Epilogue: (Part 3A) Will my Longingness For My Wife Ends???

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We are in the very last update of this story..

The two and half years journey of the adamant Rockstar and the Naive man is coming to an end...

On June 19, 2017, I have penned down the prologue of  this story and I'm completing this story on November 25, 2019...

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who have read, voted and commented on this story... Thanks for adding this book in your library... Thanks to all the silent readers too...

If you people didn't have supported,
" Longing For My Wife" wouldn't have worked out at all... The support and love, you all have given to this story is priceless... Words can't explain how much it means to me...

Dedicating this chapter to all the lovely readers of this story....

It's quite a long update... Don't get bored... Read patiently... I hope I will keep up to your expectations...

⚠️⚠️ Contains some shocking and unacceptable scenarios and some dialogues can be disturbing and indigestible too... Some may even feel bad on reading the dialogues used here...

But I want you all to read this only as a story and the dialogues used are crafted, thinking from the speaker's point of you only...

No intention to bash any characters used and don't think me wrong ..

I'm forced to write so, as it will help you to understand the mentality
Of the characters and the situations which are forcing them to do so..

Even I find it very hard to write such dialogues and it took me, more than 2 weeks to write this last epilogue... Huh... A big hard task for me..

Do forgive me, if any scenes or dialogues makes you to feel odd or bad...

Read the shot with your own risk... Strictly bashing is not allowed... ⚠️⚠️

Do press the 🌟 button for the very last time in this story, which will make me so happy... A small kind of appreciation, which I'm longing to see...


The hardest and toughest part of my life is to act like a mere stranger to my Loved ones... Though it hurts me badly, I need to accept this, as it's the biggest punishment for all my doings...

If I can, I will do something to close the distance between us... I'm longing to go back to those lovely days and re-live the moments again...

Deep in my thoughts, I'm concealing myself by not spitting out what's in my heart... I'm scared to confess my feelings to you, after all those sins you have wilfully did to me...

I'm afraid that you shouldn't slip away from my hands, any a time... Though my hold on you is rough and harsh, it's not out of hatred.. But it's out of love and possessiveness, as I don't want to lose you again...


Everyone in the Arora Mansion are astonished with the sound of the door bell and they wonder as who has the audacity to enter the house of Rockstar Pragya, without any prior appointments... They couldn't understand why the security hasn't informed anything to them about the uninvited guests...

Not minding the questions haunting in everyone's mind, the door bell is keep on ringing continuously... Abhigya, who comes down along with her parents Purab and Bulbul, rolls her eyes in irritation and fumes angrily as the sound is boiling her nerves...

She hits her forehead with her hands, as none are moving, but are standing like statues and are thinking something deeply... Abhigya mutters Elders and shook her head unbelievably... She rushes and presses the automatic door lock to open it...

Abhigya shrinks her brows and looks at the duo standing outside... The girl and the boy, who are at the door step are not so happy to see this small girl, who is frowning at them... Instead their eyes are eager to see their mother, who has left them a couple of days back...

They are not bothered about the shocked gazes of the whole family... They neither looks at them nor interested to answer anyone's questions ... They didn't mind their non stop enquiries  too...

The boy and the girl rushed inside the house quickly and slumps their bodies lazily in the sofa... They huffs and pants and orders someone to bring juice and snacks for them, as they are so exhausted and feeling hungry...

They gave instructions to Purab to switch on the a/c and fan, saying that it's so hot outside..  They giggles on seeing the big LED TV over there... They ordered Bulbul to On the TV for them .. Soon, the TV remote are in their hands and they surfs and keeps the cartoon channel of their choice... 

They started to eat the snacks and drink the juice, kept before them... They are smiling and talking something between them, but their eyes longs eagerly to see their mother only... The whole family is looking at the kids in astonishment, as they are making the whole family to dance to their tunes very easily...

Abhigya fumes in anger, on seeing  everything and she rushes upstairs to bring Pragya down, so that she can question these little kids, who are acting like the owners of the house and ordering her parents... Abhigya doesn't like anyone, other than Pragya to order her parents Purab and Bulbul...

All wonders who are these kids, as they are ordering and behaving just like Pragya used to do... None even thought that it's Krish and Kiara, the kids of Abhi and Pragya, whom they are longing to see all these years...

Sarla: Children... Who are you two??? What are your names?? Who brought you here??? May I know, whom you want to meet here???

Krish:  Oh my god!! Too many questions... Did we need to give answer to all these questions, now itself... (Pouts) My favourite cartoon is going on... Please, please... Don't disturb me... I will answer you later...

