Thanks," Yuri muttered, quickly walking up to the door steps. Her index finger softly touched the bell but hesitated to press on it; she didn't want to wake up all the staffs working at the house this late at night since they probably have to wake up early to tend to Tiffany's needs.

Instead, she walked around the house to the garden in the back, where the balcony to Tiffany's room was located. It came to her as a surprise when she noticed the room was brightly lit up, voices from the TV softly lingering. The windows of her room opened out towards the balcony.

"That girl, doesn't she know how dangerous it is to have the windows open?" Yuri said out loud. There was a tree leaning against the balcony and for God sakes, who knows if some sicko basturd would be climbing up to her room? A fan could do that; and in the worst case scenario, it could be an anti wanting to kill her.

Yuri smirked to herself, walking over to the tree leading up to Tiffany's room. The branches were down low, and Yuri wouldn't have a problem climbing up. She grasped one of the stronger branches and hastily pulled herself up before tossing the Hello Kitty plush she brought with her up to the branch. She hiked up the tree until she was eye leveled with the room. It was almost 2:15 AM in the morning and the girl was silently laughing to herself watching some anime movie, which in another glimpse, the girl was seemingly watching My Neighbor Totoro while clutching a Totoro plushie by her side. Yuri looked at the Hello Kitty plush in her hand and smiled, lightly tossing it inside the balcony with a light thud that was overshadowed by the voices from the anime. She carefully grasped the ledge of the balcony and quickly hopped over, careful to not make any sounds—-however, Tiffany was probably too immersed in her movie to be aware of her surroundings anyway.

Like a creeper she was, Yuri got on all fours and crawled inside the room; and yet still, Tiffany was not aware of it. Yuri crawled over to the bed where Tiffany's back was facing her and slowly stood up, tapping the girl on her shoulders.

"Ti-ppa-ni, I've came for you." Yuri whispered in a menacing tone. Tiffany gasped and jumped off her bed, chucking the remote at Yuri as a first instinct, hitting her forehead.

"Ow! It's me!" Yuri winced, rubbing her forehead.

"Wh-wh-why are you here!?" Tiffany stuttered, standing in a cautious pose.

"Don't ever open your windows out like that again, you're lucky it wasn't some sicko who climbed up."

"Are you sure you're not a sicko?"

"Oh my God, there she is!" Yuri said happily, changing the subject. She walked over to the sleeping kitty, "I received this card from you and you said you bought me Miyoung, I want to come pick her up."

"Why didn't you tell me that it was your birthday?"

"You told me that you had schedules so I didn't want to bother you and stuff," Yuri said, picking up Miyoung as she walked over to Tiffany's bed and sat on it.

"Well, you could have at least told me about it." Tiffany said, slightly annoyed. She picked up Yul from her bed and laid it on her lap, sitting beside Yuri with some distance apart.

"I'm glad I didn't tell you though, I wouldn't want you to ruin my perfect day."

Tiffany glared at her.

"I shouldn't have bought you Miyoung, give her back!" she demanded, reaching over to grab the kitty but Yuri shield her from doing so.

"You gave it to me, so now it's mine!"

Tiffany crossed her arms, "What's that you brought with you?" she asked, signaling to the item that obviously looked like Hello Kitty—an object of her infatuation.

"I got it for you." Yuri smiled, she set down the sleeping Miyoung on the bed and walked over to pick up the plush on the floor.

"" Tiffany asked, unable to hold in her happiness as Yuri cooly handed her the item with one hand.

"For you, who else?" Yuri chuckled, "I thought you might like it since it's pink and it's Hello Kitty."

"Thanks.." Tiffany smiled to herself, toying with the plush.

"So what made you pick out this kitty?" Yuri asked, stroking Miyoung's head.

"It looked like Garfield."

Yuri frowned.

"I told you to get one that looks like you!" Yuri sighed. "Oh hold on," she said, grasping the kitty with both hands as she held it beside Tiffany's face.

"Hey, it does look somewhat like you."

"I don't know whether I should take that as an insult or a compliment." Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"Compliment of course! this kitty is cute." Yuri grinned.

"So are you saying that I'm cute?"

"Ew no, never." Yuri made a disgusted face.

"You're a jerk, do you know that?"

"You know I'm just kidding. I like to mess around with you. It's fun."

"Well, it's not fun for me!" Tiffany retorted.

Yuri yawned, "What time is it? I'm so tired." She deliberately changed the subject, making Tiffany fume with frustration.

"It's time for you to go home that's what," Tiffany yelled, eyeing Yuri who had lain down on her bed with her eyes closed.

"Your movie is premiering soon right?" Yuri asked with her eyes closed.

"That's why I've been having so much schedules, it's for the promotion of the movie..are you coming to the premiere?"

"Do you want me to come?"

"Come if you want, it's not like I care," Tiffany said, lying down on her bed. She briefly turned around to take a look at Yuri before quickly refocusing her stare on the ceiling.

Yuri let out a laugh, "If you say so, I'm not gonna go then."

Silence quickly overcame the two.

"What? So you're really not gonna go?" Tiffany asked to break the silence but no response was given.

"Yuri?" she asked again, flipping over to her stomach as she realized that Yuri had quickly fallen asleep. Using this as a chance, she studied the tan girl's facial features. Smooth skin with no break outs, sharp features, a defined jaw, and her lips were slightly parted. What was so attractive about her anyway?

She had the face of a jerk. Why would any one such as Jessica like her?

She's not special or anything, Tiffany could probably find a dozen faces like hers out on the street.

Tiffany slowly crept closer to Yuri, biting down her lower lip.

Without much hesitation or thinking, she slowly reached down and gently pressed her lips against Yuri's soft ones; only to quickly pull away when she finally registered what she just did—-that she shouldn't have done.

"Did I just kiss her? I didn't just kiss her right? No I didn't kiss her...yes I did kiss her. Ahh! What's wrong with you Tiffany Hwang!?" Tiffany jumped off her bed and berated herself.

"I'm becoming like..Yoona? Why me? Why!? It's all your fault!" She pointed at Yul and Miyoung, "It's your fault!" She took the Hello Kitty plush and angrily threw it onto the floor, "And it's your fault!" She pointed at Yuri.

"It's all your fault that my feelings are starting to grow for you! From diligently helping me how to ride a bike, protecting me from the paparazzi, using ice cream to cheer me up, taking me out to skydive, hugging me at the engagement party, getting me a puppy and now you even got me a Hello Kitty plush..on your birthday—someone please tell me a reason why I have to stop falling more and more for you; when I know you wouldn't be able to catch me."

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