40. ( Part 1) Checkmate... Game Over...

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Hola peeps!!!!

Finally we are nearing the closure of this story....

Yeah we are in the final chapter of this story... Due to the length constraints, I'm splitting it into 2... Sorry for doing so... Don't worry, will come up soon with the part 2 of this chapter...

As a way to appreciate the support you have given to this story, I'm planning to give You all a bonus chapter and an epilogue..

Expecting all your support in the form of your comments and votes to finish of this story with a happy note...


I did a biggest sin to you and nothing can replace the lost days... I'm regretting for all my doings and I'm ready to accept, any sort of punishments from you...

Love is a good healer, yet it's a bitter medicine...
Love is a life saver, yet it's the worst destructor...
Love is a soothing Melody, yet the lyrics are heart writhing...
Love brings smiles in our faces, yet they are the reason for our tears too...
Love is as delicious as honey, yet it's as  horrible as a deadly poison....

The game is in my court... You have to surrender to me, without any choice... Your game is over... It's your pay back, time... The game of sadness ends and the game of revenge begins...


⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙
( Past incidents)

After watching the babies in the NICU room, Abhi moves towards the ICU in which Pragya is being treated... Requesting the nurse to give him some privacy, Abhi walked towards Pragya, who is in a pathetic and vulnerable state...

Blood tears oozed out from Abhi's eyes and started to wet the dried lips of Pragya, as if a dry land got it's life through the rain... He sighs and caress the head of Pragya and kisses her forehead with full of love...

Abhi holds the hand of Pragya, which is connected with IV needle and he massaged it gently... He stares at her for a good long minutes and made the hardest decision of his life to set his wife free, the Rockstar Pragya, to lead her life , as per the way she wished....

Abhi: Rockstar... I'm so sorry... You have faced a lot of worst scenarios in this one year of our married life... You are suffering like this because of my stupidity and the hopeless and lifeless love, I have on you...

I am a biggest fool and I stubbornly believed that my love will change your mentality... But I failed as a husband and I have never created any impact in your heart and soul... After all these incidents, still you can't forget that Rocky na...

What about me, Pragya??? Am I only your partner in bed??? Didn't I affected you by any means??? Why Pragya???? Why can't you understand the love I have on you???? Am I not worth to get your love???

(Wipes his tears)... Thanks for coming in my life Pragya and you did a lot of magic in my life... You showed me both hell and heaven and taught me the essence of living a strong and determined life... I always adore your guts and you are a true fighter, Pragya...

My love is true and now too , I can't get angry on you... Just I got hurted as you can't understand my love... Till my last breath, I will love you and you are the only person to whom my heart, my body and my soul belongs...

Thanks a lot for fulfilling my wish and giving birth to our babies... Don't worry , Pragya... Neither me nor our kids are going to be a burden in your life and we won't be a hurdle anymore...

I'm leaving along with our kids... I have signed the divorce papers and kept it in your closet and I have a letter for you... I have surrendered whatever duties I'm handling in the office and I have never took a single penny , other than the salary you have given to me before our marriage and also the money, I received as a remuneration for acting in the ad film along with you...

Just taking our wedding album, few dresses which you bought for our kids and also your wedding dress along with me... I just want to feel your presence around me and that's why I'm taking these things.. Sorry for doing so...

I'm running out of time.. If possible, throw all my belongings and clear off all the things , which reminds you about me.. I'm letting you free, whole heartedly and you can lead your life happily...

Just one thing, I want to tell you... If you can , take care of my Mom... Eat properly and take rest at correct time... I want you to reach greater heights and you will become more successful in your career...

(Sighs)... Love you so much, Pragya... I will be happy if you remember me , atleast once in your life... I'm going away Pragya...

I have fulfilled the promise I made to you on our wedding night and I'm moving away , permanently from your life... Bye Bye, sweet heart... Will miss you a lot... Love you so much...

Abhi wipes his tears and gave a deep kiss on Pragya's forehead... He looks at her with moist eyes and moves hurriedly from there... Without the knowledge of Bulbul, Abhi rushed to the house and writes a letter to Pragya and took some essential things along with him..

He hired a cab and masked his identity by wearing a hooded jacket... He booked the ticket in the train and rushed towards the hospital... He secured his belongings safely in a seclued area of the hospital...

Abhi met the doctor and got  to know everything about the babies and collected their medical files too... When the nurses handed over the babies to Abhi, he holded them possessively in his embrace...

Finding the correct time at late night, Abhi places the babies in a comfortable baby cradle and took it in his arms... He collected his belongings and moved towards the cab, which he booked earlier...

