Epilogue: (Part 2) Will my longingness of my wife ends???

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Separation won't be a solution to put an end to the sin you have did to me... Being with you and acting like a stranger to you is the worst punishment I can ever give to you...

It's hurt me a lot, as I can't see you in pain..
But I need to do all these for teaching a good lesson to you, so that you won't even dream to repeat this mistakes ever again in our lives....

My biggest nightmare is coming up in reality... I have to be strong enough to seek their forgiveness and apologise for my doings...


Aaliya is fuming in anger and is blasting on everyone in the house... No one's explanations gone in the deaf ears of Aaliya and she is arguing with everyone and is yelling why no one is stopping Pragya and agreeing for whatever she says...

Ro dadi: Aaliya beta... Listen to us once... Pragya beta is so stubborn to conduct your wedding and doing everything, as she doesn't want any more ill treatment to you or Sid beta... Try to understand the situation, beta...

Aaliya: Stop supporting Pragz always, Dadi... This is my life... Didn't I have any right to decide about my wedding??? Why no one is understanding what I'm feeling too...

How is it possible for me, Dadi??? I can't, Dadi... I can't be happy at all... How will you expect me to smile on my wedding day, when my twinnie is crying and has no hope to live... Please Dadi... Do something and stop Pragz...

Bulbul moves near Aaliya and wipes her tears.... She pats her back and asked her to relax....

Bulbul: Calm down, Aaliya... If you keep on postponing the wedding, Sarlama and Sid will feel bad na... Try to think about their feelings and happiness too....

Aaliya's eyes tears up more and she looks at Sarlama, who doesn't know how to react to the situation and is bothered a lot... Aaliya helplessly looks at Sid, who is sitting quietly and is staring at the floor aimlessly...

Purab moves near Aaliya and holds her hand gently.. He pats her back and gestured her to think from Sid's perspective too... Aaliya bursts out into tears and runs towards Sid... She kneels down before him and folds her hands, as if apologising for her doings...

Sid: What's this, Aaliya??? Why are you asking Sorry to me??? It's my mistake only... I shouldn't have agreed to Pragya bhabhi... If I haven't made promise to her, she wouldn't have done all these...

I'm helpless and I don't know how to stop bhabhi ... Don't mistake me, Aaliya... I'm not at fault... Don't think that I'm misusing the situation in my favour...

Even I'm also in your condition only... I too don't want this marriage to happen, now... I can't be happy when Pragya bhabhi is crying without her family...

Till Abhi returns back with Krish and Kiara, I don't want to get married... Believe me, Aaliya... I'm passing through  a tough situation ahead of you...

I don't know how to stop our wedding, as Bhabhi is so adamant and made all the arrangements... Sorry... Please forgive me, Aaliya...

Aaliya: Sid... Please... Don't talk like this... I can understand you... We all are helpless and don't know how to stop Pragz... Only God has to show mercy on all of us...

Aaliya hugs Sid and their  cries are echoing in the whole house... Both are in an awkward situation, as they are going to get married, seeing the tears of Pragya...

Sarlama and Ro Dadi consoled Sid and Aaliya and they advised them that they can't do anything now, as all arrangements were made...

Aaliya: Purab bhai... Can't we do anything, now... Isn't it possible to stop the arrangements???

Purab: It's impossible, Aaliya... Everything is done... Even the invitations have been sent to many celebrities and the news about your wedding had been informed to the media and even social media is aware of this news... Only You and Sid have to get ready...

I have no idea how come Pragya had done all these, without my knowledge... Even I'm hell shocked, after knowing  all these... I couldn't even trace Pragya's whereabouts too... We have to be patient till Pragya returns back...

I'm damn sure that it's hard to convince Pragya... All we can do is to find any chance to talk with Pragya and explain about your feelings to her.. But I don't know whether it will work out or not...

When everyone are discussing about what they gonna do further, Pragya steps inside the house like a robot and the traces of dried tears are clearly visible in her face... No one expected Pragya sudden arrival at all....

All are hell shocked to see Pragya in a pathetic state and her eyes clearly indicates that everything in her life is over... Her blood red eyes, her puffy cheeks, her swollen nose, her pale features conveys them that something big has happened, which has shaken Pragya terribly...

No one can understand what made Pragya to react like this... She didn't even had the usual conversation too... She just walks to her room like a lifeless corpse and falls in the bed... Her pillow is completely drenched with tears, which is flooded with the painful cries of Pragya....


Two days passed out without any improvements at all... All are bothered as Pragya didn't stepped out of the room after her arrival and she didn't even had any food too... No one is able to near Pragya and no one's pleas didn't melt her at all...

Sarla: Madhu ji (Ro Dadi)... I'm scared to hell... What would have happened to Pragya beta, all of a sudden??? Even when Abhi left her with the kids, Pragya didn't reacted like this...

Pragya is so strong and consoled us all... She didn't even cry too, at that time... But now, it's completely different... 😭😭😭😭... Why God is keep on playing in Pragya beta's life??? Why fate is so cruel and punishing us all repeatedly...

