12. It's my revenge....

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I know Im very late and many asked me to update this story... But as a writer , cant I expect the votes for my hardwork....

Anyways, silent readers please don't mistake me , better skip my stories if you guys are not at all comfortable to vote for my stories.... I know pretty well that Im not impressing the silent readers with my writings...

Why to bother your precious time by reading my crappy write ups... Its better not to read it, if you guys are not wishing to vote.... As a writer, I expect only your votes for my hardwork....

And please my loving buddies and my loyal viewers, please don't force me and ask me when I will update... Im updating daily at least any one of my stories without fail... So, please understand my turmoil too...

Dealing with 10 stories is not an easy task as you all think... Lot of mental thinking is needed to differentiate each stories..... As the casts are similiar, its really very hard to show the characters in different aura... I hope I have done justice to all my stories so far without any repetition....

Im updating all the ten stories within a week and day by day its getting very tough for me as my health is not at all pretty well and I too have my own personal life and commitments... I cant sit all day with my mobile to update my stories...

So, its the votes which is going to get your updates quicker.... Please understand my situation and im expecting all your support...

Pretty please don't pm me or write in the message board asking for when i will update... My answer will be the same only... Please do understand my problem... I will update whenever I find time....

I am very happy that you guys are asking for updates as you all are fond of my stories... But now a days, I have to sneak in or to lock myself into a room or have to stay awake late night to update my stories so that I won't be get caught by anyone in my family...

As Im getting headache often, a strict survillance is there in my home not to use mobile much and that too for longer time... It will take more than 3 to 5 hours to plan a plot and pen down a chapter ....

Im finding chances to escape and posting my stories with much difficulty... Huh... Pray for me that I should never get caught in my home....

Im expecting all your support and please don't trouble me for updates... I won't run away without updating....

Now to shot. 12:

Rockstar Pragya woke up with a pounding headache... Her head is spinning and her body is paining too hard.... Pragya feels a chill in her body when she stretches her hands...

Pragya horrifies on seeing herself completely naked but is covered up properly with a duvet... She spots abhi sleeping near by to her... For a second pragya has a doubt whether its rocky or abhi as their faces are similar ...

She scans the place and finds that she is in her own room and abhi is sleeping beside her... She sees a lot of scratches and bites in abhi's body and traces of blood is clearly visible in his body....

Though abhi is sleeping, pragya can clearly see the pale and sad face of abhi, tears clogged face, swollen lips and he is mumbling in sleep which explains his inner turmoil of him...

Pragya closes her mouth and gasps in shock and hot tears rolled down from her eyes uncontrollably... Pragya doesn't know whom to blame for the stupidity she has done...

Pragya's pov.:

What have I done??? 😱😱😱😱... Such an idiotic fool I am... How can I do like that??? How can I sleep with this man without any guilt???

Why anger blinds my eyes??? What sort of stupid revenge I have taken???

How am I a fool to think that I took my revenge by taking off his virginity from him??? ..

But why??? Why I have never thought that I too will lose my virginity if I do so??? How did I allowed the man whom I hate the most to touch me like this???

I have never allowed my Rocky to even kiss in my lips too... How did I crossed all the limits with this nerdy chashmish??? What a foolish thing I have done???

Aargh... I hate you abhi.... I hate you so much... Who asked you to come in my life??? All My problems started after meeting you only... My life was going on smoothly before you entered my life...

You snatched everything from me... My family, my properties, my first kiss, my life, my love and even my virginity too... I won't leave you at any cost.. you have to pay back for the sins you have committed...

I will destroy you for sure... I will take my revenge on you... I will torture you like anything and I will make you to run away from here on your own...

You are my paid slave abhi and don't ever think you will have a happy life and you can never and ever become my husband in your life time...

You itself will sign the divorce papers voluntarily and I will go back to my Rocky... I know he will get upset at first instance but he will surely understand me pretty well...

We will get married happily and will have a happy life in front of your eyes... You have to die on seeing our happiness... That's my revenge on you... "

Pragya wipes her tears but the poor eyes is not at all responding to her and flowing out uncontrollably... Pragya gets up from the bed to freshen up but her body is writhing in severe pain...

She lazily wears the top which is near by and tries to walk.... She stumbled in her steps and is about to fall down... Abhi who wakes up and quickly got dressed up before pragya sees him is shocked to see pragya is about to fall.

Abhi rushes and caught hold of pragya without falling... Pragya sighs and holds abhi's shoulder to steady herself...

Abhi: Are you okay pragya ??? Do you want my help??? If you don't mind, I will take you inside the washroom...

Pragya fumes and yells: You don't have any right to question me... Its always you who is my problem and dont try to show your fake concern on me ... Listen... it's your duty to take care of me and obey me...

Remember again and again, Im repeating, you are only my slave and my partner in bed... You don't try to act smart and indulge your rights as a husband... You are nothing but a man who is paid by me to fulfill my desires....

Is that clear??? No one should know the rift between us... You have to act pretty well that we are very happy... I don't have to explain you as you are a very good artist or else how will my dadi, aaliya, purab bhai and bulbul bhabhi are dancing to your tunes...

If they get any slight hint of doubt too about our relationship, I will torture you even more.. keep it in your mind... Damn it... Its paining too much.. Help me to go and freshen up..."

Abhi's face is looking very pale and sad and his eyes are flowing uncontrollably on hearing the venomous words in morning itself.... Pragya smiles happily on seeing abhi's tears...

Abhi didn't say anything in return... He picks up pragya in his arms and helps her to settle in the washroom...

Abhi picks up a dress for pragya nd keeps it in the bed... He takes his clothes and went to the guest room to get freshen up and goes downstairs...

