39. Will the meeting of the souls, marks a new beginning???

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It's so hard to forget what ever you gave to me... But my heart is still longing for you and my wholeself is yearning to be in your embrace, not minding the pains, I've gone through all these years ...

I want to be with you... It sounds so simple and easy.. But it's much complicated and hard than anyone can think of... As a wife, I can easily forgive you... But being a mother, it's impossible to do so...

My mind voice: I'm not at all fine... I faced a living hell... I missed you, terribly... Be with me and give back my lost days... Love me and make me to forget everything...
My real voice: I'm simply cool and happy... I'm enjoying my life, as much as I can... I have no time to remember you at all... So, what brings you here???


Rockstar Pragya is in peak of anger and is irritatingly looking at her part time secretary Dona, who is getting on to her nerves, for a long time... Pragya wanna kill Dona for messing up the situations and is making her mood to turn off, spoiling all the moments, she had with the two little kids...

What boils Pragya's nerves is that Dona is keep on blabbering a lot and is not letting her to think , whether she has met Abhi in real or it's just like her, all time illucination only...

Still Pragya couldn't have a clear idea of their meeting and she keeps on faking to her heart that it's her dreamy imagination only.... But Dona is not letting Pragya to think about anything and is nagging her from the time, she has hurriedly brought her from the park ...

Even the next morning too, Dona came up so early and is pleading Pragya continuously and is not letting her to move away, till she say yes to her ...

Pragya: Stop it... You are hopeless and good for nothing... I'm the one to be blamed... Everything is my fault only...

I shouldn't have appointed you for this job in the first place and I shouldn't have trusted you this much, Dona... You are unfit for this job...

Dona: So sorry, Madam... It's that... Er... Please help me, Madam... I've given my word to him... Don't get mad on me and fire me from this job..

Pragya: Don't you feel ashamed to stand and talk like this, Dona... Stop it... You are irritating me too much... I hate people, who makes me weak by their tears....

Don't ever cry before me, like this... If you have committed a mistake, face the situations boldly... If you can't handle , better don't poke your nose in any such matters...

I hate women, who are crying like this... I want women to be bold , strong, confident and have some attitude too.. I like such kind of persons only...

Whoever is working with this Rockstar Pragya, they should be strong enough to face any kind of situations... Did you understand, what I said??? Good... You are impossible, Dona...

Doing everything willfully and acting now like the typical, daily soap heroines.... Better, you stop watching that good for nothing crappy shows...

Hoye... If you lecture to me that the soaps are so engaging and heart warming, I will kill you for sure... What I know is that the CVs are always hell adamant to separate the leads and for getting TRPs, they can go to any extreme...

I haven't come across any shows , which shows the couples happy, for a long time... Always problems, fights, separations, the success of villains and their never ending attempts to murder and kidnap... Horrible...

God!!!! I don't know, why I'm talking all these.... Huh... That's none of my concern too... When people like you are supporting, they will do like that only...

Leave all that... Just tell me one thing, Dona... Is there is any chance for me to object this or cancel the meeting??? To be frank, I'm not interested in all these, as I value my privacy so much...

Even I have hidden my location and whereabouts to my family too.... I want this one month exclusively for me and I don't want any unnecessary interruptions in this, by any means...

Answer me, Dona... How stupid of you to fall in this trap.... I've never expected that you will do like this...

Dona: Madam... It's that...

Pragya: Don't beat around the bush, Dona... So... You trapped me, completely... Isn't it???? Godddd... You are hopeless... Tell me, why are you so interested to spoil my privacy and mood...

Dona: I'm really so sorry, Madam... I didn't meant to spoil your mood or interrupt your privacy .. It's that... I... I promised my lover that I will help him... That's why... Sorry Madam...

A smile creeps up in Pragya's face unknowingly...

Pragya: Inorder to make your lover happy, you pawned me and gave my appointments, without consulting me too...

Dona: No Madam... It's that... My lover or my soon to be husband is your die hard fan... The day before yesterday, when he came to meet me, I was in call with you...

Never I had said that I'm working under you... Even my parents were not aware of that... But, My fiance David had caught me red handedly and he was pleading me to make him to meet you...

I too agreed to it, as I can't say no to him... I swear, Madam... I haven't known that he will be coming to meet you for this...

