21. The eyes which conveys love...

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No one finds out what has happened to Rocky and what is going on between Abhigya...

So shall we proceed to know what's going on:

Warning: Read at your very own risk...

May contain some mature contents and some language and contents which is not suitable for you... If you are not comfortable, skip this story...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...

Shot. 21:

Rocky fumes in anger to see the intimate, romantic, hot and passionate performance of Abhi and Pragya for the romantic number sung by Rockstar pragya....

The producers Mehul and Arhaan along with Purab khanna, pragya's p.a. cum manager cum brother, makes a teasing smirk on looking at Rocky and bursts out into laughter... They starts to mock Rocky for filling his own misery and they taunts him saying that he is a very big loser...

Rocky gritts his teeth in anger and is hell furious on the happenings... He is not in a mentality to believe that he has lost in front of that nerdy Abhishek and his anger roses on seeing Pragya not at all bothering about the intimacy between them and her eyes spoke some different story....

Rocky's pov.:

No... No.... No... How this is possible???? What's going on around me??? Im not a loser anymore....

How dare that abhi to touch my pragya??? Grrrr.... 😠😠😠😠... Bloody bitch... How dare is she to allow that low life to touch her way too intimately???

Why my heart is mocking at me on seeing their closeness??? Why am I thinking me as a loser on seeing their perfect chemistry??? Why am I hell angry on seeing their intimacy???

Why am I bothered this much on seeing pragya with another man that too her own husband??? aarghhhh... 😬😬😬😬😬..  Did I ever loved pragya before??? No right...

All I want is to use her fame and stardom to achieve big in my career and I only lusted her sexy physique... No... No... This is just my illusion and what Im seeing is not at all true for sure...

Why my gut feeling says that pragya is not aware that its her husband Abhishek is acting with her... Yeah... I got it... These all could have cheated pragya saying that its me who is acting with her...

I know very well about my s**y girl pragya... She loves me madly and she will run behind me as a love sick puppy all her life... 😂😂😂😂... How can I forget how she cried hugging me on her suhagraat???

Damn this girl... Escaping from this Rocky's clutches very smartly...
😂😂😂😂... What did she think of me??? Will I leave her just like that???

Noooo... Not at all... No woman can escape from this Rocky so easily, before being tasted by him... If Rocky wishes, they have to please him for sure...

I know very well that pragya will never allow that Abhishek to touch her as she hates him to the core and married him only for revenge...

Relax Rocky... Pragya is only for you... Just wait patiently... You can keep her as your mistress all your life after she get rid of that Abhishek from her life....

While Rocky was comforting himself inwardly, his eyes popped out all of a sudden with the way Pragya kisses Abhi with full of passsion and love, which makes Rocky's blood to boil like a fuming volcano......

The dark monster inside Rocky came out with raging fire and broke all the things in the production house mercilessly and uncontrollably.... Rocky is not aware that all his doings were recorded as a proof to make him as a culprit before law...

Purab smirks and his lips curved to a teasing smile as the things are happening as expected and planned by Abhi... Purab sighs as the shooting is over and he got a message from abhi that pragya has left the sets already...

Abhi comes inside the place where Rocky is destroying the things... When Rocky spots Abhi entering with a victorious smirk, Rocky gets out of control and he wish to kill abhi...

Rocky took a knife from the near by fruit basket and barges on abhi... But Rocky is interrupted by the guards of the production house and soon the police came and arrested Rocky for his misdoings....

The producers Arhaan and Mehul made sure that Rocky is to rot in jail at least for a period of six months and made their influence that no one should be aware of the news that Rocky is being arrested for attempt murder on abhi and also for destructing the properties of the production house...

Abhi thanks the producers for their full fledged support and he asks them to have a close check on this matter as he doesn't want pragya to know anything about Rocky at all... Purab assures abhi not to get tensed and he will take care of the matter..

Abhi bids adieu to them and he went to the office to do his unfinished works... He deeply engrossed in his work and his mind recollects the happenings of that day...

All of a sudden, Abhi get saddened and his face become pale as he remembered the scene that happened in the college... Abhi never in his wild dreams have imagined that such a thing is going on between sid and aaliya...

Abhi is in a complete dilemma and he couldn't figure out what is going on between sid and aaliya... Abhi considers both aaliya and sid as his own children and he prayed to god to keep them happy..

Later, abhi reached his house and talked with dadi and aaliya... Abhi didn't find it comfortable to talk with aaliya and he talks way too formally with her...

Abhi rushes to his room as he came to know that pragya has returned home already and is in the room waiting for him... Abhi gulps hard and his body starts to sweat too much as he senses there is something drastic ahead with the calmness of pragya when she is at home and that too earlier....

Abhi slowly peeps inside the room and he finds it horrific as the room is completely dark anf gloomy... The strange smell inside the room, the chillness that is spreading the room because of high a/c, the dark aura of the room makes abhi to freeze in his steps...

Sweat beads starts to form highly in abhi's body and he gasps in shock as the doors are closed with a huge thud... Abhi's heart beats starts to race too high and its bumping varily and uncontrollably as he felt a sharp pull of his shirt...

Abhi takes a deep breath to calm himself down but nothing worked out in his favour as he is being mercilessly punished by his arrogant wife pragya in the name of kiss for a long time....