Pragya comes out and sees abhi has kept a beautiful saree for her... Pragya throws it out in anger and tries to wear a short dress... But pragya backed off from wearing that on seeing the love bites in her body..

She wears a floral, full sleeved knee length gown and settles herself on bed... She spots a tray with her morning coffee, breakfast , juice and tablets to ease her pain...

Pragya gulped everything as she is starving with lack of energy as she has not ate anything properly the previous day...

Pragya didn't mind who has prepared food and all.... She finished off in a hurry, had the tablets and drifted to deep slumber as she is very much exhausted and tired...


Ro dadi, aaliya and abhi are chit chatting happily...

Ro dadi: Abhi beta.. where is pragya???

Abhi: Dadi... She is bit tired and is sleeping ... She is feeling very shy to come before you all... So, she asked me to bring the breakfast in the room... She had it and is sleeping now...

Ro dadi: What nonsense is this??? She is your wife abhi... She has to take care of you and you no need to do this and all beta...

Abhi: Please dadi... Im pleased to do that for my pragya... Please don't stop me... I love to do the household works and Im very happy to do every single thing for my wife...

Aaliya: Oh oh... So much love for your wife in the first day itself.. what about that madam??? Will she love you like you do????

Abhi: 😊😊😊😊... Yes of course... She will also love me... I have confidence in me and Im sure I will make her to confess her love for me soon...

Aaliya: Aww... That's so sweet... I know pretty well that my jiju will surely win... Okay bye jiju... Its getting late to my college...

Abhi: Aaliya wait... Here take this...

Aaliya: what's this jiju???

Abhi: Your lunch... This is for sid... He won't prefer to eat in canteen... Will you please give that to him,??? You too finish off everything without fail...

Aaliya runs and hugs abhi tightly and starts to cry hard...

Abhi: Arrey what happened to my little aaliya??? Why are you crying like this shaali??? Did I do any mistake???

Aaliya: No jiju. Im not aware of my parent's love jiju... Im seeing both my father and mother in you jiju 😭😭😭😭😭...

I love you so much jiju for coming in our lives .... God has answered all my prayers and given you to me to shower me with the parental love which Iv never enjoyed in my life...

Its enough for me jiju to live my whole life happily holding your hand... I don't need anything else in this life... I hope god will bless you with abundance happiness jiju...

Abhi smiles: My dimple beauty aaliya is turning too much Senti today.... Let me see how long will you talk like this aaliya??? After seeing you lover and after getting married, you will forget this jiju for sure...

Aaliya: No jiju... I wont forget you till my last breath... Im going to be here with you only... Im not blessed enough to get love and marriage... It's is not going to happen ever in my life....

Abhi: Why are you talking like this aaliya??? Why won't you get married??? Is anything bothering you???

Aaliya: Nothing like that jiju... Its getting late... Let me take a leave.... Bye jiju... Bye honey (Ro dadi) ...

Aaliya hurries her steps as she is not in a mood to answer to any of abhi's questions...

Abhi: What's going on here dadi??? Why is aaliya talking like this??? Did she said anything about this to you???

Ro dadi; Don't know abhi... Something is bothering aaliya for sure ... She is very sad for quite a long time... This girl is not at all answering to me...

Being in pragya's problem, I forget about aaliya... Im feeling very sorry for neglecting aaliya and how bad Im, I didn't considered and looked after aaliya's misery...

Abhi: Don't worry dadi... I will take care of Aaliya... I will set everything right and you will see aaliya happily soon..

Poor abhi doesn't know the fact that his brother sid is the reason behind aaliya's sad state... Will abhi be a saviour in aaliya's life and get back her love to her???? Time needs to answer everything....


The screen shifts to Rocky who is fuming and breaking all the things in his room... He remembers yesterday's events and curses himself for drowning in alcohol or else his plans would have been a success...

Rocky has a gut feeling that abhi should not have crossed his limits with his pragya claiming the rights as a husband and rocky is scared that abhu shouldn't have used pragya's intoxicated state like he wishes to do...

Rocky is way too possessive and mad when it comes to pragya... He is not in a mood to lose his stardom, fame n money which he is receiving because of the tag line of rockstar pragya's boy friend..

Rocky always wants pragya purely for him and he has a foolish wish that pragya's body is copyrighted only for him.,... Though he is behind woman and doesn't have the guilty of cheating pragya, rocky is way to adamant that pragya's body is exclusively reserved for him...

Rocky is not aware of what has happened between abhi and pragya and his reactions will be worth a watch when he knows that pragya is of no more in use to him...


Abhi is busy working in his laptop doing some office stuffs... He got a call from purab that there is some emergency in office and he asked him to come soon as the things are getting complicated...

Abhi informs Ro dadi regarding this and rushes up to get ready... He sees pragya sleeping peacefully in the bed... He picks up an office suit and got freshen up without disturbing pragya...

He hurriedly got ready... He picks up his mobile, wallet, laptop and keeps the important files in his bag to go to office.... He quicken his steps.... But...

Again a cliffy moment ... 😂😂😂😂.... Wanna have a quick update .. catch me soon with the votes... More the number of votes, your updates will be quicker....

What will happen in abhi and pragya's life???

Will pragya regret for her mistakes and accept abhi as her husband whole heartedly???

What will be sid's plight and will aaliya get her love she deserves from sid???

What will rocky going to do to create rift between abhigya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2500+ words...

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistajes if any... I don't find time to proof read....

Cast your votes and pen down your views.... Silent readers expecting all your support...


Yours buddy,


Signing off

Will be


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