37. Miles apart... Yet my heart, beats for you...

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( ⚠ Alert:  Read the shot with your own risk...

Strictly no bashing is allowed....

Words in Bold italics: Past incidents)


Life is getting irony... I'm losing all my hopes to live... But I least hope that I will get back my family, before I let out my final breath...

I'm sleeping, just to have a dream about you...
I'm opening my eyes, thinking that I will be in your arms...
I'm breathing till now, with a hope that you will come back to me, one day...

Even when you are miles apart, you're still holding the beat of my heart...


Aaliya caress the head of her twin sister Pragya, who is crying her heart out, after a long time... Aaliya doesn't know how to console Pragya, who is longing for her husband and her kids...

Sid, Ro dadi and Sarla maa are also pooled up in tears, on seeing Pragya's broken state... The arrogant, egoistic and bold Rockstar Pragya, who never cries before anyone or for anything, is crying now, like a baby and is longing for her family...

Even in that worst situation too, Pragya didn't allowed anyone to curse her husband Abhi and protected him, with all her might... Knowing Pragya's mind set, no one had scold, Abhi before Pragya....

Pragya believes that it's the least, she can do for all the troubles and problems, she has created in Abhi's life and not treating him as that of her husband...

She always curses her stupidity for missing such a gem of a person in her life... She feels herself as a fool, for losing her Prince charming, who showered her with true love, inspite of all her ill behaviours...

Aaliya wipes Pragya's tears and makes her to drink water... Sarlama caress the head of Pragya and let out a deep breath, on seeing her bahu's miserable state and everyone's helpless state, as they couldn't find Abhi anywhere, till now....

Sarla maa: Pragya beta... I don't know, why all these have happened... I couldn't understand still, why that stupid boy has done like that... Really I'm ashamed of my son's doings and I'm ...

Pragya: Maa... Please, stop... I beg you... Don't curse or scold my Abhi... He is not at all at any fault... He just misunderstood the situations and took a sudden decision, as the bad incidents have confused him a lot...

I know very well how much my Abhi has lived for everyone's happiness... Now only, he is living his life happily, along with our kids... Let him live, as per his wishes, Maa... At least he is happy right... It's enough for me...

Please... If you all can do a favour for me, fix a best day, after one month and arrange for the wedding... I will ask Purab bhai to handle everything‌‌, on my behalf and I will do all the needful, with my sources..

Sid, Aaliya... I request you two to do this for me... I least believe that you two will hear my words and make me happy... I want a promise from you two... Can you two do this for me???

Pragya with a determined mindset, raised her hands and asked Sid and Aaliya to do a promise to her... Sid can't take that anymore and keeps his hand above Pragya's hand and assured her that he will do anything, she wishes...

But Aaliya is looking at Pragya intently and she studies, all the reactions of Pragya, clearly... As her twin sister, Aaliya knows very well about Pragya and she is not a fool to fall in her traps, so easily...

Pragya: Aalu... Won't you give the promise to me???

Aaliya: Playing very smart haan... You are trying to emotionally blackmail us and is trapping us in a tricky way... I'm not a fool, Pragz... Do you dare to explain everything, clearly....You can't, right...

Shall I spit out, what's cooking in your mind... You very well know that I and Sid made a decision, not to get married, until jiju returns with kids... We even decided not to have any intimate relationship, if we get married in unavoidable situations too...

Knowing everything, you are trying to change our decisions, right... You are smartly asking a promise from us, Pragz... I know you will trap us and will ask us to make you as Badi maa, soon na...

Pragya sighs and closes her eyes, as Aaliya caught her intentions, correctly... She nods her head as yes and doesn't know what to answer Aaliya, who is glaring at her murderously...

Aaliya: Alright... I will accept your promise... But, I want a return promise from you... If you say yes to it, I and Sid will do, as you say...

Pragya: Tell me, Aalu... What's your demands...

Aaliya: It's very simple, Pragz... I want my sister Pragya to come back to her regular form... You shouldn't run away from this house... Be with us and I want to see you, smiling happily, like before....

