9. Is it life's biggest mistake, I have done...

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So, the story is going to gear up for the next phase which is the real purpose of this story... Thanks for the support and hope it continues further too...

Sorry for being late... My sincere apologies... Its the votes which are restricting me to come here often as my most voted stories are dragging me there....

Next update will be delayed unless and until it reaches 80-85 votes....

Now without bak baks, lets move to shot. 9:

Abhi is completely startled to hear the venomous words of pragya... He did not expect this words from pragya... All his dreams of getting a happy family is broken into pieces... The cold smirk in pragya's face tells abhi that she is marrying him only for revenge..

But abhi stays calm on seeing the happy faces of ro dadi, sarlama, purab and bulbul... Sid and Aaliya can sense something is bothering abhi a lot... Aaliya rushes before sid....

Aaliya: What's it jiju??? Why are you looking sad and dull???

Abhi: No.... Nothing like that aaliya... Im fine... See how happy I'm... This is my engagement... Why Iv to be sad...

Aaliya: Jiju... Don't try to lie to me... I know about my sis pragya pretty well... Did she talk rudely with you??? How dare she??? Let me go and take class to her...

Abhi: No aaliya... Just calm down... Nothing like you have thought... Pragya is very sweet... She talked to me very nicely...

Aaliya: Oh really.... Even you don't know to lie too jiju... You need to get lot of training from you brother sid...

Sid joins them and comes near them and frowns....

Sid: So... what's going on here??? My name is being targeted it seems... What's it bhai??? What's this aaliya saying about me??? Is she praising me or taunting me???

Abhi is about to open his mouth but his eyes falls on Rocky and pragya who are talking happily with each other in a secluded place ... Pragya is not at all minding Rocky's touches and he is kissing her too...

Aaliya: Bloody hell... why not i kill that shameless rocky..... Stupid pragya.... Sorry jiju... Im extremely sorry....

Sid: So, he is that Rocky right...

Aaliya: Yes... He is... Jiju I beg you... Please don't stop this engagement.... That rocky is trying to trap my sis... Please save her jiju... 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Abhi smiles and pats aaliya: Don't worry aaliya... pragya is only my wife and no one can separate her from me...

Sid: Bhai... Will this work out??? Pragya bhabhi did not like you and she is in love with that rocky it seems....

Abhi: May be... But, pragya is only my wife.... You believe your bhai na... And you know pretty well that I will do anything for keeping our family happy... Both aroras and mehras are mine now and I made sure all are happy....

Moreover, I won't back off from the promise I made to maa and dadi... I will protect pragya from him... I will marry pragya and teach her that Rocky is not at all a good match for him.... Abhi is only made for pragya and no one else...

Aaliya: wow... That's the spirit jiju.....
Love you so much..

Sid: So, my abhi bhai is going to rock today.... Good luck bhai... Set the place on fire.... Im expecting a lot from you bhai.... You are going to take two wickets in a single ball...

Go ahead... Make them clean bowled.... Prove that Abhishek Prem Mehra is always the best and is a perfect match for Rockstar pragya ..

Abhi with full confidence, smirks and with a teasing smile moves near Rocky and pragya... Rocky is nagging pragya to come and hit the dance floor with him... Pragya is in a complete mood off and she's not interested to dance ..

Before Rocky could react, Abhi took hold off pragya by her waist and scoops her in his arms and took her to dance floor... Pragya is completely startled and she didn't expect this move from the naive and calm abhi...

Aaliya and sid hi-fies and showed thumbs up to abhi... Purab and bulbul whistled and cheered for abhigya to dance. .. pragya has no choice than to dance with abhi while rocky is fuming in anger....

Aaliya goes near Rocky and pats his back...

Aaliya: So, rocky how is my jiju??? Too cool, dashing, hot and handsome than you na...

Rocky: Really... He is a chasmish and looking like a bafoon... Don't you know who Im... A super model who can make girls go gaga over him... Why your di is mad on me???

Aaliya: 😂😂😂😂... Is it so??? Live in your dreams... Let me challenge you rocky... My di is going to throw you out and she is going to love my jiju madly and know one can separate them for sure...

See their pairing .. perfect na .. what a dance... What a mind-blowing and sizzling chemistry between them... You can't even match near them...

Rocky: woha... You are kidding me Aaliya... You have a good sense of humor.... Try something serious babes...

Aaliya: Im damn serious you bloody moron... Get ready to face your defeat rocky.. my jiju abhi is going to be my pragya's heartbeat for sure....

Rocky fumes on seeing abhi and pragya dancing very closely and sensually for a romantic number... Pragya is completely lost in abhi's gentle and lovely gaze on her...

All cheers for abhigya... The place is echoing with huge applause and claps... Aaliya looks at sid longingly and wipes her tears before anyone sees that.. Sid doesn't mind aaliya and is busy in chit chatting with others....

Pragya gets irked when she hears a roaring applause for them and hearing everyone's praises on their pair... Purab too taunted Rocky for shamelessly standing there without any sense...

Rocky is highly irritated and about to fight with Purab and to trash abhi flr touching pragya... But rocky has no choice than to back off as media and big shots are there.... Rocky fumes and walks out silently and plans to do something to make pragya away from abhi....

The engagement takes place very grandly... Pragya is completely pissed off with abhi's behaviour... She didn't like the lovey dovey attitude of abhi... She has a wrong belief that abhi is just a money minded man who is trying to trap her by showing affection...

Days passes...

Rocky completely brainwashed pragya what all the things she has to do after marriage.. Pragya who is completely in the spell of Rocky believed his words as a biggest mantra and tried to trap and take revenge on abhi after marriage....

