Epilogue: ( Part 3B) Will my longingness for my wife ends???

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This is your Crazy Buddy Mahii coming up as promised with the Finale Update....

I'm completely tensed, nervous and pooled up in varied emotions... A tough task for me to pen down, ahead of my tears...

Though it's very hard for me, I need to put an End to this story...

Hope I have carried forward the story interestingly and have keep up to your expectations, till now...

If any words, dialogues or scenes used here , are against your views or if hurts anyone directly or indirectly or personally , do forgive me...

If any of my words or replies have hurted anyone of you, do forgive your crazy buddy with a golden heart...

Don't take it personally.. As always, I expect all your love and support...

I hope I will keep up to all your expectations always...

This is the final time as the author of this story, I want you people to graciously press the 🌟 button once and proceed further... Silent readers, I hope you guys won't disappoint me...

⚠️ Read the shot with your own risk...
Strictly bashing is not allowed.... ⚠️


The anger, the hurt, the betrayal, the heart break, the separation, the revenge filled deal and the words I have spitted on you, is not to punish you... It's done to renew the love I have on you...

Love is a biggest battle.. Love is a dangerous and hard war... Love is a terrific fight in which we struggle for our rights.. Love does not begin and end with the way we seem to think it does... But Love gives us the happy end, which is a worth to fight for...

I do not want to change anything in you... I love the way you are... More than the childish and naughtiness in you, I love the bossy, adamant, arrogant, crazy and dominating nature in you...


The calm and isolated corridor of the hospital, near the ICU in the VVIP section is echoing with the weeps, sobs and loud cries of the whole family of the Rockstar Pragya... They all are bothered and praying hardly that Pragya should be fine soon...

The husband of Rockstar Pragya, Abhishek Prem Mehra, who has returned back along with his kids Kiara and Krish, to get back to the family, didn't expected such a kind of welcome... He is shattered into pieces and is  broken beyond repair...

Abhi's ears are echoing with the advices, warnings, instructions and orders given by the doctor only... He understands very lately that his one stupid mistake, his mere misunderstanding and his immaturity in taking a decision has brought these many problems...

Abhi's mind, heart and soul ripped him into pieces and sarcastically commented that he has to do something big to bring Pragya back from this deadly problem... They added that if Abhi did a mistake again, no one will even consider himself even as a human being too...

With teary eyes, he looks at everyone in the family... He folds his hands before everyone and promised that he won't repeat his mistakes ever and it's his duty to bring back Pragya to normal....

None said anything to him and they moves their gazes towards the ICU door... All are desperately waiting for the doctor or nurse to come out and inform them that Pragya has gained conscious and doing fine...


To everyone's relief, Pragya is shifted from the ICU to the normal room, as soon as she has gained conscious, after 3 long hours... After observing Pragya for more than four hours, the doctor let's Pragya to be discharged, as Pragya hates to be in the hospital anymore...

Since the moment Pragya has gained conscious, she didn't let Krish and Kiara to move away from her... Pragya's eyes teared up, when the kids gave a kiss in her cheeks and said that all will be fine soon...

Pragya chuckles on seeing the jealousy in Abhigya's eyes, as Krish and Kiara are calling Pragya as Mummy, like Abhigya used to call her... Pragya couldn't control her laughter, when Abhigya turns her face as she hugged and kissed them...

Pragya gestured Abhigya to come near her and she coos the little one, saying that they are her brother and sister... Being the only child, Abhigya craves to have siblings and she feels happy after the duo have become friends with her...

The mother in Pragya is glowing in happiness, as she has got back her kids... The elderly ladies wiped their happy tears, as they are able to witness the lost smile in Pragya's face, after many years... None even bothered to look at Abhi, who is standing in the corner of the room and watching everything with moist eyes...


After they have returned back from the hospital, Abhi takes Pragya to the room... The elderly ladies took Krish and Kiara with them to spend some quality time... Bulbul puts Abhigya to sleep and she moves to the kitchen to instruct the maids to cook dinner for everyone...

