13. Obey me or else, you have to face the consequences...

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Thanks for all your love and support... Such an awesome response by you all to the teaser... So, this story is also started to gain many people's attention... Many new readers for this story.... I'm so Happy about that...

As of now,

Chapters completed: 12
Max. Votes: 111 (for single chapter)
Max. Reads: Nearing 6000
Total votes: 1270+

Warning Alert : Read at your own risk... Im not at all responsible if you guys are not comfortable...

Better skip this story, if you are against it... Strictly bashing is not allowed....

Now to shot. 13:.

Aaliya enters the college and searches for Sid to hand over him the lunch pack, which her jiju Abhi has asked her to give to Sid....

Aaliya doesn't know why her heart is beating too fast today... She couldn't understand why she is having some bad thoughts today, after she left her home....

Aaliya is in deep thoughts and is walking like a robot without minding anything or about the place where she is in... She lost her tracks and her breath hitched when she hears a familiar voice near by to her...

Aaliya's lips curved to a bright smile when she knows pretty well that its the voice of her love of life, sid... But her smiles fades away all of a sudden, on hearing the worst conversation of sid with his friend rahul....

Rahul: Hey what's up man!!! How is Abhi bhai's wedding???

Sid: Ya its too good... My bhai is very lucky to get married to Rockstar pragya... I hope they will lead a happy life...

Rahul: Ya bhai is such a gem of a person... But how you and your maa agreed to send him to his in laws house... Don't you think its wrong???

Sid (yells) : Rahul... I don't want to talk about that matter... It's our personal matter and I don't want anyone to talk about that... Is that clear???

Rahul: Sorry yaar... Don't mistake me... Just asked out of curiosity... Don't mistake me please... Leave that matter... So, your route is cleared now.... Hey na sid...

Sid: what route??? I couldn't get you rahul... What are you talking about???

Rahul: Hey... Don't act man... The whole college knows that Aaliya is completely mad on you and following you like a love sick puppy... I know you're not interested in her knowing that she is from a rich family....

Now, there is no such complications right... Abhi bhai has married Aaliya's
twin sister na... So, you can accept Aaliya's love and you too can settle in their family na...

Sid fumes in anger: What nonsense are you talking Rahul??? How can you tie up me with that bitch Aaliya??? Haven't you looked at her ever???

Such a shameless girl, she is... She is a creepy l**ch, who clings to me always... Yuck... She and her irritating love melodramas and cheesy talks...

I've never seen a girl like her... For getting a man, she can stoop so low... Many a times, she has tried to misbehave with me and tries to seduce me too... Huh...

But her tricks never worked on this sid at all... Whom does she think of me??? Im not a shameless guy to love or marry a low life like her....

I will stay as a bachelor than marrying her.... Horrible... I'm not a fool to dig my own grave... Rahul, I dont want to talk about this matter anymore....

Rahul who is about to say something spots Aaliya standing there with tears in her eyes... He shooks Sid hard but he doesn't pay heed to Rahul and keep on cursing Aaliya without minding anything...

Sid is being turned by Rahul harshly and he fumes in anger.. When Sid is about to scold rahul, he spots aaliya standing there with moist eyes... Sid doesn't know what to do....

Aaliya runs from there hurriedly... She reaches her class and keeps the lunch pack in his place and has written a note and kept it above that...

She goes to the washroom and cries very hard. .. Hot tears rolled from her eyes uncontrollably... She cant bear the harsh words of sid and how he has such a bad thinking about her...

She forcibly moists her face with water.... She wipes her face and takes a deep breath and enters the class.... She didn't look at the side of sid at all...

Aaliya changed her seating position too so that she won't have a glimpse of sid at all... She is mentally preparing herself to stay away from sid....

She tries her level best to forget him so that there wont be any rift in their relationship and she doesn't want to be a laughing stock anymore in front of him...


As Purab has called for an emergency, Abhi hurriedly rushed inside the room... He spots pragya sleeping peacefully in the bed wearing a knee length gown covering herself with duvet...

Abhi smiles on seeing his wife pragya sleeping like a cute, little kid and he admires her lovingly... Abhi cant even get angry on her for a bit at all as he loves her very dearly... He kisses her forehead and caress her head...

Abhi rushes inside the closet and gets ready.... He came out wearing a white shirt and a formal black pant... He gelled up his hair and combed it very neatly...

He wears the office suit and wears the tie... He picks up his laptop bag, wallet, car key and mobile... He keeps the key, wallet n mobile in his pocket...

He rushes outside without disturbing pragya as his phone is vibrating continuously... Abhi has put his mobile on silent mode as pragya may get disturbed from sleep because of that...

When abhi is about to open the door, his hands are roughly got hold by pragya... She bolts the door in full force...

Pragya folds her hands in her chest and raises her brow as if questioning him where abhi is rushing...

Abhi (whispers): Can you please move??? I want to go out...

Pragya (yells): what the hell??? I told you already na you are my slave and you are to be available at my service at any time I wish for...

What's this suit and all??? Looking simply like a joker... 😂😂😂😂... Where are you going hun??? How dare you to go out without my permission???

Abhi: Pragya... Its an emergency... I have no option left than to go out right now... Purab has asked me to come as soon as possible to office as my presence is needed there... So only I...

Pragya: Oh ho... How caring and responsible you are??? Nonsense... Cant you inform me that??? How dare you to decide on your own about my office matters???

