6. He is made for her...

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Your Mahii / crazy is back again... Sorry for being late...

A special birthday 🎂🎂🎂 wishes to my best buddy nivi dharunyaa.... Happy birthday sweet heart... Missing you so much... Missing your comments very badly...

Have a blasting year ahead🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊... Enjoy your day and may God fulfill all your wishes and bless you with happiness always...

A small token of love and wishes from your crazy buddy...

Dedicating this chapter to my buddy nivi....

And happy independence day to the people of pakistan...

Lets move to shot. 6 :

Pragya is fuming with full rage... She wants to take revenge on that stupid clown... She makes a plan to trap him... She cant sit idle like this without punishing him..

Just then purab and bulbul enters the room to say about the prospective groom Abhishekh , Ro dadi has chosen for her... They were startled to see pragya's evil smirk and bad mood....

Pragya hates Abhi to the core and she cant forget the insult he has done to her, spoiling her first kiss and also he is the reason because of whom pragya is not able to meet Rocky privately in his house...

Purab: Pragya.... We want to talk an important matter with you...

Pragya: Me too wanna talk with you... Listen bhai... I want you to find out the whereabouts of a strange clown in this city... Aaargh... That man has boiled my nerves...

He made all my plans to spoil... He pushed me in the mud and in a dirty pool too... He has spoiled my dresses and my valuables too... I want to punish him for the problem he has created..

Pragya shows the photo to purab... Purab is completely shocked and taken aback on seeing Abhishekh's photo in pragya's mobile whom dadi has chosen as a groom for pragya....

Bulbul who notices the shocking reaction of her husband peeps in to know what's the matter... The word shock is an understatement... The two were standing like as if they are hitted by a hard rock...

Pragya shooks purab: Bhai... He is the clown and you have to find who is he and what he is doing??? I want to brutually punish him for the sin he has committed...

Purab did not utter a word to pragya instead he drags bulbul from the room iñ a hurry excusing from pragya that he has some important  work.... Pragya finds it strange but brushed aside her thoughts and thinks of a plan to trap the poor soul abhi...


The screen shifts to the college in which sid and aaliya are studying... Sid really felt very guilty on bashing aaliya like that...

Sid ' pov.:

"Im such a stupid.... How can I behave with a girl like this??? That too with aaliya... What's her mistake in this matter???

How can I treat her like that??? She really felt bad for hurting bhai... She genuinely asked sorry to me and also willing to apologize to abhi bhai too...

But what I did to her??? I ill treated a girl... This is not fair sid... She may be a rich, spoiled brat... But she is a girl for heavens sake... She also has feelings na... I have to say sorry to her for my behaviour...

But Im little bit nervous to face aaliya... 😂😂😂😂😂 Sid you are unbelievable.... Why Im nervous???
Im going to ask just sorry... Why am I reacting as if Im going to say I love you???? Idiot sid... How can you think of love and all???

Focus your attention only in your studies... You have to achieve bigger... Dont divert your attention to any girls or fall in a crap called love....your only aim is to make your bhai proud and keep him and your ma happy

Sid takes a deep sigh and enters the class... He spots aaliya sitting there very sad... He can clearly see traces of tears on her cheeks, her face is very, her  eyes are swollen blood red because of over crying and her nose too is bulged and in deep pink colour because of over crying... Sid really felt very bad knowing that he is the reason for aaliya's condition...

Sid comes near aaliya and looks at her face... Aaliya closes her face with her palm to calm herself and then she takes her handky and wipes her face...

Sid: Sorry aaliya... I did not meant to...

Aaliya: "Its okay sid... you have all the right to scold me or bash me.. But Its hurt me that you are thinking me like a leech and a bloody bitch...

Sorry sid... I troubled you a lot... I accept I am a rich, spoiled brat but not as bad as you think... Im not a girl to cling on any random men... Im brought up by dadi with values and I really value it .. The only man in my life is you...

My sincere apologies for all the troubles created by me... If possible ask your bhai too to forgive me... I will never interrupt or torture you anymore... Still I love you and will love only you till my last breath.."

Aaliya pours out what's in her heart and runs out from the class... Sid stands there dumbfounded and does not know how to react...


Later that evening, sarlama is getting restless and walking to and forth... She is getting nervous and tensed with each passing time... Abhi and sid notices sarlama's childish antics and starts to laugh ..

Abhi: why are you reacting like this ma??? Let them come na... Still we have half an hour left for them to reach here...

Sid: hey sarlu darling... Why are you nervous??? See you have started to dig the hole in the floor... Poor bhai have to spend to repair the floor too...

Sarla glares at sid but he sits very casually making Abhi to chuckle hard...

Sarla: Abhi... This sid is getting on to my nerves... Im gonna kick this boy for sure... Dont defend your brother okay...

Sid: Ahaan... Sarlu baby you always forget that I am a black belt in karate...

Sarla holds sid's ears making sid to scream in pain...

Sid: maa... Leave me... Ouch... Its paining ma... Aah....😢😢😢😢

Sarla: call like that.. hello black belt always remember a mother is always a mother...

Just then they hear the horn sound.... Ro dadi, purab, bulbul and aaliya enters inside the home along with the match maker Rama.... Aaliya stumbles on seeing Abhi and sid there while sid and abhi are shocked to see aaliya...

Abhi (whispers) : sid... What's this girl doing here???

Sid: Dont know bhai lets see what happens...

Rama introduces sarlama to everyone...

Sarla: Namastey ji... This is my elder son Abhishekh and this is my younger son Siddharth...

