38. (Part 2) Love is the beginning and end of everything...

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It's indeed a happy moment for me...

"Longing For My Wife" has become my 7th story to cross 5000+ votes...

Thanks to all those wonderful people, who casted their votes, to appreciate my hardwork...

Dedicating this chapter to the lovely Readers of "Longing for my wife..."


You can't understand what you mean in my life... I'm ready to give up all my egos and can do anything to get you back in my life...

The worst past can't be changed, however we try hard too... But if we accept the realities and give up the bitterness that hurted us a lot , a bright future is ready to welcome us...

When two people love and care each other a lot, they will look for all possible ways to make their broken relationship to work again and they won't give up, until they get succeeded...


It's a fine evening... After returning from the college, Abhi quickly prepares food for his kids... He quickly rushes out and eagerly waits for their arrival, as he is not ready to accept their punishments, at any cost...

Though Abhi can do the situps happily with his kids, he is in a tough situation and he can't do it, as of now... He is having a severe back pain and head ache, as he is not having proper sleep, these days, thinking about the bitter past, which forced him to come away from Pragya...

Moreover, his inappropriate sleeping positions has caused him a bad back pain too... Thinking of the sins, he had done to his wife, Abhi stubbornly thinks to torture himself on his own and is hell adamant not to go and check with the doctor....

Abhi is not in a state to understand that whatever he is doing with him is going to affect Pragya and his kids also... He really forgets the Rockstar Pragya's real nature, as he is haunted only with the sweet behaviours of Pragya...

Abhi is not aware that a wild hurricane is nearing him and it gonna twist him mercilessly, for playing with her emotions... Abhi doesn't know that he is going to get severe punishments for all his doings... Only time has to reveal, whether it's going to be good or bad???

The little Kiara and Krish squeals happily and get down from the school bus... They jumps excitedly as Abhi is standing there, with a smiling face... Kiara throws her bag and runs and hugs her Papa happily...

Krish looks at his bag and Kiara's bag and he with much hesitation, removes his bag too, while Kiara claps her hands and showed thumbsup to Krish, for doing like her...

Abhi with much amusement watches the scenario and he feels proud of his son Krish, who is doing everything for making his twin sister happy.... Abhi imagines that how he used to do everything for making his brother Sid happy and how Pragya had done many a things for her twin sister Aaliya's happiness...

Abhi kisses Kiara's forehead and asked her to get inside the house... Kiara giggles and runs towards the house...  Abhi smiles and twirls Krish happily and kisses his cheeks...

Abhi picks up their bags and gets inside his small house, which has a small bedroom attached with a restroom, a small hall and a kitchen... The whole house is nothing in front of the huge bedroom of Pragya and the room designed for their kids...

Abhi, many a times, felt bad that he has forbidden the luxurious life, which their kids deserved to get... Though he strives hard to give them all happiness, he really feels that something is amiss for sure...

Abhi had made them to join in the most famous convent of the city and he is doing many part time jobs along with the lecturer job in the College, just to pay their school fees and to give them a happy life...

But Abhi failed to think that more than anything, the kids needs the love and affection of their mother and the family's care and bonding too... He failed to notice that the kids are masking their feelings in front of him...

Krish is an understanding kid and he never let his papa to know that he is carving for his mother Pragya a lot and only his drawing book knows, how much he misses his mother... Though Kiara insists to meet their mother but Abhi cuts her off by saying that Pragya is busy in her concerts....

Abhi quickly gives them a bath, dresses them up , feeds them food and hears their usual blah blahs, as well... Something in Abhi pierced his heart mercilessly, as he is enjoying his life happily and is snatching all this happiness from Pragya, who equally has all the rights on their kids...

When the kids give him a kiss, Abhi's eyes welled up in guilty and what he is doing is terribly wrong....
Wiping his tears without the knowledge of Kiara and Krish, Abhi asked them to go and do their homeworks quickly...