Pragya: It's impossible, Aaliya...

Aaliya: All is possible, if you try...

Pragya: I can't...

Aaliya: I'm sorry... We are also not going to get married...

Pragya: Aaliya... Please... Don't torture me, like this...

Aaliya: It's you, not us... You are living in an illusion and pushing yourself in a living hell... We all are worried and bothered on seeing your miserable state... We feel all your pain and wishing to comfort you...

But you are asking us to be happy, forgetting that you are not part of our lives... We are not heartless, Pragz... In your tears and pain, we can't start our life, happily...

Pragya: Please Aalu... I want your marriage to happen... Sid, you promised me to do, as I said...

Aaliya: Without bride, how this Sid is going to marry, haan?? I think Sid won't marry any girl, other than me... What are you looking, madam ji??? I too can be stubborn, like you...

I will give you two choices, Pragz... Take this one month, for you... Find jiju and kids, if possible, and bring them here... Or accept the realities and live with us, happily...

If you are okay for this, Our marriage will happen, as you wished... If not, your sister and your lovable brother in law, will stay like this forever...

No one should take the topic of our marriage, until jiju returns... It's final and no more arguments.... Decide wisely, Pragz... I hope you won't disappoint me...

Pragya controlled her tears and runs upstairs, without minding to hear anything more... All were left teary eyed and no one said anything, breaking the silence in the house... Sid holds Aaliya in his embrace and allowed her to cry her, heart out....

Aaliya: I'm sorry, Sid... Without considering your feelings, I've talked to Pragz like that..  Sorry, if any of my words hurted you... I'm helpless and I don't find anything better than this, to change the mind set of Pragz...

Sid: Dont feel sorry and all, Aalu... I couldn't stop or say no to bhabhi... I can't see her in tears and that's why, I made a promise to her and assured her that I will obey her words ..

But I badly want to make Bhabhi to understand the situations... Thank God... You stubbornly spoke to Bhabhi, which is in my heart... Just calm down, Aalu... All will be fine soon...

Something in me tells that the days are not far away... I think some positive changes will happen in this one month... Let's hope for the best...

Aaliya gets a call from their clients, to look after an issue and Sid too gets call from the manager to come soon... They hurriedly gets out from the house, bidding adieu to Sarlama and Ro dadi... The elderly ladies were praying hardly to bring the lost happiness in the house...


Pragya's Pov.:

Why did you left me, Abhi???? I can't handle all these ... Come back to me, Abhi... I'm hallucinating you, everywhere... I can't stay in this room, ànymore... I'm imagining, as if you are with me...

Do you know Abhi... I had a very beautiful and a romantic imagination in morning, as if you were romancing with me... Why can't this Aaliya understand that I will live my life, like this, imagining you in my thoughts always...

She is asking for the impossible to happen... The mere four to five hours in this house is a torture for me and I'm getting emotionally weak, without your presence... How can I stay here, when you are not here...

Nooooo... I can't Abhi... Let me run away from here for time being... Please God... Change Aaliya's mindset and make her to accept my decision...

Pragya quickly stuffs her things in her suitcase.. She arranges her laptop bag, back pack and her guitar... She called the servants to keep the things in her car... She called Purab and asked him to look after the wedding arrangements of Aaliya and Sid and do the needful, on her behalf....

Sighing deeply, Pragya gets down with a blank face, not to show any of her emotions, in front of the teary eyed Sarlama and Ro dadi... She gets blessings from them and gets out quickly, as she can't control her tears, anymore...

While this is going on, Abhi is crying silently, as the words of his daughter Kiara is echoing repeatedly in his ears... He doesn't know how to console his kids and answer their questions about their mother...

He realized very lately that whatever he did is very wrong... His stupid misconception and misunderstanding the situations has complicated everything... He spoiled all his happiness and is in a confusion, as how to get back to Pragya again...

Now too he is longing for the love of his wife Pragya... Each and every move of Pragya is explaining him clearly that how much she loves him and is waiting for him... But he is completely guilty and doesn't have guts to face Pragya, who is in a pathetic state, because of his stupid move....