Both greets Ro dadi and gets blessings from her... They gave a friendly hug to purab and wishes bulbul and aaliya too... All are very happy to see abhi and his gestures...

Abhi served them with snacks and refreshments and all very impressed...

Ro dadi: Let me come to the point directly sarla.. Iv seen your son Abhi long back in a temple ..The very first sight of him impressed me so much...

I am eagerly searching for a good person to my grand daughter... Abhi is the one for her... I want Abhi as not only as my grand daughter's husband but also to take charge of everything and become the head of the Aroras...

I think Rama has told you already... Sorry sarla... I did not meant to separate your son from you... But Im helpless... My son and my bahu died in a car accident when my grand daughters are of 2 years...

Im the one who takes care of them from that day... Though I taught them values, the profession my grand daughter choose to uplift our standard spoiled her to the core...

I dont say she has bad habits ... But many men are behind her and trying to trap her... I dont want her to get into any trouble... I want abhi to taught her all values and Im sure abhi will bring back my grand daughter as she was earlier...

Sarla... Im pleading you... Dont say no to me.. please will you give your son Abhi's hand for my grand daughter...

Sarla: Dont worry ma... My abhi is all yours... Till now I did not say anything about this to abhi and sid... I promise you Abhi will come there after marriage...

I know my son wont say no to my words... I assure you that my abhi will take care of  my bahu and will protect her for sure...

Sid interrupts: Ma this is unfair... We are not going to sell our bhai for their rich grand daughter... I know aaliya... Its your cheap trick to trap my bhai and keep him as your slave na...

Abhi: Calm down sid...

All are completely confused by sid's accusation...

Purab: Hey sid...  wait... Why are you bashing and blaming aaliya out of nowhere??? How did you know her??? By the way why aaliya has to do like that... I cant understand what you are saying....

Aaliya: purab bhai... Calm down... Let me explain you all... This siddharth is my classmate and he always misunderstands me... I made a very big mistake and I troubled abhi jiju when he visited our college some days before...

Sorry jiju... Please forgive me... My mistake... I should not have behaved with you like that...

Dont look at me like tht sid... The proposal for marriage is not for me but for my twin sister... I promise you sid that I will support Abhi jiju always...

Jiju will you accept my sister and myself as  your shaali??? Will you guide and takes care of us like you cared for sid???

Abhi gestures Aaliya to come near him... Aaliya runs and hugs abhi and starts to cry... Abhi wipes the tears and asked aaliya not to cry...

Abhi: what's this aaliya??? See all your makeup are ruined na...

Sid: ya... Ya... Looking exactly like a ghost... Sarlu darling Im getting scared... Please save me anyone...

Aaliya hits sid while others starts to laugh...

Ro dadi: Im so happy on seeing your sons Sarla... We are blessed to have your family as ours...

Sid: oh ho dadi... You are too much senti than my sarlu... Tell me what's my bhabhi's name??? Wont you show her photo to us... Bhai wants to see her face na... Hey na bhai...😉😉😉😉

Abhi: 😊😊😊😊 stop it sid...

Ro dadi: switch on the tv and keep channel no. 27... You can see her..

Sid: wah... Wah... That much popular my bhabhi is... See bhai... A big celebrity is going to be your wife... Not bad...

Ro dadi feels extremely happy on seeing sid's antics and wishes to get a boy like sid for aaliya unaware of the fact that aaliya is madly in love with sid... Aaliya too admires the carefree sid lovingly because he is very rude and arrogant in college...

Sid switches on the tv... Pragya's live concert is going on in the tv.... Abhi's face went pale on seeing pragya in the tv and he fears that he messed up with the famous rockstar pragya...

Sid: Oh god!!!! How did I forget??? Too bad sid... You forget your idol's concert.... you missed to see it live...

Bulbul: Dont worry sid... You can hear her songs live whenever you wish for..

Sid: seriously... You dont know how much her concert tickets cost... Im dying to get a single autograph... Phew... Im not lucky enough...

Purab: you can take 1000s of selfie too if you wish sid ...

Sid: How is that possible???

Sarla: Idiot sid... Stop praising your idol... Im eager to see my bahu but you are praising your rockstar ..

Ro dadi: Leave him sarla... Sid is praising only her bhabhi na....

Sid: Bhabhi???? Is Rockstar Pragya is going to be my bhai's wife??? Is she the twin sister of aaliya???

Ro dadi: yes... pragya is my grand daughter and soon to be the bahu of sarla and wife of Abhi and your bhabhi sid...

Abhi is completely speechless and dumb struck on hearing that pragya is going to be his wife... He starts to sweat profusely and curses his fate for trapping him to the arrogant rockstar pragya....


In the other side, pragya finishes off her concert and gets inside to her green room to get herself changed... She removes all her rockstar outfits and wears a crop top and a short skirt...

She is not in a mood to go to home... She sits on the couch and lays on it and closes her eyes to relax for sometime as she is hell tired...

A person enters the room and closes the green room... He slowly walks near pragya and starts to touch her seductively and gives wet kisses to pragya making her to moan in pleasure...

The person's face is revealed... Its none other than Rocky...

What's gonna happen next???

Will pragya be able to save herself from Rocky's clutches???

Will pragya accept to marry abhi???

What will be abhi's condition if he gets married with pragya???

Will sid starts to fall for aaliya???

What will rocky do knowing that pragya is going to get married to abhi????

To know more stay tuned...

A long update with 2300+ words...

Expecting all your valuable votes and comments .. Hope you all wont disappoint me...

Sorry for typo errors as its not proof read...


Yours buddy,


Winding up...

Will be


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