20. In His Magical Spell...

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Now to shot.20:

The romantic photo shoot got completed with a big bang.... The director was really happy with the way the photo shoot went and he congratulates both of them for making the exact spark and chemistry which he expected...

A blushy smile creeps in pragya's face uncontrollably when the director says that he is expecting 100% more intimacy and chemistry in the video album too which is going to rock and make a big sensation in the music industry...

Abhi and pragya nods their heads and went to dress up for the video album which is of a passionate and romantic song sung by the Rockstar Pragya....

Pragya's pov.:

What has happened to me all of a sudden??? Pragya, you are impossible girl.... Have you gone nuts???? Seriously you have become shameless and how can you do this without any single hesitance????

Huh... God.... How did I do that??? Why I didn't feel any sort of uncomfortable feeling while taking the photo shoot??? Why I didn't bothered about the intimate poses or the short, revealing dresses which I wore at that time???

How is that possible for me??? How did I allowed Rocky to touch me intimately without any hesitation??? My head will burst out in this big confusion...

Why am I having a strong feeling that it is not Rocky and it's abhi for sure??? Why I suddenly feel the warmth and comfortable feeling which I feel only with abhi???

How is that possible??? Abhi and ad shooting.... Pragya... You are completely obsessed and addicted towards abhi... That's why you are reacting like this and thinking it to be abhi...

I think you started to imagine Abhi in the place of Rocky... No... No... I won't do that at all... Even though I am married to Abhi, I still love only my Rocky...

Seriously pragya... Are you still loving Rocky??? Don't bluff girl... Close your eyes and just think for a second... Your mind, your body, your heart and your soul has only one person... Its none other than abhi...

No... No... Im not going to fall for his black magic... I won't go weak before the money minded and gold digger abhi... But why my gut feeling says that abhi is not what I think???

Why everything in me is betraying me like this??? How stupid of me is to surrender myself to him???? Seriously no one would have taken a stupid decision like me to give the totchure and revenge in the name of love making....

Huh... Im getting frustrated day by day... One day or the other my head will burst out with this confusion... My heart and mind always argues a lot these days...

I don't know, what to do now... No other go, I have to do this till the time flows as I expected.... Control yourself and do what you have to do right now...

Pragya takes a deep breath and wears the shimmering, silver coloured netted saree... The petite curves and her cleavages are clearly visible in the thin fabric and the light touch ups makes pragya to look smokingly hot and way too s**y....

Abhi's jaws dropped on seeing pragya like that.... He is completely immersed with the beautiful look of his wife... While pragya stammers on the instense look of abhi and she is completely in the magical spell of her handsome husband who is looking drop dead hot in the fitted transparent shirt....

The director gives them the instructions and what all things they have to do... Pragya is sweating too hard and she is questioning herself whether she is able to do the music album properly or not....

Abhi comes closer to pragya when the director says action.... The intense look of abhi mesmerizes pragya completely.. Like an iron pulled by a magnet, pragya starts to react and goes with the flow of the song....

The first shot begins with the extreme proximate n romantic shot of abhi and pragya in which their foreheads touches and their emotions and feelings are conveyed through their eyes....

The director said that its a tricky camera shot which shows their passionate liplock ans their eyes and bodies should emote the feelings inside them and its not needed for them to kiss actually...

The love, the desire, the passion, the feelings , the intimacy, the romance, the proximity and the enduring emotions evoching inside them should be potrayed by them with reality...

The husky voice of the Rockstar pragya's singing and the emotions overflowed in her voice should be brought out in the picture which shows the love of a wife towards her husband....

Abhi is way too shocked as pragya has kissed him all of a sudden even though its a camera tricky shot.... He couldn't understand what's happening to pragya but his lips curved to a bright smile on seeing the effect he has on his wife...

All of a sudden, their bodies were completely wet as the director has made a rainy sequence in which both abhi and pragya has to dance romantically and intimately for the music album....

Though its shot in distance, all can feel the emotions and feelings with their movements.... Abhi twirls pragya and their wet bodies starts to create the magic which the director expects....

The chemistry and the love is overflowing with the pace of the song and the director is completely impressed with the way, they perform adding spark and fire to the hot romantic song....


In the other side, purab and the producers Mehul and Armaan took Rocky inside the recording room purposely to show him exactly what is going on inside the shooting spot...

Rocky shows tantrums and is behaving as if he has come from some luxurious planet... He keep on insulting and mocking pragya a lot much to the displeasure of purab and the producers....

Rocky in a sarcastic tone: Mr. Armaan and Mr. Mehul... You guys are wasting my time precious time yaar... Don't you know Im the too most famous super model who is way too busy with back to back shoots...

Each and every second is money for me... Dont regret if I demand for money, if it takes too long... When will your so called , good for nothing rockstar pragya will come here... Im fed up waiting for her...

See, I accepted only for you two as you badly begged me to do the music album with her... Iv no time for all these nonsense.... Just rush up guys... Quick quick...

Hey here is the personal body guard.... Oops... Sorry sorry... Personal assistant and manager of the Rockstar na...

Mr. Purab khanna... Didn't your rockstar has the mentality to maintain time and doesn't she has any punctuality... Haan haan... I understand she is serving her husband na...

