38. (Part 1) Love is the beginning and end of everything...

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Read it on your own risk... Strictly no bashing is allowed...

As it's a long chapter, I'm splitting this into two.... ( This part too exceeded 3400+ words)

Hope, you all are okay with it...


My feelings for you are real and it can't be explained in words... I spend most of time thinking about you, rather than thinking of myself...

Distance means nothing to me... You are my everything and I'm damn sure that I will find you , one day...

All I want is to slap you hardly for ditching me and leaving me, alone... I just wish to hug you tightly and jail you permanently in my embrace...


Hot tears were rolling down from Abhi's eyes mercilessly, thinking about the worst past incidents, which pushed him in a living hell... He wanna run back to his wife Pragya, but his guilty state is not letting him to step forward...

To be precise, Abhi is scared to face his whole family, as he knows very well that none of his actions can be justified by any means... More than anyone, he doesn't know how to console and comfort Pragya, whose loss can't be compensated that much easily...

Abhi is in a helpless condition and he didn't initiated any move till now, as he is confused to the core and don't know how to rectify for the sins he committed willingly, in a big misunderstanding... He understands very lately that what he has done is completely wrong and he should be punished for his doings....

Abhi comes out of his trance, as the loud bang in the house door, got his attention... Abhi quickly wipes his  tears and rushes inside the restroom and washes his face quickly... He rubs his face abruptly with a towel and runs to open the door...

Abhi makes a sorry look and holds his ears, as he spots his two kids are glaring at him angrily... Krish started to laugh aloud with a teasing smirk in his face, while Kiara folds her hands and stares at Abhi angrily... Both gestured something  to Abhi and is hell adamant to make Abhi to do it...

Abhi in a meek whisper: Did I need to do that???

Both his kids nods in approval and didn't mind Abhi's pleading looks too... Sighing deeply, Abhi started to do pushups, while Kiara and Krish barges on his back and is giggling happily...

They starts the count down and is hell adamant not to leave Abhi, until he completes 100... This is the peculiar punishment given by the kids, if Abhi didn't welcomed them, when they return from the school...


On the other side,

Pragya finishes off the boarding formalities and gets inside the business class of the flight... She asked the air hostess not to disturb her and insists her not to allow any fans to meet or trouble her, as she is going to take rest...

Pragya asked the air hostess to alert her, ten minutes before the flight reaches the destination... Pragya takes a deep breath and sips the juice in her hands... But something is making her restless, continuously...

Pragya couldn't understand, why she is being troubled like this... Her heart beats are not in control and she is feeling way too tensed... As her usual habit, she holds her mangalsutra tightly with her arms and keeps on chanting Abhi repeatedly, like a holy mantra...

However hard Pragya tries, she couldn't behave normal at all and uncontrollably her eyes are coated with the irritating and itchy, salty water, which is clinging to her always, from the day Abhi has left her...

Pragya rubs her eyes harshly and closes her eyes, not minding the tears, to control her restlessness and tensed mind set... She drifted to a deep slumber very soon, due to her tiredness, but her inner soul is haunting her with the worst nightmare of her life...


Pragya escapes from Rocky's clutches cleverly and she quickly dialled to the commissioner and informed that the culprit Rocky, who escaped from the jail is troubling her and is trying to misbehave with her...

The commissioner assured that he will come soon with his team and arrest Rocky... He also informs Pragya to be careful and also given her a hope that the near by police will reach there any a time, to protect and save her...

Pragya cuts off the call happily, but she felt a sharp pain is killing her mercilessly... Her whole body writhes in pain and she screams Abhi uncontrollably... Even in her painful state too, she wants her husband Abhi to be with her, who has abandoned her in the isolated place and went somewhere...

With an uncontrollable pain, Pragya falls on the ground and is crying out helplessly... Rocky, who comes out from the restaurant is laughing like a mad man and smirks at her dangerously...

Rocky: So sad... Feeling too much pain haan... Shall I do the delivery for you... But I won't assure that your baby will be alive...

