Chapter Seven - His Reaction

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Third Person's POV

"You are the Omega! Not them. You are suppose to be doing the work! Not them!" Shouted John. Danny remained silent as the taste of blood filled his mouth.

John did not hesitate in disciplining the Omega. He pushed Danny to the ground with one touch, sending kicks heartlessly on his true mates body.

"No! You will hurt the baby." Shouted a pup. All of the pups rushed in front of Danny's body, whimpering in fear.

"N-No. Go back in the kitchen. You might get hurt." Danny said to them.

"What baby?" John said, whilst looking down at Danny, who was surrounded by the eleven scared pups.

Danny coward away, as John froze. He tiredly moved his hands to guide the pups behind of him. They obeyed and stood behind of Danny, who shakily stood back up.

"Go to your parents... quickly." Danny said in a hushed tone of voice to the pups that were shaking in fear. They ran off without hesitation, their eyes sending a sort of hope to Danny.

"What babe?" John asked again. This time his voice low, calm, however, not relaxed. His eyes returned to normal, his breathing now uneven. He looked down at Danny awaiting a response from the small Omega.

Danny refused to keep eye contact with the Alpha that stood in front of him, which only made the angry fury return to John. He pulled Danny up by one of his arm, earning a loud whimper from him.

"Are you going to answer me or not?"

Danny shook his head signalling that he was not going to answer the question that was asked by his Alpha. Such decision he soon regretted.

"It seems that you like it rough. That is the only way I will get an answer from you!" John angrily exclaimed. Within a second, Danny was slapped across the face, a noticeable red bruise appeared within milliseconds of the lash. Just as Danny was to shield himself, a large boot covered foot became in contact with his chest, only missing his stomach by an inch.

"Danny needs you. Now!" Danny's wolf linked to Calvin, who was on patrol yards away from the house.

"What baby?!" John asked again. "I am not going to ask you again!" John added.

Danny gasped for air, a tight feeling in his chest preventing air from flowing freely into his lungs.

"Whose baby is it, huh?" John asked, pacing in front of Danny's limped body. "Answer me!" Roared John. "Who did you sleep with?! Whose baby is it? You belong to me. You're supposed to carry my pup, not anyone else's!" John added, his eyes turning colours, signalling that the Alpha's wolf was now in full control. The thought of Danny carrying someone else's pup, enraged the Alpha wolf to the max.

Danny was about to reply, but instead of words coming from his mouth, only the sounds of painful whimpering escaped his mouth.

"Answer me!" John yell, his voice on full power. He picked up the whimpering Omega from the ground again, only to slam him against the wall, his big palms wrapping around Danny's small neck tightly, and forcefully.

"A-Alph- Ah!" Danny tried to speak. He was cut off by the strong hands that were wrapped around his neck, the tightness only becoming stronger and stronger. To the point where it felt as if his throat was being broken in half from the inside. John continued to strangle the small omega, the strong pressure impeded the oxygen, preventing the blood from flowing to his brain. Black spots appearing in his eye view, the scene of an angry Alpha becoming darker and darker, only for him to become completely lost of consciousness.

John continued to squeeze his hands tightly around the unconscious boy's neck, the anger still on his mind.

"Danny! Where are you? What's wrong?!" Calvin's voice sounded through the house. "Why did your wolf c- John!" Calvin ran towards John, his hands forming into a fist, soon being connecting with John's face.

John released his grip off of Danny's neck, stumbling back from the unexpected hit from his best friend. Danny's unconscious body collided with the flooring, eyes closed, body stiffened, and lips that was once peach pink, now purple.

"What did you do?!" Calvin exclaimed, tears building up in his eyes when he watched Danny on the floor.

"Did you just hit me?" John asked in utter disbelief.

"What did you do to him?!" Repeated Calvin. As he awaited a response from his Alpha and also his best friend, the response never came. Silence grew between the two higher ranked wolf, and a unconscious Omega that was on the floor.