Look at her... She is not at all responding to you... Atleast I'm talking to you, right... Please... Can I watch the cartoon or else, I will miss the continuity???

I don't like retelecasts and I hate to see it on Laptop or Mobiles.. I love to watch it only on Tv ... Please... Can I see it and answer your queries later???

Krish made a sad look, which melts Sarla's heart completely... Ro dadi gestures Sarla to keep  quiet and not to interrupt them... Purab and Bulbul makes a questioning look and they sit beside them in the chair, studying all their moves...

Aaliya thinks of something deeply and the inner shautan in her giggles happily... She makes a villanic smirk and pulls the remote quickly from Kiara's hands, like she used to do with her twin sister Pragya... Aaliya loves to have remote always and she won't let anyone to touch it, when she is in the living room...

Aaliya chuckles and shows thumbs down to Kiara, as if pinpointing her that no one can have a control on the remote, other than her... She changes the music channel and starts to hum the songs, little audibly, teasing Kiara to her fullest extent...

Kiara grits her teeth angrily and roughly pulls and gets the remotes back from Aaliya... Kiara with a victorious smirk in her face, changes to the cartoon channel again... Aaliya rolls her eyes, as Kiara pulls her fake collars and shows her tongue out, teasing and irking Aaliya to the core...

Sid couldn't control his laughter on seeing the scenario, but he puts a finger on his lips, when Aaliya and Kiara equally glared at him... Krish gestures Sid to bend down and he whispers " Be careful, Chucks... These girls can attack you, if you poke your nose unnecessarily in their matter"...

Like a good and obedient student, Sid nods his head and he didn't even realized that the little boy is calling his as chucks, the short form of chacha... He even couldn't find out that the boy has so much face resemblance like him..

Sid diverts his gaze away from Kiara and Aaliya, who are seriously talking about some makeups, dresses, accessories and all those girly stuffs... They even clicked selfies happily, ending and forgetting their big war for the remote control...

Krish and Sid looks at the poor remote, which is lying on the floor in a pathetic state .. The duo shook their heads unbelievably on seeing the girl's wierd mood swings... Krish said something to Sid and the duo laughs and involves in their boys talks soon...

However, Purab and Bulbul are looking at each other, as they have sensed that it must be Krish and Kiara only... Bulbul whispers something in Purab's ears, while he nods his head and slowly moves out to search whether Abhi is present there or not...

Abhi, who is silently watching everything , (hiding behind the trees in the backyard) using the hidden camera in Kiara's chain, is happily seeing his whole family, after many years... But his heart, mind and soul longs to see his wife Pragya, who is no where to be found....

The sound of the cartoon characters, along with the whispers, cute talks and laughters of Krish and Kiara are filling the whole house... The elderly ladies looks at the kids with full of love, as their entry have brought back the liveliness and happiness in their house...

Sid and Aaliya, who were drowning in a big misery all these years, starts to mingle so easily with the kids... They are playing, laughing and talking happily , after many years... Bulbul, Sarlama and Ro dadi wipes their happy tears and they pray hardly that the happiness should continue in their house...

While Purab is searching for Abhi in every nook and corner, behind the house, as he got to know from the security that it's Abhi only, who came along with the kids... Abhi sensed Purab's presence around him and he hides from his sight, as much as he can...


Not aware of the happenings in the house, Pragya is sipping the juice and eating the chocolate bar, which her kids has given to her, when she is about to move to the airport... However, her stomach which is fasting for more than 3 hard days, is begging her to eat more...

But distracting her hunger, Pragya's mind is thinking about the incidents that had happened with Abhi, which destroyed all her hopes to get back her husband and kids... Tears oozes out uncontrollably from Pragya's eyes, but she didn't mind to wipe it too...

⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙

With much hesitation and not finding any apt words to stop Pragya from moving away from him, Abhi cleverly uses their kids Annual day celebrations in his favour... He insists Pragya to stay back, atleast till the function ends...

But to Abhi's disappointment and shock, Pragya said that she has informed her situation to the kids and they have given her permission to leave... She added that Sid and Aaliya's marriage is coming up and she need to be there, as they don't have a father like Krish and Kiara, to do all the arrangements and see their happiness...

Abhi couldn't control his tears at all, as Pragya used her tongue in a clever way, to pin point clearly, the mistakes and sins which Abhi has wilfully did to the whole family, because od his improper judgments and misunderstandings...

