Chapter Five - The New Arrival

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Third Person's POV

Two Weeks Later

"I need you to do a few things for the Alpha and his guest, can you do that for me?" Susan asked Danny, who was clearing up the dinning table from the morning breakfast. Danny didn't respond to the Head Omega, since he was focused on what he was doing and he normally blocked off everything around him, every noise, everyone, every single thing around him when he is in his high state of focus. The Head Omega tapped his shoulders, gaining his attention. He smiled up at her, and set the dirty dishes on the counter, before looking at her.

"Hi, Ma'am!" He exclaimed, cheerfully.

"I asked you something, did you hear me?" She asked, in a slight annoyed tone.

"No, Ma'am." Danny answered. "Do you mind telling me it again, please?" He asked, looking up at the woman with big eyes.

"I need you to- well, no. I want you to go get a few things for the Alpha and his guest. Whether you have a problem with that or not, I don't really care." She said, not really wanting to sound rude, even though it did. "Though, I know you don't have a problem doing anything around here." She added and he nodded his head.

"Sure, Ma'am. Uh what do I have to do?" Danny asked, hoping it isn't nothing that will take time. He was supposed to meet Calvin in a little while and he did not want to disappoint the man.

"I don't really know, to be honest, but he's in his office and his guest is there as well so why don't you get going. He is probably waiting already." The Head Omega said and he nodded his head again, and was about to walk away when he was stopped by the Head Omega.

"You should finish clearing up first though. Then you can go ahead." She said and exited the room, leaving the boy behind to finished the cleaning of the dinning table.

"Sure... Sure thing." Danny said, watching her exit the room.

It took Danny about eleven minutes to clear everything up, rinse them off, and set them in the dish washer. He made sure that everything was cleaned, and in order before he walked as fast as he can towards his Alpha's office. When he got there, he knocked on the door, with respect, and awaited for some sort of answer that gave him permission to enter the room.

"Yeah. Come in." John's voice was heard from behind the door. Danny turned the door knob and walked into the office, making sure to close the doors behind him. John signaled him to come forward and he did so. He bowed to the guest, and then bowed his head to his Alpha.

"What took you so long, Danny?" John asked in a calm tone, not sounding threatening, neither sounding caring. It was some what more towards the threatening, angry side, but still in a calm, soft voice.

"I had to finish clean up the dining room, Alpha Jo- Alpha." Danny stated, again correcting himself when John growled at him, just as he was about to call his name.

"I sent to call you about thirty minutes ago." John said, and Danny looked down.

"It wasn't really my fault. You see, Miss Susan told me to finish clear up first, then to come up and see what you wanted." Danny explained and John gave a simple chuckle, that showed that he was not satisfied with the explanation that Danny gave to him. He rose up from behind his desk, his height on display as he do so.

"Everything is never your fault." John said as he looked down at the short boy. "Why is everything never your fault? Can you give me an explanation for that, Danny?" John asked the small omega who stood in front of his desk.

"I don't know what you mean, Alpha."

"We'll surely discuss this later on." John gave an evil smirk and Danny looked up at him.

"Okay, Alpha." Danny responded. "What did you want to see me for?" He asked.

"I want you to give a small tour to our new member, and second Beta." John ordered.

"Second Beta?" He questioned.

"Yes. That is James." John pointed to where the new pack member sat down, and Danny lowered his head, and sent a small wave to the Beta, who returned the wave and a friendly smile. "When you're finished, I want you to go keep the pups entertained. They're all in training right now, but by the time you're finished with the little tour, they should be waiting. Play with them, just make sure they don't go to the woods or near the river." John said and Luke nodded his head.

"Yes, Alpha, but I don't think I would be able to do the last part of your request." Danny softly said.

"And why the hell not?" John questioned, a slight rage already building up on the inside.

"I have something else to d-" Danny spoke but was immediately cut off before he could have finished.

"What's your rank, Danny?" The large alpha asked Danny.

"O- Omega, bu-" Answered Danny, who was cut off again by John.

"And do you know your role as Omega?" The alpha questioned.

"Yes, Sir."

"Then tell me what your role as Omega means." Instructed John.

"To take care of their pack." John answered. And he was right. An omega even though is the lowest rank, they are a very important rank and no one seems to understand that. They care for the pack's pups when their parents are occupied, they prepare the meals, and they make sure everyone is pleased.

"Then I do not want to hear such things again. You plans are no longer in order. Obey me and we won't have any problems." John stated in his dominant, alpha tone. "Now get going to your chores, but start with your new second Beta's tour of the pack, then entertain the pups after training. Go!" Ordered John.

"Yes, A- Alpha." Danny stuttered and bowed before turning around to where the new Beta stood. "Please follow me, Beta James."

"It's just Beta to you!" John said and Danny jumped at his tone before walking out of the door with James trailing behind him.