As Bulbul has went to home to take rest, Abhi used this chance to move away from Pragya... But Abhi is not aware that he is going to make Pragya's life a living hell and gonna punish her, unnecessarily... His mere misjudgment and misunderstanding are going to separate the mother from the kids...


When Pragya gains back her conscious, she is startled to know from Bulbul that Abhi and the kids were missing... A deep pain hits Pragya's heart and it got broken into trillion pieces... No words can explain the pain, which Pragya had gone through...

Ahead of the pain she had suffered in her delivery, she felt a terrible pain in her breast as the milk get clogged in it... The pain gets so horrible as the time passes and Pragya had a tough time to get rid of the milk in her breast...

Blood tears oozed out from Pragya's eyes to see the milk getting wasted and the motherly feelings in her felt really very bad, as her kids are not able to get it... Even though, she is longing to see Abhi and their kids, she is not ready to forgive Abhi for taking such a stupid decision...

But Pragya never let anyone to talk bad about Abhi and ordered no one to search for Abhi... She suppressed all her feelings and masked all her emotions and becomes as hard as a rock... She started to live in an illusion that Abhi and the kids are with her only...

The only relief in Pragya's lives are Music, the golden days she had spent with Abhi , the memories of Abhi's love and care on her and Abhigya, the daughter of Purab and Bulbul... Pragya is very much stubborn to find out Abhi and she is hell adamant to punish him for his wrong doings...

Nevertheless, Pragya keeps up the secret and she never let's anyone to know that Abhi and their kids were missing... The office people were informed that Abhi is taking care of the new business set up in abroad... Pragya makes sure that none of her personal information gets leaked in the media...

Pragya often tweets and insta with some of the snaps, she took with Abhi, so that no one can doubt that Abhi is not with her... Moreover, she used all her influence to make the punishment for Rocky to get stronger and she left out a relieved breath as he is sentenced to death...


On the other hand, Abhi gets down from the train before reaching his destination, so that none can trace his locations... He throw away his mobile in a random area and cleared off his bank card and sim card too...

No one other than the chairman of the college knows his real identity and he joined in the college as a lecturer in the name of Prem... To take care of his kids properly and to give them a happy life, Abhi worked very hard and does many part time jobs too...

As it's not a new thing to do house hold chores, Abhi didn't faced any problems in doing so... But Abhi had a hectic time to take care of the babies and only he knows the pain he has gone through, when his kids had allergic towards powdered milk...

Abhi faced a lot of troubles to get breast milk for them and after a lot of struggle, he got the needed milk through a hospital, which provides him the milk from the good hearted mothers...

Abhi had gone through a lot when the kids suffered from any illness and most of the time, he had sleepless nights to take care of the little ones... Days were so hard for Abhi and it's not at all easy for him, as he thought earlier...

One side, Abhi is suffering a lot without Pragya and his heart is longing to have his wife in his embrace... On the other side, his guilty conscious is killing him very badly that he has snatched a mother's rights and he felt sorry for separating the kids from their mother...

Time moves off in a jiff... Abhi tries his level best not to reveal his identity... 6 years moves off without any difference... Just a month before, Abhi came to know from one of his colleague that the famous model Rocky is sentenced to death , as he has (almost killed) tried to kill the Rockstar Pragya...

Abhi's heart gets burdened with more pain... When he searched in social media, Abhi felt so bad that Pragya is living in an illusionary world and is proving to everyone that She and Abhi are together only and living a happy life with their kids...

His wrong thinking and his stupid decision didn't let him to make a move towards Pragya... Abhi is not in a state to meet anyone in his family too, as he regrets a lot for his doings and none of his explanations will heal their wounds... Abhi doesn't know how to face Pragya and ask forgiveness for his doings...

But Abhi is ready to go to any extreme to get forgiveness from Pragya, if he gets a chance to meet her.. He is ready to accept whatever the punishment, she gives for him... He very well know that it's not easy to get rid of the pain, which Pragya has gone through all these years...


( Back to present)

Pragya's anger is in full rage and she trashes all the things kept in the room... She feels disgusted of her behaviours and her inner self spitted on her for showing her vulnerable side to Abhi, who did a biggest sin to her...

Pragya's pov.:

Have you gone nuts, Pragya??? What's wrong with you??? How can you melt so easily on seeing the biggest betayer of your life???

Goddd... Why are you making it so hard for me??? I just can't handle all these... Why that dumbo head has to come before my eyes again???

Abhi... Why can't you continue the hide and seek drama??? Did I ask you to come before me and trigger all my feelings and emotions??? I'm badly craving to be in your embrace, Abhi...