Hey, your tummy is so big... Don't say that idiot, your so called Husband has knocked you down  many a times and has given you two babies...

You have allowed that a*****e to ravish and touch you this much haan... Shame on you... How dare you to allow him to do all these... You didn't let me even to kiss you...

Bl****y B***h... Even in this state too, you are laughing at me teasingly haan... Why not I kill you??? Nah nah... You are my sweetheart na... My darling, my s**y, my *****...

  Pragya closes her ears, as she is not able to tolerate that Rocky is describing her in a worst and nasty way... She feels creepy and wanna kill that Rocky for bad mouthing about her and is keep on describing about her physical features...

With anger flaring her nose, Pragya gets up with much struggle and spits on Rocky and slaps him hardly and warned him to run from there, to save his life... Rocky fumes in anger and pushed Pragya hardly in the ground...

Rocky: You disgusting piece of S**t is showing attitude to me even in this state too... Your body is full of arrogance... Today, I will trash it fully... Behave properly or else...

Pragya: What a joke... You are trying to scare me haan... A nasty and ugly worm is screeching in front of me... Am I a coward to be silent or stay quietly, hearing all those disgusting words, spitted by you ...

Don't forget who I'm... I'm Pragya, Pragya Abhishek Prem Mehra, the undefeated Rockstar, who is ruling the music industry... If you wanna live a happy life, just run from here...

Rocky: Don't annoy me, Pragya... I will punish you for all your doings...

Pragya: You bl***y jerk should have the class and status even to near my Shadow too... What you said??? I'm feeling happy to see your face like this... 😂😂😂😂😂... You are absolutely correct...

What do you know about my Abhi??? ... I can proudly say that I'm carrying my Abhi's babies... Yeah... They are Twins... I'm damn sure that I will have a boy - so cute, loving and caring like my Abhi and a girl baby as bold, strong and powerful like me...

Yucky creature like you can't see the beauty of our relationship and you can't even understand the love and care, a husband shows on his wife... My Abhi takes care of me like his baby, his princess and loves me madly and can go to any extreme to make me happy...

  I can see both my Father and Mother in my Abhi... I'm lucky to get a husband like my Abhi and I'm thanking God for bringing my Abhi forcefully in my life...

An a***e like you will see women as a body to entertain your lust and desires and you can't understand all these .. You don't know what is to love and what it's to be loved... You are not blessed enough to all these pure things...

All you want  is only money, stardom, fame, showing off, flirting and knocking those bi****s to fulfill your lust... You are a worthless creature, who is a burden to this earth...

Pragya screams aloud, as the pain is getting severe .. Rocky makes a nasty smirk and crushes the hands of Pragya with his shoes and holds her hairs hardly, making Pragya to shout in pain, but she didn't let any of her tears to come out of her eyes....

Rocky: Cry... Cry aloud... I want to see your tears... Don't talk too much... Just cry in pain and wipe my shoes with your tears... Your crying voice is ringing like a soothing melodious song in my ears... It sounds s**y than your normal singing...

Pragya: Get lost , you heartless moron... Even if I die too, I won't cry in front of you... Pragya Abhishek Mehra never bows her head down for an a****e like you...

Rocky: Ego ... Your body is full of unwanted arrogance... Let me thrash all these today... First I will get rid of these two devils from your tummy and I will tarnish you till you lose your life... I'm gonna give a deadly punishment to you, for playing in my life...

Pragya's teasing laughs maddened Rocky a lot... Fuming angrily, Rocky raises his legs and is about to place it on Pragya's belly... Pragya screams "Noooo" , but she didn't bow her head in front of Rocky or even didn't begged Rocky to leave her and her babies...

Rocky: Come on... Ask for my mercy... I will leave you...

Pragya: You can't do anything to my babies... This is Abhishek Prem Mehra's and The Rockstar Pragya's legal heirs... You can't even create a single scar to them...