His mind imagines how is life will be if his wife, Rockstar Pragya is also with them... Only Abhi knows very well about the little girl in Pragya, who carves only for true love... But his inner soul slapped him mercilessly, as he made his Rockstar to cry a lot and live a loveless life, without their presence...

Sighing deeply and wiping off his dried tears, Abhi finishes off the left out works in the house and he takes notes for his tommorow's lectures... In between, he sits in the laptop and does the online jobs, which is giving him a decent earning....


Pragya settles down comfortably in the small pent house... She is happy with all the arrangements and she feels really at peace, after reaching the place... Pragya's heart is overjoying and she couldn't understand, why her heart is thumping too fast, as if she is going to get back her lost happiness...

However, Pragya is not able to come out easily from the bitter past... She is carving and longing to be in the embrace of her husband Abhi... She imagines how their kids Kiara and Krish will be and she is living in an illusionary land, as if she is enjoying a happy life with them...

With a happy and chirpy mood, Pragya does all the wedding arrangements for Sid and Aaliya with the help of the famous wedding planners...  But she kept a secret of her whereabouts and none in her family is able to contact Pragya or track her location too...


One fine evening,

Pragya masked her face and comes out of the house, as she doesn't want to reveal her identity to anyone... She walks towards the children's park and feels extremely happy to see the small children playing there chirpily...

The giggling sounds of the kids, their cute talks, the kid's complaints to their parents, their whinings to get ice creams, their silly fights with their friends and siblings, brings a smile in Pragya's face... As her foul mood is replaced with happiness, Pragya twirls happily and breathes the fresh air....

All of a sudden, she lost her balance and dashes with a person unknowingly.... Pragya along with the person rolls down in the grassy path and both their bodies halted near a big tree...  Both huffs and pants and are breathing heavily, as they didn't expected this is coming up...

Pragya, who gets up quickly from the place, didn't notice that the shawl covering her face is being moved... She didn't notice that the person standing near her is make a heavy gasp sound and is literally, dumbstruck...

Pragya dusts her dress and turns her face to ask sorry to the person...
But Pragya's eyes popped out in heavy shock, as she spots her love of life, her husband, Abhishek Prem Mehra is standing there like a statue...

Blood tears oozes out in their eyes, uncontrollably and the awkward silence between them are ripping their souls into pieces.... It's the most awaited moment the two are longing for... But both doesn't know, how to handle the situation...

Pragya harshly rubs her face and is not at all ready to show her vulnerable state, even if it's her husband too.... But her eyes are flowing out continuously, not bothering about the ferocious lion in Pragya, who is ready to attack her eyes ...

Pragya hates herself for standing in such a pitiable state in front of Abhi, who didn't care for her feelings at all... What boils her nerves is that, Abhi didn't rushed near her and wiped her tears, at that time too...

Pragya badly wants Abhi to come and hug her and say that he won't leave her again... Least, she hoped that Abhi will hold her hands and ask sorry to her... But finding no reactions from Abhi, Pragya feels awkward to stand there , anymore....

Pragya quickly hides her face and stared to walk, as quickly as she can... Abhi, who is pooled up in varied emotions and standing like a statue, is not all at reacting for anything and he failed to notice that Pragya is rushing from there quickly, with a heavy pain in her heart....


Pragya jerked up and her steps halted, as two kids are standing there angrily and giving a killer look towards her... Pragya's lips curved to a bright smile as the little girl is showing a lot of attitude like her and the way, she is keeping her hands in her hips, makes Pragya to laugh uncontrollably...

The small boy is pulling his sister and asked her to leave that aunty and is bothered that she may scold and beat them... But the little girl is hell adamant not to leave from there, as she wanna question the lady, who pushed her papa and also made him to cry...

Pragya couldn't hear their talks clearly, as they are talking to themselves in a light whisper... Pragya didn't have any vague idea that they are none other her own kids , Krish and Kiara, whom she carried in her womb and gave birth to them, with much difficulty...