Oops... I forget her house husband na... 😂😂😂😂😂.... Hey why she has to work for her husband... Her husband is the so called slave for her na...

Doesn't know how to treat him too... Just Send her to my home tonight man... I will teach her how to impress her husband or to treat him nicely in bed, if she wishes... 😉😉😉😉😉...

After all ,no one can reject this Rocky's charms.... I know purab, you have not forgotten that how your pragya followed me like a love sick puppy... Silly girl... Send tonight without fail okay...

Purab grits his teeth in anger and he holds Rocky's collars angrily... He fits his hands in fury and punches hardly in Rocky's face making him to yelp in pain.....

Rocky: How dare you to punch me Purab... You will regret for messing up with me.... Let me see who the hell will act with your pragya...

I will show the consequences of touching this Rocky amd you will have to pay for this all your life...

Purab yells: Get lost before I kill you... How dare you to talk ill about my sister pragya??? You cheap and bloody ba****d, didn't have the capacity to near my pragya's shadow too...

Rocky: Don't boast high of your stupid, married sister... hmmm... Mr. Mehul and Mr. Armaan, Rocky has a status and class.... Im leaving... Im not going to shoot anything...

Don't beg in front of me.... I wont change my mind.... Haan.... Get the loss from your so called Rockstar... I can reconsider my decision only if this purab and pragya fall in my feet and beg for my mercy..

Purab: 😂😂😂😂.... Good joke Rocky... Keep it up... I like your over confidence so much... But so sad 😞😞😞😞😞.... your scenes are not going to work here anymore and im feeling really pity for you man....

You dont have the chance to get better luck next time too to near our pragya... poor guy... May your soul Rest in peace... You have to know what our pragya is capable of right...

Let me show you, what is the after effect of talking ill about our pragya.... What you said???? No one will shoot with our pragya... 😂😂😂😂😂....

Look over there mister. worthless, flithy mouthed, characterless, money minded Rocky.... See the shooting is going on already in full swing with a big bang...

Look over them... What a hot, romantic performance and madw for each other couple na... The whole industry is going to look awe at their chemistry and they are going to be the trend setters of the music industry....

This is going to be the end of your career.... Your downfall is nearing Rocky.... Your worst face is going to be revealed to the whole world... Just have a look keelny and don't get jealousy man....

Hold your heart tightly... You will get panick attack for sure.... The main climax is going to be shooted now... Aww....

Come on Abhi.. show to this Rocky, you are the best husband who can do anything for his wife's happiness and will tear off anyone's fake faces, if they mess up with your wife...

Rocky is way too shocked to see the music album being shot with Abhi and pragya in a romantic manner... The way abhi touches pragya and the way pragya melts in his arms, boils Rocky's nerves to the core...

Rocky stumbles in his steps when he sees the very intimate pose of abhi and pragya and their closeness burns him alive and he boils in full rage.... Rocky grits his teeth angrily and breaks the things over there like a mad man....

Purab, Armaan and Mehul who expected such kind of reaction already from Rocky, signals someone to come inside.... Rocky didn't bothered about anything and keeps on breaking all the things....

Rocky is way too shocked when ******


In the other side, Abhi twirls pragya and holds pragya by her waist sensually.... He nibbles his lips on pragya's lips making her senses to go hay wire....

The camera rolls and the distance shot which is shoot so far is being captured and the camera zooms in to capture the last shot which has the intimate pose in which abhi is nuzzling her neck while pragya's emotions are potrayed through her eyes...


The director claps his hands and appreciates them a lot for the best performance they put forth... Pragya and abhi smiles and shooks hands with the director....

Abhi didn't opened his mouth as he knows pretty well that pragya will find him out, if he talks... He just hugs pragya and walks off in a hurry as he got a message which he expected....

Pragya couldn't understand what is going on over there... She gets a call from her designer to come soon to check for the fittings of her outfit for the concert.... Pragya rushes out without bothering about the hustle bustles over there...


Abhi comes home with utmost satisfaction and happiness... He feels contented and he even feels happy as the things went on well as he expected...

He spots aaliya and Ro dadi chit chatting in the dining hall... Abhi gets blessings from Ro dadi... Aaliya is way too puzzled as she feels odd and wierd with the way abhi talks with her....

Aaliya talks usually to abhi but she understands from Abhi's talks and behavior that he is angry on her for something... Aaliya fakes a smile and wishes to talk to abhi later as she didn't want Ro dadi to get tensed because of her...

Abhi takes slow steps when he nears his room... Abhi feels some different vibes with his each passing steps... His heart beats are rising too high....

Abhi opens the door and finds its way too dark... He switches on the lights with shivering hands as the darkness is creating some eeric feelings inside him... He shocks on seeing the sight over there....


So, what's going to happen next???

What has happened to Rocky???

Will pragya came to know that its not Rocky, its abhi who has done the ad shoot with her???

Will pragya understands the real feelings she has for abhi???

What will be abhi's reaction in sid and aaliya's matter???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

A long update of 2280+ words....

Sorry for typing errors and grammatical mistakes, if any...

No time to proof read...

Cast your votes n pen down your views....


Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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