4. Destiny's terrific and tricky play...

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No boring bak baks...

Shot. 4:

Bulbul and Ro dadi are very happy that they have found the best match for Pragya... They are waiting impatiently for the match maker's call... Purab too joins them...

The phone rings... Ro dadi happily takes the phone and is expecting to hear the good news.....

Voice: Hello Madam ji... Iv enquired about him... His name is Abhishekh Prem Mehra , elder Son of late mohan mehra and sarla mehra... He is working as a teacher in a small school... Madamji, do you really want to know about him further...

Ro Dadi: yes... Go ahead...

Voice: He is a good person... His mother and brother means a world to him... His family runs in his income only... A hard working person... But the problem is....

Ro dadi: What problem??? Is he already married???

Voice: No...None are ready to marry him... because ..

Ro dadi: why??? You said na he is good....

Voice: yes he is a good person madam ji... But he is a chashmish, nerdy, not trendy and modern, always wears boring dresses and all and he wont match to your trendy and modern grand daughter for sure....

No one is willing to marry him eventhough he is good at heart..  Moreover, I came to know that he even does all the house hold works too... I think he wont suit your family's class n status...

Ro dadi: I know what is best for my granddaughter... just arrange for a meeting with them... I wanna meet them in person... Send me his photo...

Ro dadi cuts the call and informs purab and bulbul regarding this matter...

Purab: Im scared dadi... Will it workout??? They are poles apart... This Abhishekh is very shy and calm while our pragya is full of attitudes n ego... He is not a fashionista n our pragya is a fashion freak...

Moreover, our pragya is born and brought up in luxury... They are from a small family... How will it match dadi??? How can pragya go and stay there???

Ro dadi: Purab... Iv decided... He is the one for pragya... You have not seen him in person... Such a gem of a person he is...

He is the one whom I want for my pragya and Im damn sure his love and care  will change our pragya for sure...
I wanna meet her ma in person and want to ask her whether she is ready to send her son to our home...

Bulbul: 😱😱😱😱.... How is this possible dadi??? No one will accept for this...

Ro dadi: Arrey... Wait... Let me talk to her ma and hope she understands our situation too...

Purab: Lets hope for the best dadi.. I dont know what's their fate would be...   Dadi... See your mobile is blinking..  I think his photo has come dadi...

Purab takes ro dadi's mobile and downloads the snap... He is shocked to the core to see abhi's photo..

Purab: 😨😨😨😨😨...  Is he the one dadi n bulbul???

Ro dadi: Yes .. How is our selection??? 

Purab: Oh my god!!!! Unbelievable... Is it called destiny's play???

Bulbul: why are you reacting this much purab??? He is nice only na...

Purab: Did you two does not see his face clearly??? If we remove the chashma n makes him to wear trendy outfits and some grooming in him means, he will look exactly like Rocky...

Ro dadi and bulbul horrifies and sees the photo clearly... They dont know what to do...

Purab: Its not going to be easy dadi... Two identitical faces... A difference form mountain to mud... 😱😱😱😱.... We are completely trapped...

Ro dadi: Lets hope for the best purab... We have to prepare a big game plan to trap our pragya and we have to get rid of that disgusting rocky too...


The screen shift to pragya who is very busy in doing her practice... She is hell tired and excuses and goes to take a quick nap... She closes her eyes and relaxes for some time...

Pragya feels a familiar touch on her body... She felt relaxed when the hands massaged her forehead lightly... She is feeling like ecstasy with the touch....

Slowly the hands moves to her hands and traces it sensually... When the hands movement goes beyond its limit, pragya jerked up... A naughty smirk plays on the person doing that...

Pragya: So, what brings you here??? Why are you doing this hun???

The person pulls her closer and traces his hand on the face sensually.... He kisses her cheeks and slowly moves near her lips...

But something in pragya does not like that.... He moves his direction and nuzzles her neck sensually to make pragya to moan in pleasure... When the limit is getting out of control, pragya jerks back...

Pragya: stop it rocky... Noooo... Please we are getting out of control... I told you na nothing doing before marriage...

Rocky: why sweet heart??? Dont you believe me... We are loving each other... What's wrong in it??? Anyways we are going to be together na...

Pragya: hmmm.. but why not we do it after marriage... Cant my rocky wait for me???

Rocky: phew... Whenever you say wait... Wait... Im turning on badly... Seriously im getting out of control... Atleast give me a kiss here na.... You are not giving my first kiss till now...

Pragya horrifies on hearing the word first kiss... She felt really bad that her first is being stealed by an irritating idiot... She does not know how to tell this to rocky...

While pragya was thinking, rocky slowly moves towards the lips and starts to give slow smooches on pragya's lips and deepen the kiss.... They parted when they gasped for breath...

Rocky hugs pragya and keeps on clinging to her as if she is her dress... He keeps on kissing her and tried his level best to seduce her by his touches... He knows very well that she is getting aroused...

Pragya too is completely under the  spell of rocky and she too started to kiss him as her hormones are making wonders in her body unaware of rocky's bad intentions...

