Chapter Six - Finding Out

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Third Person's POV

"Danny? Are you in here? Please come out." Calvin called out through the small wooden, broken shack that Danny calls a house.

"Who's there?" Danny asked, his head peeping from the small bedroom.

"Oh Danny. Thank the goddess you're okay." Calvin said with a sigh of relief. He rushed over to Danny, hugging him tightly.

"What's wrong?" Inquired Danny, with a small chuckle.

"I heard you had a little incident whilst playing with the pups. They told you were out here... I was really worried."

"I'm fine. Its just a small cut." Replied Danny, as he pulled away from the Beta wolf's grip, raising his hand to show the large wound that was on his palm. A loud gasp came from the larger Beta wolf.

"Hun, that is not a small cut! That's huge. And it looks really painful! How can you say that it is a small cut!" Calvin panicked as a reply. He grabbed the younger boy's palm, examining the wound.

"I am find though. It's not big deal, really." Danny said trying to assure the wolf he called his boyfriend.

"Don't lie to me." Whined Calvin. "I know it hurts you."

"Yeah, it hurts if you want me to admit it. However, It isn't a big deal to me. It will heal out eventually and then I would be good as new. You don't have to worry about me at all."

"I don't believe the words I am hearing right now." Calvin exaggerated. "Are you the same Danny? Did you get sick? Did you hit your head? Did a witch put a spell on you?" Rambled Calvin with multiple questions.

"Calvin, I am perfectly fine. It's just a small cut that will heal up pretty soon. I promise that I am one hundred percent okay." Danny said, again trying to reassure his boyfriend that he was alright.

"Let's get it bandaged up at least, okay?" Calvin asked, and Danny nodded in response.

Calvin gently grabbed Danny's hand, where he began to inspect the wound properly. His fingers passed over the opened wound, which caused Danny to whimper in slight pain. He glared at Calvin with a painful but annoyed facial expression.

"I'm sorry." Calvin apologized quickly, taking his fingers away from the wound.

"Why would you even think passing your fingers on it was a good idea?" Danny sassed, his voice raising slightly.

"I wanted to see if it would have hurt you or if it was just covered with numbness already." Answered Calvin, a small grin on his face as he tried to get Danny to make a sign of happiness to him.

"Do you think that was pretty smart of you to do that?" Questioned Danny, as he spat angrily at Calvin.

"I said that I'm sorry though." Calvin protested, trying his best to get out of the situation.

"Saying sorry won't change the fact that it hurts me!" Exclaimed Danny, who began to whimper when his hand began to throb in pain. "It hurts so much."

"Well come on then and let me look at it, then I can bandage it up for you." Calvin whispered.

"Okay, fine. Fine." Danny surrendered.

Chuckling now, Calvin took a hold of his hand again inspecting it again, he hummed as he stared at the wound, then turned around walking around the small house, in search of any medicated boxes.

"It's in the bedroom." Danny called out.

"I knew that."

"Sure you did." Danny teased.

Calvin decided to ignore the statement made by Danny, and walked pass him again, then into the bedroom. He then looked around the room until he spotted the medication box that was placed near the wardrobe, on a small table. He grabbed it, then returned to where he left Danny, only to realize that the small boy was no longer there.

"Where did he go?" He muttered to himself. He sighed and sniffed the air, immediately picking up Danny's scent. He followed his scent and shook his head in disbelief when he saw Danny in the small kitchen eating a bowl of strawberries.

"This is so good." Moaned Danny, as the sweet juices from the berries flowed through his mouth, and down his throat.

"You left where I told you to stay in order to come here and eat my berries?"

"I got hungry." Answered Danny, with a stuffed mouth full of berries. "Plus you left these here for a few days now."

"I was coming back for it though." Said Calvin, who walked further into the kitchen, with folded arms, his eyes trailing to the almost empty bowl of berries.

"I'm sorry." Whispered Danny. He placed the Calvin's folded arms, with a noticeable pout. He slowly submitted to the higher ranked wolf, his stomach growling softly.

"It's fine, babe. You can have it. It's already gone." Calvin replied, placing the bowl filled with only a couple berries left on the table, pushing it closer to Danny.

Danny shook his head, denying the bowl of berries, presented to him by his Beta wolf mate.