Pragya left him only after she gets completely breathless and also after she tasted abhi's blood from his lips... She makes a devilish smirk and switches on the light....

Abhi gasps in shock on seeing pragya in a sexy lingerie hardly covering her body... She is eyeing abhi with full of raw passion and abhi understands that pragya must have had some hard drinks for sure...

She blows air on abhi's face and bites his ear lobes sensually.... Pragya gets very closer to abhi and pulls his coat from his body and throws it mercilessly...

She smirks and pulls of abhi's shirt in a go making it to get torn into two pieces.... Abhi felt really hard to control his desires when pragya starts to touch him way too sensually making his hormones to do somersaults ....

Abhi is not at all in a mood to entertain pragya and fulfill her wishes as he knows pretty well that pragya will be exhausted and tired with the ad shoot and continuous practice for the concert....

But Abhi can't resist pragya as its been more than a week that they made love and he knows pretty well how pragya is highly annoyed and irritated as she can't get intimate with him these days...

Abhi understands that this will be coming up tonight for sure , when he did the shooting with pragya... The way pragya kissed him while shooting conveys him everything and that's the reason he tries to come late to home...

But abhi has no choice left to come home soon as ro dado has called him saying that pragya has come to home already...

Abhi is trying really hard to control himself not to get turned on with the intimate and sensual touches of his wife who is looking no less than a seductress... Pragya gets really mad as abhi is not at all reacting and responding to her touches....

Pragya gets furious and pushes abhi on the bed and pounced on him as if a deer is being captivated by a ferocious tiger... She did all her might to seduce abhi and she get frustrated more and more, when abhi didn't respond to her....

Pragya's all patience level decreases and she forcefully made everything to happen as per her wish... She is not at all calming down and she starts to do it over and over again until abhi responds to her on his own..

Abhi understands that its no use as pragya won't leave him at all till she gets satiated and will get mad until she gets what she want from him...

Abhi finally gave up for his love and his one soul taking kiss is enough for pragya to melt in his arms completely.... Abhi just looked at pragya's eyes which is having only mad love on him...

Abhi couldn't understand why pragya is troubling both of them saying that everything is for revenge and naming their love as mere bodily needs....

Abhi clearly understands that he is the one and only weakness of pragya and his love is the thing which is making pragya to behave like this...

He made up his mind to shower her with more love before she expects so that she will forget her revenge soon and starts to love him one day for sure....

Abhi caress the sleeping pragya lovingly and longingly as he badly wants his wife pragya to say at least
I love you once to him... He knows well that he is ruling her heart, body and mind but he badly want to hear it from pragya...


Days starts to roll on...

Pragya is completely busy with her continuous practice sessions for the concerts and she hardly  has time to rest and relax herself as the concert is nearing...

Her only relaxation and stress buster is making love with abhi and if she didn't do it for a single day too, she will starts to behave wierd very badly...

Pragya will sulk like a small kid and trouble and annoy everyone... Abhi is the one who is to be ready to bear the tortures of pragya due to her frustrations....

Abhi knows that pragya needs him badly for her to get relaxed from the busy schedule and he often visits the practicing place whenever pragya is taking rest which he knows through purab...

Pragya starts to feel happy with abhi's frequent visit on her work place... The way he massages her tired body, the way he kiss her, the way he made love with her made pragya to leave off all the frustrations and tiredness....

Pragya didn't bothered about anything as abhi keeps on telling pragya that he is not at all doing anything as her husband but he is doing everything only as her partner in bed...


Only two days left for the concert to commence.... Pragya enters her home with a wide smile in her face and she hugs Ro dadi and aaliya very happily...

Aaliya: Hey pragz... What happened??? You are so happy today....

Pragya: Happy news aalu... The promo ads and the video album was a huge success and all are talking only about the romance and chemistry between us... Oohoo... I did it... I proved to the world that marriage is not hurdle for a girl..

Aaliya: Congrats pragz... You are the best... No one can beat Rockstar pragya in this... Im so happy for you darling...

Ro dadi: God bless you beta... Be happy like this always and god will help you to achieve more and more...

Pragya smiles brightly and she feels an urge to convey this happy news to abhi soon... Pragya is not aware that who has acted with her and she feels it only as abhi and she badly doesn't want it to be Rocky at all...

Pragya even forget to think about Rocky these days and Ro dadi and aaliya too noticed the changes in pragya's behavior and most of the time, she chants only her husband name abhi as the mantra....


Abhi who is not aware of anything is hell angry on hearing the news... He is furious and gets angry very hardly as he didn't expected this is coming up.... Hot tears rolled from abhi's eyes uncontrollably as he thought himself to be a failure in front of the whole world....

So, what's going to happen next???

What made Abhi to react like this??

Will pragya succeed in her concert???

Will pragya starts to love abhi wholeheartedly and will she convey it to abhi???

What is abhi going to decide on Sid and aaliya's matter???

Keep guessing and stay tuned..

As usual a long update of 2235+ words.....

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail....

Sorry for typing errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....

Not proof read....

Keep reading, voting, commenting and supporting.....

Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



Smile always happily....


Bye bye...

Take care....

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