14. The reason for my hatred....

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Thanks for all the wonderful support...


Warning alert:

If you are not comfortable with the story line or any of the contents of this story, kindly skip this story...


I didn't force anyone to read my crazy write ups... Some people are hell adamant not even to vote or comment but they want me to write the story as per their wish..

😂😂😂😂 Am I looking like a fool??? Sorry... I can't change myself for those rude people... I can do anything for my loved ones happiness...

But I don't care or bother about those silly people who are trying to enforce their thoughts on me...

Again and Again I'm telling, I cant change my originally and please dont teach me how to write... This is my style, if you are okay read further or better skip my stories....


No more bak baks.... Directly to shot. 14:

Abhi is deeply involved in his works and forgets that a roaring bull is waiting for him angrily in the home... He forgets to switch on his mobile too, which he switched off when he attended the meeting after settling the issues....

After that abhi is completely engrossed in his work and he forgets to see the time too.... When abhi looks at the time, he horrifies to see the time is nearing 12 o' clock...

Abhi's pov.:

😱😱😱😱 😨😨😨😨... what have you done abhi??? Today you are going to be dead for sure.... Already you came here without the will and wish of pragya...

If dadi has not turned up, she wouldn't have permitted me to step outside the house... Huh... What am I going to do now??? Its almost midnight..

Shall I sit here and continue my work or shall I go home??? God... Never in my life I'm this much confused... My life is completely collapsed after this marriage...

What's your problem pragya??? Why are you behaving like this with me??? What have I done to you??? For heavens sake remember Im your husband... Why can't you see my love for you???

Where am I at fault??? Why are you forcing me like this??? I accept we became husband and wife in true sense but Im not at all happy pragya...

You are forcing and demanding my body as a sort of taking revenge on me... You are hurting yourself pragya and my heart and soul are bleeding on seeing your devastated state...

Don't do this to me pragya... Just look a second with full of love on me... Im ready to be your slave for my whole life... I want you to touch me with love and please don't hurt yourself by forcing like this...

Remember you are a married woman... A husband and wife share a beautiful bond which is filled with love, trust, care, understanding and a lot more... Be my wife pragya ... We will live happily....

I swear pragya I will look after you as my queen... Accept my love pragya... Love me like I love you... Please believe me I didn't betrayed you at all... Trust me your happiness means a lot to me..."

Abhi wipes his tears and rushes to Arora mansion... He uses the spare keys and enters inside... The house is quite dark and he can see no movement in dadi's room...

Then he checks Aaliya's room which too is very silent... Abhi doesn't know the fact that aaliya has been crying for a long time and has passed out due to tiredness and exhaustion...

Abhi takes slow steps and touches the room door... The door creeks open... Abhi takes a deep breath, composes himself and shooks his broad shoulder and enters inside...

Abhi freaked out on hearing a loud music pitching his ear drums... He wonders how come he didn't hear any sound from outside... He spots pragya is sitting there with a smirk in her face....

pragya: Finally.... You came... Not bad... Not bad.. So, all the issues settled down in office hun???

Abhi: Ya... all sorted out smoothly... Sorry pragya... I took a lot of time to come home... Too much work load... I didn't see the time at all... My mistake... Please forgive me...

Pragya: Nonsense... Its really annoying when you call my name??? Don't try to act smart ... Dont think high about yourself..

Dare to do anything in my company or if you try to cheat on the funds or mishandle it, you will see the worst out of me...

And you keep this in your mind... This is the first and last time you are entering my house at this time... Got it... Be on time or else, I will kick you out...

How my house is looking to you haan??? Is it a charitable place to come whenever u want??? Disgusting... I have to only blame on my fate for making you as my husband...

Moreover, I can't sit all day long to wait for you... You have to available at my service whenever I want ... Is that clear to you???

Abhi: Yes.. Im way too clear... sorry... I won't repeat this mistake ever.. Shall I get inside now???

Pragya: Huh... Ya... By the way, dadi asked us to go and visit sarlama tommorow.. Remember no one should know our rift and enmity...

You have to act wisely in front of others but don't try to act so lovey dovey annoying me... Better I do that so that I can escape from all those silly rants...

Abhi: Okay... I will do it as you wish... Pragya please don't mistake me... One small request... Can you wear the saree which my maa gifted you??? Please.... If you wear that my maa will be very happy ..

Pragya: correction Mr. Mehra... She is my maa too... Sarlama is not only yours... Look over there.... You are saying about that saree only na... Amazing na... Don't look at me like that...

This pragya is always a mystery queen and unpredictable... I love sarlama a lot and I treat her only like my mother n sid is always a caring brother for me and he is my huge fan too...

But, you know what... Im not like this at all... You changed everything in my life... You are the reason for all my misery... You have destroyed all my happiness...

You are the one and only person in this whole world whom I hate the most and I wont ever forgive you and I won't forget your betrayal too...

Abhi: What have I done to you pragya??? Why are accusing me as if Im a culprit??? What betrayal I have done??? I swear I didn't do anything wrong.... Please... Believe me...

Pragya: Really.. you don't know anything ... You are a bloody cheat, the betrayer, the back stabber, the person who took away everything from me....

