Chapter 03

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After meeting "she bid bye to her boss and decided to leave direct for home. As it's already time of her  departure.  He offered her lift. But she refused to take it and decided to go on the texi "instead going with him. As she knows " If she went with him then her family will get one more chance to insult her ..which she really don't have capacity to get. So better" she be  careful in everything.   She comes out from the restaurant and book her texi on Uber. Whicn showed " it gonna be there in few minutes. While waiting " she is scrolling her phone ' when her eyes landed on her husband"  who is going with malika and not only that. Both of them are  laughing. Seeing him  laughing and happy with another woman broke something inside her. Since they got married. They barely talk to each other. And if they do. Then he always ended up fighting with her. Never they shared few words of love.  It was always a compromised relationship. Which never had any comfort zone.  Since they got married he just used her for sex only. Rather than that no any other  emotions have been shared .. which she could remember.  She sighs on her own thoughts and look towards the road. Seeing her texi coming she got ready and left from there instead burning her heart seeing him with someone else.

At home

She reached nearly 07 and found everyone are drinking  their evening tea. Seeing them  laughing she found it odd. As she thought because of morning fiasco " they would be sour. But nothing seems like here. 

Whats happening here ,?? She whispered seeing  sweets plate laying in middle of the table and not only that  gouri ",her sister in law is blushing and grandma is caressing her hair showering Her so much love. Which she barely does to anyone.

May your child and you  stay healthy.  Take care of you and your child specially. I don't want you to be careless  like others. Don't take some bad person influence. Hmm she said glaring anika with her eyes which showed her that she is talking about her no one else.

Gouri are you alright??? Anika move towards her  while asking " but grandma stopped her  way coming in middle.

You have recently lost your child. And I really don't want your black shadow fall over gouri. I want her child to be healthy.  Can't take chance to let your  hands lay on her.  Hearing her insensitive words " anika's  eyes filled with  tears and she bend her head down holding her bag strap tight in her hand.   She had thought that she will say sorry to her. And will apologise to her for her morning behaviour. But seems like this woman really don't deserve it at all. Whatever she said in morning "it was right. She won't  bend down  infront of her like that.  

Congratulations gouri. I'm so happy for you. She simply smiles having wet eyes  and  walk out from there not feeling to be part of this family  at all. Well how can she be part of this family " when her husband doesn't consider her as her wife. She sneers on her own thoughts and entered in the room.  She kept her bag on the bed side and set on it rushing her hands towards her  face feeling hell tired and helpless.  She so wanna run away from this house and go there where no one could find her. But she can't do that as well.   As She don't have any choice except living in this house  where  people hates her.  Suddenly she startled when her phone started ringing.  

Who's calling at this time .. she whispered and get her phone out from her purse. Seeing her father calling   She frown. As she knows "he never calls her except if he needs something. But anyhow she pick  up and  kept on her ear.

Anika princess how are you???  You didn't call me since ages. Have you forgotten your father. Hearing his sweet coated voice she  perplexed as he never talked to her like that expect when  he needs something from her specially money. 

I'm fine baba. Was just busy in  something. You tell how are  you???

I'm not fine darling.  Now days I've been struggling in my business. Money is going more than  I'm earning.  It's feeling like I'm gonna lose my business soon. And on top of that I've took debt as well.   Hearing him anika sneers knowing very well where this topic is leading. 

Err I was thinking if you could land me some money just for few days. I promise. Soon I'll return it as soon as I get profit.   Anika exhale the breath and spoke

An. How much you need???

Just around 200 grands. As anika heard this she chocked and widen her eyes.

Are you  serious baba. I can't give you more than twenty thousand grands.  Not more than that. 

So ask shivaay he can give you. I guess  it's just a little dust  for him. Hearing him anika shakes her head and stood up bowling in anger. 

I can't say him to give you money yet again. Already  you didn't return last money " which you took from pinky  aunty.   And now you are demanding more.   No i won't ask him.  I can never. As anika denied'  he grunts and changed his usual voice into rough hoarse.  

It's just 200 grands. Not like millions of.. that you are shouting at me like this.  I will fuckin return each and every penny  of your husband as I'll be stable.  don't worry. But right now you gonna ask him and that's final. And if you didn't then  remember  one thing your mom is with me.  And many things can happen in this house with her.  Saying this he cut the call leaving anika  baffled on her place. She is feeling so helpless and scared on the same time for her mother. If she didnt  get money then her ruthless father will rip her mother's skin  off.  Which she can't afford  to let it happen so now only one Option left snd that's asking shivaay. which she really don't wanna do at all. She held her head and set on the bed holding her head in tension.

After sometimes

She is fixing the bedsheet of her bed. When shivaay comes there. Seeing her there he didn't say anything and directly went to the dressing room to get his night suit not before throwing his jacket on the bed "which she was fixing.

