Chap 25

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Chapter 25

"Drink some tea, it'll help you sober up," Yoona said, holding up a cup of warm tea against Seohyun's mouth as the girl slowly parted her lips to gulp down the tea before letting out a yawn when she finished drinking. Yoona placed the cup by her bedside table and helped fluff the younger girl's pillow before she slowly rested the girl's head on top.

The lights in the room had directly shined towards Seohyun's eyes, causing her to lazily blink her heavy eye-lids a few times until her eyes were wide open, lurking—half sober, and a bit conscious about her surroundings.

"We're home already?" Seohyun rubbed her eyes and asked, sitting up straight.

Yoona smiled. "Are you pretending to be drunk so I could carry you up?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was really drunk!" Seohyun insisted.

"And you sober up this fast?"

Seohyun nodded and Yoona laughed, not finding another reason why she should 'argue' with the girl.

"Yuri Unnie went to my sister's house, and Jessica Unnie went I'm guessing that we're both home alone, obviously."

"Let's have a movie night! Yuri Unnie and I do it all the time!" Seohyun suggested but Yoona laughed.

"You're not sleepy? It's really late."

The girl smiled gleefully and shook her head. "I'm not sleepy at all, I'm wide awake!"

"Okay fine, I guess we could catch a movie or two. Do you have movie on demand?" Yoona asked, taking the remote from the bedside table.

Seohyun nodded with the same smile plastered on her face.

"Yay! Let's hurry up and choose a movie then!" Yoona hollered and jumped onto the bed, intentionally landing on top of Seohyun as her body held the younger girl down. Seohyun squirmed under her body. She made an effort to try to push Yoona away by her shoulders—but with no prevail; the older girl was much stronger than she is.

"Yah! You're heavy get off!" Seohyun yelled, their faces were merely inches away from each other; and even though Seohyun was starting to get used to the playful intimacy, it never faltered to make her feel nervous or make her heart beat fast every time Yoona does this to her. Maybe it's because Yoona was her first true love—the one that actually showed her what it felt like to be in love and to be loved. Seohyun for sure knew that she was very much in love with Yoona; and although she had a bit of a hesitation, she could judge that Yoona loved her just as much as well.

"You're beautiful," Yoona said, concentrating her gaze on Seohyun.

Embarrassed, Seohyun quickly moved her hands up to cover her face. "No I'm not, I didn't wear any makeup today."

Yoona chuckled and tossed the remote to the other side of bed. She grasped both of Seohyun's hands and gently pried it away from covering her face. "You're more beautiful without makeup on," she said as she used her thumb to stroke the younger girl's cheek.

"That's kind of corny.." Seohyun let out an nervous chuckle, her face developing a red blush. She tried to divert her eyes away, but there was no where else for it to lurk to. She gave up and let her eyes instinctively focus wherever it wishes to. Her eyes were met with Yoona's, and she tried hard not blush even more, but it was no use, as she already felt her cheeks being heated more and more when Yoona leaned in closer and pecked a quick kiss on her lips.

"But it's true, I can't deny the truth," Yoona said, circling the blushing girl's lower lip with her finger before she approached closer and captured the lips with her own.

"Yoona, you know it's been like, I don't know, forever since we've started that bet? Are you gonna get inside her pants or not?"

"Jonghyun, it takes time you know. She's gradually falling in love with Seohyun, she wants to take it slow."

"Falling in love with the girl? Yoona, you have a reputation to keep, you can't fall for her. What happened to your player mentality?"

"This bet is stupid, right from the beginning I swear."

"Hyomin shut up."

"Who are you to be telling me—"

"—Her Unnie's birthday is tomorrow, I told her I'll be having a sleepover..and she agreed to have me over."

"Well, are you gonna try to make a move or not?"

"I will, and I'll take a picture to prove it too afterwards."

Seohyun broke away from the kiss, "I love you Yoona...I love you a lot." she said with a twinkle in her eye.

"I love you too.." Yoona said sincerely, she meant every word she uttered to Seohyun. Yeah sure, she still have that bet to worry about and the bet was the reason why she even went after the girl in the first place, but every action she did for Seohyun—every action she showed the girl-really came from her heart; no stupid bets were attached.

