3. Hatred Vs Love

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Thanks for all those lovely souls for your supportive and encouraging comments... Im not in any intention to hurt anyone....

Anyways... I sincerely apologize if I have ever hurted anyone by my words... In due respect and considering the feelings of my loved ones, Iv changed the  name of shabbir ahluwalia to shabzir rudra...

First, I thought of changing the whole name but many scolded me not to do so... Yet, I value everyone's feelings and Im ready to do anything to make all happy...

Im here only to entertain you and not in my wild dreams too I wont hurt anyone... Though the real me is short tempered, but your crazy writer mahii is always a cool one...

So, here afterwards will mention only as SHABZIR or by his professional name ROCKY....  Hope you all are okay with this... Edited the previous chapters too.... Have a look at that too if you want...

Enough of my boring bak baks.... Lets move to our SHOT.3:

Pragya keeps on scolding Abhi as he spoiled her moment... She cursed him and warns him not to come before her sight... Abhi is scared by pragya's threatening voice and asks her apology too...

Pragya being stubborn threatens abhi and goes in her car angrily and mentally blames Abhi for making her day to be the worst... Abhi composed himself from the shock and moves to his house...

Pragya enters house angrily... Purab and dadi are shocked to see pragya's condition... Pragya barges to her room without uttering a word....

Ro Dadi: purab... What happened to this girl??? Why she is in this condition???

Purab: Dont know dadi... But, I think whatever happened is only for her goodness only ...

Ro Dadi: What are you saying purab??? I cant understand anything....

Purab: Dadi... You know na tht super model Rocky... I dont find any good vibes from him...

Ro Dadi: He is pragya's friend na...

Purab: Yes, I accept dadi.. he is pragya's friend... But, I dont like the closeness between them... I think he is using our pragya for granted...

Some secret sources of mine said that Rocky is going cozy with rich girls... But he is clinging to our pragya for her name and fame... This stupid girl is madly in love with him...

I explained her many a times... Even bulbul had warned her it seems... From that day, pragya is meeting him hidingly... Today too she is willing to meet him in farm house...

But, thank god pragya came home... I was worried seeing pragya's dress today... God is with us... So, our pragya is safe... We have to do something to separate our pragya from him...

Ro dadi: I dont like that rocky at all... His behaviour is always annoying to me.. His flirty talks, his overacting, his touchy touchy behaviour, his shameless comments are always irritating me...

We have to save and protect our pragya from him... Only thing we can do is to make pragya get married soon...

Purab: Is it possible for pragya to accept for marriage dadi??? You know na she madly loves him

Ro dadi: we have to blackmail her anyhow to accept for marriage... Let us search for a good groom and play our cards cunningly...


Pragya is cursing and scolding abhi in full rage... Her mobile rings making her to irritate to the core... Without seeing the id, she picks the call...

Pragya: Who the hell are you??? Im in a bad mood now... If I find you, I will bang your head like a football...

Shabzir: 😱😱😱😱😱.....  babes.. its me... your rocky... Where are you darlng??? Im waiting for you desperately... Come soon baby... Lets chill up in pool...

Pragya: Im in hell... Stop annoying me... Good bye...

Pragya yells and cuts the call... Rocky wonders what has happened to pragya... He wished to go and see her but he knows purab and dadi will not like his presence unnecessarily there... He curses the person who spoiled his dream come true...

Pragya barges into the restroom and places her body in the jacuzzi to calm her nerves... Still pragya's mind is not chilling up but the face of abhi, his kiss and the insult she faced as he  has thrown him the dirty water...

Pragya shouts: You idiot clown... Whoever you are??? You are going to face a living hell from me... Wait and see... Your life is going to be in a big trouble...


The next day,

Sid is getting ready for college... Abhi too is ready with their lunch packs...

Abhi: Sid... I have kept your lunch...

Sid: What's for lunch bhai???

Abhi: Your favourite chicken biryani... Long time you are asking me to make na... Today only I find time to do this...

Sid : Thank you so much bhai...

(Suddenly something struck sid's mind)

Bhai... Lets do one thing today .. For a change lets exchange our lunch bags today... Give me your bag bhai....

Abhi: Nooooo.... My little brother na.. I have kept your favourite chicken piece for you... So, lets not exchange...

Sid: No... I want only yours... (Says stubbornly)

Abhi: why are you not listening to me sid??? I made biryani only for u n mom and iv kept only curd rice for me... (Abhi blurts out unknowingly)

Sid: Caught you... I know you will do like this bhai.... Why are you like this bhai??? You are earning and why are you not spending anything for you bhai...

Abhi: Its not like that sid... Iv got severe stomach upset yesterday... So, I made my lunch simple....

Sid: Im not a baby to hear all your lies... Today, im gonna eat yours only...

Abhi: sid... Sid.. listen to me...

Sid without hearing anything takes Abhi's lunch bag and flies to his college....


Days rolls....

One fine day,

Ro dadi was completely sad that she cant find a matching groom for pragya as her horoscopes has some issues... She calls bulbul and they both went to the temple to pray for pragya's well being...

Bulbul: Dadi... This is the most famous temple here... Iv heard that whoever doed pooja here with full hope will succeed whateve they wish for...

Ro dadi: That's what we came here... Im too worried now a days... My health is too deteriorating... I know purab and you will be there for my grand daughters...

But, they need good hearted men as their husbands to love them and care for them and help them to come out from their bad deeds...