Rocky grits his teeth angrily and is about to kick rashly on Pragya's tummy... All he want at thàt time is to see Pragya panicking in fear and plead for his Mercy and beg him to leave her ... But the confidence and stubborn attitude of Pragya shocked and annoyed Rocky to the core...

The heavy laughter of Pragya startles Rocky and he thinks that Pragya has become mad in shock... But he is dumb struck, as he hears the siren sound of the police jeep... Rocky harshly kicks Pragya and runs from there...

With a heavy pain, Pragya gets up with much struggle and calls the doctor, to arrange for the needful... The policemen surrounded Rocky and he is being arrested and kept on hold... The lady constables rushed to help Pragya, whose dressed is soaked with blood...

The commissioner too arrives in the mean time and the ambulance which Pragya has called for has reached there, along with a specialised doctor team... Pragya gives the numbers of Abhi and Bulbul to the nurse and asked them to inform about her condition...

Slowly Pragya loses her conscious and the team of doctors took the charge and started to do the first aid for her... They tried all their might to reach Abhi, as Pragya's condition is way too critical, due to severe blood loss and it's not possible for her to deliver the babies normally...


Abhi is staring at the sea aimlessly and his heart is roaring with severe pain, like the restless sea waves ... Hot tears have drained all his energy and he is not in a state to understand anything and he thinks himself, only as a loser...

Abhi's Pov.:

Why Pragya??? Why are you doing this to me??? Even after all the happenings, you want that Rocky only... I can't even digest the words, you said to that bas***d... Why can't you understand the love, I have on you, Pragya???

As a husband, how much I longed that my wife should love me and accept me, wholeheartedly... You never treated me as your husband and you never loved me, any a time...

I fakely believed that our babies will change your mind set and will keep us united forever... All your behaviours in these months, made me to feel that you are happy to have our babies and you are loving me, madly...

But now only I understood that you are acting, all these days... Don't worry, Pragya... Just a month left na... After you deliver the babies, I will go along with my kids, somewhere...

I won't be a hindrance in your happy life, as I love you crazily... Stay happy, Pragya... I will make our kids to know that you are their mother... But don't worry, we won't be a trouble for you, by any means...

Abhi wipes his tears and takes a deep breath... Just then he looks at the sky and finds that it's evening... Abhi gasps in shock, as he has left Pragya alone in the deserted place and he even took the car also with him...

Abhi quickly took his mobile and is shocked to see more than 200 missed calls from Pragya... What startled him is that he has got so many missed calls from Bulbul, Purab, Aaliya, Sid and even Pragya's doctor too has called and messaged him, many a times..

With shaky hands, Abhi opens the messages and he couldn't tolerate the pain that is writhing his soul into pieces... Abhi screams Pragya and started to run like a mad man... He is not in a state to call anyone to ask how is Pragya and the babies...


Like a lifeless corpse, Abhi enters the hospital with fear in his eyes... All he want is that to see his wife Pragya and the babies to be fine and nothing should have happened to them... Praying to God, Abhi walks (runs) to the reception to ask about Pragya...

But he spots the teary eyed Bulbul, who is glaring at him murderously... Though his guilt is killing him, he rushes and nears Bulbul, who turns her face angrily...

Abhi: Chotti...

Bulbul: Don't call me that... Why Abhi bhai??? Why did you do like this??? How many times, I warñed you to be careful and even I said that not to leave Pragya alone, anywhere right...

How can you be so careless, Abhi Bhai??? I didn't expected this kind od behaviour from you... I can't understand, why you have done all these.. Even you haven't picked any of our calls...

I was standing here helplessly and I was not in a state to take any decision on my own... This Purab has almost ripped me completely and I don't know whom to console and comfort too... When I'm in need of a support, who shall I blame...

I can't tolerate the cryings of Sarlama, Dadi, Aaliya and even I don't know how to console Sid, who is crying like a small kid knowing that his Bhabhi is struggling for life and his brother is no where to be found...

Even in that condition too that stupid Rockstar Pragya is keep on saying "Abhi" like a prayer and didn't let her hands away from her mangalsutra... I just can't see Pragya in that state... I don't know what you are thinking about Pragya and what's going on between you two...