Abhi couldn't concentrate well in the class and he is not in a state to take any more lectures... He is feeling severe headache and he just want to go away somewhere and cry his heart out... He took half day permission from the college and moves to his house...

As the kids will return only after three hours, Abhi just make a cup of coffee and sits in the balcony... The gentle breeze is soothing his mind and he starts to remember the same weather, when he and Pragya went for a long drive and how they do shopping and all...


The crazy Rockstar Pragya, without minding her tiredness keeps on shopping the baby items... Her legs started to swell like a balloon and clear tiredness is visible in her face...

Abhi convinced Pragya and took her to the near by Restaurant, which hardly has people over there... They took a private dining room and ordered some snacks and a coffee for Abhi and a big glass of milk for Pragya...

Pragya: Abhiii... Why not I kill you??? You are asking me to drink this yucky milk... Please... Give me a sip of coffee...

Abhi: Rockstar... You are a very good girl na... Doctor's strict warning... You shouldn't drink coffee...

Abhi gasps in shock and blinks his eyes, as he didn't expected this at all... Pragya licks her lips and  moves away from Abhi, as she has finished off her works...

Pragya: Thanks for the tasty sip of coffee, Abhi... I loved it a lot...

Pragya winks and started to drink the milk, along with the taste of the coffee from Abhi's lips... Abhi couldn't control his blush and he started to do the massage for her swollen legs and applied ointment to it, with a smile in his face....


After sometime,

Abhi caress the head of Pragya, who is chirping and talking non stoppingly about their babies... Abhi is smiling and is answering her doubts and they were discussing about the baby room decorations and all...

As they were in their own land, they failed to notice that Rocky is looking at the duo, venomously and started to conspire against them... He is stubborn to separate them and the swollen belly of Pragya, boiled his nerves to the core...

Like a heartless monster, his anger turns vigorously towards the unborn babies too... He wanted to destroy Pragya's happiness  completely, as she is the reason for all his misery...

Rocky did a quick mental calculation and he called the waiter over there... He bribed him and asked him to do, as he said... But the waiter is much scared to do and is trembling in fear... Rocky threatened him and forced him to obey his orders...

Scared of his life, the waiter agreed and mixed something in the food ordered for Pragya... As a part of the plan, the waiter mistakenly spills the juice in Abhi's dress...

Abhi : Pragya... Let me wash and come.... You be safe here...

Pragya: Abhi... I will also come with you...

Abhi: I'm going to men's washroom, darling... Just 5 minutes, sweetie... I will be  back... Eat this like a good girl...

Pragya feels all kinds of negative vibes and pleads Abhi, not to go away from her... Abhi caress her head and kissed her forehead and moves to freshen up in the restroom...

Pragya wanders her eyes here and there and she without her knowledge, started to eat the food, which is mixed up with a tablet, prescribed for abortion...

Rocky is not aware that Pragya's due date is nearby and the tablets can't do anything to the babies' life... Yet it has the tendency to  create sudden labour pain...

Rocky slowly moves towards the restroom and locks the door from outside... He smirks wickedly and moved towards the private dining room, in which Pragya is seated...

He eyes Pragya lustfully, who is glowing in her tired state too and his mind imagines the liplock of Abhi and Pragya, which angers his senses, few minutes back... He can't digest the fact that he can't get his prey ever...

Pragya jerked up and her face frowns on seeing the unwanted entry... Her reactions changes, as she noticed the face of Rocky alone... But when Rocky nears her, she understood that it's not her Abhi...

Pragya: You bl****y ba****d... How come you are here??? I made the case stronger and to my knowledge, your punishment got extended right... 

Rocky: Of course... You succeeded in your attempts... But I'm Rocky... Hard as a rock... I got escaped easily and I'm searching for you like a eagle, in search of his prey...

But to my delight, you, your so called husband, the sh***y thing in your womb gonna be my prey... No one can save your family, today... You are trapped in my clutches... Don't look for your husband... He is resting safely in the restroom....