Bulbul: Dont worry dadi... All will be fine soon...

Bulbul and Ro dadi prays to god and does the pooja for pragya's happy future.... They comes out but they are shocked to see the sight there... They thanked god that their prayers are answered immediately....


Aaliya is sitting restless as sid is nowhere to be found... Her friends calms her down not to worry...

Aaliya: I cant sit like this piya... Why he did not come till now???

Piya: Hey girl... Chill up... See.... Your man is coming there... Today also same treatment haan..

Aaliya: yes... Im giving heart to heart connection... One day, he will accept me for sure...

I know he too likes me but he is faking as he is not interested in me... Iv heard that sid is not willing to love because of his bro...

That stupid bro of my man is not yet married it seems... If he is married means, my line will be cleared.... Iv to do something to get in his bro's good books too...

Sid spots Aaliya coming opposite to him... He knows very well that she will hit him by pressing her whole body on to him... Sid made a smirk and knows what he has to do today...

Sid: Come... Come... Quick... Today your body is going to be completely punctured.. so sad of you aaliya...

Aaliya happily walks and nears sid... As usual, aaliya nears to hit sid but sid moves quickly and places his legs on his side... Aaliya fell down in the muddy sand... She got hurt as there is many small stones...

Aaliya: 😭😭😭😭😭..... Its paining.... Some one help me please... Sid... 😭😭😭😭😭... Sid... Its hurting... Please carry me...

Sid shouts and claps 👏👏👏👏👏: Attention Boys... Listen to me... Good chance to hold Miss. aaliya in your arms... Free chance... No need to pay at all... Whoever comes first quickly can grab her.... Happy participating....

Sid smiles and walks away leaving the annoyed Aaliya in the floor.... Aaliya is completely pissed off with sid's rude attitude and insulting her by not helping her....

Later in evening,

Aaliya: God... Still its paining...

Piya: I told you na... Why are you not leaving him??? You have a beautiful n sexy body and you have lots of money too..... If you threw money, men will come and fall on your feet..

Aaliya: shut up piya... What did you think of me..... Im not a shameless girl like you to cling to every men in the  street... This aaliya's heart and body only belongs to my man...

Whatever happens, I will get my sid for sure...

Piya: I dont know what to say... But, remember one thing, unless and until his bro is well settled , sid will not turn his eyes on you...

Aaliya: will think of some plan to trap him for sure... Okay... Come lets go... Its time...

Aaliya and piya comes out from the class... They cant control their laughter on seeing such a comic scene there...

Aaliya hurriedly moves and spots a man with a big chasma, with uncle type shirt, neatly oiled and combed hair standing there in an age old bike...

Aaliya smirks: Hey piya... We have got some good entertaintment today.... Lets have some fun with him... Go and call all  our friends here...

Piya: wow... Go ahead... Let me drag them here in a jiff...

Piya runs to call their friends.... Aaliya moves near the nerdy chashmish man and pats his back... His face is revealed... Its none other than Abhishekh Mehra, brother of sid...

Aaliya: Hello mister... This is college.. This is not a place for any age old dramas...

Abhishekh: I know.. I came here to pick my brother....

Aaliya: 😂😂😂😂.... Your bro.... Here... Dont say any jokes okay... Im not a fool to hear you... See yourself... You n your boring dress.... Are you coming from previous century???

Aaliya's friends too joins them and all starts to laugh... Abhi's eyes welled up hearing the sarcastic comments on him...

Aaliya: Do you know to read??? This is a famous college for fashion designing...

Abhi: I know that... I know to read as Im a teacher ...

Aaliya: woha... Pity on those kids who are studying under you... Anyways why did you come here???

Abhi: I told you na already... I came to pick up my brother who is studying in this college...

Aaliya: 😂😂😂😂.... Again and again you are lying na... You are a teacher na... So, lets punish you... What about doing sit up..

Cool idea na.... Start now... Dont stop till I say stop okay... (Aaliya says with full attitude)

Abhi searches for sid through his eyes but he is nowhere to be found... Abhi starts to do the sit ups.... Abhi is completely tired because off back to back classes and also he has eaten very little amount....

Abhi is getting dizzy but he controls it and do the situps... Aaliya and her friends are laughing on seeing Abhi...

Sid, who has gone to meet the lecturer to discuss about his project comes out... His blood starts to boil on seeing the sight there...

The man who is the sole reason for sid's happy life is standing in a miserable state and he fumes as Aaliya is laughing and teasing him...

Sid barges there and fits his hand...

Aaliya: Hey sid... Join us... Lets have fu...

Before aaliya completely the sentence,  aaliya is being slapped  hard by sid and he strangles Aaliya's neck in full rage...

Aaliya: sid... Sid... Leave me...

Sid: I will kill you today for messing up with my bhai....

Aaliya is way too shocked to know that the man she teased is none other than sid's bro....


What's gonna happen next???

Both the arora sisters directly or indirectly hurted abhi... Will sid be able to save his brother without any damage????

What did Bulbul and Ro dadi see in temple???

Pragya who loves shabzir madly and  hates Abhi to the core will end up with whom???

Who will be dadi's choice of groom for pragya???? Is it abhi or shabzir or some other whose horoscope matches with pragya's...

To know more, stay tuned....

A long update with 2200+ words... Not proof read.... Forgive me for mistakes, if any..

Cast your votes only if you think, my story deserves to be appreciated ..

Eager to see your valuable comments...

Yours buddy,


Winding up...


Will be



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