5. I will trash you into pieces...

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Thanks for all your love and support....

A very big sorry for making you all wait so long... I could not help as my updates are getting delayed because of my health issues and even though, i update daily im lagging behind...

Hope you all will support me as iv to update all my stories ... Please bear with me and dont scold your crazy Or mahii for delays... I will try my level best to update all the stories as soon as possible...

Lets move to shot. 5:

Rocky is fuming in anger.... He gulps the drinks more and more... His mind is focusing only to fulfill his desire with pragya...

He smiles widely when his phone pops up with a message...

"Sorry Rocky... I know bhai did talk bad to you... Please... Please... Dont be angry... Im coming there... Lets have fun okay... So, chill up my boy... Love you...😘😘😘😘"

Rocky shouts happily: Come on my girl... Im eagerly waiting for you.... I have set everything... Sure you are going to surrender to me tonight... I know this tablet will do wonders...

Rocky's devilish smirk and his thunderous laugh echoes the whole room... Pragya without knowing anything about the bad intentions of Rocky is whistling happily and driving the car...


Ro dadi is getting restless as pragya has not yet reached home... Just then, she hears the horn sound of the car and felt relieved... Ro dadi could not understand the behaviour of pragya clearly...

Pragya did not utter a word and barges into the room angrily... Ro dadi has sensed that something wrong has happened and thought to enquire purab about that .. she calls purab...

Ro dadi: Hello... Purab... Is anything wrong happened today??? Why pragya is this much angry???

Purab: Dadi.. vo... Vo (stammers)

Ro dadi: Tell me purab... What's the matter???

Purab: Dadi after talking with you in afternoon about pragya's alliance with that abhishekh, I went to meet pragya and to check for her rehearsels...

But when I entered there, pragya was not in the stage practising for the concert... The members told me that pragya has gone to take some rest... So, I thought to talk about that idiot rocky and wish to tell about his dirty intentions too...

I entered the room and shocked to see that rocky is doing all those bad things with pragya and this girl like a love addict did not understand his dirty intentions...

So, I bashed that idiot rocky and thrown him out... I scolded him and asked him not to play his dirty tricks on pragya... But that idiot rocky said that Im manipulating pragya and all....

Pragya being a fool misunderstands me but she did not utter a word to me... Me and that rocky has almost got in fight with fits and I kicked him hard. .. That rocky got angry and moves out from there. ..

I was very much worried that pragya will go to console that idiot .. But thank god she came early to home.....

Ro dadi: What are you saying purab??? Just now pragya came and she went to room angrily...

Purab: Oh my god!!! She has started at 6 itself dadi... This much time... What would have happened??? Dadi do one thing... Call aaliya and ask her to go to pragya's room and ask her about that....

Ro dadi: Okay... Purab... Let me call Aaliya.. Anyways, get ready with bulbul to see Abhishekh and his family tommorrow evening...

Purab smiles happily and cuts the call... Ro dadi starts to move towards Aaliya's room while pragya is completely angry and pissed off with the sudden turn of events....


Hours before...


Pragya happily gets ready after changing into Rocky's favourite black colour dress... She takes a selfie and sent a message along with it to rocky to please him and she picks her car keys to see rocky...

Pragya is whistling happily and thinking how to cool down rocky... Her thoughts wandered on the events in the afternoon and she feels happy that rocky loves her madly... She thoughts to surprise him with a nice gift...

Pragya smiles and drives towards a gift shop... She is mentally planning what to gift Rocky... She wishes to choose a nice gift... She parks the car in the opposite side of the road and covers herself in a big shawl and wears a coolers to hide her identity...

She covered herself in such a way that only a part of her face is visible... She enters the shop and bought a brand new costly watch, a nice platinum bracelet and some dog tags which Rocky likes the most...


In the other side, Abhi is driving home after buying the groceries from the shop... He takes his age old scooty and drives to his home but he has to change his usual route as the road is being blocked for some unforeseen reasons...

Abhi is driving happily and is mentally preparing himself for what to cook for breakfast and lunch the next day... He is also recalling the subjects to teach tommorrow in school too...

Abhi's thought were broken on the horn sound from a car... He gives side to the car and presses the break but to his dismay again, the break wire got cut .. Abhi starts to curse the rats for messing the break wires again and again...

Abhi is praying to god that no one should come on his way... Suddenly, he remembers the girl who he literally pushed in the dirty water and also the kiss they shared and also her outburst and threatens ..

Abhi face doomed and he sweats a lot fearing that he should never and ever meet her again... But his prayers are unanswered and abhi horrifies to see the same girl walking crossing the road...

Abhi closes his eyes in shock and starts to pray aloud... The scooty hits the girl with a thud .. She fall down in the dirty mud near by and the things in her hands falls apart and the precious things in her hand are broken into pieces because it got stricked with a big stone near by....

The person's face is revealed and its none other than our Rockstar Pragya .. pragya fumes in anger as again the same clown has made her to fall down and the costly gifts she has got for her Rocky is broken down into pieces and the flowers and other gifts were thrown apart in dirt ..

Abhi runs and tries to give hand to lift pragya... Pragya gave a deadly glare to abhi while abhi horrifies in fear...

Abhi: Im so sorry... I did not meant to... Again the mistake of the rats... Breaks failed...