I thought it's just a fan , wishing to meet his idol.. But this David be na... Changed the situation in his favour... I too don't know what to do , madam...

Pragya: Alright... Let your David come here... Rockstar Pragya won't say yes to anyone, till she gets impressed... Let me see, how he gonna make me to say yes...

Pragya smirks and moves inside the room to get ready, as David will be reaching there in an hour's time...


Dona nervously stands before Pragya, who is applying light gloss in her lips... She is wearing a shirt, covered with a small jacket and a matching long pant ... No one can even predict that Pragya had altered the shirt of Abhi and designed it, according to her wishes...

Whenever Pragya feels lonely or whenever she feels that she wants to be in the embrace of Abhi, she wears the shirts of Abhi... Most of Abhi's shirt were altered by her and she carries it with her and uses it often, whenever she is on her private tours...

Pragya raised her brows and looks at Dona, who is biting her nails and hell nervous to face the venoms spitted by Pragya... Controlling her smile, Pragya dangerously smirks towards the nervous Dona, who may cry anytime...

Pragya: What have you done, again???

Dona: No Madam... I swear... Pinky promise... Blame that idiot David, only... He has come along with his colleagues and some boys and girls too have joined him... I think, they are his students...

Pragya: Means... I couldn't get you...
Actually, what is David doing??? You told me that David is coming here to invite me for a function... Now what these students and all...

Dona: Madam... David is working as a lecturer in the most famous college of this city... He came here to invite you to their college function...

I never expected that he will come along with his colleagues and he will bring those students, who are your crazy fans too... Almost 10-15 persons are there... They are so excited to meet you...

Pragya: Phew... Get lost.. Serve them with refreshments... Let me come there in few minutes...


David is begging his bestie cum colleague Prem to help him... Prem is super annoyed with David and he is looking at the watch, as it's getting late for him...

David: Please Prem... I won't trouble you, again... I'm hell nervous... My lips will be glued up, if I see my idol..

Prem: If you are this much nervous, you shouldn't have promised to the principal sir, confidently... You very well know that I'm not interested iñ all these...

David: Please... Please... I beg you... It's my prestige issue, man... My fiance Dona will mock at me, if I didn't impress my idol... She may cancel the wedding too, man... If you didn't help me, I will make my darlings to scold you....

Prem: If you do any such things, I will kill you... Don't show your face like this... Idiot... You are cornering me too much... I will help you...

By the way... You keep on saying Idol, role model, blah blahs and all... Tell me, who has impressed the calm David like this haan... Never I knew that you are a crazy fan of someone...

Before David says who it is, a heavy gasp echoes from the mouth of Prem... Though all those present there are dumb struck on seeing their idol- Rockstar Pragya for the first time in their lives, it's Prem who is staring at her, without blinking his eyes...

Pragya steps down from the stairs and her gaze is completely fixed on the man, who is standing there without breathing too... Not emoting her feelings, Pragya plasters a forced smile and welcomes everyone, in her usual style...

Dona quickly introduced David and gestured him to not to waste much time and talk quickly... As all are excited to talk with Pragya, no one notices that their favourite Lecturer or the friendly colleague of the fellow lecturers is pooled up in tears...

Pragya notices everything , yet she talks casually with everyone...

Pragya: So... Mr. David... Tell me about yourself and your college... You haven't introduced any one to me...

David: Madam... I'm David... Your secretary Dona's lover cum fiance.... I'm a lecturer in XYZ college and these are our students or the student's committee members... This is Rahul, Rishab, Karan, Shyam, Reema, Sheetal and Madhu...

These are all my colleagues Mr. Ravi Malhotra, Mr. Aryan Khurana, Miss. Clara and Miss, Katherine...

And this is my bestie and one of the most adored Lecturer of our college... He is our cultural club in charge and I'm assisting him, Madam.. More than a wonderful lecturer, he is adored by all of us, as he is the best father....

Pragya forwards her hand towards Prem, who is staring at the hands with much worry... David forced his friend Prem to do the handshake.... Pragya crushed the hands , as might as she can and she pulls of the hands abruptly, as if nothing has happened...

Pragya: David... You are praising your friend too much... But you have forgotten to say his name...

David: Oops... I'm so sorry, Madam... This is Prem... Prem Mehra...