The arrangements were going on in full swing... As the wedding is fixed in a short span of time, all are very busy in preparing for the arrangements....
Aaliya tried her level best to talk to sid but as usual sid ignores her...

One fine day, Aaliya comes to meet abhi and his family....

Aaliya: may I come in??? Am I permitted to enter here???

Abhi: no... No... You are not permitted inside...

Sarla: What's this abhi??? Come in aaliya beta...

Aaliya's face fell on hearing abhi's words... She composes herself and speaks : No sarla aunty... It's okay... I just came to meet jiju and to give some things to him... Let me come some other time so that jiju can welcome me in.. I think jiju is not in a happy mood today...

Sid chuckles as he knows what his brother abhi is upto...

Sid: Bhai.. your shaali may cry soon... Ask her to get in..

Aaliya: Oh hello Siddharth mehra... I'm not a baby to cry... Jiju tell him na... moreover its between me and my jiju... Don't try to poke your nose and come between us sid...

Abhi laughs..: Aaliya... Calm down... you are not a baby... But why are you asking permission to enter your home... You can come anytime here na... No one will stop you from entering here...

Aaliya is so happy but smirks on seeing sid's face which fells of aftering hearing abhi.. Aaliya lips curved to a teasing smiles... She gets blessings from sarlama and side hugged abhi...

Aaliya: I was really scared jiju when you talked like that...

Abhi: Just for fun aaliya... This sid only asked me to do that...

Aaliya didn't say anything but stays calm but is cursing sid mentally for playing with her feelings and emotions always...

Abhi: what happened Aaliya??? Why are you silent suddenly...

Aaliya: Nothing jiju... I have an important work... I forget that... Here is your dressed for your wedding and purab bhai asked you to call him to discuss about some arrangements and all...

Make sure to calm him... Okay jiju... It's getting late... Let me make a move..

Abhi: Hey aaliya... Wait for some more time... Its time for lunch... Eat with us and go... Iv prepared your favorite food...

Aaliya: jiju... That...

Sid: Leave her bhai... She is not lucky enough to taste that food... Unlucky rich people...

Aaliya's blood boils on hearing sid's cold and rude behavior and his nonsense talks.... Aaliya control's her glazing eyes and composes herself...

Aaliya: I may not be a lucky girl... Im an unlucky one always without parents, without true friends and some people are hell adamant to criticize and bash me for being born as rich...

Im an unlucky one who deserves nothing in her life... There is no one to love me truly other than my family... Some people are taunting me always and playing with my emotions and true feelings...

I dont mind them... I know one day they will realize what this aaliya is to them... Im may not be a lucky one... But, I know very well that my jiju and my sweet sarla aunty will be there for me always...

Sarla pats aaliya's head lovingly and abhi too smiles happily on seeing aaliya's confidence and love on him and her mother... Sid is dumb founded and he doesn't know how to mock Aaliya further....

Abhi forced aaliya to have food with them.. sarla happily feeds aaliya with the motherly love and sid is completely pissed off and didn't like it a bit at all...


Pragya is completely irritated with the wedding rituals.... The mehendi, sangeet really irked pragya to the core... The heavy dresses and the jewelleries are highly irritating pragya and she is completely pissed off with the lengthy rituals....

Pragya sighs and settles on bed... Only a night is left... Tommorrow evening, the wedding is going to takes place... Pragya is really tensed as Rocky is not available and is completely busy in his shoot...

Pragya anger roses high and she wants someone to face her wrath.... She immediately calls abhi... The line gets connected...

Abhi : wow... What a pleasant surprise.... Rockstar pragya has time to call her fiance too...

Pragya: shut up... Why did you agree for this marriage??? How much money you want??? I will throw it in your face... Better run away before the wedding or you will be in a living hell...

Abhi: Oh no... You are scaring me ... 😂😂😂😂... Try something new and interesting sweet heart... Im not that rocky to come behind you for your money... I want only you and not your money or your so called stardom...

Pragya: So, you know about Rocky and my relationship... Don't you have any shame... How can you agree to marry a girl who is madly in love with other man???

Abhi: Because you are not at all loving him... You are just smitten and attracted towards him... You are going to love only me....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂.... Not in your dreams too... Over confidence is injuries to health...

Abhi: I know well about me... I will make you to fall for me and you will come to me and beg me to love you for sure...

Pragya: All the best... Let me see who is going to win... Anyways... Welcome to my hell....

Abhi: I will make that hell as heaven darling....

Pragya curses abhi and cuts the call... Abhi laughs hard but an unknown tear escapes from his eyes uncontrollably... Abhi prays to god to make his wedding life happy and peaceful....


Rocky is hell angry as it's time, abhi would have married pragya.... He thought himself to be a loser and he doesn't want them to get closer... His male ego wants pragya only for him...

He starts to gulp the liquor... His door bell rings... Rocky fumes and gets up to open the door and is ready to strangle the person's neck for spoiling his privacy...

Rocky grins on seeing the person standing there... His lips curved to a bright smile and is jumping inwardly as he is not a loser at all...


So, what's going to happen next???

What will happen in abhi and pragya's life???

Will abhi make pragya to fall for him???

Will rocky plays his dirty games to separate abhi and pragya???

Who is going to be pragya's future??? Is it abhi or rocky???

To know more, stay tuned...

How is the shot guys???

Did you all like abhi's attitude???

As usual a long update with 2250+ words...

Sorry if there is any typo errors or grammatical mistakes...

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Winding up..

Will be



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