But the motherly feeling in Pragya brings some unknown happiness on seeing the kids... The arrogant and egoistic Rockstar Pragya, who never bows her head down for anyone or for anything, falls on her knees and raises her brows and asked them, what they want...

Kiara: Oh hello!!!! Miss. Masky....

Pragya: Woha!!!! Showing attitude to me haan... Call me, Madam... Little angry bird....

Kiara: Hello!!!! You are not my school teacher to call you as Madam... You are Masky only... Why are you hiding your face haan??? Do you think, you are so beautiful....

Pragya laughs uncontrollably and pulled Kiara's cheeks lovingly and wets it with her lip marks, by slightly moving the viel.. Kiara gave a deadly glare towards Pragya and wipes her face quickly...

Kiara irritatingly looks at her brother Krish, who is pulling her and is pleading her not to fight...

Kiara: You idiot.... Why are you pulling me like this???

Krish: How many times, I'm saying... Come let's go and look for Papa...

Kiara: I'm not leaving anywhere, before this Miss. Masky asks sorry to us...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Little lady beem... You are trying to scare me haan... Not bad... Do whatever you want... I won't ask sorry to anyone...

By the way, you asked me na whether I'm so beautiful or not... Of course... I'm... I can even say that I'm beautiful than you Miss. Little Angry bird... You are bubbly and this little boy is so cute... But I'm the Dashing, Beauty Queen....

Kiara: 😂😂😂😂😂 What a joke... Don't boast about yourself... I may not be beautiful like you... But my Mumma is the most beautiful person in this world... You can't even stand near my Mumma...

Pragya really admires the girl, who is looking like an exact replica of her and is not bowing her head for anyone and is hell adamant not to leave there, before making Pragya to ask sorry to them and is arguing with her bravely...

Pragya: Ahaan... Never mind... Tell me, what you want???

Kiara: Ask sorry and you can leave only after that....

Before Pragya continues her talks, her new secretary Dona, rushes up there with a worried face...  Pragya wonders how come Dona came there all of a sudden.... Dona whispers something to Pragya with fear, while Pragya gives her an irritating look....

Pragya: You are hopeless, Dona... Can't you handle this single issue too.... How many times, I told you clearly that none should know that I'm here... But you are good for nothing and trapped me in this...

Get lost from here... I said move... Don't irritate me, Dona... If you want to get admitted in the hospital, stand here... Go... I will reach there soon...

Dona nods her head and moves from there.... Krish and Kiara are stunned to see such an angry outburst from Pragya and they wonders, Is the one, who is teasing and arguing with them like a kid, few minutes before....

Pragya: I have to leave now... Will you allow me , little Miss Angry bird??? Will it be possible for you to come here, tomorrow??? We can continue our fights and settle the matter, tomorrow...

Kiara: How can I trust you??? What if you didn't come tomorrow??? What proof can you give to me, haan????

Pragya: Smart... You are so wise... What shall I do now??? Let me think... If you have any suggestions, tell me... I will do it...

Kiara: Give something, you value the most... With no other go, you will come tomorrow and will get it from me... Don't forget, I won't leave you easily...

Pragya:  Alright... But... You won't cheat me, right...

Kiara: It's a promise on my Papa and Mumma... I ... Won't... Cheat... You... Masky....

Pragya's eyes welled up and she hugs the little Kiara tightly... She kisses her cheeks and hugs Krish too, who is watching the duo with utter shock... Pragya is feeling so happy and kisses them continuously, with moist eyes...

Pragya removes the locket gifted by Abhi, which has the first photo ( the only photo, Pragya had of her kids) of Krish and Kiara and the wedding photo of Abhi and Pragya... She made Kiara to wear it and rushes out from there, hiding her face....

Kiara and Krish wondered what's going on and they couldn't get any single doubt that it's Pragya, their mother only.... Krish drags the confused Kiara, who is thinking deeply that she has seen the same eyes, before itself....

The kids searched for Abhi in many places and for a long time... They glared at Abhi angrily, who is sitting in an isolated corner of the park and staring at the sky blankly... Abhi comes to his reverie, only after the kids shooks him hard...