Pragya: Oh... Prem Mehra??? Nice name... Do you know, I'm also a Mehra only...

David: Really... Madam.. Aren't you Pragya Arora???

Pragya: Before 7 years, I have changed my surname to Mehra... Though it's not officially mentioned anywhere, my heart knows it very well... This mangalsutra and this kumkum will keep on telling me that I'm Mrs. Mehra....

To the world, I'm Rockstar Pragya Arora... But my family knows that I'm Pragya... Pragya Abhishek Prem Mehra only... Till I'm alive, no one can snatch this right from me... Even my husband can't do anything in this regard...

Pragya eyes at Prem Mehrà and spitted the words like a piercing sword towards him.. She is in a mission to crush her husband Abhi, who has revealed only the second part of his name and hidden his identity, all these years...

Abhi bent his head down in guilty, as the words and the spark from Pragya's eyes are accusing him so much.... He is just breathing heavily, as he didn't expected such a kind of meeting with his wife..

David keeps on praising Abhi a lot and he adds up a lot that Abhi is the best father to his kids... He cleverly used Abhi's care for his children to impress Pragya... But little did David know that he is pouring diesel in the already burning fire...

All through the time, Pragya is glaring at Abhi, which clearly explains Abhi that he has snatched everything from her... Though he is a best father to their kids, he is a bad lover and worst husband for Pragya, who left her to suffer, all these years...

The students were confused some how, as why their jovial and friendly lecturer, Prem sir is not talking anything... All were aware that their Prem sir is a die hard fan of Rockstar Pragya and they know how excited he will be when they talk about Pragya...

But this odd silence of their sir is making them suspicious and they were confused as why is their Prem sir is carefully avoiding to meet Pragya's eyes and is keep on looking at the watch...

Not getting any positive response from Pragya, David helplessly looks at Dona, who is showing a big knife towards him, which indicates him to stop his bakwass and run away from there... With no other go, David pleads to Prem silently...

David: Prem... Dona is ready to kill me... Please help me... Make Pragya Madam to say yes...

Prem (Abhi): I can't, David... It's your head ache... It's getting late for me... I need to go...

David: I beg you, Prem... Please....

Sighing deeply, Abhi moistens his dried lips and raises his eyes to look at Pragya... All Abhi could see is that the lifeless eyes of Pragya and a forced and faked smile in her façe...

Though she is showing her attitude and is talking typically in her bossy style, Abhi clearly senses that something is amiss for sure... He clearly sees the dark patches and puffy eyes, which is masked with a concealer and he also can visualize the dried up tears in Pragya's eyes...

He scans Pragya from top to bottom and his heart is shattered beyond repair... Every cell of Pragya is badly bashing Abhi that he is the root cause for everything and he is the one, who made her like this...

It also blamed him that whatever he is going to do, can't bring back her lost days at all... Abhi's heart is aching uncontrollably , as he is the reason for Pragya to have a lonely life and his one stupid move have spoiled everything...

Abhi doesn't know what to do... He wanna pour out what's in his heart and make her to understand his point of views too... But he is hell scared that how will Pragya gonna react to it...

Though he had his own set of reasons, he is tongue tied, as he is scared that Pragya shouldn't separate him from their kids.... Moreover, Abhi is in a verge to return back to Pragya and he is not ready to miss Pragya , by any means...

Abhi who is in a confused mind set is thinking deeply.. He comes out of his trance, as David shooks him hardly... Before Abhi could react, Pragya gets up from her seat..

Pragya: Well... I'm so sorry, guys... It's time for my practice and I need to pen down some lyrics too... May be some other time, we can meet..

David: Pragya Madam... Er... Erm... What about the function??? You haven't said anything about it...

Pragya: You only said right, Mr.Prem Mehra is the in charge for that... He hadn't opened his mouth, till now... May be he is feeling shy to talk to me in all your presence...

What I have decided is that, I want to meet him alone... Dona will contact him with my appointments.. He has to come up with the complete schedule and then only I can decide, whether I can say yes or no...

Anyways... Happy meeting you all...

Pragya carefully avoided taking selfies by saying that it will spoil her privacy and she asked none of them to spit that she is here... She also assured that she will take selfies with them , before she moves from the place...