The moment I saw in the park, I've lost all my senses and I felt so happy , as if I've got back my lost breath... But I felt so bad, as you didn't reacted in that situation too and was standing idle , without making a move towards me...

Never I expected that you will come to my house in the name of Prem.. When your colleagues praised you by saying that you are the best father in the world, I just want to strangle your neck for snatching away the motherly rights from me...

Even though, I'm mad and angry on you, you are the only medicine to my broken heart... I shamelessly agree that I will lose all my senses, if your intoxicating smell hits my nostrils...

I badly melted in your arms and I want to bury myself inside you and forget whatever you have did to me... I kissed you hurriedly thinking that whether my pains will gets suppressed or not... But I understood very lately that it's not at all going to be easy...

Enough is enough, Abhi... I'm very much scared to stay here, anymore... I know very well that you will try to convince me and ask forgiveness from me, which I'm not bothered about...

I don't want to forgive you that much easily and My punishments will be way more severe and it will hurt you very badly... I don't want to do any such things and it's better we will stay apart...

Moreover, if I get a chance to meet our kids, my anger on you will reach it's peak for sure... I can't move an inch too, if I saw our kids... Let me move from here so that you can live a peaceful life with our kids...

This is the least I can do to you, Abhi... (Sighs)... Is it possible for me to stay away from you, Abhi??? God only has to give strength to me to face these problems...

Pragya wipes her tears and thanked god for showing her Abhi before her eyes and the few minutes she had spent with Abhi will make her to cherish it for life long... Though she felt very bad for not meeting their kids, she consoles herself that it's for good only...

Pragya packs her stuffs quickly and books the tickets, without the knowledge of her new secretary Dona... Just then, Pragya realized that her locket is with the small girl and she needs to go to the park to get it from her...

Taking a deep breathe, Pragya sits on the couch and rubs her heart, which is beating uncontrollably for a long time... She felt a strange feeling in her stomach and her whole body is reacting , as if she gonna get the biggest happiness of her life...


On the other hand,

Abhi wipes his tears and holds the locket possessively in his arms.. He kissed it with full of love and wears it in his neck... Abhi let out a relieved breath and he makes a mental note as to what he should do to go back to his stubborn Rockstar...

After making the kids to get ready, Abhi falls in his knees and holds the hands of Krish and Kiara... The kids smiled brightly and gave a kiss on his cheeks, wiping away all the pain in his heart...

Kiara: A big day, hey na, Papa...

Abhi: Whatttt... I couldn't get you, beta..

Krish: Stupid Kiara... Don't confuse, Papa... Say straightly to Papa that we are going to meet Mumma only...

Abhi: Whattt.. (Gasps in shock) You guys know that...

Kiara: Yeah Yeah... We knew it.. Krish and Kiara are very smart.. After all, we are the kids of the great Rockstar Pragya and the famous lecturer Abhishek Prem Mehra , right...

Abhi: My darlings... I need to talk something with you.. It's that... Vo vo... I... I... I'm so sorry ... I'm the one at fault... Mumma suffered a lot because of my stupid decision...

It's me , who separated you two from Mumma... I did a big sin to you all... I don't know how to ask forgiveness from you... If possible, forgive your Papa... If Mumma wishes, go with her.. I'm not going to stop you at all...

Krish: Papa... You don't want to be with us...

Abhi: I do, beta... But I don't know whether Mumma can accept me or not.. She won't feel happy, if I get back in her life again...

Kiara: Papa... Let's not think about unwanted things... Forget the bad things, Papa.. You only said to us right that Mumma always says that Face the life boldly... Believe Mumma's words...

Moreover, you don't need to worry when your cute Krish and the smart Kiara are there... We will handle Mumma...

Krish: Haan Papa... But you should be ready to fall in Mumma's legs... If she is so angry, hug her and kiss her, as we do to ask forgiveness from you.. Follow our trick Papa... You can escape easily...

Abhi smilingly nods his head and hugs his kids for understanding him and also for giving solutions to his problems... After locking the house door, the trio moves towards the park to meet Pragya...

With ragged heart beats, Abhi is waiting eagerly for Pragya to come over there... Krish and Kiara are playing in the swing and their eyes glowed in happiness to see Pragya is coming towards them...



What's going to happen next???

How Pragya gonna react after she meet the kids???

Will it be possible for Pragya to forgive Abhi so easily???

What is Abhi going to do to console Pragya and apologize for his worst behaviours???

Will the family unites or will there will be an unexpected twist???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Waiting eagerly to see your votes and comments...

Bidding adieu,

Yours cliffy Buddy, 



Will be


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