And yet still, Yoona had a competitive mentality and would never give up on that bet. It's not as if she doesn't love Seohyun and would be dumping her afterward. Yoona didn't find a wrong in doing this; except the fact that she's lying to Seohyun.

She planted small kisses on the tip of Seohyun's nose, down to her cheeks, down to her chin until she trailed off down to the girl's neck and grazed her teeth across the skin, gently nipping it, earning a small gasp from Seohyun.

While still continuing with her ministrations, she trailed her hands down to the bottom of Seohyun's shirt and tried to pull them off her, but Seohyun quickly grabbed her hands and stopped her from doing so.

"Yoona, I don't think I'm ready for this yet..."

Yoona quickly stopped what she was doing and took back her hands, slowly retreating away from the girl.

Seohyun sat up straight on the bed and fiddled with her fingers, "You know I'm still I'm not ready to lose something I would never get back, I love you but—"

"—I understand, I respect you. I love you, I have to respect your wishes. If you're not ready yet, we don't have to do this."

Seohyun exhaled a breath full of relief, pulling Yoona in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around Yoona's neck and rested her head on the girl's chest.

"I knew you'd understand."

"..Anything for you.." Yoona said with a tad bit of disappointment. She shook her thoughts away and wrapped her arms around the girl's waist, holding her tight.


On a lazy Monday morning, Tiffany was splayed out across her bed sleeping soundly while the mischievous Yuri was on her knees, next to the sleeping girl's side. She leaned in and began whispering into her ears.

"Hwaaaang Tippppppppaaannniii, I've come for your souuuuuul...give it to meeeee...give it toooo meeeeee."

"Yah, stop whispering into my ears," Tiffany mumbled, turning the other way from Yuri but the girl relentlessly walked over to the other side of the bed and continued on with her prank.

"Hwaaaaang Tipppaniiii, waaaakeeee uppp."

"Shut up!" Tiffany yelled irritably in English and pulled her comforter over her head.

"Hwaaaang Tiiippppanniiii iffff youuuu sleeeepp tooo mucccch, youuuu'reee nooo diffferennnt frooom aaaa piiiigggg," Yuri said in a louder tone this time, obviously irritating the heck out of the girl and Yuri was of course; enjoying it.

"YAH, WHY DIDN'T YOU GO HOME YET?" Tiffany yelled as she flipped off her comforter, messy hair splayed all over her face.

With a proud smile, Yuri stood up and sat beside her on the bed.

"'Oh honey I was just waiting for you to wake up so we can go have breakfast together,'" Yuri said sarcastically in a mocking tone. She moved her hands up to Tiffany's head to try to help fix the girl's messy hair, but Tiffany slapped her hands away.

Yuri smirked, "I feel sorry for your future husband if this is how you wake up every morning."

"Go home."

"No, I won't until you get your lazy butt off of bed," Yuri said stubbornly.

Tiffany sighed, "Why are you still here anyway?"

"Well, I fell asleep last night by accident and since I'm already here..might as well wait for you to wake up."

"Now that I'm awake, you can go home now."

"Whyyyyy? You don't like me here?" Yuri asked and Tiffany stayed silent for a brief second.

"No, I don't," she lied.

"Why, though? I thought were were gooooooood frrrriiiiieeeenddddds." Yuri leaned in closer to Tiffany's face and breathed out her words, causing the older girl to pinch her nose out of disgust.

"Ugh! Your breath stinks! You didn't brush your teeth yet? You could have asked the maid for an extra toothbrush!" Tiffany yelled, one hand pinching her nose as the other fanned the smell away.

"I did ask the maid for a toothbrush and I did brush my teeth," Yuri assured with a smile.

"Then why does your breath reeks so—MMUUUCH!?" Tiffany suddenly yell out again as Yuri exhaled a breath onto her face.

"I drank one of these," Yuri said, taking out a strange pouch from her jacket's pocket. "They're herbal drinks, it helps with your immune system."

Tiffany looked oddly at her with a indescribable expression. "You carry those with you at all times?"

"I drink a few pouches a day, and you should too!" Yuri suggested with a grin.

"Ew no, it stinks." Tiffany made a disgusted face.