Pragya:  You has won as a best father and everyone have to learn from you, how to grow up their kids... But for winning such laurels, you have given up all your duties and responsibilities towards the whole family...

The world will call you as a great Father, Abhi... Wholeheartedly, I'm saying this... I'm feeling a little bit jealous on seeing Krish and Kiara, as I'm not blessed enough to get a father like they have got...

Krish and Kiara are so lucky to get a father like you... You are loving them dearly and taking care of them, like your heart beat... You have brought them up in a perfect way... Hats off to you for raising them up as a matured , responsible and understanding kids...

But... The bitter truth is that you have failed as a son... You have forgotten your mother completely and even you least care that how she is doing, in your absence... Till this second, you didn't even questioned about Sarlama and never you tried to know about her well being too...

Next comes my Madhu dadi, who trusted you a lot, ahead of me... You have broke all the hopes, you have given to my granny... Did you ever thought how is the Arora companies are going on and who is running that in your absence...

A good leader should never leave the authorities given to them and they should be ready to pawn even their lives to save the reputation and dignity of the company... But You least care about the properties and companies, which Madhu dadi has handed over to you...

You are the worst brother, as you have never bothered about your own sibling, who treated you like a father... You are a horrible jiju, who made my sister Aaliya to believe that you will give all the love of a Father and mother to her...

You have completely forgotten the promise, you have made to Aaliya and Sid...  Why the hell you said to them that only you will do their kanyadaan, in the place of their Father...

But... 6 long years have gone... Still the brother/Jiju is not finding time to conduct their marriage, hey na... You never cared about their happiness nor interested to think whether they are married or not too...

How can you disown your Best Friend, Purab, who stood as a pillar of support to you... Didn't he supported you in your hard times... You have did a disgrace to Friendship too... Just Unbelievable...

Earlier, I had a doubt that you would be in touch with Purab bhai and knowing about the family's well being through him... I even believed that you won't hide anything from him and will be contacting him often... But lately, I find out that you deceived your best Friend too...

Coming to Bulbul Bhabhi... Didn't she called you as her brother, wholeheartedly... Why the hell you have give your words that she has the right to name her kid as Abhigya... Why you promised her that you will do all the brotherly duties for her, in her baby shower and you will name the baby, as her uncle...

Come on... Tell me, Abhi... Do you have any answer for all these accusations placed on you... I haven't mentioned anything you have did to me... I'm not at all interested to talk all those nasty things and trigger my buried wounds...

Do you think asking Sorry and begging for the mercy and forgiveness, will repent for all your doings and makes us all to forgive you so easily... How many Sorry you can ask, Abhi???

Enough, Abhi... I'm hell tired... Let it be like this... You have forbidden all of us and moved on in your life... You have walked happily away from us, as if pointing to us that all the relationship you have shared with the whole family is over...

You world is so small and it revolves around Krish and Kiara only... No one is going to come and destroy the small nest, you are peacefully living... Be happy and live your life, as you have wished and dreamed off...

Thanks a lot for giving some space in your nest, for the time being... These days are the blessed days of my life and I will happily move my days, remembering all those moments I had with our kids...

You can smile and relax, Abhi... I promise, I won't blurt out your location and whereabouts to anyone... Just give me permission to show the kids photos alone to our family... Atleast they deserve to see the kid's photos... Can I ???

Abhi nods his head as yes... But his eyes are pouring out continuously... He can't tolerate that his one stupid move has played so badly and affected everyone in the family... Pragya sighs and turns her face quickly, as she is not able to see Abhi's broken state...

Abhi: Rockstar... I ... I'm extremely sorry for all my doings and I'm ready to bear whatever punishments you are going to give to me... But don't leave us, anymore...

All because of my stupidity only and I don't know, why I have misunderstood everything and took such a decision,  which have hurted everyone... Let's put an end to all these... Tell me, what I have to do...

Pragya: Don't take any decisions, when you are emotionally weak... Don't repeat the same old mistakes and regret it, later... This hurry and the immaturity in you only, have brought a big destruction in our lives...

Abhi: Noooo... Rockstar... I've thought a lot and I didn't take any decisions in a hurry... I... I can't fake it anymore... I want to have the lost days and I will do anything to be with you...

I want to be back to our family... I.. I can't even think of a life, without you.... Krish and Kiara needs to be with the family and I don't want to separate the kids from their mother, anymore...

Please, Rockstar... Do the needful... Only you can find a solution to all these...