But a sudden knock in the door fails rocky's all dirty tricks... Purab gets inside and sees both Rocky and pragya in compromising position and his anger rose to the core...


The screen shifts to  the college in which sid and aaliya are studying... Aaliya is bullying and teasing abhi... Abhi felt really ashamed and he is helpless... He does not know how to react...

Sid who comes out from the lecturer's room gets really angry on seeing the sight there... The brother whom he respected the most is being ill treated by aaliya...

Sid barges in fury and holds aaliya's neck... Aaliya is shocked by the sudden attempt and pleads sid to leave her...

Sid (yells) : How dare you bloody bitch??? Who gave the rights to tease my bhai??? Dont think my bhai as weak... He is standing there idle as he respects women a lot...

(Mocks) How come you creepy worm knows the value of anything??? Keep it mind aaliya... If anyone tries to hurt my bhai, this sid will dont mind to kill them till their death... Got that...

Sid pushes aaliya down and moves to abhi... Aaliya could not believe he is sid's bhai... Though aaliya is insulted by sid, she came  to know that he cares for his brother a lot... A smirky smile escapes from aaliya's lips...

Sid: Bhai... You okay na... You could have called me right... Atleast you should have made them to taste their bitter medicine.... Why are you like this bhai???

Its not needed that you have stay calm always... They are not worth for this bhai... You should have shown them who you are....

Abhi: Leave it sid... We are not here to fight... I respect women and this is a place to study..  Anyways leave that and you should have not done that to the girl....

Sid: Bhai... She is not worth to be even call as a girl...  A dirty , good for nothing, rich, spoiled brat... Come lets go to home...

Sid and Abhi moves out but they are stopped by aaliya in the front...

Sid: Bhai... This girl is adamant in getting killed by me it seems... If I do so, take me out in bail okay...

Abhi: Its not time to crack... jokes  Be serious sid...

Sid: okay bhai... You ugly creep...  what do you want now??? Why are you standing and blocking our way....

Aaliya: Im here to apologize to your bhai...  Im so sorry sir... I did not meant to... I dont know you are sid's bhai...

Sid: So you mean to say that if he is not my bhai, you would have done that na...  What a stupid logic...

Aaliya: sid... im so...

Abhi: Leave it... Dont insult anyone without knowing them fully... Looks wont bring anything to anyone... Try to respect a fellow human and do consider that he too have feelings and he too have a heart...

Sid: Its useless to give advice to this creepy brats bhai... Lets not waste our time... Come...

Sid and Abhi moves to home... Aaliya felt really humiliated and her anger rose to the core...

Aaliya: Why??? Why are you not understanding me sid??? I love you madly and why are you treating me like a bitch??? My love is pure sid...

I accept I did a big mistake in insulting your brother... I just did it for fun but I really dont know he is your brother... He is my trump card to get you. .. I have to do something to get in your bhai's good books... Let me ask pragz some idea...."


Its 8 in the night... Abhi finishes off all his works in the home... Just then , he notices that there is less items in the kitchen... He takes his scooter's keys to get the sufficient grocery....

Abhi finishes off his shopping and takes his age old scooty... But the route which he used to travel is being blocked for some reasons... No other go, abhi has to take a different route to go to his house...


Pragya finishes off her rehearsels and comes out... She is really pissed off with purab a lot... She felt really bad when purab scolded and threatened rocky for coming unnecessarily there and interrupting pragya's practice...

Pragya wants to console rocky at any cost... She plans to go and meet him in his flat to comfort him...

In the other side, Rocky in full fury... He gulps the liquor continuously... He keeps on drinking and getting mad..  He is not in his senses and getting out of his control...

Rocky: "How dare is that purab??? How dare he??? Im staying silent just to get that pragya or else I would have smashed that purab into pieces...

And this pragya is getting on to my nerves day by day... All girls are dying to spend their time with me... But this girl is not allowing me to touch her...

Why is she not understanding me??? Always saying marriage... Marriage... Im not a fool to marry her... I just want a tag as rockstar's boy friend and I want to use her fame to get more modelling contracts...

All I want from her is just to get intimate with her... Im not loving her... All I have is only a lust to get that sexy body of her... Im in full form now... I know very well that she will surely come to console me...

Wait and watch pragya.... Today you are going to be mine.... Alchohol is doing magic in me... Let me fulfill my desires tonight for sure..."

Unaware of Rocky's dirty intentions, pragya drives her car towards Rocky's flat... The screen freezes on Rocky's devilish smirk, pragya's happy face in car and abhi driving his scooty without thinking anything about destiny's play in his life....

So, whats gonna happen next???

Will pragya be able to escape from Rocky's dirty tricks???

Will Ro dadi able to convince sarlama to get abhi and pragya married and also to let abhi stay in arora mansion???

What's aaliya going to do to get sid in her life????

What are the tricks to be played by ro dadi to convince pragya for marriage???

To know more, stay tuned...

A long update... Words used : 2100+

Not proof read... Sorry for typo errors...

Keeping reading... Do cast your votes and pen down your valuable comments....

Yours buddy,


Signing off...


Will be


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