However, the couples to whom the marriage is fixed, Sid and Aaliya, dragged Purab to the guest room, not minding Abhi, who came there to collect the files and medicines of Pragya, which is with Purab...

Sid and Aaliya suggested Purab to stop the marriage proceedings, as Pragya is not doing good ... They argued with Purab that it's not a wise decision to conduct the marriage at this time...

But Purab looks at them intently, which makes their heads to bend down... He gave a killer look towards Abhi and blasted on Sid and Aaliya, who are hell adamant to stop the marriage, saying some lame excuses...

Purab: You two are hopeless... I'm not going to hear anything about stopping marriage from you two, anymore...  Just don't irritate and annoy me... If you want, go and say this to Pragya directly...

You guys don't have the guts to do so right... Are you thinking Purab is a puppet in your hands??? Run away from my sight, before I do something which I will regret later...

Look there... Your brother/ Jiju has returned back, as you two have wished for and insisted Pragya, all these years... Pragya has fulfilled the promise, she has made to you two... Now it's time to keep up the promise you two have made to her...

This is Pragya's biggest dream and she has put all her heart and soul to conduct your wedding in a grand manner... She has invested a lump sum of money and she will be heart broken, if this marriage didn't happen..

Pragya is so guilty that she has become a reason for all your sufferings... But the man behind all these problems, least care for your well being... After knowing Pragya's condition too, don't even dream to stop this wedding...

Just leave all your works and get ready for your wedding , happily..  If you two pull up any stunts and spoil the mood of my sister Pragya, I won't mind to kill you two... Is that clear...

Purab roared angrily on Sid and Aaliya, who are so shocked to see the new avatar of Purab... But Abhi knew very well that the warnings are not for Sid and Aaliya, but for him only...


Abhi understands clearly that only his love on Pragya is going to create much wonders... He didn't bother about the deal which Pragya has made to him... He tries all his might to forget about his past mistakes, as it's of no use at all...

Abhi even didn't mind what future has in stores for him... He is so clear that he needs to focus only on the present, which is going to bring back Pragya from her grieving mode... He focused his attention only on Pragya and he showers Pragya with all his love and care...

Abhi really takes care of Pragya, more like a little child... From preparing food, feeding her, giving bath to her, dressing up her, fulfilling all her bodily needs and he continues his duty till she falls asleep in his arms, on hearing the lullaby he sings for her...

He didn't mind Pragya's harsh treatments, sarcastic comments, bitter behaviours and wild and cruelty, while they make love... He gone deaf ears, if Pragya hurts him with her venomous words... He cleverly handled all her mood swings and he let's her to emote all her feelings too...

Like a mother who doesn't care or won't feel hurted if a small infant troubles her, Abhi treats Pragya in the same manner... This encouraged Pragya even more and none of her attempts make, Abhi to feel sad or worried... He gave his soulful smile and moves on, confusing Pragya to the core ..


None interrupted or stopped Abhi from doing anything to Pragya... Eventhough they mingled with the kids, none talked anything to Abhi... However, Abhi is struggling inwardly, as he is not able to find any apt words to seek forgiveness from the family...

But Krish and Kiara finds out easily that Abhi is longing to talk to everyone in the family... They cleverly makes Abhigya to become friend with Abhi, as they made him to prepare and feed Abhigya, his trademark Kulfi icecream, gulabjamun and chicken biryani...

Krish and Kiara mostly talks about Abhi's cooking skills and makes Abhigya to nag her mother Bulbul to prepare those dishes for her..  With no choice left, Bulbul is forced to talk to Abhi, as she can't handle the naggings of Abhigya, anymore...

On the other hand, Purab too is in a need to talk to Abhi indirectly, as Pragya has ordered Purab to hand over the Arora company's responsibilities back to Abhi... Sid and Aaliya too are forced to do so, but they act so smart and just interacted to Abhi, like the typical professionals...

But the elderly ladies wished Abhi to come and talk with them... Abhi being so guilty didn't know how to approach them too... Seeing the worried face of Abhi, Krish and Kiara insists their mother Pragya to help their father...