Abhi is shouting and is asking someone to open the door... To his misery, no one came to the restroom, at that time... He is bothered and dials Pragya's number, which gets unattended by her, as it's in silent mode...

Pragya's mind understands that the situation is getting out of control and her whole family is trapped in the clutches of Rocky... She sighs and thinks quickly to out smart Rocky and escape from him...

Not wanting Rocky to get alert, she didn't took her mobile before him and studies her surroundings... Finding the area is isolated, she thought that, it's better to play smart with Rocky... Pragya plastered a forced smile and looks at Rocky intently...

For a second, Rocky gets melted in Pragya's looks and her inviting lips started to turn him mad... But his mind is alerting him that Pragya is doing this purposely, to escape from him...

Rocky: Hey... Don't try your dirty tricks on me...

Pragya: Rocky, my love... Why are you talking like this??? Do you know, how much I missed you??? I'm so happy, as you are back to me...

Rocky: Stop it... I'm not a fool to fall in your cheesy talks...

Pragya: Rocky... Don't you know, how much I love you...

Rocky: Love... My foot... You never, let me to touch you... But you allowed that as****e to touch you and you are carrying his baby, shamelessly... You are a disgusting creature....

Pragya controls her anger and is taking long breathes, not to get mad, as it will spoil her plan... She seductively walks towards Rocky and touches him sensually...

Pragya: This is just a compromise for my Family's happiness... Don't you know, I married that Abhi for my revenge and I used him to train myself, to please your needs... The baby is just an accident...

After delivery, he promised that he will leave me and take the babies with him... No one can come between us... We can live together happily and I will surely help you to get back your stardom again...

Rocky fell for Pragya's tricky talks and he started to dream about his future... He didn't noticed that Pragya is searching for Abhi and is keeps on calling him... Rocky is not aware that Pragya has alerted the police too, in the meantime...

Pragya hurriedly gets out from the restaurant and is shocked to hell, as she didn't find their car at all... She is shouting and is trying Abhi's number , repeatedly, with tears oozing out continuously from her eyes...

Pragya doesn't know that Abhi has heard the talks of Rocky and Pragya's conversations and miunderstood the situations... Abhi is not in a state to think of anything and he took the car, leaving Pragya alone there ..

Pragya started to panick, as she felt a severe pain in her belly... She understood that something is happening and she hurriedly dialed Bulbul's number and asked her to come to the hospital....

Pragya messages Abhi about her pain and asked him to reach the hospital, if he can... Though she is angry and hurted by Abhi's behaviour, she wants her husband's presence beside her, during her delivery...

Gathering up all her courage and is controlling her painful cries, she dialed the hospital and asked the doctor to arrange for an ambulance soon... Pragya world's started to collapse, as Rocky comes there and pushes her down....

Rocky starts to yell on Pragya, who is drenched in blood... He didn't mind Pragya's screams and her painful cries are like a relief to him... The wild monster didn't felt satiated and is about to kick Pragya's belly with his boots...

But he jerked up and started to run from there, as he heard the siren of the police car... In the meantime, Pragya's pains are getting higher and higher and she is crying with severe pain... To her relief, the ambulance came and took her to the hospital...

Abhi jerked up from his thoughts, as he heard a heavy bang at the door, followed by continuous shoutings to open the door soon... Understanding the kids have returned from the school, Abhi wipes his tears and moves to open the door....

Abhi forcefully plastered a fake smile in his face and  welcomes his kids... While on the other side, Pragya took the flight and is thinking of Abhi and their kids and is longing for the day to meet them....



What's going to happen next???

What happened during Pragya's delivery???

Where is Rocky now???? Did he get punishment for his doings???

How is that possible for Abhi to move away with his kids???

Will Abhi and Pragya meet again????

Will the Family be United???

Will Sid and Aaliya gets married ???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Words used: 3400+

Just 3 more shots to go....

Expecting all your support....

It's your cliffy buddy,


Signing off...


Will be



Have a wonderful new year ahead....

Keep smiling and stay blessed...

Let the new year brightens all our happiness and fulfills all our wishes....

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