"Why you do care? He's just a filthy omega." John suddenly uttered after the few seconds of silence.

"Fuck you, John." Calvin scolded. "This is not how you treat a member of your pack. Especially someone who was granted your mate." He spat angrily. He turned around, tears dropping from his eyes onto the wooden flooring. He then bent down closer to Danny's limped body, scooped him up from the flooring, and then proceeded to exit the dining room, soon exiting the house.

He picked up his speed, soon sprinting swiftly to where the pack doctors and medical team resided. Without a waste of a second, Calvin barged into the building, ordering the medical team of his pack to aide the sickly omega.

"What happened, Beta?" The head physician questioned. A growl escaped from the angry Beta.

"Fix. Him!"

"Y- Yes, Beta." The doctor trembled.

"Get your act together and fix him!" Calvin yelled in frustration to the roaming pack wolves that were overseeing the scene.

"We will do as much as we can, Beta." The physician commented. "But, we need you to calm down and relax, and not frighten our staff. You are allowed to be in the room while we check up on him, but you need to not be enraged."

Calvin sighed, his large hands passing through his hands. "Sure, fine. Whatever. Let's just fix him please. He is having pups so please just hurry." Calvin pleaded.

"His wolf has already began healing him from any internal injuries, so you do not need to worry about anything. However, we will check him for anything that may be extremely dangerous, and we will check on his pups." The doctor informed.

Calvin only nodded his head, soon following the team that were escorting the limped body, that of belonging to Danny to a proper operation room.


Calvin was now sitting outside of the room where Danny was being taken cared of, with many thoughts were going through Calvin's head. From the thoughts of whether his and Danny's pups would we fine and healthy, to Danny not recovering. Thoughts of confusion, wondering what caused his best friend to do such an atrocious thing to a member of the pack, especially someone he cared about greatly.

"How is he?" A voice made known, bringing him out of his own thoughts. Calvin looked up at the voice, which belonged to James, the third in command, and newly second Beta.

"I don't know." Expressed Calvin. His voice soft, tired, and with a bit of rasp. "How do you know anyway?"

"Know what?" James answered the question, with another question. "May I sit?" He asked, earning a nod from the other Beta wolf.

"How do you know that he was here? Do you know what happened?" Calvin inquired, curiosity over coming him.

"I was informed by rumors going around, plus the Alpha asked me to come attain you, I asked him where I can find you and he said that you'd probably be here... so here I am."

"What does he want from me?" Scolded Calvin.

"From what I pick up, he wants to speak to you about the cute little Omega." James replied, a glare soon hitting him the second he finished speaking. He rose an eyebrow at Calvin, a small smirk coming on his lips. He was trying to put two and two together, and it was becoming quite easy to see what was going on between Calvin and Danny.

"Whatever. They said that it may take a while to finish check on him, so let's just go see what John wants." Calvin said, as he stood up from the chairs, his bones cracking as he began to walk down the hall, towards the exit of the pack's medical facility.

They both walked towards the main building again, James chattering about random ideas that he possessed for the pack. Calvin, however, was not listening. He did not care to listen to random blabbers from someone, when his beloved was most likely suffering internally, mentally, and physically. Not to mention the thoughts of his pups probably being hurt.

With him knowing, they were already by the door of the Alpha's office. Rage took over Calvin's body as the scene of John chocking Danny replayed over and over in his head. They entered the office spotting a relaxed looking John on the leather business chair.

"Oh, please come in." John exclaimed sarcastically. James chuckled softly at the statement made by his new Alpha, whilst Calvin rolled his eyes at the Alpha's statement.

"What did you want me for?" Calvin asked, an emotionless facial expression planted towards the wolf whom he knew as his best friend.

"James, leave us."

"Sure. I'll check on the little omega." James smirked, sending a wink towards Calvin's direction. He then exited the office, the sound of the the wooden door clicking shut, confirming it.

"So? Are you going to answer me or not?"