They both walked outside of the house and Danny began to give the small tour to his new beta. They stopped at the first building and Danny spoke up softly, but audible to beta wolf standing next to him.

"This is the uh the... that." Danny struggled to say and instead pointed to the small plaque that had the name of the small medical building.

"So the pack's doctors' office?" James questioned Danny.

"Y- Yes." Danny answered and began to walk again towards the other building which was other smaller buildings.

The tour carried on for about eleven minutes and Danny was exhausted by the time he was finished. He turned around when they made their way to the opening where the pups were training.

"That's the end of the tour, I guess. Uh I should get to um entertaining the pups now." Danny awkwardly said and looked up at the Beta. "I think you may have met the other Beta already so... B- Bye now!" Danny said and walked away quickly to the inside of the house again where he quickly rushed into the bathroom, with the door open still, removed his clothes and shifted into his wolf.

His wolf was brown, with little darker patches covered his fur. He exited the house and walked outside in his wolf form to the pups. He mind linked the pups to shift as well and they removed their clothing right in the middle of the yard and they took about a minute to all shift perfectly into their cute little wolves.

"Are you all ready for hide and seek?" Danny asked through mind link. The pups all barked as a reply and soon Danny signaled them and they were all off to hide in the woods that surrounded them.


"Danny, come here a sec." Calvin called out to Danny, whom was still in his wolf form. Danny walked over to him and stopped in front of Calvin. "How are you feeling?" Calvin said as he stooped down to caress Danny's soft brown fur. Danny licked his hand and mind linked him expressing his tiredness. "Why don't you take a break?"

"I'll get in trouble." He linked as a response again. "I like hanging with the pups though... it's fun." He said. Just as he was about to speak again, a loud yelp escaped his mouth as John's feet stepped down on his tail forcefully.

"You have a job to do!" John yelled. "Get to it." He added angrily which made Danny rush off back to the pups, whines still escaping from him. The other pups rushed to him as they heard the whimper. They began to give small licks and bumps to the head as a form of comfort, while John walks back into other houses on the land.

"Why is the alpha showing such aggression to that omega?" James asked, as he walked up next to Calvin.

"Ah, Shit. You scared me!" Calvin said in a small show of panic.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to." James apologized immediately.

"It's cool... " Calvin said. "... but to answer your question... the alpha shows such aggression and hate to that one particular omega..."

"But why wo-"

"Before you go to ask why, that isn't my place to inform you on that. You will have to ask John or someone else for that information." Calvin stated, not wanting others to know the alpha's information that is very personal.

"I understand... I see you have quite a..."

"Quite a what?" Calvin said, cutting off the other beta right away.

"Quite a relationship between you both. You seem to care for him."

"Of course I care for him."

"Why is that?" James questioned. At this point, Calvin was tired with the questions.

"That isn't your business." Answered Calvin.

"When you're ready to tell me... I will be waiting." Responded James. James was desperate to get some answers,  however, he knew that it was not his place to be asking continuously.

"See you around." Calvin said as he excused himself from the conversation, and then walked over to where Danny was.


Three Days Later

"With all the respect, John. You should not be treating him like that when he is only doing what you requested for him to do. Then when he says so, you are being violent to him... it is complete and utter bullshit!!" Roared Calvin as he stood in of his alpha and best friend's desk.

"Why are you shouting at me?! I am your Alpha. You respect me!" Roared back John.

"And I am the Beta of this pack. I am not going to stand here and watch you bully someone for doing something you told them to do. If that is what you call an Alpha, then you are best of them all. However, that is not what an alpha is or what an alpha is supposed to do... therefore you are not an alpha. You are the worse alpha in that case." Said Calvin, which happened to be a truthful statement that he has thought of ever since he have met and breed with Danny. 

"H- How dare you! How dare you insult me like this!" John said. He was clearly taken back by Calvin's statement. He had a strong reaction to it and his wolf continued to roar in his head, shouting that Calvin was speaking nothing but the truth.

"Do I need to repeat my statement?" Calvin said, completely annoyed by his best friend's outburst.

"You may leave."

"I thought so." Calvin said. "You are so lucky I don't report this to the high court."

"I'd hope you won't do that." John answered, whilst looking down at his desk.

Calvin left the office with a smirk on his face. He closed the door and soon entered his bedroom where he entered. He spotted the magical creature laying in his bed and he immediately closed the door softly, hoping not to wake up Danny.

"Why were you yelling?" Danny's soft and quiet voice grabbed the attention of Calvin again.

"You heard that?"

"I did. You weren't quiet." Danny said, the sheets moving about as he sat up on the bed.

"Well I had to. He was was asking for it." Answered Calvin.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm used to it... but I'm really glad you did that." Danny said very truthfully. Danny then walked up to him and they shared a quick lover's kiss.


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