"No, thank you." Danny said softly, his voice almost inaudible and hushed.

"Why not? Are you not hungry?"

"I am hungry, yes, but I don't feel for berries anymore." Danny replied, a small smile appeared on his face.

"Is it because of what I said?"

"What did you say?" A confused Danny spoke.

"About the berries?"

"No, no. I just don't feel  for berries anymore." Danny replied, truthfully. He was no longer in the mood for what he just devoured. He felt upset about what he has done, however, he would not admit it.

"What do you want to eat then?"

"I'm not that hungry anymore. Plus I need to get back to the pups, before Alpha knows that I ran off here." Danny said, about to walk towards the front door of the small shack, only to be stopped by arms tightly wrapping around his small waist.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to bandage your hand, remember?" Answered Calvin.

"Oh, it's fine." Said Danny, with a big smile as he leaned back against Calvin's body. "It's healing already."

"Are you sure?"

"I am very sure." Whispered Danny.

Calvin nodded and began to lift Danny into his arms, causing small Danny to yelp in surprise. Danny decided not to question what the Beta wolf was doing, and he simply leaned his head onto Calvin's shoulder, the wind now gushing onto his face when Calvin began to sprint out of the woods, away from the small shack, and towards the light that revealed the opening of the pack.

Soon enough, Calvin slowed down and placed Danny back down on his feet. He wasted no time, and slyly sneaked a kiss from the omega. Danny responded to the surprise kiss with a gasp, followed by a moan that escaped from him during the kiss.

"I suggest you stop now." Danny said, pulling away from Calvin. "It may get me into the mood, and I need to go entertain pups, so... that is not a great thing."

"You're right. Just come up to my room after. I don't want you in that shack. It's not safe." Calvin said, expressing his concern for the little omega.

"As you wish, Beta."

"Alright, go entertain those pups... and be careful please." Calvin said, kneeling to the ground, his palm moving slowly above Danny's pudgy stomach. "Gr owing pretty fast... I like that." He whispered to Danny's stomach.

Danny rolled his eyes, but nevertheless, a large grin formed on his face. "You're such a dork."

"Whatever." Calvin chuckled. "Go ahead before the Alpha notices you're not doing your job."

"Alright." Danny said touching Calvin's face, smiling stupidly at him. He then turned around and headed towards the pups that patiently waited for his return.

"Be safe!" Calvin shouted, then walked towards the main house, where he will resume his duties as Beta.

Just as Danny returned to his session with the pups, they all rushed to him, sounds of concern coming from their mouths.

"I'm fine, loves." Danny assured them with a warm and bright smile. "Shall we carry on with what we were doing?" He asked them. They nodded their heads, and Danny smiled. "What game were we playing?" Danny asked again, awaiting their responses.

"We finished playing tag already." One of the pups said, his voice high, and soft.

"How about we play..." Danny started to say, cutting himself off, then signalling for the pups to give him suggestions.

The pups huddled together, faint whispers coming from the huddled group. They all nodded, then assumed their positions. Suddenly, a small boy raised his hand, a smile planted on his face.

"Yes, darling?" Coed Danny.

"Maybe... we can go with you in the kitchen and help you make lunch?" He suggested. Danny hummed, as his eyes trailed to the renaming pups, who nodded their heads nervously, but also in much eager.

"Of course we can!" Exclaimed Luke. "But, only if you promise to behave, and not make any messes." Joked Danny. He knew that the pups were well behaved, and he knew it would be impossible for them to not make a mess.

"We will behave." They all said, their voices joining the sync.

"Let's get going then!" Exclaimed Danny, with excitement. "Follow me. Single file please." Danny said, then began to walk towards the house. He opened the door, then stopped to allow the pups to slowly march into the house, and towards the kitchen.

Danny closed the entrance door of the pack's main house, then walked into the kitchen, where the pups all lined up against the counter, with smiles on their faces. He could not help but smile at the pups, whom obeyed him, and whom showed him nothing but love and acceptance, as an Omega status wolf.

"Alright. So it's almost time for lunch, so we need to move fast, alright darlings?" Danny clapped his hands together, and said. The pups all fidgeted in excitement as they watched Danny gather a hand towel, giving it to the first pup that stood at the beginning of the line. "Wipe your hands, then wash your hands, then wipe your hands again with the second hand towel." Danny said, pointing to the second towel, that was placed on the table counter.