"You're a celebrity, you have a bunch of schedules and I know you're not taking good care of yourself because of it. This will replenish your health, try it!" Yuri said, and without waiting for Tiffany to agree or not, she ripped the package open and brought it closer to her.

"I can smell it. Take it away from me!" Tiffany shrieked, fanning the stinky smell away.

"Just drink! It's good for you!" Yuri kept on insisting.

Tiffany however, shook her head 'no'. Her stance against the so-called herbal drinks were strong and there was no way, absolutely no way, she was going to drink that stinky potion.

"Drink. It. Now."

"I. Don't. Want. To."



They argued back and forth with Yuri trying to push her to drink but Tiffany just kept pushing her hand away.

"I'm taking that Hello Kitty plush back if you don't drink," Yuri threatened.

Tiffany scoffed, "I can go out and buy my own, you know."

"But it won't be special anymore," Yuri said with a feigned pout.

"And how is the one you gave me special?"

"Because I gave it to you! Everything is more special if someone gave it to you. For example, someone giving roses to you versus you getting roses for yourself. Which one would you prefer?"

"Of course—someone giving me the roses.." Tiffany mumbled.

"Yeah, I thought so. Now be a good girl and drink up," Yuri said. She wrapped one of her arms around Tiffany's shoulder and clutched her shoulder with her hand (as if to take a selca together) while the other hand held the herbal drink and brought it closer to Tiffany's face, causing her to pinch her nose as the strong stench of the drink disgustingly filled her nose.

"Ahhhh," Yuri opened her mouth and said. Tiffany obeyed her and opened her mouth, her nose still pinched together as she tried to quickly gulp down the drink—the faster she does this, the faster she wouldn't have to have that awful herbal drink overthrow the taste buds in her mouth.

"Ewww, it tastes like bitter soy sauce or something." Tiffany stuck her tongue out in distaste.

"Stop complaining, it's good for you. I'll buy you some more for you to drink."

"Thanks but no tha—"

Suddenly there was a knock, causing their attention to momentarily focus on the door.

"Ms. Hwang, your mother is here...along with a special guest."

"Okay! I'll be out in a bit," Tiffany shouted.

"Oh your mom is here? You should introduce me to her," Yuri said with a smile.

"I don't think she'll like you," Tiffany said truthfully, knowing what her mother's morals are.

Yuri lightly shoved her by the shoulders. "C'mon now, just because you don't 'like' me doesn't mean that your mother won't."

"It's not that. She doesn't like your sexual identity. She doesn't like who you are."

"Because I'm a lesbian? But what about Yoona?"

"Yoona always thought that our mother accepted her but in fact she despises homosexuals; she thinks it's a sin. Only my father is understanding, he doesn't care who Yoona likes. As long as his daughter is happy..he's happy." Tiffany explained, her expression a bit saddened.

"I see..." Yuri bit her lower lip, "Well I think I should be going home now. I'll leave Miyoung here, she seems to be having fun with Yul over there." She smiled, pointing to the kitty who was snuggling with Yul in a corner of the room.

"Okay, I'll see you soon then," Tiffany simpered.

"I'll go out through your balcony, don't worry about me. Just go down to your mom," Yuri stood up and said, walking towards the balcony much to Tiffany's bewilderment.

"You can go through the front's okay. I don't get how you and Yoona can climb up and down those trees so easily without hurting yourself."

"We're just ninja like that, plus I do a lot of rock climbing. Hmm, I should take you out one day to go rock climb." Yuri lightly rubbed her chin.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay climbing down like that?"

"Yes, ma'am I'll be okay. Thanks for caring. How about a little hug for me? Just a friendly good bye hug." Yuri grinned and opened her arms wide.

Tiffany wanted to hug her, but hesitated for second.

"C'mon!" Yuri said, opening her arms wide again but Tiffany stubborn stayed still at her spot.

"Fine, I'll come to you then. THE Tiffany Hwang," she said, walking on over to Tiffany. She wrapped her arms around the girl's body for a quick hug before she pulled away, making Tiffany wish on the inside that the hug could just last for a little bit longer.

"Bye," Yuri said before heading out to the balcony. When she'd reached the outside, Yuri suddenly turned around. "I think you need to go take a shower. Your hair stink."