Ro Dadi: Calm down, Sarla... Don't worry... Yesterday I talked with the famous astrologer and asked him to look for Sid and Aaliya's kundali, Pragya and Abhi's Kundali too... He called me and informed me that all our  bad times are over and he assured me that the wedding will takes place, as planned....

He added that Abhi beta is going to have a difficult phase and he has to pass through many hurdles to unite with Pragya
beta... But I'm confused and couldn't understand, why he said that Pragya beta will be happy soon...

Sarla: I don't know what to say, Madhu ji... I can't forgive Abhi for whatever he did to Pragya beta... But I'm praying hardly that he needs to return back, atleast for Pragya beta's  happiness...

Their talks get interrupted when they heard the continuous ringing sound of the door bell... They wonders who is doing like that, as no one can come inside their mansion without the security check and they can't even step inside the gates, before getting prior permission from the inmates of the house...

Purab, Bulbul who comes along with their daughter Abhigya also thinks who has the audacity to do like that... Sid and Aaliya in their formal office wears steps down from the stairs and they too were irritated on hearing the bell sound continuously...

Before anyone react to it and moves towards the door, Abhigya runs and presses the automatic button of the door to unlock it... Abhigya fumes like a dragon and keeps her hands in her hips angrily... She rolls her eyes on seeing the strangers at the door, who are showing attitude to her, as if they are the owners of the house...


While this is going on, Pragya slowly wakes up from her sleep... Her body is paining as she has slept in the small chair in the balcony... Her teeth is shivering in cold and her body is burning in fever, as she has drenched in the rain, for the whole night and slept off in the wet clothes...

With much difficulty, Pragya tries to get up from the chair to freshen up and get changed... But her whole body is shaking, as she is completely worn out and didn't have any food for more than three days... The last food she had is with the kids and she even ate that too, as the kids forced Abhi to feed them...

Sighing deeply, Pragya holds the wall and moves slowly towards the bathroom... It took more than 15 minutes for Pragya to take 15 steps as the conversation she had with Abhi is ripping her soul into pieces...

Pragya least expected that Abhi will get back to her... But to her disbelief, Abhi's silence has killed her fully and she came to a clear conclusion that there is no hope in their relationship and everything is over between them...


Abhi with nervousness gets inside Pragya's room and he feels a panick attack on seeing Pragya, who is confirming her tickets and making arrangements to move off from there... Understanding that it's time, Abhi gathered up all his courage to stop Pragya...

Abhi: Pra... (Stammers as he is about to call Pragya by her name) Rockstar... Where are you going??? What's with these tickets and packing???

Pragya: Who gave the rights to you to question me, Mr. Abhishek Mehra...

Abhi: Sorry..  Just want to know, as I have to answer the kids...

Pragya: Ohhh... Okay... Well... Why I need to be here??? This is not my permanent home... I came here to take a break from my busy schedule... It's time... I have to leave, right...

Abhi: Ro... Rockstar... Please... Can't you postpone your trip... If possible, can you move after next Monday... (Pragya makes a questioning look)...

It's that... Vo... Erm... Krish and Kiara are having their annual day celebrations on Moday and they are going to be felicitated, as they are the toppers in their class..  They will be getting  few more prizes and awards for sports and cultural events too...

Pragya: Haan.. I know... The kids have informed me, already... But, It's after 12 days... I have to move tomorrow for sure... As my presence is needed over there...

Abhi: Rockstar... Please... Atleast for Krish and Kiara's happiness, be with them till Monday...

Pragya: Well Mr. Mehra... Krish and Kiara have given permission to me and I have explained them clearly the reason too... As their father is with them, they can easily manage  anything... Hey na, Mr. Mehra... (In a sarcastic tone)

But... As a sister and Bhabhi to Aaliya and Sid, I have some duties and responsibilities... I'm not a coward or heartless and irresponsible like someone (eyes Abhi with a teasing smirk) to get rid off the promise I made to my lovable ones...

My sister Aaliya and my brother in law Sid don't have a father like Krish and Kiara.. I have to go there, as their wedding is going to happen this Friday... Just 6 days left for their big day and I have to check whether everything is going on as planned...

So, what can I do... Isn't it my duty to go and look after the wedding arrangements??? Sid and Aaliya have sacrificed all their happiness, for my sake... A big sin did by the cold hearted Abhi has made them to hear all kinds of ill treatments from the society...

As my so called husband has betrayed everyone in my family, Sid and Aaliya are not ready to get married, till now... I very well know that they will find chance to escape from this wedding...

Those two stupids are believing that their Brother/Jiju will come and do their kanyadaan... But they don't know that it's not at all going to happen ever..

Well.. It's getting late for me... I need to take rest... Before I throw you out, it's better, if you leave from here...

Abhi doesn't know how to digest whatever Pragya has said to him..  Tears burns him completely and he feels so guilty for playing in Sid and Aaliya's life too...

Abhi: Rockstar... Can't you forgive me??? I... I want you to be with me... Please don't leave us again...