Who gave you the permission to do such things??? By the way, I couldn't understand what are you going to do in my office??? I can't get you... why your presence is needed there???

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨... whaaattt??? Dont you know tht Iv been appointed as the MD of Arora group of companies and dadi has given me all the authority to take decision on your behalf...

Pragya: 😨😨😨😨... whaattt??? Disgusting... How can this be possible??? So you trapped my dadi too na in yoyr brilliant acting... You heartless monster how dare you to do tht ...

Abhi: pragya... Please... Calm down and listen to me... Im not at all at fault.... I am not at all interested in all these...

Its dadi's wish and I cant do anything against that.... I respect her a lot and I have no other choice left than to accept her decision... Let's discuss this issue later please....

Im not going to run away anywhere... I will be here only... We will talk about this afterwards... I have to go now... Please move..

Pragya: Ahaan... What a brilliant acting... Im way too impressed... Idiot... Your acting is not going to work on me and I will never fall in your trap...

And you... My paid partner in bed... Listen to me carefully okay... Now Im not in a mood to allow you to go out..... whatever happens you have to be here only...

I want you to remove this dress and come soon... Wear a tee and a shorts .. My body is paining very hardly because of you...

Take the oil and massage my back properly... It should be like a high class spa treatment.... Come on... Let purab bhai look after the issue in the office.. You need to worry about that....

And after finishing the massage, you have to fulfill my bodily needs.... Is that clear??? Better rush up before I strip you naked... Go and get changed and come soon...

Abhi doesn't know what to do now... The company needs his presence right now... But he can't go out as pragya is keep on insisting him to fulfill her demands....

Abhi closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.... He prays to god for some miracles to happen so that he can rush to office without facing the wrath of pragya.... Abhi gulps hard when pragya's hot breath fans near him very closely....

Its always believed that god will help and send someone as a saviour to help the good persons... Abhi prays to god to sort out this issue soon...


Rocky is completely frustrated with the happenings. .. He is not in a mood to do any ad shoot... His face and body is injured heavily and his whole body is writhing in pain..

He called his family doctor to come and check him .. The doctor came and checked him and given him medicines and injections... The doctor instructed Rocky to take bed rest for three days...

Rocky wants to go to the arora mansion and check what has happened between abhi and pragya... He keeps on calling pragya but her mobile is switched off....

Rocky is fuming in anger... His blood starts to boil and he wants to kill abhi for messing up in his life... He is ready to murder him too if abhi has crossed his limits unaware of the fact that all has happened beyond his imagination....


Purab is completely restless as abhi is not at all picking up his calls... His mind wandered with varied thoughts and he immediately called to the
Ro dadi's mobile number...

Purab: Hello dadi... Is abhi in home???

Ro dadi: Yes purab.. He went to get ready to come to the office...

Purab: Dadi Iv been trying abhi for a long time... He is not picking up my call .. Its very urgent dadi... Can you please do me a favour??? If possible ask him to come soon...

Ro dadi: Don't worry purab... I will see to that...


Abhi is standing like a statue not knowing what to do... The hot breath of pragya nears his lips when his eyes is tightly shut as he is praying for some miracles to happen to run to office...

Abhi gasps in shock when his suit is being held up by pragya in a very harsh manner... But much to the shock of abhi and pragya, the room door was banged hardly...

Pragya is way too startled to know that its Ro dadi who is at the door.... Pragya suddenly changes her reaction and quickly sets abhi's suit... She plasters a blushy smile in her face and opens the door...

Pragya: What Happened dadi??? You are here...

Ro dadi: Why did I disturbed you??? Sorry beta... Its urgent... so only... Abhishek beta... Have you got ready to go to office??? Purab wants you right now in office... Go soon...

Pragya: Haan dadi... Iv been telling him for the past 10 minutes... But he is hell adamant not to go to office as Im not feeling well...

Why are you not listening to me abhi??? Go soon... Purab bhai is getting tensed na... You have to be more responsible abhi and you have to take care of the company properly...

Abhi cant believe that pragya is acting like a typical, lovely wife in front of Ro dadi... Only her mouth say those cheesy words but her eyes are throwing daggers at him ....

Abhi sighs and takes his laptop bag and runs out as if a ferocious lion is chasing him hardly... He ignites the engine of the car and rushes to office in a jiff as if he got escaped from a prison...


Purab is way too happy with the way abhi handled the issue... He is very much impressed and keeps on praising Abhi for the brilliantly taken tactic decision at the crucial time so that the issue is sorted soon....

Though abhi said that he has not done anything much but purab didn't leave any gap and appreciated him a lot wholeheartedly.... Abhi really feels happy when purab said that pragya is blessed to have a husband like abhi...

Abhi started to do his work in his cabin... He did not look after the time at all... He is way too busy with the office stuffs that he has forgotten to turn his mobile from the silent mode after the meeting...

When abhi is done with the work, he looks at the clock... To his dismay, the clock strucks 11 o' clock... He don't know what to do and he really horrifies what will be pragya's reaction....

Abhi rushes out to home to face a big storm of his life....

So, what's gonna happen next???

Will pragya change after knowing and realising about abhi's true love and care???

What will be Rocky's reaction after knowing tht pragya is no more a virgin???

Will it possible for abhi and pragya to have a happy life???

Will pragya turns into a lovable wife of abhi???

To know more stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2350+ words...

Sorry for typo errors if any as its unedited...

Don't forget to cast your votes n pen down your views... Silent readers expecting a lot from you all...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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