As it's a part of the deal, Pragya readily agrees and become a mediator between the elderly ladies and Abhi... Though they didn't talked like the old times, they didn't turn their faces anymore...


Much to the protest of Aaliya and Sid, Pragya insists that all the wedding rituals should takes place in a grand manner.... From mehendi function, sangeeth, pre wedding reception, the grand wedding and post wedding reception, Pragya wants everything to be the best, which can wipe away all the bad words spitted on Sid and Aaliya...

More than any function, the sangeeth function becomes a viral sensation and the trending topic in all the social medias... The fans were happily talking about the dance performance of the Rockstar Pragya with her husband Abhi...

Everyone are so delighted to see the whole family of the Rockstar Pragya... All are awestruck as the hot performance of Abhi and Pragya in the sangeeth function, which  is a big delight and treat to all their die hard fans... Many even said that their  chemistry is much more greater than the old times...

More than the wedding of the famous designers Sid and Aaliya, Rockstar Pragya and her husband Abhi's dance performance is discussed for many days..  Even many producers lined up before them and insisted Pragya and Abhi to do a hot and sensual music album to make their fans happy...

Eventhough Purab and Abhi are against this idea, considering Pragya's health issues, Pragya readily agrees to it, much to the shock of the duo... Sid and Aaliya were given the responsibilities to handle their costumes, while a famous director is assigned to direct the music album...

In between, Abhi and Pragya moves to the XYZ city to attend the annual day celebrations of Krish and Kiara, where they are being felcitated and awarded with prizes...

As the school's sister concern is in Pragya's place, she easily made the transfer of her kids' school, by giving more donation and giving a promise to the school authorities that she will do a free performance in their school function, whenever they want... 

As Abhi is out of school tension, he is forced to concentrate in the music album and dance performance... He can't give any reasons to escape, using the kid's name too, as Bulbul takes off the responsibility of their studies and homework, while the elderly ladies takes care of their other needs at home...

Much to everyone's happiness, the music album becomes a big hit..  Rockstar Pragya proved to the world again that she is the best always... Nothing can stop her from reaching greater heights, as she has a supportive partner, understanding kids and lovable family as a pillar to the ladder of her success ...


Days were moving on so happily for everyone... Bringing a double treat to increase the happiness of the family, Pragya becomes Pregnant soon followed by her twin sister Aaliya in the next month...

However, Aaliya didn't had much problems in her pregnancy and she didn't have much of the pregnancy symptoms too... She continues her work in office, as usual, as Sid is with her always and will take care of her properly... Hardly Aaliya troubled Sid with her mood swings too...

On the contrary, Pragya makes everyone in the house to dance to her tunes... No one is able to handle Pragya's mood swings... Abhi has to be beside her always, to take care of all her needs... Moreover, the health condition of Pragya is a biggest threat infront of them...

As Pragya had faced lots of problems in her first pregnancy, each passing day is a tough task for them... Pragya is advised to take bed rest for many days and she is permitted only to move only for using restroom alone...

Eventhough it feels so odd for Pragya, Abhi acts like a nanny in taking care of all her needs... Abhi didn't feel hesitant and he never feels awkward to cleanup too...
All in the family advised Abhi to hire a nanny, as Pragya is instructed not to move from bed for a month's time...

But Abhi never let's anyone to come between them and he happily does everything for his wife... Pragya felt very bad when Abhi has to do the cleaning of her bed pan, which even the servants will feel hesitant to clean up...


Pragya is addicted to Abhi like a drug and it become a hard call from her side to imagine a life without him...  But her inner self keeps on alerting her to be extra careful and not to melt, believing Abhi's fake dramas, like the old times..

One such day,

Pragya: Hold on, Abhi... These much of dramas are not good for health... Just control your acting skills... I don't want
to fall in your traps again...

But I want to appreciate your talent, man... Unbelievable... You are easily making me to believe that you are the best husband in the world...

Even I've started to think that all your actings as of real... You are melting me and you are trying to make me to spit out that I'm falling in love with you again...