Pragya: Alright... As you are begging this much, I'm ready to do a favour to you... I have a lifetime deal for you... A single chance to get back to the family...

I don't know whether they will talk to you or forgive you so easily... But if you do this, I can help you to some extent... The choice is all yours... No compulsions at all...

Abhi: Just order me, Rockstar... I'm ready for anything...

Pragya: Ahaan... (Makes a cunning smirk... She turns her face, as it's going to be harder for her to talk..  She knew very well that it will wound Abhi's heart and soul, but she has no choice other than this...)

Well... The deal is that you have to return back with the kids, along with me... I will talk on your behalf and will help you to seek forgiveness from everyone..

You can come up here for the final exams of the kids and I will join the kids for the annual day functions too... You have to resign your job, here and have to take over the charge of the Arora companies again...You have to guide Sid and Aaliya and teach them the nuances to run a company...

As promised, You have to do the kanyadaan for Sid and Aaliya... Haan..  The most important thing is that you have to teach Sid, how to behave like a good father... Make sure that you let him know that how not to be a bad and betraying husband...

You have to make the elderly ladies to spend some quality time with their grand children... And as usual, you have to cook those yummy dishes for me... How is the deal... Looking so simple and easy, hey na...

Abhi: Haan... I can do it very easily.. I was scared that you will give a tough task to me... But this sounds so good...

Pragya: Woha... Just you have seen the promo alone, which has only the happy moments... But this is not a happy go story, Mr. MEHRA... This is a dark, revenge filled story, which is so hard and tough to believe too...

Do you think, Rockstar Pragya will let you so easily... Never and ever I will forget the sins you have did to me... So, what I've decided is that you have to write down a slavery agreement and you need to obey my orders only...

The same rule is going to be applied... The retelecast or the loop mode of the same scenarios only... Can't you guess it... Let me explain it to you, clearly... You are coming there to rejuvenate the relationship only with the family...

Keep this in your mind always... You are Krish and Kiara's father and You are nothing to me... As usual, I will treat you only as my Partner In Bed... Just my s** slave to satisfy my bodily needs...

Come on, man... It's been 6 years... I'm living a life of a saint, without the touch of a man.. Not even a single kiss too... I'm a woman, who has all the bodily needs... If I throw money, men will line up to please me...

But I don't need anyone to be my bed partner, other than you... You are just incredible in the bed and only you know how to please and pleasure me... By the way, why I need to waste money, when I can have it freely and that too whenever I want...

You are going to compensate for the lost years and you have to satisfy my body to the fullest extent... You shouldn't say any lame excuses to escape from me.. Whenever I need, you have to get in the bed, in your naked glory... Is that clear???

Coming to the main agreement of this deal... This should be very very confidential... No one should know about this important terms, any a time... The biggest and shocking twist of this entire deal...

I'm going to give you only a year's time... Same same like the previous time... You have to make me pregnant, as early as possible.. You have to take care of me properly like a very good husband... I knew very well that I can't handle my pregnancy cravings without you...

But the interesting pointed to be noted is that you have to leave the house along with Krish and Kiara, as soon as I deliver the baby... Just move out, before I open my eyes from the post
Delivery happenings...

The same scenario, like you did to me earlier... You have to write a similar note and have to leave far away from the family... Never and ever, you have to try to return back to our lives...

This is so easy for you, as you have got experience in disowning me and our family... But this time, I'm throwing you away from all of us... I won't let my kids to be with you and I'm not a heartless mother to disown Krish and Kiara...

But I've given a wholehearted promise to you earlier that you have all rights on Krish and Kiara, ahead of me... Rockstar Pragya never breaks the promise, she has ever given and I'm not the sick Abhishek Prem Mehra to do so...

Take all this night to take a decision... If you are ready to accept the deal, pack all your bags and come along with me... If you are ready to send me off, I will understand that you are not into the deal... That will put a Big End to everything...

Abhi is dumbstuck and he couldn't even digest the deal, which Pragya has put forth... He falls in the ground with a big thud and heavy tears blinds his eyes completely...

Pragya too feels a big sword is killing her... She wipes off her moist eyes and moves towards the kids room to spend her last night with them... Though it's a hardest one, Pragya least hoped that Abhi will agree for this deal...

But shattering all her hopes, Abhi didn't meet Pragya's eyes at all in the morning... Only the kids talked with her, offered her gifts and bids her farewell... With a heavy heart, Pragya moves to the airport, leaving her heart and soul with them...