"Yes, Sir." They said with smiles on their faces. They then one by one wiped their dirty hands and passed the towel around, then washed their hands clean with soap and water, then returning to the second provided towel, where they dried their hands one by one.

"Alright, let's start with the potatoes. When I cut the potatoes, I'll give you all one by one to drop in the pot, okay?" Danny asked. They all nodded then stood their patiently as Danny opened the sack of potatoes.

He carefully cleaned the and peeled the potatoes one by one, then gave the peeled potatoes to each of the eleven pups that surrounded him. They carefully, and easily placed the potatoes into the pot until it was filled almost halfway.

"Alright, loves. Great work!" Danny said, praising the pups. Their eyes shined brightly from the praise given to them. "Next thing we're gonna do is... hmm... how about we split up into groups?" Danny suggested. "Five of you come over here and help me and mix any type of vegetable into a bowl, and then the other group will help gather the tableware?" He said, with a warm smile.

The pups assumed their positions and awaited for the supplies. Danny opened the black refrigerator, taking out clear bags of different vegetables. He then placed them on the counter where the first group waited. "Take them out of the bags, and be free with them. Break the vegetables apart and put them in the big bowls." Danny said. The pups began to pull out lettuces, cabbages, broccoli, and many other green and coloured vegetables from the bags. "Perfect!" He added, praising the pups, who smiled at the praise they received.

Danny then took a chair, climbing up to reach the cabinets, where he carefully took out set after set after set of plates. "Be very, very careful with those. Don't drop them, or you can get hurt with it." Danny said. Danny secondly, opened the drawers taking out handfuls of silver spoons, forks, and knifes, setting them on the table. "Carefully set them on the tables in the dining room, alright?"

The group of pups nodded their heads and each took two plates each from the piles, carefully carrying them to the dining room. He then turned his head to the other group of pups who were doing as they were told, with smiles on their faces.

Danny took the opportunity and filled more pots with water, filling it with rice, and one with beans. He then took the chicken out of the refrigerator, beginning to slice them into pieces, can makes it easier and quicker to bake.

The sound of glass shattering echoed through the house stopped Danny from what he was doing. He rushed to the dining room where two plates were on the ground, shattered into big and small pieces.

"Okay, babies, move away from the broken plates and go get me the broom, alright?"

They moved away from the area and came back with a broom and bin in their hand, the other two still holding their plates.

"Okay, you two set down those plates and you can finish setting the tables when I am finished cleaning this, alright?"

The pups nodded their heads and Danny began to clean the broken plates. He did not want to get another wound, so he carefully continued to clean the mess.

"Who made this mess?!" John's voice roared angrily as he stepped into the dining room. The Alpha's voice scared the pups that surrounded him. "Well is anyone going to tell me?!" He roared a second time.

"A-Alpha, it was a mistake..." A small pup spoke, bowing his head to the large Alpha. "... I dr-"

"I dropped two of the plated by mistake, Alpha." Danny butted in. He looked back at the scared pup, then looked back at John. "I wasn't watching where I was going, and they fell." He added, bowing his head in submission to the higher ranked wolf.

"You pups, leave!" John commanded.

"Yes, Alpha." They said and ran off into the kitchen, where they began to tell the others what was happening. They all returned to the door and peeked their eyes at the scene that was unfolding. They trembled in fear, as they watched their angry Alpha.

"Why are you so stupid! You never can do anything right, can you?!"

"I'm sorry, Alpha." Danny softly replied.

"Why were the pups in here?" John questioned.

"They wanted to help make lunch, so I brought them in here with m-" Danny was cut off by a big hand crashing against his face.

"You are the Omega! Not them. You are suppose to be doing the work! Not them!" Shouted John. Danny remained silent as the taste of blood filled his mouth.

John did not hesitate in disciplining the Omega. He pushed Danny to the ground with one touch, sending kicks heartlessly on his true mates body.

"No! You will hurt the baby." Shouted a pup. All of the pups rushed in front of Danny's body, whimpering in fear.

"N-No. Go back in the kitchen. You might get hurt." Danny said to them.

"What baby?" John said, whilst looking down at Danny, who was surrounded by the eleven scared pups.


Thank you for reading.

Leave your thoughts. <3

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