But don't judge Rockstar Pragya so easily and never try to take me for granted... I'm not a fool to fall in your ugly games again... Remember always that you have to leave this place, as soon as I deliver the baby, as per our deal...

Abhi didn't uttered any word nor reacted to Pragya's talks... He continues his massaging on her legs and applies the ointments in her swollen legs... He wipes his hands and adjusts the pillows to make Pragya to stretch  out and sit comfortably...


As insisted by the elders, arrangements were made in grand scale to conduct the baby shower functions of Aaliya and Pragya... Aaliya is in the start of her 9th month of pregnancy while Pragya's due date is in few days...

Abhi didn't blinked his eyes, when he sees the glow and happiness in Pragya's face..  He prays hardly that Pragya has to be happy always and she should deliver the baby safely, without any complications...

However, Pragya is feeling so restless, inspite of all the happiness... She couldn't control her the pain in her heart, as the days are nearing to get separated from Abhi, Krish and Kiara...

She tries all her might to control her emotions and she never let's anyone to sense her insecurities... But little did she know that Abhi has find out what's going on in her mind and he feels the same pain as that of her...

When the function ends, all moves to go and take rest.... After making Pragya to get changed and have her food and medicines, Abhi helped Pragya to move towards the restroom...

But Abhi's breath hitched and he freaks out, as he saw the drops of the red liquid touching the floor... With a horrfied face Abhi looks at Pragya, who is clutching his shirt and is trying her might to control her pain...

Abhi: Rockstar....

Pragya: Ab... Abhi... Call me as Pragya, please... I want you to call me... As... Pragya with full of love...

With teary eyes, Abhi hugs her tightly in his embrace and kisses her forehead... He slowly whispers " Pragya", as if her name is a porcelian doll... He is so scared to call her by name, as he feels that it shouldn't hurt her at all...

Pragya: Ab... Abhi... We are nearing the ending, hey na... All is going to be over between us... You and I are going to get separated again na...

Is it possible for you to live without me??? You are so used to it na... But... I... Be happy, Abhi... Take care of Krish and Kiara properly... If you can, remember me atleast in your dreams...

Abhi: Pragya... Let's not talk about all these... We can't delay much time... We need to rush up to the hospital... I have to call the doctor and ask her to do the necessary arrangements for your operation...

I need to inform the family to take all those necessary things and I have to call Purab to take us to the hospital soon... Oh god!!!! Pragya... You can't handle this anymore... Let's move...

Pragya: I don't want to move anywhere, Abhi... I want to be with you and I don't want anyone to come as an interruption between us...

Pragya keeps on blabbering uncontrollably but her face shows the pain, she is trying very hard to bear... Abhi takes a deep breath and forcefully takes Pragya outside the dark and calm house, as everyone are sleeping peacefully...

Abhi just calls the driver and asked him to move to the hospital... All through the way, Abhi is giving hopes to Pragya that nothing will happen to her or the baby... He didn't let Pragya to talk or think about separation anymore....


Five days later....

All let out a relieved breath, as Pragya is brought back to the normal maternity ward.. Pragya rolls her eyes here and there and her eyes moistens as she didn't find a glimpse of Abhi, Kiara and Krish over there...

With a heavy heart, Pragya fakes a smile and talks to everyone in the family normally, as if nothing has happened... All moves out as the little baby boy Abhinav is licking his mouth and crying for milk...

Wiping of her tears, Pragya breast feeds her baby boy for the first time ever, as she has gained conscious only an hour back... The baby is given bottle feed as he is kept in the NICU, all these days...

Pragya closes her eyes and she is not in a state to feel the happiness of feeding her baby too, which is not blessed to do so for Krish and Kiara... Her heart, mind, soul and body longs to be in her husband Abhi's embrace, as she is feeling emotionally so weak...

It gets hard for Pragya to control the precious pearls which are touching the skin of the baby boy and tickling his body... Suddenly, Pragya feels two small hands are wiping her teary eyes, which like showering her with flower petals...