Pragya jumps and gets up and holds Abhi's collar tightly... Abhi felt a shiver and his body reacted unknowingly with the closeness with a girl for the first time...

Pragya: Hey mister... How dare you??? Why are you spoiling my happiness again and again??? Do you know what you have done clown? ???

You made all the costly gifts to broke into pieces .. All are destroyed .. Do you know its worth??? You have to work for years to earn such amount... Stay in your limits... Dont ever try to come before my eye sight or I will trash you..

Pragya yells and takes her car angrily and moves towards her house as she is not in a mood to meet rocky anymore as her mind needs some peace as far as now...

Unaware to pragya, its abhi who has saved her dignity and womenhood from rocky unknowingly... Neither of them knows that fate is making them meet again and again to tie them in an unique and sacred bond of marriage...


Back to present, Ro dadi asked aaliya to talk with pragya and enquire about the happenings... Aaliya said okay to ro dadi but she is not in a mood to go and ask pragya anything as she is thinking how to console sid and how to ask apology to his brother...

The next morning, aaliya quickly dresses up and rushes to college to meet sid and ask for apology ..

In the other side, the mehras are as usual getting ready with the morning chores... Sarlama smiles seeing Sid and Abhi's bond and prays to god to keep them together always like this....

Abhi and sid takes their lunch bags and moves out from the house... Sarlama is relaxing in the chair when she hears a knock at the door...

Sarla wonders who it is and opens the door and smiles widely seeing the match maker Rama there...

Rama: Namasthey sarla ji...

Sarla: Namastey rama ji... Please come in... Im so happy you came... I thought of calling you..

Rama: Good news sarla ji... Really abhishekh is a blessed kid... God has showered him with all happiness.... A big celebrity is going to be a wife of Abhishekh and her family is very eagerly waiting to meet you all...

Sarla: Really!!! I cant believe this... Did they know about Abhishekh??? Are they okay with that???

Rama: Relax sarla ji... The girl has only his dadi and a twin sister.... Her dadi has seen our Abhishekh in a temple it seems and she is way too adamant that only Abhi is going to be the husband for her grand daughter...

Sarla: Im so happy and god has answered my prayers.... But you are saying that the girl is a big celebrity and will she be okay to come and stay here with us...

Rama: Sarla ji... First listen to me... The girl is a very big celebrity... Her dadi wants a good person to handle her grand daughter and to teach her with goodness... The girl is very good but her profession is scaring her dadi and she is not liking other men's eyes on her grand daughter ..

Moreover, they are from a respected family and they are ready to do anything for your family... The only thing they wish is that our Abhishekh should stay with them in their house...

Sarla's eyes welled up: Are you asking me to sell my son to their richness???

Rama: Dont take in wrong sense sarlaji... Think from their view... If its your daughter wont you allow her to go to her inlaws... Just take it like that... Abhishekh wont get a good family like this and remember he is getting aged too...

Rama's words echoes in sarla's mind.... She is in a complete confusion and does not know what to do...


The screen shifts to Rocky who wakes up with a pounding head ache... His blood boiled again as pragya has not turned up that night too and his frustration to get pragya in his arms is making him mad to the core...

He made a wicked smile as his mind plans a big tricky plan to get pragya and fulfill his desire with her...


Aaliya tries her level best to convince sid but sid does not have the interest to pay heed to aaliya's pleadings and apologies...

Having lost completely, aaliya gets sad and moves towards the class... Sid smiles with a smirk after aaliya left and takes the cotton from his ears...

Sid: Thank god!!! She has left... Huh... She is talking non stop and clinging to me like a leech... Such a shameless girl she is...

Before sid completes the sentence, he sees aaliya standing there and her eyes shows various emotions and her eyes welled up and tears were flowing non stop.... Sid really felt bad on seeing aaliya's tears and he being the reason made him to felt really bad...


Pragya ignores Rocky's calls from morning... She is not in a mood to talk to anyone... She is pissed off with abhi's deeds and her mind is screaming to take revenge from abhi....

Bulbul and purab knocks pragya's room door and gets inside... Bulbul hugs pragya and they chit chat for sometime..

Purab: well pragya.. we are here to discuss an important matter...

Pragya; ya me too wished to talk with you... Bhai.. i want your help to find out the whereabouts of a person... He is again and again messing up with me and boiling my nerves...

Purab: Who is that pragya???
(Pov. I know rocky only messes with pragya... Now who is the new character...)

Pragya: Bhai... See here... This is the clown who is messing up with me... I have to teach him a good lesson... I wont leave him at any cost...

Purab tooks the mobile and is completely shocked to see Abhishekh's photo in pragya's mobile.... Bulbul wonders why purab is reacting like this and she too peeps to see who is that... Bulbul too starts to sweat on seeing the photo...

So, what's gonna happen next???

Will Abhi and pragya be tied up in marriage???

Will it going to be a marriage of convenience or contract marriage or a marriage of revenge???

What will rocky do if he knows that someone other than him is going to marry pragya???

Will sarla, sid and abhi agrees for marriage and accept the conditions of marriage???

Will abhi be okay to leave sid and sarlama and moves to arora mansion after marrage????

To know more stay tuned...

A long update na with 2250+ words...

Not proof read..
Forgive me for typo errors....

Cast your votes and pen down your comments...


Yours buddy,


Winding up...

Will be


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