Pragya: What a joke... Hilarious... Wah wah... Mind blowing acting, Mr. MEHRA... I'm not a fool to believe your dramas... I didn't leave you before... It's you, who left me abruptly and snatched all my happiness from me...

As you are keep on asking me sorry and pleading me to be with you, I'm ready to do a favour to you... Just an one time chance... I won't force you at all.. If you agree for this deal, you have to do whatever I say...

If your not interested, it's way too good for you... This Pragya won't come before your eyes, anymore... Do you wanna know, what's the deal, Mr. MEHRA...

Abhi nods his head as yes... When Pragya says about the deal, Abhi's face lost all it's colours... He feels as if he is being stabbed trillion times and is tortured very badly in a burning fire... Abhi keeps mumb as agreeing the deal will separate Pragya from him, forever...

Pragya made a lifeless smile, as she is so sure that Abhi won't agree for this deal at all... Her last hope to get back her husband and kids are over and she feels that she had to live a lonely life, till she let out her last breathe...

Pragya jerks up from her thoughts, as her mobile is ringing continuously... Pragya wonders who is calling her, as no one knows her private number at all.. Her official number and the number which her family knows are being switched off for more than a month...

Pragya quickly comes out from the restroom and her eyes popped out from it's sockets to see the caller ID... She rubs her heart quickly, puts her mobile in silent and moves to get changed... Her stomach is paining and it's begging her to have atleast few drops of water...

But Pragya is not in a mood to go downstairs and have anything, as she has to answer everyone in the family... Her fever is also severe and it's essential for her to take some paracetamol to control her fever....

Just then her mind screams of something and she rushes and opens her backpack... Her lips curved to a big smile, as she saw the two bars of chocolates and the two juice bottles, which Kiara and Krish gave it to her...

Pragya chuckles on remembering as the kids have ordered her to eat the chocolates and drink the juice on her way, as she has no time to have breakfast on that day... They even said to her that the food in the flights won't be nice and she can manage it with the juice and chocolates, till she reach her home...

Pragya munched the chocolates and sipped the juice slowly which like she is regaining some sort of energy... She takes Krish and Kiara's photo and traces it gently... She picks a paracetamol from her medical bag and gulped it in a go....

Just then she heard a knock at the door and she understands that it's Abhigya at the door... Taking a deep breath, Pragya opens her room door finally, as she misses Abhigya a lot... Without saying anything, Abhigya pulls Pragya outside...

Pragya: Baby doll... What happened??? Why are you dragging me like this???

Abhigya: Mummy... Come soon... A big poblm (problem)...

Pragya: Problem... What Problem... Did Bulbul bhabhi or Purab Bhai scold you???

Abhigya: No Mummy... Abhigya is a good girl na... It's not Papa and Mumma... But..

Pragya: To my knowledge, no one will scold you other than your parents... You are everyone's pet... What's going on here... Why you are so much angry, darling...

Abhigya: Uffo... I have no time to blah blah everything, Mumma... Come with me... No questions till we go down...

Without letting Pragya to interrogate her more, Abhigya drags her down... Pragya, who is jumping down the stairs along with Abhigya  freezed in shock, when she heard those voices... She shook her head and keeps on saying that it's her illusion only...

But Pragya's breath hitched when reality comes before her eyes... She rubs her eyes quickly and stares at them with moist eyes... She can't believe this at all... Her poor heart is not at all able to digest the happenings...

Pragya screams Nooooo to the top of her lungs, startling everyone in the family... She is sweating a lot, her breathe is getting uneven, her body is shivering in unexpected shock and her legs are getting numb...

Before anyone can react to the situation, the unexpected intruders, who are showing attitude till now, shouts in shock, making a heavy gasp to come out from the inmates of the house...

Pragya's legs gives up uncontrollably, as the terrible shock has blinded all her senses... The person, who is responsible for this drama, ( hiding all the time and is watching everything silently) runs inside the house, as quickly like a roaring storm...

All are dumb struck as they didn't expected that at all... No one is in a state to believe the happenings... All are standing in terrible shock and only the voice of the person, who is holding Pragya in his embrace is echoing in the whole house...



What's going to happen next???

Who have stepped inside the Arora Mansion??? Is it Abhi and the kids???

What's the deal Pragya put forth before Abhi???

Will Aaliya and Sid get married, as planned???

Will Abhi return back and is it possible for him to seek forgiveness from the whole family???

To know more, stay tuned...


As it's going to be the very last update of this story, I'm planning to give a very long update...

Moreover, I expect people to respond properly... As silent readers are not at all opening up till now, I'm losing my interest to write...


What I have decided is that the final epilogue will be updated, atleast if the votes crosses 130+ ...

This story has got the maximum of 170 votes in a single chapter... I'm not demanding to get the maximum votes...

But, I least expect a minimum appreciation for my hardwork...

Hope you all can understand and please don't force me to update, till the votes comes up...

Until then,

It's your buddy,


Signing off....

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