Pragya jerked up from her thoughts, as Abhigya knocks the door hardly... She opens the door quickly and before she questions her much, Abhigya drags her down..

Pragya's heart beats raised higher and higher, when she hears the voices of Krish and Kiara in the living room of the house... Her eyes poured out uncontrollably, when she spots the kids happily talking and playing with everyone in the family...

This is what Pragya is dying and longing to see, all these years... She rubs her heart quickly and looks for Abhi's presence over there... But to Pragya's disappointment, Abhi is nowhere to be found...

When Pragya steps down from the stairs, all turns their attention towards her, who showed her presence to them after 3 hard days... Krish and Kiara beams in happiness on seeing their mother Pragya, who is pooled up in varied emotions...

Just then, Pragya notices that Purab is entering the house angrily, followed by the guilty faced Abhi, who is so hesitant to step inside the house... Abhi and Pragya's eyes locked  for a mere seconds, which potrays how much this distance has killed them...

Pragya feels suffocated and her body is not at all responding to her properly... She is not in a state to handle all these... Her heart beat is rasing rapidly and she feels very hard even to breathe too... Her legs are shaking up, her body is shivering and her senses blurs out without any control..

Abhi, who understands clearly what Pragya is going through, rushes quickly and holds her in his strong arms, when she loses her conscious... All gasps in shock, while the kids screamed Mummy and rushes towards them...

No one is ready to even blink their eyes and none is in a state to let out their breathes too... The words Mummy from the kids, lets everyone to know that they are none other than Krish and Kiara, the son and daughter of Abhi and Pragya...

All are looking at Abhi with moist eyes, which accuses him that how is it possible for him to disown them and why did he return back, after doing such a horrible thing... Their gazes are ripping Abhi's soul into pieces and he is not able to meet anyones eyes, as he has no answers to their questions...

However, Abhi had to act very soon, as the crying sound of Krish and Kiara pulls his attention towards Pragya, who has fallen unconscious in his arms... Abhi pats her cheeks hardly, but he finds no movements from Pragya at all...

Without wasting much time, Abhi sweeps Pragya in his arms and takes her to the room... He places her carefully in the bed and rushes to the restroom to bring a wet towel...

None of Abhi's attempts brings any improvements in Pragya and she is lying there like a lifeless bidy.. Abhi looks at Purab with moist eyes and folds his hands before him to do something, to save his wife Pragya...

Purab, who is watching everything with a cold gaze, takes a deep breath... He calls the doctor immediately, as he can't take any risk, as it concerns Pragya's health issues...

Eventhough Purab is hell angry on Abhi, he kept mum and didn't throw Abhi out, as he knew very well that only Abhi can act ad the medicine to Pragya's buried wounds...

Purab gestured everyone to come out and he begged them to calm down, till the doctor reaches there... The elderly ladies are praying to God, while Sid, Bulbul and Aaliya are crying silently... Purab picks up the crying Abhigya and moves to the entrance to receive the doctor...

While, Krish and Kiara are sitting beside Pragya in the either side and is caressing her face gently, pleading her to open her eyes... Abhi with a heavy heart is blaming and cursing himself for taking the decision very late, which has brought a biggest threat to Pragya's life...


Few hours later...

Abhi is holding his kids Krish and Kiara in his embrace and is consoling them that nothing will happen to their mother Pragya... But inwardly, Abhi is hell scared that Pragya should be fine soon...

Everyone are losing their patience, as it's been more than 5 hours, since Pragya is admitted in the hospital and is taken inside the ICU for medical examination ... Sid and Purab are throwing daggers on the poor nurse, who doesn't know how to answer their non stop questions...

Purab: May I know, what's going on inside... Are you people thinking as fools??? We are in the hospital for many hours and you people are not letting us to know what's going on inside too...

Call the doctor immediately... If you didn't open your mouth right now, I will go to any extreme... Don't make me to lose my temper... Just spit out what's going on...

Nurse: Sir..  Please... Calm down... The doctor wants to have a thorough examination... As Pragya madam has depression issues,

Before the nurse continues, the doctor comes out, stopping and putting an end to their talks... The doctor gave a deadly glare towards the nurse, as it's a strict warning to her, not to blurt about the health problems of a celebrity in public...

The nurse mutters sorry to everyone , while Purab said to the doctor that it's not the mistake of the nurse... He added that the nurse is about to say the matter on his compulsion only...

After sending the nurse, the doctor asked Purab to follow her to the cabin... Purab moves off , after giving a stern look towards Abhi, which is an order to follow him to the Doctor's cabin...