Pragya cries aloud as her kids Krish and Kiara are standing near by her, while her husband Abhi is silently keeping the food containers in the nearby table, hiding his moist eyes... Pragya whispers something to Krish and Kiara, while they nod their head and moved towards Abhi...

They dragged Abhi nearby to Pragya and moves out, after whispering something in his ears.. The kids stood outside like security guards, not letting even the nurse to go between their parents and their baby brother...

Abhi diverts his attention from Pragya and he bends his head down, as he has disobeyed Pragya for the first time ever in his life... Pragya finishes off the feeding, wipes the little mouth of the baby boy and pats his back to make him to burp...

Pragya gestures Abhi to place the baby in the cradle... After making sure the baby is asleep, Pragya pulls Abhi closer and slams her lips with his.... Ahead of their lips, their moistened eyes are drenching them completely...

Abhi: I'm  so sorry, Pragya... I... I disobeyed you... I can't move away from you... I'm ready to accept whatever punishment you are going to give to me...  I'm ready to be your slave always rather than to live a lonely life and pushing you in a dark hell..

Rockstar... Please forgive me... Don't ask me to leave you ever... Please don't make me to proceed as per your deal... I want to be with you and our kids...

Pragya: Alright.. I'm forgiving you this time... But my punishments will be so severe... You have to take care of our little Abhinav properly, like the same way you have cared for Krish and Kiara...

Haan... You are always my partner in bed and the father of our kids... Never try to take any advantage of me, any time... Don't ever think that I will fall in love with you or I will accept you as my Husband... Is that clear???

Abhi nods his head hurriedly, hiding his smiling face..  Pragya beats on Abhi's chest, while he moves to her closer and whispers in her ears " I love you, my s**y Patner in bed" ... Both burst out into laughter happily, as their longingness have been overcomed finally...


The Arora, Khanna and Mehra clan are so delighted as the little Abhinav and Pranav (Aaliya & Sid's son) have wiped away all their worries and problems... It becomes a tough task for Bulbul, Sarlama and Ro dadi to send Krish, Kiara and Abhigya to the school, as they are not ready to move away from their brothers...

The Arora Group of Companies was headed and owned by Abhishek Prem Mehra, which is managed and supervised by the Famous Designers Aaliya and Sid... Purab continues to handle Pragya's works, while the Rockstar grows much more in her career, with her head held up high....

Rockstar Pragya never said that she madly loves her husband Abhi and she can't even breathe a single second too without him... Abhi and Pragya become the perfect example of couple goals and they are adored by many as wonderful parents..

Abhi and Pragya had a hard and bitter start when they stepped inside their married life... Even Pragya named it as a revenge marriage and she treats Abhi only as a partner in bed...

However, Abhi's love and care, makes Pragya to fall crazily in love with him... Love blooms between them and when they got pregnant, the fate plays a tricky game and messed up the situations against them...

A big separation has made them to long for each other and they craves to get united again... However, after they got back closer by faking in the name of a deal, they are so keen not to get separated again...

The love hidden and buried between them made them to face all the odds and they overcomes all the hindrances to lead a happy life, along with their kids and family... Theirs is not a Fairy Tale but they fight really very hard to have a Happy ending...

The adamant, thick headed, egositic Rockstar never gives up her right on her Husband Abhi ever... Eventhough she is not a typical wife, she is always the first kid for Abhi...

Pragya, who is cold by heart and hard as a rock, never felt the love of a father and mother and she works very hard to grow up in her career... Though she had to face many hard situations and is in a verge to give up, life gives her a second chance to fight back...

Abhi is not only a caring and supportive husband, he is an understanding partner for Pragya, who helped her to move forward in her career, without any break... He is a best father not only to Krish, Kiara and Abhinav, but he become a mother and father to the little girl in Pragya...

Abhi's longiness for his wife comes to an end when he fights against the mistakes he did... He used the second chance he got in a brilliant manner and wins back not only the heart of his wife but also the forgiveness of his family...

Thus bidding adieu and puting an End to this story "Longing For My Wife" with a happy note....



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Bidding adieu,




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