"Shut up and go!" Tiffany yelled, embarrassed. She held up a few strands of her hair and took a sniff. "What are you talking about, it does not stink!"

"I was joking." Yuri beamed a smile.

When she's with Jessica, she tends to tune down a lot of stuff that she says, worrying that she might offend the girl; but when she's with Tiffany, it's just—different. She can say what's on her mind, and she can actually joke around with the girl and even though she might get 'offended' or heck, even 'insulted'; at the end of the day, it's all fun and games for the both of them. Sometimes, she wished Jessica could be a bit more easy going.

"Your hair smells nice don't worry. And yeah I think your mom is waiting for too long now. Just go! I'll close the balcony doors after me!"

Tiffany nodded and took a last glimpse of Yuri before she head out of her room and downstairs to where her mom and that 'special' guest were both seated down on the couch.

"What's the occasion?" Tiffany asked on her way walking down the stairs.

"Is Yoona home? I bought with me a...conversion therapist..."

"A conversion therapist? For what?" Tiffany asked, baffled.

"We all know what Yoona's lifestyle is. Her lifestyle is unhealthy, and I'm just concern for her. So Mr. Ok here is a renown therapist, he'll talk to Yoona and help her regain a normal lifestyle again, like what I always wanted her to have," Mrs. Hwang said with no shame in her actions.

Tiffany could not believe what she'd just heard. She stared at her mother in disbelief. How could her own mother have such ignorance to do this? She shook her head and scoffed.

"Are you kidding me? You came here for that? Does dad know about this? Why can't you just give up? SHE IS WHO SHE IS, you can not change a person's sexual orientation through this conversion bullsh!t. Can't you just leave your own daughter alone and let her have her own happiness?"

"Tiffany, I've heard about you calling that marriage with Siwon off. I'm not happy about that either."

"Dad said I don't have to marry him if I don't like him. I DON'T LIKE HIM. Do you ever even care about what he tried to do to me before? For crying out loud, that person you kept on wanting me to marry tried to rape me before. If I didn't have a friend to rescue me, do you know how hurt I would be? How I would feel if I were raped by him? Step your feet inside my shoes for once and try to at least sympathize with my problems."

"I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding between you two; Siwon would never do something like that. I knew his parents for over 30 years. I was at the hospital congratulating them when Siwon was born. I saw him grow up with my own eyes, he would never do something despicable like this," Mrs. Hwang said, keeping her cool.

"So are you saying that I lied about him raping me?" Tiffany said with much incredulity.

"No, I am saying that you misunderstood the situation, maybe it wasn't what you think it was."

"Mom, I really don't have time for this. I have a schedule in an hour, I have 4 schedules today. Do you how tiring it is for me? I am so worn out everyday, I just want to go home and relax. I don't want my home and my family to be full of drama. I don't want to deal with this bullsh!t with you every time we see each other. Now if you please, can you and Mr. Ok please go home so I can relax in my remaining hour?"

"Tiffany, where is Yoona? I want to speak with her, I have nothing else to say to you."

"Yoona is at her friend's house, and no I will not allow for you to speak with her. She is my younger sister, and I will protect her from you and that conversion bullsh!t. Please go. Mrs. Lim, can you please show my mother and Mr. Ok the way out?"

Mrs. Lim nodded and went along to open up the front door.

"Mrs. Im.."

"Mom? Why are you here?" Yoona asked with a smile on her face, stepping inside the house.

"Mom is going home now," Tiffany said, standing up herself as she walked over her mother. "Go home mom."

"Going home already? I just arrived?" Yoona asked, a bit confused.

"Mom is busy, she has to go home," Tiffany said once again.

Mrs. Hwang shook her head and sighed, Tiffany is stubborn. She knew Tiffany was stubborn; the girl won't let her get her way, but she herself still have another plan in mind. "Let's go Mr. Ok," Mrs. Hwang said lastly before she left the house hastily with her 'conversion' therapist tagging along behind her.

"What's with the drama I don't know about?" Yoona asked, obviously spotting the tension between the two.

"It's nothing to worry about. So you were at Seohyun's house last night?" Tiffany asked, changing the subject as she set down on the couch.