Foe god sake ' can't you see that I was fixing it. Why the hell you threw your jacket here. She rolls her eyes picking up the jacket folding it properly. Shivaay grit his teeth and grasp her arm in his hand pulling her towards him

Don't shout at me. I hate people who does that. And I guess you know it very well. Anika sneers and pulled her arm back from his hold glaring him.

I know you better than anyone else mr oberoi. Whom you like and whom you hate. She pulled her arm back from his grip and went towards dressing room following by him

What do you mean by that. He pulled her yet again toward him holding her elbow

I'm talking about malika. You just like her only. Her company her jokes. Her everything. Except her you don't like anything else in this world. And doesn't bother you if someone dies or stay alive. Isn't. She says passing him tight smile and took her arm back from his hold.

It's nothing like that. She is my friend and ....

Yes friend with whom you spend whole day. Don't you. Saying this she kept the jacket in cupboard and come out without letting him to say to her.

I was with her because we had meeting. That's all. Stop assuming things like this. Moreover why do you care "whom I like so much and whom not. After all our relationship is nothing but a compromised.

Yh I know that it is. But in end of the day I'm your wife. And I can't see you with someone else. Since we got married. I don't think so a minute even" you talked to me properly. All the time you just fight with me for little little stuff and when things comes to sort out. You leave to meet your friend. I feel like" I'm some show piece whom you are keeping here for name sake. Other than that I've no importance in your life. She cry feeling so frustrated with his attitude. Here she is trying her best to keep their relationship stable. But he is the one who don't give shit about it.

I'd already warned you before marriage that I don't want this marriage. But you are the one who despite knowing everything "got married to me. So now when I don't stay with you Don't talk to you properly. Then why the hell do you have issue.

Fine ok I'd done mistake. I should had stopped this nonsense. But it's not late either. Let's end this crap. I don't wanna stay with man like you ,who doesn't bother about his wife and child "who were fighting with their lives and gave priority to his pain and suffering more than them. Let's get divorce. Just call your lawyer and end this nonsense. I don't wanna live with you. It's getting hard for me. Just fuckin put full stop on it. She screams pressing her temple with her hands and went inside the washroom banging the door behind. Shivaay got statue on his place. And couldn't utter a single word. He don't know but he didn't like the way she asked for divorce. He agree. He doesn't like her. He have no feelings for her. But when she asked for divorce. It somewhere hurted him. And he didn't like it at all. He shakes his head and started walking around holding his head in tension.

Sir may I come in. A maid knock on the door bringing him back on the earth. He look at her and scared her with his red eyes. The way she wobble. It's clearly showed she is scared shit out of her and wanna run away. But still stood there gathering her strength.

What you doing here. And what's this in the tray??? He said rudely looking at the food tray which she is holding on her shaking hands.

It's .... It's for anika mam. She had asked me to get dinner for her in room.

Room ?? Why would she eat in room. When everyone gonna eat outside. Just take this tray back. We gonna eat outside on dining table. He orders maid " who obliged and about to leave. But anika came forward and take the tray from her hand

No I'll eat here. Thanks for bringing it. You may go now. She take tray from her and went towards sofa to sit.

What are you doing. ??? Why did you order it in the room when everyone gonna eat outside.

I'm not going outside. I really don't wanna give chance to your family yet again to insult me. I'm ok in the room. Saying this she remove the plate which maid had kept it to cover the food and about to eat it but shivaay didn't let her and jerk it away scattering all the plates on the floor along With food.

An. I said we are going to do dinner with family then we are doing. Now let's go.

What are you doing shivaay. Let me go. Just let me go. She try to remove his fingers from her wrist. But he didn't and dragged her with him outside.

Seeing anika with shivaay grandma stopped eating and rolled her eyes resting her elbows on the table folding her hands.

Anika you came. Come have seat. Pinky immediately pulled chair for her and asked her to sit beside her and indicate shivaay as well to sit with his wife " which surprisingly he obliged and set there near anika.

My whole mood have been spoiled. Grandma twisted her mouth leaning on the chair looking away.

It's fine i should leave. I'm not hungry anymore. Anika stood up to leave " but shivaay held her hand and pulled her besides him which made shocked everyone and grandma as well. Who didn't expect this move from her. She thought "he will ask her to leave as he will see see grandma angry. But here he pulled her beside him

Don't need to go anywhere. Just sit quietly and have your dinner. Anika look at him and started fidgeting with her fingers in anticipation.

Have some shame shivaay. Have you forgotten what this girl had done in morning with your grandma. She literally raised her voice infront of Me and disrespected me which never someone did. And you are making her sit with you and asking her to eat.

You was also not valid grandma. I don't think so , she is maid of this house whom you gonna order and she gonna oblige it. Moreover" you shouldn't talked about our baby. It was so inappropriate and invalid.