All nods their heads and moves out along with Dona... Abhi, who walks out, ahead of everyone, gasps in shock as his bike key and wallet is missing... All started towards their home, while Abhi has no other go than to enter Pragya's pent house again, that too alone...

He rushed inside quickly to get his things, thinking that Pragya won't be there at all... Abhi is not aware that it's a big trap by Pragya to meet him alone.. He stumbled in his steps , as the door got locked up automatically, with the help of a remote control ...

Before Abhi can react to it, he is being harshly pulled up from there... Pragya pushed him towards the wall and dangerously nears him, with fire spitting in her eyes... Abhi gulps hard and sweat beads starts to pool up in his forehead...

Pragya harshly poked the sweat beads, as if she is jealous of that , for kissing her husband , ahead of her... She caress Abhi's face gently and before Abhi enjoys the touch, his both cheeks started to burn up with pain...

Abhi's head ached badly , as Pragya twists his head harshly and pulled his hairs, as hardly as she can... Abhi silently watched Pragya with moist eyes, as Pragya is looking no less than a small baby, who doesn't know how to punish him for the sins too...

Abhi, who didn't reacted much to Pragya's beatings and slaps, is not able to tolerate the tears in Pragya's eyes... His heart is bleeding in pain and his mind is screaming hardly to ease out Pragya's sorrow, immediately...

Without thinking of the consequences, Abhi cups Pragya's face suddenly... He wipes the tears in her eyes and gave a feather touch kiss in her eyes, which touches the soul of Pragya and started to melt her anger , immediately..

Pragya's whole body which craved for Abhi's touch for a long time, started to shiver and her knees loses it balance.... Abhi quickly understands that and holds Pragya's waist gently and kept her tightly in his embrace....

The closeness, the ringing melody of Abhi's heart beats, the intimate touches, the feather like soulful kisses, the long years of longings and carvings, her favourite smell from Abhi's manly cologne, makes Pragya to forget everything and she gets weak at that moment....

Pooled up in varied emotions, Pragya's lips started to tremble in need and desire... Abhi gently gave a slow smooch in the corner of Pragya's lips, understanding that Pragya needs it from him... But Abhi never expected that Pragya will kiss him madly, pouring out all her pain in a single kiss...

Abhi is badly in need of breath and he feels nauseous with the bitter taste of his blood... But he politely obliged to Pragya, who is kissing him, as if there's no tommorrow....

Abhi gasps in shock, as he falls on the floor , suddenly... Pragya furiously glares at him and pulled him rashly... Before Abhi understands what's going on, he is being pushed outside the pent house, mercilessly...

Pragya slumps her body in the floor and started to cry vigorously and keeps on shouting that why her Abhi has made her to suffer like this.. She can't tolerate why she gets so weak, after seeing Abhi and she is not ready to bear any more betrayal from him...


Later that evening,

Pragya vieled her face and walks quickly towards the park.. She wanna meet the kids soon and get back her locket... She understands that she has only three hours left, to reach the airport...

After meeting Abhi, Pragya thought deeply and came to a conclusion that she has to move out of this place, as soon as possible.. She very well knows that if she meets her kids, sure she will forgive Abhi and forget, whatever he did to her...

So, she booked the flight tickets hurriedly and even didn't informed this Dona too... All she want is to run away from there and not wishing to meet Abhi ever again in her life...

But fate has some other plans for her... Pragya is not aware that her locket is with her husband Abhi only and the kids, she has met in the park are her own kids Krish and Kiara only..

Pragya smiles brightly, as she spots the kids playing with a ball.. She joins them and caught hold of the ball in her legs... Little Kiara pouted cutely while little Krish is showing his puppy face, making Pragya to lose her self control...

She longingly looks at the kids and her eyes moisten with tears... Before she controls herself, the kids hugged her tightly and started to kiss her face... Pragya gasped in shock as her voice echoes the place by calling "Abhi"..



What's going to happen next???

Will Pragya understand Abhi's helpless state and will she able to hear what made Abhi to do like that!???

How is Abhi going to repent for his mistakes???

Will it be possible for the family to be together again???

Will Abhi proves his love for Pragya???

Will Pragya forgive Abhi????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


A long update given...

Words used: 3600+

Do cast your votes and pen down your valuable views...

Just the last shot, along with a bonus chapter and epilogue is left....

Expecting all your love and support, as always....


Bidding adieu,


Will be


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