"I heard about you and Danny." John started. "All about it. From the relationship you guys have, to you being the father of his pups." He added, his lips shut close in a line, his eyes focusing on Calvin's facial expressions.

"Okay, and?"

"And I do not approve." John replied, his eyes changing back and forth, his wolf dreading to take over.

"Okay... and?" Calvin asked again. He was becoming frustrated, and uneasy, his wolf ready to battle if that was the discussion was to become such way.

"Are you not hearing what I am saying?" The Alpha said, him now becoming infuriated by the attitude he was receiving from his best friend, and second in command.

"I am hearing you loud and clear, John. That doesn't mean I get your point." Replied Calvin, in a rather calm and soothing manner.

"The point I am trying to fucking make... is that I do not approve with you being in a relationship with an omega that I rejected... I do not approve said omega carrying pups that happens to be yours... I want you to... Break. Up. With. Him." John said, his tone changing completely.

"Now I want you to listen to me, ya?"

"Sure, why not." Responded John. John leaned back against the chair, awaiting the words that were about to come from his friend.

"I do not give a fuck if you disapprove of the relationship Danny and I have... Secondly. I do not give two shits if you disapprove that Danny is carrying my pups... and lastly, I don't know who you think you are, to tell me that I have to break up with someone I truly care about. You had your chance, and you ruined it." Lashed back Calvin, his tone remaining calm and soothing.

"Trust me, Calvin. Do not test me." John responded, his tone sounding more threatening.

"I can test you if I want. You are not going to ruin what Danny and I have." Calvin replied back. "Now if you will excuse me..." He then cleared his throat, standing up from the chair. "... I have to go see how my baby doll is feeling."

"I am warning you, Calvin!"

"I can hear your warning, but it does not mean that I'm going to heed your warning." Calvin replied, exiting the office.

"You'll pay, Danny." The Alpha's voice roamed angrily through his office.

Calvin practically rushed toward the medical facility within the pack grounds, then entering the room that was now occupied by Danny himself. Calvin walked towards the bed when he spotted the movement of his beloved.

"Baby, are you alright? Please tell me you're alright." The older Beta questioned in panic, and concern.

Danny was about to replied, opening his mouth preparing to speak, however, nothing came out. Danny began to panic causing Calvin to freak out, indistinctly wrapping his arms around the recovering boy.

"Sorry to interrupt, Beta, but I have some new regarding the omega's  prognosis." A doctor spoke from behind the two hugging boys. Calvin slowly removed his arms around around Danny, angrily looking at the doctor.

"His name isn't fucking 'Omega', it's 'Danny', use it!" He angrily spat.

"Y- Yes, Beta. I am truly sorry.... I have new regarding Danny's condition." The doctor replied, his words coming out with stutters in between.

"Well... what are you waiting for? Tell me."

"Everything seems to be well. Over the short period, his wounds were able to heal, as well as any broken bones..." The doctor stated, a small smile forming on Calvin's lips. "... the pups he is carrying, are alright as well. Completely unharmed." He added, causing Calvin to shine in happiness. "However, the om- Danny... he would not be able to speak, or make any type of sounds for about two to ten weeks, depending on how his body heals. And if his wolf have the strength to heal such injury. His vocal cords are completely damaged, his epiglottis has also been bruised, and larynx is injured badly. He won't be able to make any form of sounds from his mouth. Which includes speaking, shouting, coughing, sobbing, and so on." The doctor added, giving the Beta a sad smile as his face dropped.

"Please leave."

"Of course. Take as much time as you need. He must be on bed rest for a few days as well. Eating may be hard for him, however, if he eats soft foods, it may be better. He can leave whenever you are ready." The doctor added one more time, before leaving the two wolfs alone.

Calvin sighed heavily, turned around only to spot tears running down Danny's cheeks.

"Don't cry, baby." Calvin said moving closer to the bed that Danny laid on, comforting the crying Omega.


Thank you for reading.

I hope you enjoyed.

Hugs and Kisses <3

Please leave your thoughts.

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