As soon as Purab and Abhi enters there, the doctor gestured them to take their seats.. She reads the lab reports and had a close look at the scan reports too...

Purab: What's going on, doctor??? Why this much time and why are you not letting us to meet Pragya??? How is she doing??? Nothing is wrong with Pragya na...

Doctor: Well.. Mr.Khanna... As you know, I'm treating the Rockstar Pragya, all these 6 years... Didn't I have instructed you clearly that someone should be with her all the time and take care of her...

Didn't I have repeated that she shouldn't skip her tablets... For the past 1 month, she didn't had her tablets at all and hadn't followed the diet I have suggested... I have kept on telling that she shouldn't be starving, any a time and didn't I strictly advised her not to have any alcohol or drugs...

Purab: Sorry, Doctor... Pragya was not here for the past one month... She has gone somewhere , when I was not in home and she has hidden from my reach too...

She has return back just 3 days before and she didn't let anyone to meet her and has locked her inside the room... Today only she came out, but she falls unconscious all of a sudden and had not opened her eyes...

It's our mistake only... As we all got busy in arranging for her twin sister's marriage, we couldn't look after her properly... Atleast we should have checked whether Pragya has food or not ...

Please forgive me this time doctor... I will make sure that no such mistakes repeat again...

Doctor: You are saying lame excuses as that of a kid... How can you be talk so Irresponsible, Mr. Khanna... Now, the problem is getting severe... We are in a critical condition and you shouldn't blame me, if anything wrong happens to her...

Purab: What are you saying, doctor???

Doctor:  A big problem is going on... Pragya is completely in a broken state and she is pushing herself into the dark shell... She is having psychological disorders and if it continues, It will create much problems...

Believe it or not, these 5 hours we struggled very hard to get response from her... Thank God... She didn't slipped into coma... We find some positive response from her and hopefully she will be gaining her conscious in an hour...

But we have to be more careful and should be extra cautious, after this... If any mistakes happen again, it will be so risky... Even it can push her into a life long coma or she may lose her life too...

Abhi screams No, startling the doctor... As the doctor is not aware of anything about Abhi, she asked who is he... Purab with a rigid face said that He is Pragya's husband... Purab lied to the doctor that Abhi has just returned back from abroad, after finishing off an important business...

Doctor: I don't want to poke nose in your personal life, Mr.Mehra... But this distance between you and your wife has pushed her in a dark phase... As a celebrity, she has lot of stress issues and adding poison to her wounds, your unavailability has collapsed her completely...

Let's not talk about the past... Just we need to focus on the present... It's in your hands only, Mr. MEHRA... Your wife is desperately in need of a moral and mental support... You have to take care of her like a little baby...

Her mood swings will be unpredictable and she may act very wild, sometimes... She may talk harshly and sometimes, she will talk as if she has no hope to live... But be careful that she shouldn't control or hold any of her emotions... If she wish to laugh or cry, let her to do it...

I will suggest some medicines and diet for her... Be with her and don't make her to ever feel that she is alone, anymore... Give her a confidence and assurity that you will be with her always..

As a doctor, I have suggested everything you need to do.... But it's your love and care, which can make the Rockstar to come out from this bitter problem... I have to see the positive improvements in her, when I meet her next time...

Abhi nods his head and assures the doctor that he will do the needful... Purab made a sarcastic look and walks out, to inform the matter to the family...  All are hell shocked as they didn't expected this at all...

They looked Abhi, who walks up there in a pathetic state... He slumps his body in the nearby the chair and is crying hardly... He mutters sorry for all his doings and is keep on saying that he is ready to repent for all his mistakes... He added that it's his responsibility to bring Pragya back to normal....

None talked to Abhi and none is ready to console him too,  as they are also in the same condition only... Krish and Kiara rushes towards Abhi and wipes his tears... They consoled him by saying that their Mummy will be fine soon...

Everyone's heart melted on seeing the lost family of Pragya, who are longing to be with her... All prays hardly for Pragya's recovery and are waiting near the ICU, with a longiness in their heart to hear that Pragya has opened her eyes...


Well... The Update has become too long... It almost crossed 10000+ words...

As you may feel bored to read such a longest update and also due to word constraints, I'm splitting this into two...

This part alone has 6000+ words...

Read the remaining half in the next part...

No worries... The update is ready in my hands...

Your quick response will make me to post it soon... Come on...

Vote and comment soon...

Will be back in

Few hours....

With the Finale Part....

Bidding adieu,



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