Yoona sat beside her and smiled, "Yup, I love her a lot."

"Well, you seem to change a lot after you knew her and now you two are a couple. Not being a player no more?"

Yoona nodded, "I'll never to cheat on her, you can be rest assured."

Tiffany smiled to herself. Indeed Yoona's happiness is the most important thing to her. She, as an older sister, has to do everything in order to protect the happiness of her younger sister, that's what a good older sister do.

Curious as ever, Tiffany really wanted to know about the perks of being gay and why Yoona had chosen this very difficult route in life when she knew there would be people out there who will judge her because of her sexual identity.

"Yoona, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" Yoona asked back.

"Why did you choose to be gay when you know people will judge you and not like you for who you are?"

Yoona was taken aback by the sudden question.

"Well, that was random." She chuckled. "Well, I didn't 'choose' to be gay per say. Ever since I was small, I just knew that I had a stronger affection for girls than guys. I was closeted in for years and didn't want to tell our family about it because they will of course not accept it. But you're my older sis, I know you'll accept me for who I am that's why I told you first and although you were accepted me, and I'm glad mom and dad accepted me as well. I felt like I was the happiest person in the world because my own family accepted me for something I am whilst other families could reject and disown. People can judge me all they want, I don't know them, I don't care about them. I am who I am, I don't care for those who judge. They should try to see the inside of a person before making judgment about them due to their orientation."

Tiffany felt proud for what Yoona had to endure in order to live her life the way she wanted, even if her own mother still don't accept her for what she is.

"What are the perks of being 'gay' anyway?" Tiffany asked another question, and Yoona was still surprise at the sudden influx of these gay related questions.

"Uhm well, there's lots of perks for being gay. First of all, you don't have to worry about birth control, condoms, blah blah blah. Second, who really knows a woman's body better than a women themselves? They understand you better, they're always there for you to talk to if you have a problem, they have softer touches, their lips are the softest and I could go on and on."

Tiffany instinctively touched her lips, remembering that kiss she had given Yuri. Even for a split second that kiss had lasted, the softness of Yuri's lips will never escape her mind.

"Unnie, what's with the sudden questions about being gay and stuff?" Yoona asked, dying to know.

"Nothing," Tiffany shook her head and said.

Yoona sighed, "Remember, I trust you that's why you were the first person I told my sexual orientation to. I think you should trust me as well and tell me what you have on your mind."

Tiffany breathed in and exhaled a breath out in preparation to tell. "It's about Yuri," she said, a bit of a hesitation evident, "I think..I like her? I don't know, it's weird."

"Well that's great, I told my sister's love rival to link arms with my sister's crush—but it's not weird to like someone, I could tell that you like her as well..I wasn't sure though, but you gave me these vibes. I just know you loved to be around her even though you two always argue with each other. I saw it right from the beginning."

"Wait, what? Love rival?" Tiffany asked suddenly.

"Jessica. I saw them acting really lovey dovey with each other at the amusement park. Which is weird because isn't she Jay's fiancee?"

"I saw them kissing, like really kissing. Lips to lips at the hospital the day Mrs. Kim passed away," Tiffany said, still a bit confused over the kiss she saw back then.

"It's official, Jessica is cheating on Jay to be with Yuri," Yoona said, leaning back against the sofa.

"I asked Yuri but she said that they were just friends?"

"Oh Unnie, don't be naive," Yoona placed a hand on Tiffany's shoulders, "Of course she'll say that. Jessica is having an affair with her, they can't let Jay know about it."

"If they're together, I can just back away. I didn't want to fall for her, but she always does these things to me; and although she didn't intend to make me fall for her, I did."

"Unnie, you can't back away now. You're stuck in a quicksand, the more you try to struggle to not 'like' her, the more you'll quickly sink deeper into that pit. You can't deny the feelings your heart had already set foot on; you have to go fight for your love."


It was Monday and thus it was a school day for Seohyun. The morning she arrived on campus, people had been whispering around her, pointing at her and she had no idea what it was about. She heard her name whispered along with Yoona, but she still didn't know what or why they were talking about the both of them.

"Seohyun!" her friend Kimi breathlessly yelled out to her.