Whatever I said it was true. This girl has itself taken his life. A little bit place which she had made In This house. It's all got finished along with the child. She killed him. You know and I know as well. And now Instead being angry with her . You are considering me wrong. That's so ridiculous. I didn't expect anything from you.

Mom is right. I think shivaay you should be angry on her not on your grandma. Moreover her sitting with us is not right. Specially for Gouri my daughter in law who is pregnant. and anika she has lost her child recently. And you very well know that who has miscarriage" she shouldn't put her shadow on another pregnant woman. So better if she stay away from us. Jhanvi said glaring anika who couldn't control her and stood up feeling so suffocated between these people. Who hates to the core.

Anns , shivaay whispered his name and raise his hand to grip her arm but before he do " she left from there in hurry.

Have you gone crazy Jhanvi. In which era you are living in. It's 21 century for god sake. And you still believe on this bullshit. I never expected all this from you. At least being a mother " a little pain you should had understand her. But no you just joined hand with mom. I can't believe" you guys can be this insensitive . Have some senses before blubbering all this. God which mistake I've done to bring that innocent in this house. It was better if I won't had married her with shivaay. Saying this she pushed the chair and walked out from there feeling hell angry on this pathetic family. Who have nothing but damaged brains which contain nothing.

Shivaay shakes his head and stood up looking at his family with disappointment.

You guys disappointed me. And specially you aunty. He pointed at jhanvi and left for his room

He comes In and open his mouth to take anika's name but suddenly he widen his eyes when he found blood near the scattered pieces of plate. Fear engulfed him around. And he started looking in whole room for anika calling her name. But soon his feet halted near the washroom door when he found it closed.

Anika come out. Come out from the bathroom. Let's talk. He says knocking on the door hoping she would answer him

Just leave me alone. I don't wanna hear anything. Just go away.

Anika I think you are injured just come out and let's talk.

Have you ever solved anything before between us that you will able to do now. Just fuckin go away and don't come behind me. Go to your family and enjoy your dinner with them. But just leave me alone. She hiccups making hard for him stay outside longer.

Anika stop this nonsense and come out from the bathroom. Otherwise I'll break the fuckin door. But when he didn't get any answer from another side except her crying" without any option he barged in pushing the door and got shocked finding her sitting under the cold water and her hand is bleeding profusely.

God girl .. what you are doing. You will fall sick. He immediately run towards her and turn off the water.

Come let's go out. Let's go. He forcefully pick her up in his arms and brought her out. He made her sat on the sofa and started drying her long hair with the towel.

Have you gone crazy. You have gotten up from death bed before few weeks. And yet again you have set under the cold shower and Injured yourself as well. He scold her wiping water from her neck to shoulders. But she barely answered him and sitting there tucking her wet eyes on one place without moving. He sighs and went towards the drawer and got aid box out.

Who had told you to pick up the plate pieces. You should had called the maid for this. But yet again she didn't answer and set there silently without hissing for once despite him wiping her wound with cotton bud.

I'm talking to you anika. He raise his voice little gaining her attention. She flinch and look at him with teary eyes leaning her head one side.

I wish I should had died instead my baby shivaay. Then I guess all the problems would had been got solved and no one would had been suffering here specially you. Who would had got moved on easily in his life with malika and all problems would had been finished. Hearing her he baffled and widen his eyes feeling something pang in his heart. But he couldn't utter a single word and kept looking at her with pale face. Anika chuckle seeing his face having tears in her Jess and stood up to leave "but soon she's been pulled by him and he started kissing her lips. She try to resist.. but he pushed her hand back pinning them on the wall and Pluck his tongue inside her mouth. She so wanna shove him away. But like always his touch on her body made her week and she let him do whatever he feels like. Soon she's been carried by him towards the bed still sucking her lips and kept her there mercilessly. He broke the kiss and started removing his clothes along with her. She open her mouth to say something but he didn't let her and placed his mouth on her breast moulding it in his hands. She couldn't help but moan his name feeling his mouth travelling everywhere on her body and soon he take her under him and started thrusting into her faster and harder intertwining his hands with her Above her head. With each thrust he whispered something in her ear which made her lost the ability to hearing because of being tortured by him.

Shivaay she cry when he give her deep thrust holding her hips. But instead stopping" it made him beast more and he kept having sex with her till his heart didn't fulfil. In end he lay down on the bed and pulled her in back hug keeping his face near her hair.

Shivaay I i need money for baba. He wants you to lend him some loan. Hearing her he open his eyes and set up leaning on his arms.

So now you have started asking for money for your family after spending one night with me. He chuckle making her widen her eyes hearing his words. She slowly set on the bed and look at him disbelievingly.

Shame on you mr shivaay Singh oberoi.... She punched his chest and went inside the washroom leaving shivaay feeling little guilty  for saying her these words

Precap....... Her father slap her later they go for dinner

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