Though Pragya seems to be a bold person, she's a loveless kid, who yearned for love... I have seen the pain in Pragya's eyes for many years and I started to believe that her pain vanished, after you have entered in her life...

Abhi: I'm really sorry, Bulbul... Mistake is mine... A sudden problem came in office... In tension, I forget that Pragya is with me and I left from there to sort out that issues ...

I'm sorry, my phone was in silent mode and that's why I couldn't attend any of your calls... Nothing is done intentionally, Bulbul....

Bulbul is not a fool to believe Abhi's lies, as his eyes are saying a different story to her... Rather, Bulbul was in office only at that time and she knows very well that none such issues has happened...

Abhi: Bulbul.. How is my Pragya now??? How are my babies??? Nothing happened to them right... Please Bulbul... Don't scare me by staying quiet...

Bulbul let's out a lifeless smile: You can't even tolerate my silence for  mere seconds too, Abhi Bhai... More than 5 hours, your silence had scared all of us and I have struggled hard between life and death...

Thank God... I think you have done some good things in your life... Only miracle has saved Pragya and your kids... The doctor has completely lost hope but Pragya is a fighter and that's why she survived and saved your babies and delivered them safely, with much difficulty...

Abhi wipes his tears, but he couldn't stop the pain in his heart or the murderous treatment given by his soul, for ditching his love of life Pragya and forced her to suffer alone... Understanding Abhi's pain, Bulbul holds Abhi's hands and gently squeezes it to calm him down...

Bulbul: Pragya is fine, Bhai and so do your babies... Purab and everyone in the family badly want to come here soon... But due to the weather conditions over there, all the flights have been cancelled there and it's not possible for them to get a flight soon... Hardly they can reach here, after a week's time only...

Abhi nods his head, but he doesn't know how to ask Bulbul about his babies...

Abhi: Bulbul... Babies??? Vo.. vo..

Bulbul: Bhai... The babies are in NICU and you can go and meet them over there... After three days only, they will hand over the babies to us...

Abhi: Ohhh... Bulbul... Can I go and meet Pragya???

Bulbul: She is In ICU , Bhai... Better ask permission from the doctor, Bhai... I'm going to the pharmacy to get the medicines...

Abhi with much hesitancy: Bulbul... Are they boys or girls???

Bulbul: Pragya is always a winner, Bhai... I hope you understand what I said... Finally Pragya's wish to name your babies  as Kiara and Krish came true... So, I'm copyrighted the name Abhigya to my Baby...

Abhi smiles brightly and walks towards the NICU to look for his babies... He got special permission and gets inside and  holded the babies securely in his embrace... He let out a deep sigh and quickly plans, what he is need to do further....


Pragya jerked up from her dream, as the airhostess alerted her that the flight is about to reach the destination... After reaching the place, Pragya collects all her baggages and she comes out quickly through the VVIP lounge...

A car is waiting for her along with the driver... Pragya instructed something to the driver and she calls someone in between and she checked whether everything is done, as she said...

Pragya alerted and warned them that none of her family members should know anything about the place, she is going to stay... When the car reaches the place, Pragya feels some uncontrollable happiness and her instinct tells her that she is going to meet her Abhi soon....


The teary eyed Pragya closes her eyes in happiness, as she spots her husband Abhi finally... But Abhi is in complete shock and he couldn't understand what he is going through...


So, what's going to happen next???

How did Abhi and Pragya meet again???

How did Abhi moves out from the hospital along with his kids, unware to anyone???

How come Abhi realized his mistake and how he got to know that Pragya is loving him only and is waiting for him???

Is Pragya's life and image is tarnished by the media and is she facing any trouble as her husband has moved away from her, along with their babies???

How did Pragya put a big end card to Rocky's chapter???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

It's time to cast your votes and pen down your views...

You will get the next update soon, if the votes comes up soon...

Until then

Wait for me...


Bidding adieu,


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