"Did you hear the rumors about you?"

Seohyun looked oddly at her, "What rumors?"

"About you and Yoona dating. Is it true? Someone had been spreading it around like wildfire."


A guy yelled out and laughed. What was so funny? Seohyun didn't find it funny at all.

"It's true, we're dating," Seohyun said composedly, hugging her textbooks tight in her arms. She was walking with Kimi on her way to class, and it was irritably irritating to her that people kept pointing fingers at her as if she was some criminal.

"This is so..unexpected," Kimi muttered.

"About what? That I'm dating Yoona or the fact that I'm interested in girls?"

"Well, both! But I'm happy for you! I'm happy for you two. I'm your best friend and whoever you choose to love, I approve," Kimi said with a smile and Seohyun was relieved, she was grateful to have a understanding friend.

Just as they were about to walk down the stairs to class, a familiar girl walked up to them and blocked them from the stairwell.

"Aren't you Lizzy?" Kimi asked.

"Yeah, and you're Seohyun right?" she asked Seohyun with a menacing gaze.

"Yes, I'm Seohyun. Is there anything I can help with?" Seohyun asked. She remembered that Lizzy was Yoona's ex-girlfriend and most likely the girl came to her because of the gossip floating around the campus.

"You're dating Yoona?"

Seohyun hesitantly nodded.

Lizzy scoffed, "How can you date Yoona when she's still with me?"

Seohyun was bewildered, "What do you mean? She broke up with you!"

"No she didn't. She told me she loved me, and I know we're still going strong even though I haven't seen her yet for a week." Lizzy said, obviously delusional.

"I'm sure she broke up with you because she told me she did, and she told me that she loved me." Seohyun tried to stay calmly.

"And your point is? She lied to you I'm sure, I bet you were clingy towards her, and she only said it to help keep you on a leash."

"If she didn't love me, she wouldn't go on the trip with me to Italy." Seohyun retorted.

"She did not, you're making this stuff up," Lizzy yelled.

"I'm not making stuff up, you're just blindingly deny the truth that I'm trying to tell you."

"I told you, Yoona is mine. Back off," Lizzy said in a louder tone, shoving Seohyun until she lost her footing and took a few steps back.

"Yah! What's wrong with you?" Kimi tried to shove her back but Lizzy pushed her away and as a weakling she was, she couldn't stand up the girl.

"Yoona doesn't love you, she loves me," Seohyun said in retaliation; and although it was adding fuel to the fire, it was the truth that needed to be told.

"You're being delusional. I told you she doesn't love you okay? She loves me. Have you had sex with her yet? Looks like you haven't, only I can give her pleasure."

Seohyun bit her lower lip in frustration. "Love doesn't always have to be revolved around sex and pleasure, love is about being with someone you feel most happy with. There's more to it then just sex."

"Are you trying to lecture me?" Lizzy asked with a scoff, shoving Seohyun backwards until her back hit the wall, inches away from the edge of the stairwell.

"I'm not lecturing you, I'm just telling you what's true."

"For the last time. I want you to back off from Yoona. YOONA. IS. MINE," Lizzy said and with both hands, she clutched on Seohyun's shoulders, and with all her strength, pushed Seohyun to the left. Seohyun let out a yelp and tried to grasp the handrail but it was already too late.

Kimi gasped in horror as her friend went tumbling down the stairs, her textbooks laid out all over the place and before she knew it, Seohyun dropped with a thud, unconscious at the bottom of the stairs.

"SEOHYUN!" Kimi yelled, quickly running down the steep stairway as Hyomin saw what happened and swiftly went over to the unconscious girl, catching a glimpse of Lizzy as the girl ran away.

"CALL THE HOSPITAL!" Hyomin yelled to Kimi as she quickly ran up the stairs to catch the culprit—Lizzy—who was trying to run away from the scene. Hyomin grasped her hair and pulled her back, giving her a slap across the face as soon the girl turned around.

"If anything bad happens to Seohyun, I'm going to make your life a living hell. Yoona and I are both going to make your life a living hell. Don't think you can get away with this, I know where you live. Lizzy." She glared at the girl as the girl clutched her reddened face with her hand.

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