You want to know na what you have done to me... Then listen... Do you know who this pragya is and how I used to be???

I don't have parents and we lost our parents when we are of very small age.. Dadi is only with us... Dadi worked hard to give us a happy life...

Though me and aaliya are twins, I saw aaliya as my younger sister... I tried my level best to give everything best for her... You know how much I suffered in my life to achieve this place...

You men can't understand a woman's feelings... Most of the men treats woman always as a thing to please their desires... Its not at all easy as you think for a woman to achieve stardom and fame...

A lot of struggle, a lot of pain, a lot of sacrifices, a lot more sufferings to save our dignity from those lusty monsters... I value my culture and I value my feminity the most...

All my life, I have only one wish... I have to love a man truly and madly and get married to him and live my life happily with him till I close my eyes... You spoiled my beautiful dream...

Iv loved only my Rocky to the core.... I wished to get married to him and to have a happy life... Iv never allowed him to kiss me too... I always want to give him everything on the wedding night only...

But you came in my life like an ugly tornado... You stealed everything from me...You took all the first things , whatever I want to give only to my Rocky in first instance...

You snatched my first lovely kiss, you snatched my love, you snatched my happiness, you snatched the most important thing of me, my virginity... 😭😭😭😭

Tell me... What's left in me??? 😭😭😭😭... Why did you come in my life??? Who asked you to have the same face as of my rocky?????

Why are you troubling me like this in the name of love??? 😭😭😭😭.... Please tell me what did I do to you??? Is it my mistake as I have born as a girl and become a Rockstar???

Why I cant hate you fully??? Why your presence is annoying me so much??? Tell me why your absence is killing me??? What are you doing to me???

Why I will fully forced you to make love with me and why did I lose my virginity to you??? Why Im not feeling guilty at all as I betrayed my Rocky whom I loved the most???

Tell me... why??? 😭😭😭😭... Damn it... Why Iv become like this???? Why am I carving like a mad to be touched by you???? What have you done to me????

But remember .. 😭😭😭😭.... I wont spare you at all for all these... I will torture you to the core... You snatched my love and my beautiful dream... You are a bitter part of my life...

I swear Mr. mehra... Never in your life, you will get my love... I will allow you to do everything with me but never and ever you will get my love back... This is for the mistake you have committed....

😭😭😭😭😭.... Why did you do this to me??? Am I such a bad girl??? Why am I not blessed to get martied to the person I loved the most???

Why god has given the same face of the man whom I love the most to the man who took away my happiness??? I wont leave you... 😭😭😭😭... You have to answer me for all the sins yoy have done. ..

Pragya cried her heart out and hits abhi hardly in his chest... Abhi is stunned with pragya's accusations... Never and ever he had imagined that he is being the hidden reasons for pragya's misery...

He cant find words to console pragya who is hugging him very harder and crying like a baby... Abhi really feels pity for pragya and he wished not to leave her hand anymore and to shower her with all the love he has on her....

Abhi wants to wipe away all the sufferings of pragya... He cant simply stand like a statue to see pragya's condition... Though pragya says she didn't like him at all, abhi knows pretty well that she can't hate him too...

Abhi is now very much confident and determined to get back pragya's love... He is not in a mood to leave pragya for that lusty monster Rocky who eyes only pragya's stardom, money n her body....

Abhi wants to prove to pragya that she is way too blessed to have him as her husband... He wants to shower her with more and more love... He wants to be the only man in her thoughts...

Abhi want to get rid of that Rocky's thoughts from pragya's mind... Whatever may be whether its lust, hatred, irritation, frustration or anything, abhi wants it should be him in pragya's mind....

Abhi cups pragya's face lovingly and wipes her tears... He shooks his head hard and gestures her not to cry anymore.... Pragya is completely frustrated and what she needs now is only the comfort of being in abhi's arms...

Abhi kisses pragya's forehead lovingly and hits her forehead with his... He asked her not to cry anymore....

Pragya: Kiss me now... (Ordering tone)

Abhi slowly starts to trails kisses on pragya willingly and happily... A day before abhi was completely in sorrow as pragya vent out her anger n frustration in the form of claiming his body...

But Abhi feels different now... He is way too happy as he thought he is being the medicine for pragya's condition... This time their love making was different and abhi takes it very slow...

Pragya who is looking like a fragile doll fits in abhi's arms like a delicate flowrr which he holded it veru carefully.... Abhi and pragya had made love which is filled with passion and desire and there is no sort of hatred, annoyance or guilt in it....

Abhi's heart is overflowing with happiness when pragya screams his name very passionately... Abhi understands now that his love will change pragya for sure and he is very confident to get back pragya's love only for him....

He holds pragya possessively in his arms who is sleeping tired.... He hugs her tightly in his embrace and drifted to deep slumber imagining about their future....


So, what's going to happen next???

Will pragya understands about abhi's love and accepts him wholeheartedly as her husband???

How is abhi going to prove that he is the best husband???

Will rocky pokes his nose between abhi and pragya???

Will rocky plays his cheap tricks to separate abhigya????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Cast your votes without fail n pen down yours views...

As usual came up with along update of 2350+ words....

Sorry for typo errors as its unedited....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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