Like a lifeless Robot, Abhi gets up and holds the kids and walks quickly from there... Seeing the varied emotions in Abhi, the kids too didn't talked or argued with him... They quietly whispered that something is wrong with their Papa for sure....


Later that night,

Abhi finishes of the household chores and switches off the lights in the kitchen... Not in a mood to do any other works, he gets inside the bedroom and he shrinks his brows, as his kids are talking and not at all sleeping, till now....

Abhi quietly pulls off the blankets and the kids makes a sheepish smile, as Abhi caught them red handedly... Kiara shows her puppy face to melt down Abhi, while Krish sucks his dried lips and gulps hard, as Abhi is glaring at them angrily...

Abhi: Krishhhhh...

Kiara: Papa...

Abhi: Kiara... Keep quiet... I'm talking with Krish only... Hmmm... What's going on, Krish??? Come on... Spit out the matter....

Krish blurted out everything, in a single go... Kiara hungs her head down, as she is not able to tolerate the intense gaze of Abhi... She holds the chain given by Pragya and unknowingly, the locket gets opened and the melodious voice of Pragya calling Abhi is heard....

Abhi's breath hitched and he feels goosebumps, all around his body... He rushes and takes the locket from Kiara's neck and started to kiss it happily, with moist eyes... Abhi keeps on saying Pragya continuously and is crying vigorously....

Abhi, who didn't reacted on seeing the real Pragya is getting emotional on hearing her voice and is hugging the locket, he gifted Pragya on her baby shower... His eyes are pouring out very badly, on seeing their wedding photo and the images of their kids...

Abhi caress it gently and keeps on mumbling Pragya... The kids were way too shocked and they lightly peeped in and saw that it's the photo of their parents and them... Krish holds Kiara's hands and asked her to keep quiet and not to disturb their Papa, now....

Seeing the seriousness in Krish's voice, Kiara nods her head reluctantly and falls in the bed to sleep... Soon sleep took over them and the kids falls on to a deep slumber.....


The tired Abhi too slept off in the floor itself, but his hold on the locket is way too tight, as if he is holding Pragya in his embrace.... His mind drags him to the worst past, which is a biggest and foolish decision of his life....


After knowing from Bulbul that he is blessed with a boy and girl, Abhi doesn't know how to handle the situation... He understood that Pragya didn't gained her conscious and the family too won't reach there, before a week's time, due to bad weather ...

Abhi thought of something deeply and gets inside the Room, in which Pragya is being treated... Abhi's eyes welled up on seeing the pathetic look of Pragya and he can't forgive himself , as he was so guilty for leaving Pragya alone there with Rocky....

Abhi who was pooled up in varied emotions failed to ask from Bulbul, what had happened there... He made a decision on his own and he was not in a mind set to think that what did that Rocky do with Pragya and where he was now....

Abhi stupidly believed the lies said by Pragya to Rocky and he clearly misunderstood that Pragya is not loving him and she was thinking that Abhi and their kids are being a burden to her....

Abhi wrongly thought that Pragya will surely pushes them out from her life very soon ...

Abhishek Prem Mehra, who loves his wife Pragya more than anyone in his life, was not in a state to see his wife with anyone and he doesn't want to be a hurdle in Pragya's happiness....

With a moist eyes, Abhi nears Pragya and *********



What had happened???

How did Abhi move from there, without the knowledge of Bulbul ???

How will the kids react after knowing that the lady they met in the park, is none other than their mother Pragya????

Will Pragya be aware about her kids????

What is Abhi going to do now???? Will he take a stupid decision again or will he repent for his mistakes????

What happened to Rocky???

How come Abhi know that Pragya is waiting only for him and is in love with him only????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Words used: 3300+

Just 2 more shots to go....

Lots of shocking and twisty scenarios are awaiting....

Cast your votes soon and get your updates soon...

Until then,

It's me,

Yours cliffy Buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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